Being a student that know everything doesn’t seem so well if meera had been bullied by the kids at school, it same goes to kira and iza. All student love to bully them. Lucky now Minho IS take care of them.
Minho: kira shi where is your mother and father???
Kira: wae???
Minho: molla…just asking..
Kira: they already gone when I was 8…..
Minho” who take care of you that time???
Iza: our housekeeper lee min ah ajjushi and meera unnie………
Minho: ah….meera unnie must really feel sooo hard to do the job right…she is sooo young
Kira: minho oppa….you don’t have any idea how my sister looks like when she was 10
Iza: all the people at school bullied her…until one day……….(iza stop there…)
Minho: until one day and??????what???
Kira: iza we are not supposed to tell this to other people…..
Minho: im not other people???im your bodyguard….i need to know everything….
Iza: actually one day there is one boy who save meera unnie from get bullied by the student, the boy name is kim jongwoon.
Minho: that is yesung oppa real name…omo…….they know each other since they are child????
Kira: yes…but meera unnie still don’t know who is yesung oppa……..
Minho: then what happened????
Iza: after that they get close, jongwoon oppa is always with meera unnie, however, one day jongwoon oppa left meera unnie without a word, since meera unnie always have nighmare at night.
Kira: meera unnie still can’t forget jongwoon oppa…….actually she love jongwoon oppa……
Minho:a h….chongmal???did yesung oppa know about it???
Iza: he know but he afraid to tell it to meera unnie
Minho: wae????
Kira: oppa….now meera unnie is with junho oppa.if yesung oppa tell who is he.. it will be a disaster…..
Minho: that;s true……..hurm pity meera shi..
Iza: what to do…hurm oppa……im so hungry can we go to amc Donald today???
Minho: sure lets go….call meera she will come…
Kira: no need oppa.meera unnie now with junho oppa.lets don’t disturb them…
Minho: arraso……..
All of them heading to mac Donald….
Like what donghae said before, he will give ichiro to iza, that day he and sara come to meera house to send ichiro to iza…
Iza: oppa……kamshamida……..
Hae: please tak care this puppy as your life ok????
Iza: yes I will…hurm oppa…who is the cute girls beside you???
Hae: ah,….i forgot..this is sara…my girlfriend……
Iza: chongmal???ar…she so cute..annyeong sara unnie…….
Sara: annyeong iza shi….nice to meet you….
Iza: nado…..hehehe
Sara: iza at my house there is my sister fai, ann and myza, you can come to my house to meet them…
Sara: chongmal?????thnxs unnie I will asked meera unnie to go to your house….thnxs unnie…
Hae: hurm speaking of meera..where is she???i didn’t see her lately….
Iza: ah…unnie is at junho oppa house, they have to practice together, they have a ..performance at school end of this month….
Sara: chongmal???oppa can we go and watch them???
Hae: I don’t know dear….., I might busy that day…
Sara: arraso…I can go with the girl
Iza: unnie lets go together on that day ok????
Sara only smiling
While kira and eeteuk are feeding teukira. Teukira such a good panda, he listen very well.
Eeteuk: do you like it so much???
Kira: yes oppa I love it so much thnxs oppa…
Eeteuk: you are welcome. Hurm do you free on Sunday???
Kira: wae????
Eeteuk: molla………
Kira: hurm I have ballet class….in the morning and in the evening I have vocal class……..
Eeteuk: that…wow you are so busy even in the Sunday…
Kira: yes I am…since we were child we can do what ever we want to do…, I love to sing and dance, that’s what meera unnie send me to learn it….
Eeteuk: do you want to dance with me???
Kira: hu..rm…hurm…with you oppa????i won’t dare……
Eeteuk: wae???
Kira: oppa you are great dancer…I won’t dare to dance with you…
Eeteuk: why did all people think like that???im only normal human…come just dance with me…(eeteuk pulled kira, and force her to dance with him) after 15 minute later
Kira: wow im so hot……….
Eeteuk: gosh you are so good
Kira: chongmal????huh you don’t look at meera unnie yet, she the best…..better than me and iza
Eeteuk: chongmal??wish I could see her dance…
Kira: sure you the end of this month she will do a performance at school with junho oppa…..
Eeteuk: can’t wait to see her…
Kira: then you will come oppa???
Eeteuk: im not sure I must check my schedule first.
Kira only nodding.
Day by day meera seem so busy with her dancing performance that will held on the school hall this Friday night. She and junho seem to practice very hard to make people happy with their dancing. Junho took some water for meera…
Meera: kamshamida oppa…
Junho: welcome…are you tired???
Meera: no im not, oppa do you think we should change the song???
Junho: which part are you talking about???
Meera: I mean the ballade part.
Junho: what song do you want to use???
Meera: molla……I;m just suggesting….
Junho: we don’t have much time, if we change the song, we might need to change our step too…the performance day has come….
Meera: arraso………..oppa don’t be so serious…im scared….
Junho: am I serious???hahahah(junho only laughing and he hugging meera from the back..) mianhae dear….
Meera: kenchana…let’s do it again…
Junho: ok…just one ok???then we off ok???you need to rest
Meera: arraso…
Both of them start to dance…..follow the song flow…..
The school hall are full with people. Meera feel so nervous…there is so many people out there….junho is with 2pm members….
Wooyoung: meera shi…hwaiting!!!!!!!!!
Junsu: hwaiting!!!!!!!!!
Meera: kamsa…oppa……..
Nickhun: yah…little your best arraso????i will buy you a meal after this….
Meera: chongmal oppa????
Nickhun: chongmal…..junho your best arraso???
Junho: arraso hyung…
Its really a time for them to perform.
Junho: sung jung…hwaiting….
Meera: kamsa oppa…you too oppa…..hwaiting…
Junho hugged and kiss meera then both of them went to the stage and perform, of course all of them fan of junho, they come to see junho…so I just do my best. Meera feel happy because both of them perform very well.
Taeckyon: yah….meera shi…you are so great…..
Meera: its not me..oppa its junho…..
Junho: no….its not me..its you…
Meera: chongmal….oppa???
All of them nodding.,….then kira and iza come to meet meera, wow..yesung. eeteuk, donghae and sara is there too………
Kira: unnie that’s a good performance…love it….
Meera: chongmal????/
Iza: jinja unnie..junho oppa don’t be sad…you are good too…..hehehe love it….
Junho: kamsa iza…
Meera: eeteuk shi, and all of you kamsamida coz coming to my show….
Eeteuk” kenchana…you really good at dancing meera….im so….impress with your skills…
Donghae: but junho also very good….
Junho: thnxs hyung….
Everybody was happy but not for him….he hate to see both of them…
Eeteuk: well we have to go now…bye meera,kiraris, iza….
After they left..meera, kira, iza and junho celebrate their moment but suddenly there is a reporter who after them
Reporter: meera shi…what relationship that you and junho have???
Meera: ah…junho oppa???he is my best friend….
Reporter: chongmal???but both of you not like a best friend, are you dating each other???
Junho: nop..we are not..,..we are just friend….now I hope you can go???we want to eat….
Reporter: mianhae….(then he leave)
Kira: aish…I hate that kind of reporter….huh…..
Iza: me too…
Meera: what we can do??we are friend with celebrity
Kira:a h...chongmal….
Junho: ah..just forget about the ok???let s having dinner…ok???
Iza: yes..oppa I want ice cream…..
Junho: arraso….hehehe but only one ok????if not you might get cold..its already midnight,….
Iza: arraso oppa….
Meera: lets go…..
The next morning meera wake up so early…she can’t sleep…junho beside her still sleeping….im sure he is tired….meera touch junho forehead and kiss his lips…I love you so much…you are the one who stay beside me…when I need you….jongwoon oppa..thnxs for leaving me and let me meet junho oppa…now I can barely forget you slowly and slowly..and for this guys junho…you have my heart forever…I will stand by you forever….meera take a bath, she need to go to the office, after she went out from bathroom, junho is already wake up….
Junho: morning dear…what time now???
Meera: morning oppa….hurm its 8 am…
Junho: wow….still early…where are you going????
Meera: to the office….i need to settle something with the workers…..
Junho: gajima……
Meera: oppa….i can’t I need to go….
Junho: gajima…..stay with me…only today….
Meera:kenchana ..i will be back after this…arraso????
Junho: kim sungjung……kiss me first….
Meera: arraso oppa….(meera walk to junho and kiss him….)
Junho: what time you will be back???
Meera: molla….maybe at 12…..
Junho: arraso..then I will brought iza and kira to have a lunch than me meet up..ok???
Meera went out from house she bump with yesung.
Meera: ah oppa..anyeong….
Yesung: annyeong….where are you going???
Meera: to the office….where are you from????
Yesung:….i’m from the park…just went back from jogging….
Meera: ah..arraso..oppa I go first….
Yesung: do you want me to give a ride to you???
Meera: kenchana….oppa I can go by myself…
Yesung: chongmal????
Meera: chongmal…bye bye oppa….
Yesung only watch meera get in her car. Minho is driving for her..suddenly kyuhyun is coming back with girl in his arm. Yesung shock
Yesung: yah…hyunnie..who is this girl????what’s wrong with her…
Kyuhyun: molla…she just passed out after she saw me at the park….
Yesung: jinjayo????
Kyuhyun: jinja….hyung let help me….
Yesung: arraso..lets bring her inside our house…..
They bring the girl at their house
Shindong: yah…who is this girl????
Hyunnie: I don’t know she just passed out after she saw me….
Yesung: shindong bring a water…
Shindong: arraso….
Sungmin: why did she passed out???
Hyunnie: maybe I too handsome just now…so that she passed out
Hyukie:lol hyunnie can you stop dreaming…I guess ur face is ugly…that’s why she passed out….
Wookie: guys this is not the right time….
Shindong coming with a glass of water in his hand…yesung pour some water to the girls face..the girls gave some reaction….
Girl: where am i….
Yesung: you in our house…who are you actually???why are you passed out???
Girl: are you yesung oppa???
Yesung: yes I am…we are super junior…
Girl: ah chongmal???
Kangin: chongmal…hurm what is your name???where did you live???we can send you back home.
Girl” kamsa oppa…my name is zil…my house is at behind of meera unnie house..kenchana…I can walk by myself….
Kyuhyun: ah…zil??so cute…..why did you passed out just now???(zil heart seems beating faster and faster when kyuhyun talk to her….
Zil: molla…im just tired…
Kyuhyun: ah..chongmal????
Zil: chongmal…kenchana…
Eeteuk: hyunnie go and send zil go home…
Hyunnie: arraso…zil lets go..i send you went back home…do you can walk???
Zil: yes…I can…to all the oppa…kamsa…………
While they are walking…
Hyunnie: mianhae….becuase of passed out just now…
Zil: oppa..kenchana…im just tired…
Hyunnie: chongmal…hurm…do you know us???
Zil: of course oppa…I like you the most oppa…
Hyunnie: chongmal???wae???
zil: molla…I love your voice and your cute face…
hyunnie: ah….jinjayo????
zil only nodding….then they arrive at zil house….
Zil: oppa..kamsa…..
Hyunnie: kenchana…hurm…zil..can I have ur phone number???
Zil: ah….oppa…mianhae…I don’t have one…
Hyunnie: ah….kenchana….i be going now…jalga…(goodbye)
Zil only watch hyunnie going off…mianhae oppa…I can’t gave my phone number….
Mianhae….although I love you so much….
Minho follow meera to her office…minho can’t close his mouth…her company is so big…
Minho: meera shi…is this your company???
Meera: yes…did your appa didn’t tell anything about it???
Minho: no…
Meera: ah…arraso….let’s go…to the meeting you want to stay outside or inside???
Minho: meera shi can I stay with you????people are looking at me…
Meera: ah…arraso…I forgot that you are celebrity….
Minho: mianhae meera shi…I have to burden…
Meera: kenchana..hajja…
All the worker stand up when they saw meera coming to the meeting room…
Meera: can sit…
Ceo: annyeong meera shi…
Meera: ajjuhsi…annyeong… shall we start our meeting right now…I want to know everything…I hope there is a improvement from the last visit….
Ceo: ah….meera shi..there is a lot of improvement in our product and service
Meera: chongmal????ah….good…so how about the new product???i heard that there is a problem with our model……
Coe: actually the model that we away with the money…
Meera: wae??????????????how much that you paid????
Ceo: 100 0000 won….
Meera: what???????????(meera hentak tangannya dimeja…) who incharge in this????
Manager of creative production: meera shi…I’m the one who incharge of this….
Meera: ah…hyun mi shi….can you explain…what happen???
Hyun mi: actually the model that we used is already 5 years..we still used the same model, I thought we can trust her but she took our money and left….mianhae meera shi…this is my fault
Meera: kenchana…we also don’t know that she will run away….so..hyun mi shi…who is our next model????
Hyun mi: we haven’t select it yet…
Meera: wae????the handphone must be published this week….ottokeh????
Hyun mi: we already talk to 2pm manager….but they said that 2pm are busy this week…
Meera: you only ask 2pm???how about shinee???,super junior???, 2nei???
Hyun mi only silent…
Meera: minho……
Minho: yes…meera shi….
Meera: did shinee have any program this week????hurm I mean tomorrow????
Minho: no….
Meera: arraso…settle. We will talk to your manager and let you and 4 other members in shinee to be our model.
Minho: chongmal???ah..kamsa….
Meera: hyun mi shi..i want super junior too……can u take over it????or you want me to do it???
Hyun mi: ah..kenchana…..meera shi…I will do it.
Meera: do it know…I want the result today….
Hyun mi: arraso..i will go now….
After hyun mi shi left….meera talk to the other member in the meeting room…
Meera: any problem that had no settle???
Ceo: no meera shi…im so what happen just now….
Meera: kenchana..just don’t let it happen again, I’m not able to look every problem here.., I still need to study….
Ceo: mianhae….meera shi….
Meera: if there is nothing I will be at my room…ask hyun mi shi to see me after she got the result…
Ceo: arraso….
Meera went to her room….
Minho: meera shi…na kenchana???
Meera: kenchana….ah…minho what time????now???
Minho: almost 12pm..wae???
Meera: ah….i need to go lunch with junho and my sister send me to the restaurant…
Minho: arraso……
Before she left she left a message to hyun mi that she will be back…and ask hyun mi to settle it today…………
When she arrive at the restaurant she saw kira and iza and junho..but junho is little bit weird….
Meera: oppa..what are you wearing???
Junho: molla…this will help me from my fan…
Meera: ah…arraso…so you school today???
Kira: is Friday….holiday….don’t you remember….
Meera: ah..chongmal..i forgot it too… you make a order already???
Junho: yes../
Iza: unnie can we go the amusement park after this/???
Meera: ah…iza..mianhae..i need to go backto the office….
Iza: wae????
Meera: there is a lot of problem…..
Kira: chongmal????
Junho: so how many you fired today???
Meera: non….
Iza.kira, junho: non??????????
Meera: wae????
Junho: molla……let’s eat….dear…I will be busy this week…tomotrrow I will go to japan….
Meera: arraso….hurm kira, iza you follow me to the office after this…arraso????
Iza: wae????? I don’t want..
Meera: there is nobody at home..junho oppa need to went back at his home…
Ia: I can go to wookie oppa house…
Meera: no..i will be fast this time ok???only a hour…
Kira: unnie no…..
Junho: dear..kenchana..i will bring then to the mall and I will send them back…when you are finish with ur work…
Meera: arraso…..
Meera get back to her office. Hyun mi were waiting for her…
Meera: so what the result???
Hyun mi: they would love too be our model…
Meera: ah…good…you manage to get 13 of them????
Hyun mi: yes meera shi..
Meera: ok..that’s good so when the shooting start???
Hyun mi: we planned that we will start tomorrow….at 8 morning…
Meera: good…I will be here…tomorrow…
Hyun mi: arraso meera shi…
Meera: make sure to prepare everything….and one thing please order what did shinee and suju want for their lunch ok???
Hyun mi: arraso…
Meera: ok..i need to go now…faks me the detaile tonight..can you do it???
Hyun mi: yes…there is no problem…
Meera: ok..hyun mi shi..hwaiting!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meera went back home with kira and iza. Junho already went back to his house…
Kira: unnie are you ok???
Meera: wae???
Iza: you need to study and work…na kenchana????
Meera: kenchana…..don’t worry arraso???tomorrow I need to go to the office has shooting with shinee and suju….
Kira: chongmal???unnie can I follow….
Iza: me too unnie..i want to follow
Meera: both of you have ballet class….
Iza: unnie jebal…..chongmal….i want to see them….
Meera: iza they live next door you can meet them everyday….
Kira: unnie…jebal….
Meera: arraso..but please don’t make any trouble…arraso???
Iza: arraso unnie…..
All the suju member already ready to go to the shooting place but eeteuk still not ready yet, het wake up so late than the others….
Kangin: hyung you always are late than us…wae???
eeteuK;im so tired….
Yesung: hyung are you ok???
Eeteuk: kenchana…lets go…
Sungmin: what are our schedule today???
Kibum: shooting new handphone from kimme company…
Yesung: kimme????that’s meera shi company…..
Hankyung: jinjayo???how you know????
Yesung: I know la……
Heechul: ish….noise…quite please…..
Later on they arrive at Kimme company…
Hyukie: wow….so huge….yesung hyung…jinja??this is meera company….
Yesung: jinja….im not lying….
There is someone who waited for them at the lobi.
Hyun mi: annyeong guys…please follow me, the big manager want to meet you all….
All the suju members following hyun mi to the meeting room…as what yesung said just now this company belong to meera. Shinee also already there.