Late night, there is only yesung with me.
Yesung: are you cold???do you want some water???
Meera: oppa relaxs…I’m ok…I’m not cold, oppa..can you tell me something???
Yesung: what?????
Meera: why did you leave me????before this???and why you come back?????
Yesung: hurm… you really want to know???
Meera: yes………..
Yesung: ok…do you remember the day, I promise to you that I will come to your house???
Meera: yes I still remember that day….wae???
Yesung: that day change my whole life forever, and that day also killed my hope to meet you that day, that day my father went back home and pack all of our things, my grandfather is sick, he is at Canada, at that time. On that day we all went back to Canada and we stay there until I go to SME audition and I know that;s only my chance to meet you.
Meera: then what happen???what are you doing at Canada???
Yesung: after one week, my grandfather is dead,and my father have to take care if his business , I can’t go back to korea, my parent won’t let me, I only 12 at that time, at that time I cry a lot. The things I wanted to do is to be with you, I did once run away from house, but get caught by the police at the air port, my parent make a report.
Meera: chongmal oppa???
Yesung: I’m not lying to you, I always thinking of you. After I got accepted by SME, I got the chance to come back to korea, when I came back to korea, I don’t have time to find you, as a trainee I need to do a lot of practice if I want to debut fast, but I made a promise to my self, when I already become a singer I will come and find you, and my wish come true….now I manage to see you again………… so glad sung jung…chongmal…..
Meera: oppa after you left me, my life is like hell oppa…., only lee min ah ajjushi and my sisters know how suffer I am after you left me.
Yesung: sung jung…mianhae…I will never left you again…never…I will never do that again……….chongmal…..
Meera: thnxs oppa and I hope you will stay by myside always….
Junho heart seem want to come out when he heard their conversation, meera is not mine anymore….she already gone……..this is all my fault……
She walking more fasters than before, and keep turning back…there is someone who follwing her from school. She keep walking faster and sometimes she is running…when she almost at SWL area…she still keep looking at the back. However when she turn back to the front he bump with someone. She and the person fall together.
Fai: mianhae…I didn’t see you…..(and she shock…omo…is this…my favourite idol)
Hyukie: kenchana…….(get up and clean his pants)
Minie: are you ok???(asking me)
Fai: I’m ok…oppa…kenchana….oppa..mianhae…
Hyukie: kenchana…why are you are in hurry????
Fai: annya….there is someone who following me from my school…
Minie: where is your house????we can send you there….
Fai: oppa kenchana…my home is just overthere…..
Hyukie and sungmin look where did fai pointing at…
Hyukie: that;s your house????did sara living there too????
Fai: wae????/
Hyukie: I always saw donghae go to your house several times to meet sara….
Fai: yup sara unnie are living with me and my sister myza.
Minie: ah..chongmal????you want me to send you back home>???
Fai: kenchana…I can go back alone…
Hyukie: chongmal???are you ok???
Fai: yes I am…oppa nice to meet both of you today…..
Minie: we too..annyeong…jalga….
Fai walking back to her house...omo...hyukie oppa is soooo cute......hyukie are about to walk back home when he realize fai handphone drop. Hyukie turn back, and fai already gone…
Minie: wae???
Hyukie: molla..let’s ho home now(put the phone inside his pocket.)
At home, hyukie stay at his room, and put the handphone at his closet, I will return it to her soon. After she taking her bath, she looking for her handphone. She feel weird, she looking for it everywhere but couldn’t find it….yah!!!!!!!! I lost my handphone….hhuhuhuhu tears shed from her eyes.
That night, after everyone going to sleep,he took out fai handphone and check it,he so shock…his picture are all over in fai handphone….sure…he is so popular….of course fai will like him..this girl kind of cute too….heheheh…..hyukie smile…..
Meera is doing so well. Eventhough she and junho already break up, junho always send her white tulips. Still deep in her heart, she still love junho, no matter what did junho did, she still love junho. Everyday she will wait for junho flowers. Sometimes, minho feel weird and confused with meera action. He don’t know wether meera in love with junho or yesung.
Meera: minho, did flowers from junho are here yet???
Minho: meera shhi, they flowers is here
Meera: bring it here, I want to see it.
Minho bring the tulips to meera
Meera: minho shi, did you ever fall in love?
Minho: me???nop…waeyo????
Meera: annya….once you in love you will know
Minho: but meera shi, junho already hurt your heart…why can’t you let it go???
Meera; molla…
Minho: its been 8 years you try to find yesung hyung and now you already found him, why don’t you be happy with him???why did you still want junho???
Meera: you don’t understand minho, its all because of love.
Minho: arraso, but he already have others girls ottokeh???
Meera only silent, what did minho said its true, I should forget about junho and starting my new life with yesung.
Fai walking back home again. She still feel that someone is watching her. She turn back, but there is no one. She walk more faster than before, and keep running however, she feel down.
Fai: ah… pain…..(she looking at her hand, blood are coming out from the wounds.). however someone stop her and smile are painting at her lips.
Fai: oppa…why are you here???
Hyukie: annya, I want to meet you and I saw you here. Kenchana???
Fai: annya, I just fell down
Hyukie: waeyo???
Fai: someone is following me.
Hyukie: ah chongmal??? Come, let’s me hold you.
Fai: kenchana oppa.i can walk…
Hyukie: annya, let me hold you, you injuries is serious
Fai: kamsa oppa….
Hyukie hold fai and bring fai went back home. Myza are so shock when she saw fai condition.
Myza: waeyo???
Fai: I’m running just now and felt down, hyukie saw me and he help me.
Myza: ah…chongmal???oppa..kamsamida…
Hyukie: annya…kebetulan jerk saya lalu dekat
Situ, so i’m helping her.
Sara: ah…hyukie oppa…you are here waeyo???
Hyukie: I’m helping fai just now…hurm fai do you want to go out with Saturday???
Fai: ah…hurm….oppa….i’m not sure yet, but I call you later arraso?
Hyukie: arraso…so I will go off now annyeong.
After hyukie gone fai, myza and sara are screaming.
Fai: unnie did you hear that???hyukie ask me out…
Sara: so..fai???how???are you going out with him???
Fai: molla…ottokeh????unnie???
Myza: just follow your heart arraso????
Fai: arraso…I think I want to go and clean my self first.
Myza: careful.
Myza and sara just watching fai.
Sara: I feel happy for her.
Myza: me too, at at last hyukie ask her out. She must really happy about it…right?
Sara: yup she is.i want to go to the mall for a second, need to buy some stuff for my art class.
Myza: arraso.(sara leaving her).
After 3 week, sungjung already fully recover, and can go back to the hospital, yesung were always there beside her. She feel so happy. At last she can go back to school and meet with her friends.
Kira: unnie are you really ok??and want to go to school???
Meera: wae???i’m already ok..kenchana..don’t worry arraso???karen will be next to me.
Iza: chongmal???what about junho oppa???
Meera: what about him??
Iza: what if he disturb you again???
Meera: I will just ignore him…so simple…
Kira: chongmal???
Meera: chongmal……let’s go to school.
After 3 weeks didn’t go to school , meera seems more happy when she meet with her friends, and still junho fan disturbing her, she just ignore them. she look at her handphone, there is yesung picture smiling at her, she smile again when she look at the picture.,…omo!!!!!! I’m going to faint soon…hahahah. After school, she walk alone to her office, its been a long since the shooting have done, she want to look at the progress, the product had been postpone to launch because of her. She need to do something so that the product will be published again.
Everyone seem happy when she come to the office.
Kang woo: meera shi, are you ok???
Meera: yes I am…
Hyun mi: what bring you here miss???
Meera: annya..i just want to tell you that we can launch our product at any moment, hyun mi please set up the new date and organize it back arraso????
Hyun mi: arraso meera shi.
Kang woo: meera shi are you ok enough to get back to work???
Meera: yes I am..kenchana….
Kang woo: arraso, don’t worry we will do our best to make this product success.
Meera: hyun mi do you best arraso????
Hyun mi: yes meera shi…
Meera: ok..i go now….
Kang woo: annyeong…
Meera went back to her house. There is no one…hurm…its already evening. Why don’t I go jogging??its been a long time I didn’t went out for jogging. She take her bath and ready to go out and jogging.
Hyukie look at fai handphone, its been a month that he have keep that with him without no one know about it. Should I tell her???about my feeling???should i???? hurm…maybe not..what if she don’t like me???ottokeh????suddenly…sungmin entered the room..
Minie: yah!!!hyukie did you buy new handphone again????
Hyukie: yes…wae….(answer shockingly)
Minie: omo…chongmal???
Hyukie: wae???
Minie: annya....
Hyukie: i want to go out now....
Minie: by the way..fai is at the living room, she looking for you…
Hyukie: chongmal???jinjayo????
Minie: chongmal….
Hyukie went down to living room, fai is there waiting for is so pretty....
Hyukie: annyeong….
Fai: oppa..annyeong…..
Hyukie: you looking for me???
Fai: yes I am…I’m sorry I didn’t call you first…but my handphone already lost..i don’t know where it is…
Hyukie: kenchana…relax…arraso???
Fai: arraso…hurm..oppa…do you have some time???
Hyukie: for today I’m free….waeyo???
Fai: wanna go out with me????
Hyukie: sure…let’s go….(*but fai looking at hyukie weirdly)
Hyukie: waeyo???
Fai: oppa…are you going to go out like this??what if your fan saw you???
Hyukie: omo..i forgot….wait..i’ll change….
Meera look at her house…there is someone…omo..its yesung…with a puppy???
Meera: oppa….
Yesung: sungjung ah..where did you go???i call you so many times….
Meera: I went out for jogging…
Yesung: chongmal????
Meera: yup..oppa…where did you got this puppy???kiyo…..can I touch it???
Yesung: sure…this is my puppy….i called it chibi chibi…
Meera: chibi chibi???hahahhaha (laughing loudly)
Yesung: wae???
Meera: so funny…just like you oppa….hahahah…
Yesung: chongmal??(suddenly he kiss meera lips and makes meera shock and speechless without a words…)
Meera: oppa….
Yesung: hajja…lets go walk with me and chibi….(yesung pulled meera hand and hold it…meera only smiling)
Both of them sitting at the bench infront of the beach.
Hyukie: did you like the movie just now???
Fai: kind of….how about you???
Hyukie: its cool…hurm..fai…there is something I need to tell to you…
Fai: hurm…what it is oppa???
Hyukie: hurm…that day..the first time we meet…you drop you phone…and I saw it….and its been with me for all this times.(take out the phone from his pocket….fai look so shock…)
Fai: chongmal oppa???omo./.thanks god its with you..i thought that I’m going to lose it forever. Thanxs oppa….
Hyukie: kenchana..i’m sorry because I take so long to return it to you…and im really sorry..coz I did open it and see everything inside your phone….
Fai: omo!!!!!!(blushing…omo..ottokeh???inside my phone there is a lot of his picture…ottokeh???) kenchana..oppa….its ok…
Hyukie: I love it….
Fai: eh..what????
Hyukie: I like everything inside your phone…its surprise me…there is a lot of my picture….
Fai: ah…chongmal???actually I’m one of your fan…that’s why…I keep all your picture….
Hyukie: maybe we can be more than a fan and idol….
Fai: huh????
Suddenly hyukie handphone is ringing…its was eeteuk…he pick it up…
Hyukie: oh..hyung..wae???ah..chongmal???i will be there….(he hang up)
Fai: anything happen oppa???
Hyukie: yup..eeteuk hyung need me, I got to go…let me send you back first….
Fai: gwenchana….i can go back on my own….
Hyukie: no..come..i send you..don’t be sturborn…
Fai: arraso….
Before fai entered her house, hyukie said to her…
Hyukie: I will call you later…bye…(fai only nodding and waving at hyukie.
She take out the clothes from the washing machine….omo..its tiring doing all the house work..huhuhuhu better asking unnie to find maid for us so that she can do everything in this big house…huhuhuhu I hate doing the house work. Where is my little sister???omo..she is moping the floor at the living room. While her older sister are cleaning the kitchen. She bring the basket which full of clothes to the outside of the house. She need to hang up the clothes. While she hanging all the clothes, she don’t realize that someone is behind her. Looking at her. The person touch her shoulder. She so shocked and she used her taekwondo skill and kick the person chest. She act faster because she is shock. Then she turn back..the person holding his chest and look in pain…kiraris shock when she saw eeteuk laying at the ground.
Kira: omo..oppa…mianhae…are you ok???(helping eeteuk to get up)
Eeteuk: wow…so hurt…..
Kira: just so shocked just now….
Eeteuk: kenchana….i make you scared just now…
Kira: what are you doing here oppa???
Eeteuk: I just wanna help you…I saw there is a lot of basket full with clothes and I thought ypu maybe need a help….that’s why I came here.
Kira: ah chongmal???
Eeteuk: yup..but it doesn’t look well when I make you scared and you beat me…
Kira: oppa mianhae….
Eeteuk: kenchana…let me help you with this clothes….
Kira only smiling, so does eeteuk.kira speechless when she saw eeteuk smile…you are my only fallen angel eeteuk oppa…suddenly she realize that eeteuk only looking at him…and eeteuk come towards her…she swallow her saliva..omo…why did he come to me…eeteuk come more nearer to her..kira step backward but eeteuk still coming toward her. Then eeteuk stand infront of her and tundukan kepalanya and looking at kira face..kira is blushing and the weird things is she can’t move at all…..thier position is very near to each other only 3 cm. then kira saw eeteuk smiling…omo..her heart beating faster and faster….eeteuk took something inside his pocket….and he wipe kira face with his hankerchif that he took out just now…
Kira: oppa…
Eeteuk: there is something at your face….
Kira: omo…chongmal???omo…ottokeh???(looking so nervous…she wipe her face with her hand,,,she moving around….suddenly eeteuk hold both her hand,,,kira shock and stop moving around)
Eeteuk: relaxs….its gone..i already wipe it….you are so cute….:)..hahahha…….(pinch kira cheeck, while kira only smiling)
Kira have to go inside when she done with the clothes. After saying good bye with eeteuk he went inside the house….and keep smiling…..iza only looking with weird face at kira…
Iza: unnie what’s wrong with you???
Kira: annya..waeyo???
Iza: you look weird….
Kira: annya…where is unnie???
Iza: she is at the kitchen.
Kira: ah..chongmal????are you done with your work???
Iza: yes…I’m done, I think I want to go to sleep now…
Kira: me too….but andwae!!!! We have ballet class after this….did you forget about it???
Iza: ah……….shirrooo….
Kira: we have too…..hajja…clean ur slef.
Iza: I will talk to unnie….
Kira: wae???
Iza: im not feeling well….
Kira: chongmal???
Iza only nodding..then meera come towards them.
Meera: guys…just now, mrs lee jin called me and said that today class is canceled.
Kira. Iza: chongmal???????????
Meera only nodding.
Iza: yah!!!!!!!! I can….
Kira: me too………
Meera: you guys..go and rest arraso?? I will be at studio.
Kira: unnie aren’t you tired???
Meera: wae???
Kira: annya..just asking.
Three of them went to their own place. Meera went to the studio. She sit infront of the piano. Then she saw something…its her picture with him…at the dance competition. We were so happy that time. I love him, so do him. She keep looking at that picture, suddenly the tears coming through her eyes. Do you think its easy to forget about you huh????do you think its easy??? Although yesung is with me now…I still thinking about you oppa.why did you treat me this way???waeyo??i’m I not good enough for you???i’m too skinny??to small????not pretty enough for you huh???she feel angry then, she tear up the picture and get out from the room.
The next day she went to school by walking. No she have no fear at all. She already brave to fight with the person who always disturb her. She meet with her best friend Karen.
Karen: annyeong sungjung shi…
Meera: yah…why did you call me with that name???
Karen: coz I love it…kim sungjung… nice…..hajja…Mrs choi want to meet us.
Meera: waeyo???
Karen: can ask her, when we arrive at her room.
Meera: arraso….
Both of them already at mrs choi room. Meera look so shock when she saw junho also at the room.
Meera: annyeong mrs choi..did you call us???
Mrs choi: yes…..have a sit, I have something to discuss with all of you.
Junho: about what????
Mrs choi: about school dance competition.
Karen, meera: eh?????
Mrs choi: I want all of you take part in that competition just like before.
Meera: shirooooo….i’m not going to take part mianhae mrs choi.(take her bag and want to leave the room but Karen stop her)
Mrs choi: you have to remember this is about our school pride.
Meera: then you can ask this guys to take part..i’m not going to join(meera said while pointing at junho)
Karen: sungjung…stop it….
Junho: its ok mrs choi..we don’t need a coward to take part. I and Karen can take part in this competition.( meera feel so angry with it, she just took her bag and leave). Junho and Karen following her.
Junho: you are so coward….(meera turn back when she heard what did junho said)
Meera: you have no right to said like that to me.
Junho: then prove it to me….prove to me that I have no right to talk like that to you….
Meera only looking at junho…then she walk away…..argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i’m so pissed off with dare he talk to me like that…..karen calling her so many times.
Karen: what was that???
Meera: what????
Karen: you acting like a kid….
Meera: I’m still a kid…oK???i’m just 16…..
Karen: you have to take part in this competition.
Meera: shirooooooo…how many times I should tell all of you..that, I don’t want to take part???
Karen: why????is this because of junho???
Meera: annya!!!!!!!
Karen: don’t lie to me sungjung shi, all this time, you and junho always take part in dance competiton, but now you and him already break lose your dance partner…that’s why you don’t want to take part right????
Meera: I’m…im…..(meera is speechless)
Karen: see…I told you….but we have to take part meera…we have too………..
Meera: molla…….(just walk away entered the class)
Eventhough she is in the class, she can’t focus at all
My random stuff about everything that i like...
Thursday, April 22, 2010
She get out from her school gate…aish…so hateful…need to go back alone…aish…..she walking alone at the road…but someone stop her…she shock..almost faint but…she force not too…
Zil: oppa what are you doing here????
Hyunnie: just to see you…
Zil: chongmal????oppa….kenchana???why are you want to meet me???
Hyunnie: molla…just want to meet you…get in the car…you don’t want people to regonize me right????
Zil: arraso oppa….
Hyunnie: let go lunch with me…
Zil: oppa…people will know you….i don’t want people to see you….
Hyunnie: kenchana..just buy mac d from drive through and we go to the park….
Zil: that’s good oppa…
Zil having so much fan with kyuhyun today…..before she entered her house hyunnie stop her…
Zil: wae???
Hyunnie: this is for you….(giving something to zil)
Zil: what is this oppa????
Hyunnie: you will know it when you open it…but open it when you already at ur room arraso.???jalga…zil….annyeong….
Hyunnie went off………….
Meera waited yesung at the ais cream shop…there is 3 boys are coming toward her…
Yoon kyung: yeah sung jung shi….you are alone today????right????
Meera: what do you want????don’t disturb me I have no mood today…
Bobo: ah chongmal???ah..i have been rejected by the 2pm boys right???
All of them are laughing…meera only silent..malas nak layan lelaki-lelaki bodoh yang memang dah bodoh….ish….
Meera: oppa if you want to laugh like that…just go away from here…..
Bobo: yah…..(holding meera hand…)
Meera: oppa…let me go….now!!!!!!!
Yoon kyung: what are you going to do????hah????nobody are going to save you…this time…
Meera: oppa..i;m warning you..for the last time…..
Bobo: I’m not afaird…..
Meera can’t stand it anymore.she use her taekwondo skill to fight the stupid boy….two minute later…yoon kyung and bobo are laying at the ground….yesung were there when the boys at the ground
Yesung: sung jung….are you ok????
Meera: kenchana oppa…..yah!!!!!!!!! both of you..this is my last warning…..if both of you come infront of me..i will kill both of you…now go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(both of them run from that place….
Yesung: what are you doing????
Meera: they disturb me…I just fight back…..
Yesung: since when????
Meera: since you left me……
Yesung: sung jung……..mianhae, I ‘m not supposed to leave you that time…but I’m being force to left you..mianhae….mianhae….sung jung…..
Meera: oppa kenchana….as I said…if you return back to me…its ok….
Yesung: lets go home…
Meera: oppa…….i want to eat ais cream…
Yesung: arraso…..
Zil entered her room and sit at her bed. Then she open the present that kyuhyun give her just now and she shock…kyuhyun are crazy..why would he gave me this gift?????samsung corby black chick is in her hand. There is card over there. She open it.
“this is for you, since the first day I meet you..i just can’t get you out from my mind…I don’t know why….i ask for ur number, but you said you don’t have one, so I decided to bought you a handphone so that I can call you when I miss you..i hope you like it….please accept this gift..jebal….num one in the list is my number phone…you can call me anytime…”
Gosh…kyuhyun oppa….huhuhuu, did you like me????zil are blushing right now….she press the number one button….
Zil: hello…oppa…
Hyunnie: its that you zil???
Zil: oh…..yes I am…oppa…kamsamida….
Hyunnie: kenchana….do you like it????
Zil: yes..i like it…chongmal oppa…..
Hyunnie: arraso…im glad that you like it….heheheh
Zil: ok..oppa…I will call you later…..
Hyunnie: arraso..bye….
Minho father get out from our house that night. Meera only counting on him due to what happen. They must get clear of this situation.
Kira: unnie everything going to be ok right???
Meera: yes….
Iza: unnie can I ask you something????
Meera: wae????
Iza: do you like jong woon oppa????
Meera: why did you ask me like that???
Iza: molla……hurm unnie I go first good night………
Kira: ah…me too..but first I need to meet my son…
Iza: unnie???who is ur son????
Meera: yup who???
Kira: unnie are you forgot about teukira????i want to meet him before I got to sleep
Meera: arraso..but don’t release him…
Kira: arraso unnie
Kira and iza went off, meera still at the living room, she open the televisyen but she closed it again. Why did you need to appear in my life again..oppa how dare you did this to me???wae????meera wearing her sweater and going out without anyone know……she walk to the street. She didn’t realize that she already walk until junho house. She look at junho house. Oppa why can’t I delete you from my head???wae oppa???. She come more nearer to junho house but suddenly she heard voice form the house, its junho voice and…and a girl??? Another girl??????????in that house???with junho oppa???at this time????meera want to find out she took up the key from her beg and open the door. And its make her hurt more than before. It true..junho have others girls. They are kissing each other………
Meera: oppa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(junho shocked and look around and saw meera)
Junho: sung jung ah….
Meera running away from that house while junho keep chasing her.
Junho: meera……..(pulled meera and hug her)
Meera: let me go oppa………(pulled junho back and still running, everything seem so fast and junho can’t stop screaming when a car crush meera. Junho carry meera, meera already unconcius and blood is everywhere. Junho bring meera to the SWL hospital.he felf so sad, he already call minho to inform what just happen just now. Minho really shock.
He still on air when his phone is ringing. But he don’t pick it up. When it times for work, he will focus. The clock already show the time is already 2 pm. He always doing late night show at mbc . his segmen only started at 10 pm until 1 am in the morning. His phone keep ringing. He pick it up, after that the phone fall from his hand naturally. He won’t able to speak at all…………he speechless and can hardly breathe…..he took his key and coat. Lucky his shift already done. He headed to the hospital as fast he can. He saw junho over there, kiraris, iza and minho.
Kira: jongwoon oppa…….meera unnie…isk…isk…isk…(can’t stop crying)
Yesung: how did this happen?????
Iza: oppa you ask that fellow….he the one who make meera unnie like this..i hate him oppa…..ask him to go away…..jebal…..
Yesung: junho ah…why did this happen????
Junho: she was running from me after saw me with other girl….
Yesung: you retard!!!!!!!!!!!what are you doing to her???don’t you know she love you so much???(holding junho t shirt and they are about to fight)
Junho still silent
Yesung: if anything happen to her…you will died…..(yesung let junho go..)
Then the doctor come out from the icu room.
Kira: doctor how my sister???
Doctor: mianhae…we already done our best and this is the result, she broke her left leg and she lose so many blood at her head, but for now she will sleeping until tomorrow, don’t worry she will be ok…..
Iza: kamsa doctor…..
Yesung: can we see her???
Doctor: not now.
Minho: arraso doctor.
Yesung: minho bring iza and kira back, I’ll will be here tonight, tomorrow they can come again.
Kira: oppa no..i want to stay by meera unnie side…
Iza: me too………..
Yesung: we can stay here, what if the reporter know about your sister condition????its will getting worst
Minho: what did yesung hyung said its true, we need to go now.
Iza: arraso…oppa if anything call us ok???
Yesung I will…..minho, please take care of them.
Minho: yes hyung I will.
However in the morning, there is many reporters that waiting, to interview meera. They already know about meera conditions. Yesung can’t get out now, if he get out the reporter will know about it, and they will keep asking. He stay in the room with meera. Meera still unconscious. However by the afternoon she already wake up….
Junho: meera are you ok????
Yesung: yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!why are you still here??/
Junho: she is my girl..of course I will be here……….
Doctor: can both of you stay outside please???i want to check miss sung jung first…
Both of them going out.
Yesung: stay away from her…
Junho: who are you???want to said that to me???
Yesung: how dare you speak to me like this after all that you done to meera, just get lost, I;m sure meera don’t want to see you…
Junho: don’t stop me…coz I will see her no matter what.
Later that, the doctor come outs
Yesung: how about her doctor???
Doctor: she need some rest, don’t disturb her and please don’t fight infront of her.
Yesung: yes doctor, can I see her????
Doctor: yes but she don’t want to meet with junho
Junho: chongmal????(feel so sad)
Yesung: did you hear that>>>you can go now junho, stay away from meera or know……
Yesung entered to meera room, meera is smiling…how come she still can smile until what happen to her yesterday???
Yesung: kenchana?????
Meera: yes oppa….
Yesung: why did you hurt yourself like this sungjung????
Meera: oppa………..annya…..i just want to meet him coz I missed him and I still can’t forget about him….
Yesung: now I want you to stop thinking of him
Meera: yes oppa I will, where is my sisters???
Yesung: they are at house, I ask them to have a rest, they will come later.
Yesung hold meera hand and meera only smile.
Meera: oppa don’t worry I will be ok…….yiou can go back first
Yesung: I can’t go back, there is too many reporters at the outside.
Meera: chongmal???they already know about my conditions????
Yesung: yes..and If I can go back too, I;m not going, I want to stay here with you….
Meera: oppa…….(speechless)
Yesung: now take ur rest and sleep, I will be here………………..
Meera: arraso oppa……………..
Everything seems like in my dream. Where I meet jongwoon oppa..and we be together forever. However its only in my dream…how about jongwoon dream??same as me??? I don’t know…but I hope that he feel the same way as me. That evening, kira and iza visit me…
Kira: unnie are you ok???
Meera: yes….kira…, iza unnie want to say sorry…..because I made you worried
Iza: unnie…its ok….don’t worry will take carre of you..ok????
Meera: kamsamida.
Kira: unnie can you tell me what happen to you actually????
Meera: I don’t know, I was running suddenly a car crush me…
Iza: you are running from junho oppa right????he with other girls right????
Meera still in silent, then slowly tears coming from her eyes…..
Kira: unnie…….uljima………..
Yesung: no..kira…let her cry….let her release her sadness and anger, but after today, she will never cry….never, coz from now on she is my girl, and I would make her happy…(yesung hold meera hand and kiss it…)
Meera: oppa……..
Kira: omo………….what is this????
Iza: oppa???do you like my unnie????
However, the door is open, the ceo of her company is here.
Kang woo: meera are you????
Meera: kang woo shi…I’m ok..thank you coz you visit me…..
Kang woo: ur welcome, I hope you will recover soon, all the staff at the company send regards to you…
Meera: chongmal….ah….i’m so happy. Hurm kang woo shi, how about the product????the advertistment????are they out yet????
Kang woo: no…it will be out after you are recover, because we already plan something at the launch day.
Meera: ah..chongmal????arraso, don’t worried, I will be ok in one month….
Kang woo: meera shi, I hope you will recover soon.
Zil: oppa what are you doing here????
Hyunnie: just to see you…
Zil: chongmal????oppa….kenchana???why are you want to meet me???
Hyunnie: molla…just want to meet you…get in the car…you don’t want people to regonize me right????
Zil: arraso oppa….
Hyunnie: let go lunch with me…
Zil: oppa…people will know you….i don’t want people to see you….
Hyunnie: kenchana..just buy mac d from drive through and we go to the park….
Zil: that’s good oppa…
Zil having so much fan with kyuhyun today…..before she entered her house hyunnie stop her…
Zil: wae???
Hyunnie: this is for you….(giving something to zil)
Zil: what is this oppa????
Hyunnie: you will know it when you open it…but open it when you already at ur room arraso.???jalga…zil….annyeong….
Hyunnie went off………….
Meera waited yesung at the ais cream shop…there is 3 boys are coming toward her…
Yoon kyung: yeah sung jung shi….you are alone today????right????
Meera: what do you want????don’t disturb me I have no mood today…
Bobo: ah chongmal???ah..i have been rejected by the 2pm boys right???
All of them are laughing…meera only silent..malas nak layan lelaki-lelaki bodoh yang memang dah bodoh….ish….
Meera: oppa if you want to laugh like that…just go away from here…..
Bobo: yah…..(holding meera hand…)
Meera: oppa…let me go….now!!!!!!!
Yoon kyung: what are you going to do????hah????nobody are going to save you…this time…
Meera: oppa..i;m warning you..for the last time…..
Bobo: I’m not afaird…..
Meera can’t stand it anymore.she use her taekwondo skill to fight the stupid boy….two minute later…yoon kyung and bobo are laying at the ground….yesung were there when the boys at the ground
Yesung: sung jung….are you ok????
Meera: kenchana oppa…..yah!!!!!!!!! both of you..this is my last warning…..if both of you come infront of me..i will kill both of you…now go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(both of them run from that place….
Yesung: what are you doing????
Meera: they disturb me…I just fight back…..
Yesung: since when????
Meera: since you left me……
Yesung: sung jung……..mianhae, I ‘m not supposed to leave you that time…but I’m being force to left you..mianhae….mianhae….sung jung…..
Meera: oppa kenchana….as I said…if you return back to me…its ok….
Yesung: lets go home…
Meera: oppa…….i want to eat ais cream…
Yesung: arraso…..
Zil entered her room and sit at her bed. Then she open the present that kyuhyun give her just now and she shock…kyuhyun are crazy..why would he gave me this gift?????samsung corby black chick is in her hand. There is card over there. She open it.
“this is for you, since the first day I meet you..i just can’t get you out from my mind…I don’t know why….i ask for ur number, but you said you don’t have one, so I decided to bought you a handphone so that I can call you when I miss you..i hope you like it….please accept this gift..jebal….num one in the list is my number phone…you can call me anytime…”
Gosh…kyuhyun oppa….huhuhuu, did you like me????zil are blushing right now….she press the number one button….
Zil: hello…oppa…
Hyunnie: its that you zil???
Zil: oh…..yes I am…oppa…kamsamida….
Hyunnie: kenchana….do you like it????
Zil: yes..i like it…chongmal oppa…..
Hyunnie: arraso…im glad that you like it….heheheh
Zil: ok..oppa…I will call you later…..
Hyunnie: arraso..bye….
Minho father get out from our house that night. Meera only counting on him due to what happen. They must get clear of this situation.
Kira: unnie everything going to be ok right???
Meera: yes….
Iza: unnie can I ask you something????
Meera: wae????
Iza: do you like jong woon oppa????
Meera: why did you ask me like that???
Iza: molla……hurm unnie I go first good night………
Kira: ah…me too..but first I need to meet my son…
Iza: unnie???who is ur son????
Meera: yup who???
Kira: unnie are you forgot about teukira????i want to meet him before I got to sleep
Meera: arraso..but don’t release him…
Kira: arraso unnie
Kira and iza went off, meera still at the living room, she open the televisyen but she closed it again. Why did you need to appear in my life again..oppa how dare you did this to me???wae????meera wearing her sweater and going out without anyone know……she walk to the street. She didn’t realize that she already walk until junho house. She look at junho house. Oppa why can’t I delete you from my head???wae oppa???. She come more nearer to junho house but suddenly she heard voice form the house, its junho voice and…and a girl??? Another girl??????????in that house???with junho oppa???at this time????meera want to find out she took up the key from her beg and open the door. And its make her hurt more than before. It true..junho have others girls. They are kissing each other………
Meera: oppa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(junho shocked and look around and saw meera)
Junho: sung jung ah….
Meera running away from that house while junho keep chasing her.
Junho: meera……..(pulled meera and hug her)
Meera: let me go oppa………(pulled junho back and still running, everything seem so fast and junho can’t stop screaming when a car crush meera. Junho carry meera, meera already unconcius and blood is everywhere. Junho bring meera to the SWL hospital.he felf so sad, he already call minho to inform what just happen just now. Minho really shock.
He still on air when his phone is ringing. But he don’t pick it up. When it times for work, he will focus. The clock already show the time is already 2 pm. He always doing late night show at mbc . his segmen only started at 10 pm until 1 am in the morning. His phone keep ringing. He pick it up, after that the phone fall from his hand naturally. He won’t able to speak at all…………he speechless and can hardly breathe…..he took his key and coat. Lucky his shift already done. He headed to the hospital as fast he can. He saw junho over there, kiraris, iza and minho.
Kira: jongwoon oppa…….meera unnie…isk…isk…isk…(can’t stop crying)
Yesung: how did this happen?????
Iza: oppa you ask that fellow….he the one who make meera unnie like this..i hate him oppa…..ask him to go away…..jebal…..
Yesung: junho ah…why did this happen????
Junho: she was running from me after saw me with other girl….
Yesung: you retard!!!!!!!!!!!what are you doing to her???don’t you know she love you so much???(holding junho t shirt and they are about to fight)
Junho still silent
Yesung: if anything happen to her…you will died…..(yesung let junho go..)
Then the doctor come out from the icu room.
Kira: doctor how my sister???
Doctor: mianhae…we already done our best and this is the result, she broke her left leg and she lose so many blood at her head, but for now she will sleeping until tomorrow, don’t worry she will be ok…..
Iza: kamsa doctor…..
Yesung: can we see her???
Doctor: not now.
Minho: arraso doctor.
Yesung: minho bring iza and kira back, I’ll will be here tonight, tomorrow they can come again.
Kira: oppa no..i want to stay by meera unnie side…
Iza: me too………..
Yesung: we can stay here, what if the reporter know about your sister condition????its will getting worst
Minho: what did yesung hyung said its true, we need to go now.
Iza: arraso…oppa if anything call us ok???
Yesung I will…..minho, please take care of them.
Minho: yes hyung I will.
However in the morning, there is many reporters that waiting, to interview meera. They already know about meera conditions. Yesung can’t get out now, if he get out the reporter will know about it, and they will keep asking. He stay in the room with meera. Meera still unconscious. However by the afternoon she already wake up….
Junho: meera are you ok????
Yesung: yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!why are you still here??/
Junho: she is my girl..of course I will be here……….
Doctor: can both of you stay outside please???i want to check miss sung jung first…
Both of them going out.
Yesung: stay away from her…
Junho: who are you???want to said that to me???
Yesung: how dare you speak to me like this after all that you done to meera, just get lost, I;m sure meera don’t want to see you…
Junho: don’t stop me…coz I will see her no matter what.
Later that, the doctor come outs
Yesung: how about her doctor???
Doctor: she need some rest, don’t disturb her and please don’t fight infront of her.
Yesung: yes doctor, can I see her????
Doctor: yes but she don’t want to meet with junho
Junho: chongmal????(feel so sad)
Yesung: did you hear that>>>you can go now junho, stay away from meera or know……
Yesung entered to meera room, meera is smiling…how come she still can smile until what happen to her yesterday???
Yesung: kenchana?????
Meera: yes oppa….
Yesung: why did you hurt yourself like this sungjung????
Meera: oppa………..annya…..i just want to meet him coz I missed him and I still can’t forget about him….
Yesung: now I want you to stop thinking of him
Meera: yes oppa I will, where is my sisters???
Yesung: they are at house, I ask them to have a rest, they will come later.
Yesung hold meera hand and meera only smile.
Meera: oppa don’t worry I will be ok…….yiou can go back first
Yesung: I can’t go back, there is too many reporters at the outside.
Meera: chongmal???they already know about my conditions????
Yesung: yes..and If I can go back too, I;m not going, I want to stay here with you….
Meera: oppa…….(speechless)
Yesung: now take ur rest and sleep, I will be here………………..
Meera: arraso oppa……………..
Everything seems like in my dream. Where I meet jongwoon oppa..and we be together forever. However its only in my dream…how about jongwoon dream??same as me??? I don’t know…but I hope that he feel the same way as me. That evening, kira and iza visit me…
Kira: unnie are you ok???
Meera: yes….kira…, iza unnie want to say sorry…..because I made you worried
Iza: unnie…its ok….don’t worry will take carre of you..ok????
Meera: kamsamida.
Kira: unnie can you tell me what happen to you actually????
Meera: I don’t know, I was running suddenly a car crush me…
Iza: you are running from junho oppa right????he with other girls right????
Meera still in silent, then slowly tears coming from her eyes…..
Kira: unnie…….uljima………..
Yesung: no..kira…let her cry….let her release her sadness and anger, but after today, she will never cry….never, coz from now on she is my girl, and I would make her happy…(yesung hold meera hand and kiss it…)
Meera: oppa……..
Kira: omo………….what is this????
Iza: oppa???do you like my unnie????
However, the door is open, the ceo of her company is here.
Kang woo: meera are you????
Meera: kang woo shi…I’m ok..thank you coz you visit me…..
Kang woo: ur welcome, I hope you will recover soon, all the staff at the company send regards to you…
Meera: chongmal….ah….i’m so happy. Hurm kang woo shi, how about the product????the advertistment????are they out yet????
Kang woo: no…it will be out after you are recover, because we already plan something at the launch day.
Meera: ah..chongmal????arraso, don’t worried, I will be ok in one month….
Kang woo: meera shi, I hope you will recover soon.
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