me smile sungjung....i promise nobody can take u away from are he mine..
Joon bring haneul to his house at barcelona, all his maid are waiting for her...and joon.after put her things in the room, haneul following joon to look over the house, haneul stunned when she saw the living room...she look at the piano...joon already worried, what if she already remember anything...
Joon: wae??
Haneul: anni...just like feels wanna play it but i don’t know...
Joon: i can play for you...
Joon ask her to sit beside him and he start to play...joon play TEARS OF POLARIS..haneul...seems to like that song so much, she is smiling and look at joon, for her, joon is so kind, he the only one that she had, joon take care of her and do everything for her...but about the wedding..i’m still not sure about it...
Haneul: old i am???
Joon: you only 17...same with me..., we are in the same school, when we are korea....
Haneul: korea???but what are we doing here???why did we want to get married so young??how can i continue my study...?
She keep asking that question...
Joon: haneul ah....before you got the accident, both of us really in love and yes we decide to get married..., yes we are from korea, but you are the one that want to migrate force me to migrate here....and yet i follow everything that u want, you said that you don’t like korea, you wanna go far from there, i just follow everything that u parent already passed away...i have all this money because they save some money for me...that’s why i can bring u here...and we can start our new life here, but suddenly you have accident...about our don’t have to worried about it..we will postponed it ok???
Joon explain everything to her...haneul only nodding....everything that he said its true.....mianhae joon oppa...
Soon ji..and henry standing there again...henry is siting infront of the piano, while soon ji is holding her violin and both of them start to play a good rythm and the new melody is just created....both of them is in the traditional music festival competition, both of them participate, while soon li is in dancing category...soon li is looking at the crowd...she was hoping that sungjung is there, watching her dancing...unnie...if you really gone...i hope u are happy and please don’t forget about me...since the things that happen to sungjung unnie, her father is no ,longer happy, he always sick and jongwoon oppa is also like that, jongwoon oppa already went to japan with sohee....jongwoon seem can’t bear living in the world of memory of his fiance...he rather create a fake relationship with sohee, just want to make him forget about sungjung, but deep inside his heart , he know that sungjung will come back to fine day....
Soon li are so happy when she win for the first place, same goes to soon ji and henry. Soon li win dance competition with eeteuk, his partner, both fo them show the best on that night. Soon ji look at the thropy....
Soon ji: this is for sungjung unnie....
Soon li: ne..this is for her...
Both of them are hugging to each other...there is a tears in their eyes...eeteuk and henry only watching...they also can feel the pain...the pain when you lost someone that u love...
Jongwoon seems to run from his own feeling, he don’t have any energy to look out for sungjung...but now , he is at japan...with sohee, eventhough he don’t like her, but he try to be fake, try to heal the pain that sungjung left for him...
Haneul entered the class, most of the student is from korea, this is the only korean school in barcelona, and lucky she entered the school, she is so happy..she have a lot of friend from the first day of schooling...
When she got back from school, she heard a sound of puppies...seh walk to the sound and found 2 puppies at the garden playing with lee joon...
Joon: ah...haneul just get back??
Haneul: this pupies is yours???
Joon: ne...wae??do you like it???
Haneul: ne..can i play with them...
Joon: sure..but after that wash ur hand arraso??
Haneul : ne oppa...
Haneul are so happy when she play with the pupies..lee joon only watch from far..sungjung ah..mianhae..i never thought that things will happen like this..i also don’t know since when i already fall in lovge with you...mianhae..chongmal
My random stuff about everything that i like...
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Jongwoon waiting for her at the make up room, but she don’t show up, so that he went to the bath room and check up for sungjung
Jongwoon: sungjung ah....are u done?? They will tell the result now...(talking from the outside)
There is no respond at all, jongwoon get into the bath room and its empty..there is no one...he panic..omo..maybe sungjung is already out. He call sungjung but there is no answer, so he went back to the make up room and meet with kyuhyun and zil.
Jongwoon: did u saw sungjung???
Zil: sungjung??aren’t she is with you just now??
Jongwoon: she went to the bathroom...and i wait her here, but its already an hour she inside there, when i look up for her, there is no one there...
Kyuhyun: are u sure???yah..did something happen to her...
Zil: yah...why did u said that??
Jongwoon: i need to tell it to his father and then we need to look for her.
Kyuhyun: arraso??i will call donghae, sungmin and wookie for help...zil kajja...
Jongwoon went and meet with sungjung father and tell him what happen, and yes he was shocked when did jongwoon said that sungjung is lost...
Mr lee: how can this happen...yah siwon, zhou mi did u get anything?
Siwon: we found this at the outside of the bathroom...(show sungjung bracellet..)
Jongwoon: this is her...bracellet...siwon shi did someone kidnap her??
Siwon: maybe...we need to find her now..sir we will search for her don’t worry...president did u have any suspect??
Mr lee: ex wife...she keep trying to get close with sungjung and the others
Siwon: ok president..we will try to find her as soon as posibble..
Jongwoon: ajjushi i will go and find her now...
Mr lee: jongwoon ah...don’t be stress out arraso??
Jongwoon: ne ajjuhsi..and i will do anything just to get sungjung back...i promise....
Soon li and soon ji is sad..their sister is gone..they don’t know who kidnap her...and her mother is not the one, her mother is at the paris that time, now its been a week that since sungjung is lost..jongwoon seem like crazy person, he didn’t go to school....nobody know where is sungjung, there is no record of her going out from the country...
Donghae: could you be more stronger huh??
Jongwoon: easy to said it donghae, its not your fiance who lost..its mine..did u understand my feeling??huh??i lost her..i lost the person i love.......(there is tears at his eyes)
Sungmin: jongwoon ah...please be strong..we will keep finding her no matter what
Jongwoon: where??its almost one week that she is there any hope??
Wookie: we will find her jongwoon trust us...
Kyuhyun: did u got any news about joon sungmin??
Sungmin: lol that person, my people said that he already went back to US after we warn him about sungjung...there is no news about him anymore...
Kyuhyun: jongwoon ah maybe her father rival who done this to her....
Jongwoon: i don’t know..i just wanna find her...
Donghae: calm down..(hold jongwoon in his arm)
At the other place
He look at the girl at the bed, her head is wrapped and she still unconcious. He remember that night after she faint, he carry her to get into the car and bring to his house, at his house, they transfer her to his private jet and fly them to barcelona. When in barcelona only he realize that the girl is bleeding so much and she need to be cure...and the doctor said this to him and make him smile...
Doctor: this patient lost her blood so much and plus her head is knocked at the hard place and probally she will lost her memory and the percentage for her to remember back is 1 % only...
He only thank the doctor and smile...and finally you are mine now...i told u already that i will get u no matter what...
After one week in the hospital, she suddenly wake up and show some weird signs..he called the doctor...the doctor check her and tell her conditions to him.
Doctor: she is ok...but she don’t remember anything i’m sorry....
The doctor left him with the girl...the girl seem so lost...LEE JOON walk to the girl and smile.
Joon: are u ok??how do you feel???
Girl: where am i??and who are u???
Joon: you at the hospital, you having accident...last week...i’m your fiance..did u forget about me???
Girl: accident???fiance????
Joon: shhhhhhhh..go and rest now...we will talk later...i love you..(kissed the girl forehead)
The girl get back to sleep.......
Mr lee have no apitite to eat anymore, he keep searching for his already two weeks now that sungjung is lost without a word..they only found the bracellet....only that, soon li and soon ji is worried about their father conditions. They afraid that thier father might get heart attack again.
One day at school, soon li is practicing her dance but she can’t focused...
Eeteuk: soon li you wanna rest for a while??
Soon li: gwenchana i can do it..kajja the competition is this Friday i need to win this and i want to show this to sungjung unnie when she got back....
Eeteuk: don’t force ur self please...
Soon li: oppa!!!!!!i’m ok...let;s dance now...
Eeteuk suddenly hug soon li...
Eeteuk: i know that u wanna cry..u can cry now..
Soon li: oppa......(already mourning and there is tears in her cheeks...) where did sungjung unnie go???
Eeteuk: just pray for her arraso??you need to be strong....
Soon li: ne....
Sungmin: what is this???soon li ah...
Soon li shocked and get off from eeteuk arms...
Soon li: oppa...anni..i was crying and eeteuk oppa try to calm me down...
Sungmin: chongmal????
Eeteuk: what are you so fuzzy about huh???
Sungmin: i’m not talking to you so shut up...
Eeteuk: yah!!!!!!
Soon li: sungmin oppa..let’s go now.., eeteuk oppa see u tomorrow...
Soon li grab sungmin hand and pulled him away from there....
Sungmin: what was that???
Soon li: like what did i said just now...
Sungmin: maybe u think that way..but that person doesn’t feel like that, i see the way he smile when he hug you...
Soon li: oppa!!!!!!cut it out...would you??i’m already stress out can’t you make me relieve??
Sungmin: i don’t like you to be next to him, after the competition i don’t wanna see you with him!!!!!!
Soon li: oppa.why did u act like this huh??/we are not boyfriend and girlfriend...
Sungmin: soon li shi...i thought u already know that i love you..but it seem that u don’t see it gwenchana..maybe i’m the only one who feels it..gwenchana, (take his hand off from soon li, but soon li hold his hand tightly...sungmin look at soon li..
Soon li: i was waiting for that words long time ago....
Sungmin: what do you mean....
Soon li: oppa!!!!!! I love you too..(hug sungmin, sungmin smile and hug soon li back...)
From far eeteuk only watching....
Lee joon is staying beside her.
Joon: do you want anything...
Girl: can i know my name??and what is your name???do i have a parent?/sister or brother???
Joon: well...actually you have no parent, i meet you at the orphanage house, your name is yoon haneul, i call u hunny...and my names is lee joon, and u call me joonie...
Haneul: hunny??joonie???what a weird how did i got accident???
Joon: you are on the way to meet me at the wedding dress shop suddenly the taxi that u ride having a accident....
Haneul: wedding dress???are we getting married??
Joon only nodding his head....
Haneul: so where did i stay???
Joon: at my house....
Haneul: your house????chongmal???
Joon: ne...
Haneul: but why did i don’t remember anything???i don’t even remember you as my fiance...
Joon: the doctor said that u have lost all ur memory and the chance for you to get back ur memory is only 1%...
Haneul: what???????????????
Joon: calm down, i will help u to remember everything we can start from begining..
Haneul: chongmal???hurm joon when will i can go back??i don’t like to stay here...
Joon: we need to listen to what did doctor said ok???after that we will go home arraso???
Haneul: ne...(smiling)
Joon heart beated so crazy when he saw haneul smiling , now i know why did jongwoon like have the power to make me faint!!!!
Jongwoon look at the phone, this is sungjung phone, he still remember the day
Jongwoon: gave me your handphone…
Sungjung; wae???
jongwoon: gave it to me….
Sungjung take her handphone and give it to jongwoon.
Jongwoon: I will used your handphone and you will used mine..arraso????
Sungjung: I’m going to killed u after I get back my bracelet!
Jongwoon only smiling when sungjung said that to him…
Jongwoon lay down at his bed, he keep thinking about his first time meet can i forget about you??tell me sungjung ah!!!!!!!comeback jebal...i’m going to die soon.........
Donghae come to see jongwoon...
Donghae: jongwoon ah..gwenchana???
Jongwoon: ne
Donghae: chongmal???don’t worry..she will come have to wait for her arraso??
Jongwoon: but until when???
Donghae: jongwoon ah.....
Jongwoon: maybe she just fool me around and all her love for me is fake and she is just playing with me!!!!!
Donghae: yah!!!!!!kim jongwoon...why did u said like this???she really love you
Jongwoon: how you know??
Donghae: she tell me...
Jongwoon: argh!!!!!!she only playing with me..she only want to revenge on me...coz i’m taking her bracellet..
Donghae; calm down...she is not like that
Jongwoon: leave me alone.....
Donghae: jongwoon ah.........
Jongwoon: get out!!!!!leave me alone Donghae have no choice but to leave him..poor jongwoon, he must have love sungjung so much.........hurm.......
After one month at hospital haneul already can go out from hospital. She is so happy...
Haneul: i’m so happy....
Joon: chongmal???
Haneul: ye...oppa...can u show our engagement day???if i can..i wanna go to the orphange house and see all of them...
Joon: ne...arraso..let’s go home now...
Haneul is smiling..joon only watching...seeying you like this make
Jongwoon: sungjung ah....are u done?? They will tell the result now...(talking from the outside)
There is no respond at all, jongwoon get into the bath room and its empty..there is no one...he panic..omo..maybe sungjung is already out. He call sungjung but there is no answer, so he went back to the make up room and meet with kyuhyun and zil.
Jongwoon: did u saw sungjung???
Zil: sungjung??aren’t she is with you just now??
Jongwoon: she went to the bathroom...and i wait her here, but its already an hour she inside there, when i look up for her, there is no one there...
Kyuhyun: are u sure???yah..did something happen to her...
Zil: yah...why did u said that??
Jongwoon: i need to tell it to his father and then we need to look for her.
Kyuhyun: arraso??i will call donghae, sungmin and wookie for help...zil kajja...
Jongwoon went and meet with sungjung father and tell him what happen, and yes he was shocked when did jongwoon said that sungjung is lost...
Mr lee: how can this happen...yah siwon, zhou mi did u get anything?
Siwon: we found this at the outside of the bathroom...(show sungjung bracellet..)
Jongwoon: this is her...bracellet...siwon shi did someone kidnap her??
Siwon: maybe...we need to find her now..sir we will search for her don’t worry...president did u have any suspect??
Mr lee: ex wife...she keep trying to get close with sungjung and the others
Siwon: ok president..we will try to find her as soon as posibble..
Jongwoon: ajjushi i will go and find her now...
Mr lee: jongwoon ah...don’t be stress out arraso??
Jongwoon: ne ajjuhsi..and i will do anything just to get sungjung back...i promise....
Soon li and soon ji is sad..their sister is gone..they don’t know who kidnap her...and her mother is not the one, her mother is at the paris that time, now its been a week that since sungjung is lost..jongwoon seem like crazy person, he didn’t go to school....nobody know where is sungjung, there is no record of her going out from the country...
Donghae: could you be more stronger huh??
Jongwoon: easy to said it donghae, its not your fiance who lost..its mine..did u understand my feeling??huh??i lost her..i lost the person i love.......(there is tears at his eyes)
Sungmin: jongwoon ah...please be strong..we will keep finding her no matter what
Jongwoon: where??its almost one week that she is there any hope??
Wookie: we will find her jongwoon trust us...
Kyuhyun: did u got any news about joon sungmin??
Sungmin: lol that person, my people said that he already went back to US after we warn him about sungjung...there is no news about him anymore...
Kyuhyun: jongwoon ah maybe her father rival who done this to her....
Jongwoon: i don’t know..i just wanna find her...
Donghae: calm down..(hold jongwoon in his arm)
At the other place
He look at the girl at the bed, her head is wrapped and she still unconcious. He remember that night after she faint, he carry her to get into the car and bring to his house, at his house, they transfer her to his private jet and fly them to barcelona. When in barcelona only he realize that the girl is bleeding so much and she need to be cure...and the doctor said this to him and make him smile...
Doctor: this patient lost her blood so much and plus her head is knocked at the hard place and probally she will lost her memory and the percentage for her to remember back is 1 % only...
He only thank the doctor and smile...and finally you are mine now...i told u already that i will get u no matter what...
After one week in the hospital, she suddenly wake up and show some weird signs..he called the doctor...the doctor check her and tell her conditions to him.
Doctor: she is ok...but she don’t remember anything i’m sorry....
The doctor left him with the girl...the girl seem so lost...LEE JOON walk to the girl and smile.
Joon: are u ok??how do you feel???
Girl: where am i??and who are u???
Joon: you at the hospital, you having accident...last week...i’m your fiance..did u forget about me???
Girl: accident???fiance????
Joon: shhhhhhhh..go and rest now...we will talk later...i love you..(kissed the girl forehead)
The girl get back to sleep.......
Mr lee have no apitite to eat anymore, he keep searching for his already two weeks now that sungjung is lost without a word..they only found the bracellet....only that, soon li and soon ji is worried about their father conditions. They afraid that thier father might get heart attack again.
One day at school, soon li is practicing her dance but she can’t focused...
Eeteuk: soon li you wanna rest for a while??
Soon li: gwenchana i can do it..kajja the competition is this Friday i need to win this and i want to show this to sungjung unnie when she got back....
Eeteuk: don’t force ur self please...
Soon li: oppa!!!!!!i’m ok...let;s dance now...
Eeteuk suddenly hug soon li...
Eeteuk: i know that u wanna cry..u can cry now..
Soon li: oppa......(already mourning and there is tears in her cheeks...) where did sungjung unnie go???
Eeteuk: just pray for her arraso??you need to be strong....
Soon li: ne....
Sungmin: what is this???soon li ah...
Soon li shocked and get off from eeteuk arms...
Soon li: oppa...anni..i was crying and eeteuk oppa try to calm me down...
Sungmin: chongmal????
Eeteuk: what are you so fuzzy about huh???
Sungmin: i’m not talking to you so shut up...
Eeteuk: yah!!!!!!
Soon li: sungmin oppa..let’s go now.., eeteuk oppa see u tomorrow...
Soon li grab sungmin hand and pulled him away from there....
Sungmin: what was that???
Soon li: like what did i said just now...
Sungmin: maybe u think that way..but that person doesn’t feel like that, i see the way he smile when he hug you...
Soon li: oppa!!!!!!cut it out...would you??i’m already stress out can’t you make me relieve??
Sungmin: i don’t like you to be next to him, after the competition i don’t wanna see you with him!!!!!!
Soon li: oppa.why did u act like this huh??/we are not boyfriend and girlfriend...
Sungmin: soon li shi...i thought u already know that i love you..but it seem that u don’t see it gwenchana..maybe i’m the only one who feels it..gwenchana, (take his hand off from soon li, but soon li hold his hand tightly...sungmin look at soon li..
Soon li: i was waiting for that words long time ago....
Sungmin: what do you mean....
Soon li: oppa!!!!!! I love you too..(hug sungmin, sungmin smile and hug soon li back...)
From far eeteuk only watching....
Lee joon is staying beside her.
Joon: do you want anything...
Girl: can i know my name??and what is your name???do i have a parent?/sister or brother???
Joon: well...actually you have no parent, i meet you at the orphanage house, your name is yoon haneul, i call u hunny...and my names is lee joon, and u call me joonie...
Haneul: hunny??joonie???what a weird how did i got accident???
Joon: you are on the way to meet me at the wedding dress shop suddenly the taxi that u ride having a accident....
Haneul: wedding dress???are we getting married??
Joon only nodding his head....
Haneul: so where did i stay???
Joon: at my house....
Haneul: your house????chongmal???
Joon: ne...
Haneul: but why did i don’t remember anything???i don’t even remember you as my fiance...
Joon: the doctor said that u have lost all ur memory and the chance for you to get back ur memory is only 1%...
Haneul: what???????????????
Joon: calm down, i will help u to remember everything we can start from begining..
Haneul: chongmal???hurm joon when will i can go back??i don’t like to stay here...
Joon: we need to listen to what did doctor said ok???after that we will go home arraso???
Haneul: ne...(smiling)
Joon heart beated so crazy when he saw haneul smiling , now i know why did jongwoon like have the power to make me faint!!!!
Jongwoon look at the phone, this is sungjung phone, he still remember the day
Jongwoon: gave me your handphone…
Sungjung; wae???
jongwoon: gave it to me….
Sungjung take her handphone and give it to jongwoon.
Jongwoon: I will used your handphone and you will used mine..arraso????
Sungjung: I’m going to killed u after I get back my bracelet!
Jongwoon only smiling when sungjung said that to him…
Jongwoon lay down at his bed, he keep thinking about his first time meet can i forget about you??tell me sungjung ah!!!!!!!comeback jebal...i’m going to die soon.........
Donghae come to see jongwoon...
Donghae: jongwoon ah..gwenchana???
Jongwoon: ne
Donghae: chongmal???don’t worry..she will come have to wait for her arraso??
Jongwoon: but until when???
Donghae: jongwoon ah.....
Jongwoon: maybe she just fool me around and all her love for me is fake and she is just playing with me!!!!!
Donghae: yah!!!!!!kim jongwoon...why did u said like this???she really love you
Jongwoon: how you know??
Donghae: she tell me...
Jongwoon: argh!!!!!!she only playing with me..she only want to revenge on me...coz i’m taking her bracellet..
Donghae; calm down...she is not like that
Jongwoon: leave me alone.....
Donghae: jongwoon ah.........
Jongwoon: get out!!!!!leave me alone Donghae have no choice but to leave him..poor jongwoon, he must have love sungjung so much.........hurm.......
After one month at hospital haneul already can go out from hospital. She is so happy...
Haneul: i’m so happy....
Joon: chongmal???
Haneul: ye...oppa...can u show our engagement day???if i can..i wanna go to the orphange house and see all of them...
Joon: ne...arraso..let’s go home now...
Haneul is smiling..joon only watching...seeying you like this make
Jongwoon: yah!!!!!! Waeyo???
Sungjung: waeyo??? Aigoooooo I have something to ask him about soon li
Sungjung then tell everything to jongwoon
Jongwoon: wow…so scary….that sungmin is going to be killed by me…
Sungjung: I just wanna talk to him………
Jongwoon: he already promise not to hurt soon li……
During English class, sungjung sit beside sungmin
Sungjung: sungmin shi….
Sungmin: oh…sungjung ah…wae??
Sungjung: did u do anything to soon li??
Sungmin: nothing..waeyo???
Then sungjung tell everything to sungmin and he is shocked when he know about…
Sungmin: where is she now???
Sungjung: she is at home, my daddy is so angry looking at her like that, she is sick…may I know what did u do to her???sungmin shi..if u really wanna play with my sister please stop it…….
Sungmin: I didn’t play with her…i…I like her…but…she don’t like me….
Sungjung: what??since when both of you starting to like each other???
Sungmin: what do you mean???
Sungjung: anni….if you wanna know you can ask soon li….yah…sungmin time if this happen again..i’m going to killed u…
Sungmin: arraso..arraso……..
Mrs shin enter the class and start the lesson……
From the outside of the school, there is someone who keep looking at her….i must get u sungjung no matter what…you must be mine and we must live out of here, I will take care of you no matter what……..
Soon ji enter the practice room, henry is already there…
Henry: what takes u so long..come here…
Soon ji: oppa..i seems to forget how to play it…..
Henry: gwenchana..i can help you…
Soon ji smile…henry heart seem to beat so fast…and then he smile too.
Soon li is resting at the house, heechul is there with her, heechul and the girls are like friend
Soon li: heechul shi..what happen to me???
Heechul: you eat 10 cakes yesterday..
Soon li: what??????????did i?????/omo…how my face at that time…did my nails and hair ruined???
Heechul: I check it..but it was fine, lucky your bodyguard siwon is quick…now my lady what happen to you??who make you sad and angry???
Soon li: I don’t know what did you said…
Heechul: my lady we already know for several years and I already know you…don’t lie to me…can u tell me??who knows maybe I can help u….
Soon li: hurm..its about sungmin…
Heechul: who is he?? You never told about him….
Soon li: well he is jongwoon oppa friend, we meet at the supermarket and we had fight because of pumpkins…then since that I always bump with him and I think I like him, his smile and his eyes can make crazy!!!!heechul shi..what should I do???i actually supposed to going out with him last Saturday but I forgot about it and instead going out with him, I ‘m going with my friend eeteuk…and then he saw me with eeteuk and then he become angry..ottokeh???
Heechul: did u explain to him??
Soon li: yes I did but…he said it is ok..but yesterday he avoiding from me and I can’t see the smile that he always gave to me…
Heechul: hurm ottokeh??maybe you have to wait for a days to make him cool down first.
Soon li: jinja???
Heechul only nodding……..
Soon li: arraso..i will give time to him..but heechul shi.i never told him that I like him……..
Heechul: if he don’t like you he won’t feel jealous lol
Soon li: you are right….heechul shi thank you I know that you would make me happy again
Heechul: but my lady please don’t eat the cake like that again..u will sick again…….
Soon li: yes…arraso
He look at plan that he make, this times I will make u mine. Sungjung ah…I think I already fall for you and I want you so bad…..
Sungjung spend her time with jongwoon, they practice together for the sings competiton while kyuhyun is with zil….
Sungjung play the piano….but the she stop…
Sungjung: oppa can we do a duet???
Jongwoon: that was a good idea…ok then uwill play and sing, while I will sing it together with you…
Sungjung: ok we have to decide back..who sing this and who sang that…..
Jongwoon: sure…sungjung ah…after the competition I have to go back to japan, I need to help my father again…
Sungjung: again??oppa can I follow u???
Jongwoon: huh???what did ur daddy would said???how about ur study..
Sungjung: hurm..i wanna follow u….(she come near to jongwoon and hug him from the back)
Jongwoon turn his back and face sungjung, he touch sungjung face and hair.
Jongwoon: my dear baby…I only go for one week ok??
Sungjung: what if joon come and disturb me???again??ottokeh??
Jongwoon: donghae and the others can protect you…
Sungjung: I don’t want donghae and the others..i only want you!(sungjung already sulking)
Jongwoon: I will try to talk to ur daddy
Sungjung: jinjayo???
Jongwoon: jinja…
Sungjung: oppa I love you!!!!!!!!(hug jongwoon again)
While at the others place
Kyuhyun: yah do you really know how to play the piano???
Zil: yah!!!!!!!!! Why did u yell at me?????i’m done I don’t wanna play it for you…….
Zil take her bag and get out from the studio..
Kyuhyun: zil..zil…..come back here…
Zil just walk away…kyuhyun only push the chair…aigoooooo maybe the way I talk to her is not polite lol…….huhuhuhu
Sungmin standing at the gates. He try to call soon li. Soon li didn’t pick it up…he have no choice but to press the ring button, and then the gates is open..the security guard come and check him..
“ you can go inside”
Sungmin go inside and the door is open. The house manager is here.
Han: who are you??who are you looking for?
Sungmin: I’m soon li friend, sungmin, can I meet her??, I heard that she is sick.
Han: come in and wait at the living room.
Sungmin: arraso…
Han unnie went to tell soon li that she have a guest..
Soon li: omo…….unnie he is here????chongmal??
Han: yes..wae??why are u so nervous???
Soon li: anni..unnie how do I look??pretty??
Han: yes u are…kajja..he already wait for u…
Soon li get out from the room and meet with sungmin at the living room..
Soon li: why did u come here???
Sungmin: soon li ah…gwenchana??i heard that u are sick??
Soon li: I’m don’t have to worried about me..
Sungmin: was my fault….
Soon li: mworago???
Sungmin: mianhae, I’m so jealous when I know that you go out with eeteuk and you forget about our date..mianhae……
Soon li: sungmin oppa…….i’m sorry too coz I’m forget about the date…what if we going out tomorrow?/after the school???
Sungmin: tomorrow???going where??
Soon li: anywhere u wanna go……
Sungmin: arraso….hurm but are you feeling well now???i’m worried about you..
Soon li: I’m ok oppa…don’t worry…
Sungmin: ok then we meet after school ok??
Soon li:…ok oppa..
Sungmin touch soon li hand…
Sungmin: get well soon…my sweetie…
Soon li shock..she cannot move when she heard that words from sungmin mouth…even sungmin is already gone, she still shock..omo…….he call me sweetie????chongmal???????omo..i;m going to be crazy…suddenly there is someone at the door with han unnie…
Soon li: who is that unnie??
Han: molla, she said that she is your mother…
Soon li: what???i have no mother…my mother already passed away……
Mr shinmi: why did all of you said that???
Soon li shock when she saw her mother…
Soon li: han unnie who ask you to let this old women to this house????chase her out now..don’t let her touch anything…..
Mrs shinmi: let me go..i just wanna see my daughter...(try to escape from the bodyguard)
Soon li just climb the stairs and stay at her room, i don’t wanna see her...again, she make our life suffer..although she is my mom but she lost the tittle since she left us 8 years ago....I hate her so much..i will tell daddy about this...
That night soon li tell her father about her mother..
Mr lee: she is over!!!!!!!!
Sungjung: daddy..what are we going to do??i’m scared of she come and take us away from you daddy...i don’t want that..
Mr lee: don’t worry...i will do more protection after this..actually i never...ask you guys to hate her..she is your mother right??
Soon li: she lost the tittle when she left us...and you...she don’t deserve us...
Soon ji: yes...i don’t wanna see her
Sungjung: she only give us suffer daddy...i just don’t wanna to meet her again
Mr lee: you guys come here.(mr lee hug three of them...) i promise i will protect u guys from her. She won’t get you all.
The next morning, sungjung and jongwoon show their skills to mr taeyang and mr taeyang love its so much
Mr taeyang: that was great...i think u guys are ready for the competition...
Sungjung: yes we are sir...
Mr taeyang: keep practicing ok??
Jongwoon: ne...
Mr taeyang left both of them and went to kyuhyun and zil... lol both fo them keep quarell...
Mr taeyang: cut it out...what is the matter with both of you???aren’t u supposed to work together huh???
Zil: i try my best sir..but this guys demand so much...i hate it...i don’t think that i can bare with it...
Kyuhyun: mianhae..maybe i was so eager to be the winner..sir..zil i’m sorry...
Mr taeyang: kyuhyun being a winner is not the important things, the important thing is...the melody and the song that u create..does it touch ur listener hearts????and does it really worth it...
Kyuhyun: yes sir...i realize now..i’m so sorry
Mr taeyang: work it out again...zil..try to be patient with him arraso??
Zil: ne...
Mr taeyang walk away...
Kyuhyun: mianhae...(hold zil hand)
Zil: ne arraso....let’s try it again..kyuhyun ah can u be more like jongwoon huh??try to be gentle more??
Kyuhyun: i will try...
Soon li waiting at the school gate...where is he??huh...suddenly there is someone closed her eyes..she smile....
Soon li: sungmin oppa..u are here??let’s go now...
Eeteuk: sungmin oppa????are u waiting for him??
Soon li: omo..eeteuk oppa..mianhae..i thought it was sungmin....
Sungmin: soon li...are u ready??
Soon li: ne...oppa...hurm eeteuk oppa i have to go now..bye bye...
Soon li running to sungmin and sungmin hold her hand while looking at eeteuk with smirk...
Soon li: where are we going???
Sungmin: where do you wanna go??hurm actually today i got invitation to watch piano competition by my father u wanna go with me??
Soon li: piano???i would love tooooo oppa...
Sungmin: kajja..let’s go....
Eeteuk only watch them...this is not over yet...she is not your yet....don’t be so sure about it!!!!!
Sungjung and jongwoon, kyuhyun and zil are ready to perform their own song and try to be a winner for the competition. The winner can get thropy...and money for their school.
Sungjung and jongwoon stand at the stage and start their performance. President lee, soon li , soon ji and the other was there watching the performance.... and after the performance, sungjung went to bath room...suddenly when she get back from bath room...there was someone who pulled her
Sungjung: let me go..let me go...
Joon: stand still if not i killed you!!!!!!!!
Sungjung: let me go!!!!!!!(sungjung keep turn to the right and to the left....suddenly joon lose his balance and sungjung fall.......and she fall and her head knocked the huge rock at the ground and he faint straight away...lee joon carry her away and bring her to his car and he drove away from the one knows where did sungjung goes......
Sungjung: waeyo??? Aigoooooo I have something to ask him about soon li
Sungjung then tell everything to jongwoon
Jongwoon: wow…so scary….that sungmin is going to be killed by me…
Sungjung: I just wanna talk to him………
Jongwoon: he already promise not to hurt soon li……
During English class, sungjung sit beside sungmin
Sungjung: sungmin shi….
Sungmin: oh…sungjung ah…wae??
Sungjung: did u do anything to soon li??
Sungmin: nothing..waeyo???
Then sungjung tell everything to sungmin and he is shocked when he know about…
Sungmin: where is she now???
Sungjung: she is at home, my daddy is so angry looking at her like that, she is sick…may I know what did u do to her???sungmin shi..if u really wanna play with my sister please stop it…….
Sungmin: I didn’t play with her…i…I like her…but…she don’t like me….
Sungjung: what??since when both of you starting to like each other???
Sungmin: what do you mean???
Sungjung: anni….if you wanna know you can ask soon li….yah…sungmin time if this happen again..i’m going to killed u…
Sungmin: arraso..arraso……..
Mrs shin enter the class and start the lesson……
From the outside of the school, there is someone who keep looking at her….i must get u sungjung no matter what…you must be mine and we must live out of here, I will take care of you no matter what……..
Soon ji enter the practice room, henry is already there…
Henry: what takes u so long..come here…
Soon ji: oppa..i seems to forget how to play it…..
Henry: gwenchana..i can help you…
Soon ji smile…henry heart seem to beat so fast…and then he smile too.
Soon li is resting at the house, heechul is there with her, heechul and the girls are like friend
Soon li: heechul shi..what happen to me???
Heechul: you eat 10 cakes yesterday..
Soon li: what??????????did i?????/omo…how my face at that time…did my nails and hair ruined???
Heechul: I check it..but it was fine, lucky your bodyguard siwon is quick…now my lady what happen to you??who make you sad and angry???
Soon li: I don’t know what did you said…
Heechul: my lady we already know for several years and I already know you…don’t lie to me…can u tell me??who knows maybe I can help u….
Soon li: hurm..its about sungmin…
Heechul: who is he?? You never told about him….
Soon li: well he is jongwoon oppa friend, we meet at the supermarket and we had fight because of pumpkins…then since that I always bump with him and I think I like him, his smile and his eyes can make crazy!!!!heechul shi..what should I do???i actually supposed to going out with him last Saturday but I forgot about it and instead going out with him, I ‘m going with my friend eeteuk…and then he saw me with eeteuk and then he become angry..ottokeh???
Heechul: did u explain to him??
Soon li: yes I did but…he said it is ok..but yesterday he avoiding from me and I can’t see the smile that he always gave to me…
Heechul: hurm ottokeh??maybe you have to wait for a days to make him cool down first.
Soon li: jinja???
Heechul only nodding……..
Soon li: arraso..i will give time to him..but heechul shi.i never told him that I like him……..
Heechul: if he don’t like you he won’t feel jealous lol
Soon li: you are right….heechul shi thank you I know that you would make me happy again
Heechul: but my lady please don’t eat the cake like that again..u will sick again…….
Soon li: yes…arraso
He look at plan that he make, this times I will make u mine. Sungjung ah…I think I already fall for you and I want you so bad…..
Sungjung spend her time with jongwoon, they practice together for the sings competiton while kyuhyun is with zil….
Sungjung play the piano….but the she stop…
Sungjung: oppa can we do a duet???
Jongwoon: that was a good idea…ok then uwill play and sing, while I will sing it together with you…
Sungjung: ok we have to decide back..who sing this and who sang that…..
Jongwoon: sure…sungjung ah…after the competition I have to go back to japan, I need to help my father again…
Sungjung: again??oppa can I follow u???
Jongwoon: huh???what did ur daddy would said???how about ur study..
Sungjung: hurm..i wanna follow u….(she come near to jongwoon and hug him from the back)
Jongwoon turn his back and face sungjung, he touch sungjung face and hair.
Jongwoon: my dear baby…I only go for one week ok??
Sungjung: what if joon come and disturb me???again??ottokeh??
Jongwoon: donghae and the others can protect you…
Sungjung: I don’t want donghae and the others..i only want you!(sungjung already sulking)
Jongwoon: I will try to talk to ur daddy
Sungjung: jinjayo???
Jongwoon: jinja…
Sungjung: oppa I love you!!!!!!!!(hug jongwoon again)
While at the others place
Kyuhyun: yah do you really know how to play the piano???
Zil: yah!!!!!!!!! Why did u yell at me?????i’m done I don’t wanna play it for you…….
Zil take her bag and get out from the studio..
Kyuhyun: zil..zil…..come back here…
Zil just walk away…kyuhyun only push the chair…aigoooooo maybe the way I talk to her is not polite lol…….huhuhuhu
Sungmin standing at the gates. He try to call soon li. Soon li didn’t pick it up…he have no choice but to press the ring button, and then the gates is open..the security guard come and check him..
“ you can go inside”
Sungmin go inside and the door is open. The house manager is here.
Han: who are you??who are you looking for?
Sungmin: I’m soon li friend, sungmin, can I meet her??, I heard that she is sick.
Han: come in and wait at the living room.
Sungmin: arraso…
Han unnie went to tell soon li that she have a guest..
Soon li: omo…….unnie he is here????chongmal??
Han: yes..wae??why are u so nervous???
Soon li: anni..unnie how do I look??pretty??
Han: yes u are…kajja..he already wait for u…
Soon li get out from the room and meet with sungmin at the living room..
Soon li: why did u come here???
Sungmin: soon li ah…gwenchana??i heard that u are sick??
Soon li: I’m don’t have to worried about me..
Sungmin: was my fault….
Soon li: mworago???
Sungmin: mianhae, I’m so jealous when I know that you go out with eeteuk and you forget about our date..mianhae……
Soon li: sungmin oppa…….i’m sorry too coz I’m forget about the date…what if we going out tomorrow?/after the school???
Sungmin: tomorrow???going where??
Soon li: anywhere u wanna go……
Sungmin: arraso….hurm but are you feeling well now???i’m worried about you..
Soon li: I’m ok oppa…don’t worry…
Sungmin: ok then we meet after school ok??
Soon li:…ok oppa..
Sungmin touch soon li hand…
Sungmin: get well soon…my sweetie…
Soon li shock..she cannot move when she heard that words from sungmin mouth…even sungmin is already gone, she still shock..omo…….he call me sweetie????chongmal???????omo..i;m going to be crazy…suddenly there is someone at the door with han unnie…
Soon li: who is that unnie??
Han: molla, she said that she is your mother…
Soon li: what???i have no mother…my mother already passed away……
Mr shinmi: why did all of you said that???
Soon li shock when she saw her mother…
Soon li: han unnie who ask you to let this old women to this house????chase her out now..don’t let her touch anything…..
Mrs shinmi: let me go..i just wanna see my daughter...(try to escape from the bodyguard)
Soon li just climb the stairs and stay at her room, i don’t wanna see her...again, she make our life suffer..although she is my mom but she lost the tittle since she left us 8 years ago....I hate her so much..i will tell daddy about this...
That night soon li tell her father about her mother..
Mr lee: she is over!!!!!!!!
Sungjung: daddy..what are we going to do??i’m scared of she come and take us away from you daddy...i don’t want that..
Mr lee: don’t worry...i will do more protection after this..actually i never...ask you guys to hate her..she is your mother right??
Soon li: she lost the tittle when she left us...and you...she don’t deserve us...
Soon ji: yes...i don’t wanna see her
Sungjung: she only give us suffer daddy...i just don’t wanna to meet her again
Mr lee: you guys come here.(mr lee hug three of them...) i promise i will protect u guys from her. She won’t get you all.
The next morning, sungjung and jongwoon show their skills to mr taeyang and mr taeyang love its so much
Mr taeyang: that was great...i think u guys are ready for the competition...
Sungjung: yes we are sir...
Mr taeyang: keep practicing ok??
Jongwoon: ne...
Mr taeyang left both of them and went to kyuhyun and zil... lol both fo them keep quarell...
Mr taeyang: cut it out...what is the matter with both of you???aren’t u supposed to work together huh???
Zil: i try my best sir..but this guys demand so much...i hate it...i don’t think that i can bare with it...
Kyuhyun: mianhae..maybe i was so eager to be the winner..sir..zil i’m sorry...
Mr taeyang: kyuhyun being a winner is not the important things, the important thing is...the melody and the song that u create..does it touch ur listener hearts????and does it really worth it...
Kyuhyun: yes sir...i realize now..i’m so sorry
Mr taeyang: work it out again...zil..try to be patient with him arraso??
Zil: ne...
Mr taeyang walk away...
Kyuhyun: mianhae...(hold zil hand)
Zil: ne arraso....let’s try it again..kyuhyun ah can u be more like jongwoon huh??try to be gentle more??
Kyuhyun: i will try...
Soon li waiting at the school gate...where is he??huh...suddenly there is someone closed her eyes..she smile....
Soon li: sungmin oppa..u are here??let’s go now...
Eeteuk: sungmin oppa????are u waiting for him??
Soon li: omo..eeteuk oppa..mianhae..i thought it was sungmin....
Sungmin: soon li...are u ready??
Soon li: ne...oppa...hurm eeteuk oppa i have to go now..bye bye...
Soon li running to sungmin and sungmin hold her hand while looking at eeteuk with smirk...
Soon li: where are we going???
Sungmin: where do you wanna go??hurm actually today i got invitation to watch piano competition by my father u wanna go with me??
Soon li: piano???i would love tooooo oppa...
Sungmin: kajja..let’s go....
Eeteuk only watch them...this is not over yet...she is not your yet....don’t be so sure about it!!!!!
Sungjung and jongwoon, kyuhyun and zil are ready to perform their own song and try to be a winner for the competition. The winner can get thropy...and money for their school.
Sungjung and jongwoon stand at the stage and start their performance. President lee, soon li , soon ji and the other was there watching the performance.... and after the performance, sungjung went to bath room...suddenly when she get back from bath room...there was someone who pulled her
Sungjung: let me go..let me go...
Joon: stand still if not i killed you!!!!!!!!
Sungjung: let me go!!!!!!!(sungjung keep turn to the right and to the left....suddenly joon lose his balance and sungjung fall.......and she fall and her head knocked the huge rock at the ground and he faint straight away...lee joon carry her away and bring her to his car and he drove away from the one knows where did sungjung goes......
Donghae: what??????????????????and you didn’t tell us??????/
Sungjung: jongwoon is at japan at that time…..i don’t want to disturb him…….
Donghae: what about us????????
Sungjung: i..i don’t want you guys to have trouble…..
Donghae: you better talk to jongwoon……
Sungjung: no!!!!!!!!
Donghae: still angry with him??that picture was edited lor… should listen to him!!!!!
Sungjung: how you know???
Donghae: I know my friend and sohee is not at japan last week, she is at Thailand…….
Sungjung: chongmal???????omg!!!!!!!!
Donghae: sungjung shi.,..once that jongwoon said that he love you……he will stick to it until you turn your back from him……
Sungjung crying after she heard what did donghae said…….
Jongwoon still waiting sungjung at her house, when he saw donghae car, he get our from the house, mr lee, zhou mi, siwon and her sister is there toooo. Sungjung get out from the car…..and when she saw jongwoon she cry and she hug her fiancé……….
Sungjung: oppa….i’m scared……….
Jongwoon: gwenchana????(rub sungjung face and hug her…
Mr lee: donghae ah..who did this???
Donghae: it was jongwoon ex girlfriend….
Mr lee: siwon did u heard that??go and find her now…jongwoon I need to talk to you……soon li, soon ji go and take ur sister to her room
Jongwoon: ne…ajjushi…….
Sungjung: daddy…I don’t want to see that girl anymore…
Mr lee: ne…go and rest now……
Mr lee and jongwoon went into the meeting room and leaving donghae at the leaving room.
Mr lee: decide now jongwoon, sohee or sungjung?
Jongwoon: what do you mean ajjushi???
Mr lee: sungjung is my daughter and I don’t want this to happen again, I let u and her engaged because I trust you, so please prove it to me
Jongwoon: ajjuhsi…..i love her……..and I’m not going to let her go…and sohee is my past…I don’t care about her anymore…..what I care more is sungjung.
Mr lee: prove it!!!!! I don’t want to see sohee again…you also heard what did sungjung said just now…I will talk to her and her family….
Jongwoon: ajjuhsi don’t worry I agree with what did u wanna do…can I meet sungjung now???
Mr lee: not now, she is not ok..come back tomorrow…
Jongwoon : ne…..ajjuhsi mianhae………..
Mr lee: gwenchana
Sungjung didn’t go to school tomorrow. Sungmin, kyuhyun, wookie are so shock when they heard the news from jongwoon,
Sungmin: did soon li is ok??
Jongwoon: soon li??why did u ask about her? Sungjung is the one who being kidnap lol….
Sungmin: just asking….
Wookie: so what happen???
Donghae: sungjung shi…fight with sohee..and I manage to stop them
Kyuhyun: was there??
Donghae: yup, I saw sohee and her people take sungjung inside the car and then I follow them..
Sungmin: lucky there was nothing happen to her
Wookie: what happen to sohee?
Jongwoon: I don’t know, and I don’t wanna know…what is Important right now is sungjung.
Donghae: that’s right.
Jongwoon: kyuhyun ah…what did joon do lately???
Kyuhyun: nothing much…my people said that he just went to school as usual.nothing suspicious…
Jongwoon: keep on eye on him again ok???i don’t want him to come near to sungjung or us…, I know he will do anything just to get sungjung
Donghae: don’t worry, he won’t hurt sungjung, we were here with you…
Suddenly kyuhyun phone is ringing. He knock his own head and answer it..
Kyuhyun: mianhae I will be there now..chongmal mianhae….(and turn of the phone)
Sungmin: wae???
Kyuhyun: I got to go now…jongwoon ah send my regards to sungjung and soon ji arraso??bye bye…
Kyuhyun just running away from that place…
Wookie: buya???where did he go??
Donghae: meeting zil..
Jongwoon, wookie, sungmin: mworago?????????
Donghae: aish..i have to go now...
Sungmin: yah…donghae..ah….(donghae already left)
Kyuhyun keep running and suddenly he lose his balance and fall down, his feet and and his arm is bleeding, he still wake up and walk to the studio, zil is already waiting for him, he must be hurry…he open the studio room, zil at the piano shocked when she saw kyuhyun condition……
Zil: yah…gwenchana???
Kyuhyun: yup..i’m ok….
Zil: let me see at your wounds???why don’t you tell me that u are in pain???huh??waeyo???
Kyuhyun: I know that u was waiting for me, I don’t want to make u waiting for me…
Zil: pabo……why did u hurt ur self just to make me feel glad??
Kyuhyun: coz…coz..i think I already fall for you…
Zil: mworago????yah..kyuhyun ah..did u lost ur mind when you fall just now??
Kyuhyun: no I’m not……..i really like you..and I know you like me tooooo
Zil: I’m…I’m…
Kyuhyun: can hide ur feeling I’m ok with it……
Zil: me see your wounds..
Kyuhyun: I’m ok…
Zil: don’t be sturborn….if you wanna be my boyfriend u need to listen to me..(pulled kyuhyun hand)
Kyuhyun: what??(he lost his balance again and he fall on zil and their lips are locked together, zil and kyuhyun was so shocked…zil push him away…
Kyuhyun: aww………pain……..
Zil: mianhae…I was so shocked..
Kyuhyun: gwenchana, I’m sorry I fall at you…
Zil: oppa…let me wash ur wounds now…kajja….(hold kyuhyun hand, kyuhyun only watch it and smile^^
Jongwoon went to sungjung house, sungjung is at the piano room, when he come.
Sungjung: oppa..there is something I need to tell you…
Jongwoon: what was that??/
Sungjung: actually…the day you went to japan, joon come to see me..and he..he..touch…
Jongwoon: he touch you??????where???????
Sungjung: oppa calm down..would you??
Jongwoon: how can I calm down??he touch you…where?????
Sungjung: don’t be angry, but he touch my butt
jongwoon: what??????????/your butt???????he going to die today….i never do that to you and he touch u???jerk…….
Sungjung: oppa……..please don’t be angry I need you now……(hug jongwoon just to make him calm down..) I need you and I missed you oppa….i really missed u and I’m sorry about sohee, I should listen to you….
Jongwoon hold sungjung and kiss her forehead
Jongwoon: gwenchana, but trust me..i love you so much….there is no other like you….
Sungjung: I know oppa, I love you too….
Jongwoon: I’m worried about joon, I worried when I need to go to japan again he will disturb you…
Sungjung: don’t worry, zhou mi gege will save me.
Jongwoon: are u sure??
Sungjung: yup…oppa.let’s hear this song, I just composed this song, and I want you to sing this song…
Jongwoon: me??????????
Sungjung: yup….i have competition and I need singer for my song, and I want you to sing it for me…
Jongwoon: but I don’t know how to sing…
Sungjung: I don’t care,,you must help me……..
Jongwoon: but….(sungjung already pulled him away..)
Soon li waiting for him at the café….siwon is with her……in the few minute he come and meet her….soon li is smiling..but he is not smiling..wae?????????
Soon li: oppa…
Sungmin: why did you want to meet here??
Soon li: waeyo??i can’t meet you anymore??
Sungmin: what if eeteuk saw us together??he will get angry right??
Soon li: he is not my why should he be angry
Sungmin: hurm..what do you want?? I’m busy…
Soon li: annya, I just wanna ask you out for dinner.
Sungmin: I’m busy..maybe some other times…well need to go now..see you later…
Soon li: but……..
Sungmin already walk away…….maybe soon li is not suited for me…but why did my heart hurt so much..looking at her sad face make me feel sad and angry…am I doing the right things????sungmin just walk away…but my heart seem so hurt can she forgot about the dates and yet she going out with that stupid guy eeteuk..argh…….
Soon li just get into the car…with a sad face
Siwon: are u ok???miss??
soon li:..yes……..
Siwon drives the car..but suddenly soon li scream ask him to stop………
Siwon: wae?? Anything happen miss???
Soon li: go to the cake shop now………..
Siwon headed that car to the shop……..and both of them get out from the car and went inside, soon li order 10 type of cake, and 5 flavour of ice cream..siwon open his eyes widely…omo…did she is ok??????????/soon li start to eat all the cakes……
Siwon: soon li shi…stop it…let’s go home….now…
Soon li: don’t stop me!!!!!!
Siwon: missed stop it…do you want me to call yoru father???
Soon li: I don’t care, you can call him,
Siwon have no choice but to call the president…soon li is acting crazy now…she will get sick…..
Not in the few minutes…mr lee arrive at the place and he look so shock…
Mr lee: siwon get carry her away…now……….
Siwon just carry soon li…
Soon li: yah…..get me down..get me down!!!!!now…
Siwon put soon li in the car and locked the door……sungjung and soon ji is shocked when they saw soon li situation…it was bad……..her clothes full of chocholate….
Mr lee: what was wrong with you????what did the reporters was there and snap ur picture???huh?????
Soon li: I don’t care…I just wanna eat cakes why did u take me away???
Mr lee: eating cakes???i think u eat the elephant!!!!!, what is wrong with you???
Soon li: molla….i will be at my room..(get up and suddenly she vomits out everything that she eats…….the floor is full of cakes……….)
Sungjung: yah…..soon li gwenchana???
Soon li just faint at the living room……
Soon ji: unnie!!!!!! soon li unnie
Mr lee: siwon bring her to her room and call the doctor, han ..ask the others maid to clean up this messed….
Han unnie: ne
They all know that if soon li is sad or angry she will eat more than I cakes and she will sick after that, that’s the only way to endures her pain. Sungjung stay with soon li……soon li did said something in her sleeps and sungjung suddenly become angry….what did he do to soon li???
The next morning soon li staying at home and resting while sungjung teally can’t wait to go to school. She want to meet with him and ask him.
Sungjung enter vocal class. Mr junsu is already there…
Mr junsu: here you go…….i waited for you so long already..did u composed any song…
Sungjung: yes I did….and jongwoon will sing my song.
Mr junsu: great then^^ but did jongwoon ever sing before??
Sungjung: no…
Mr junsu: jongwoon ah…did u really can do it??
Jongwoon : yes…I can do it
Mr junsu: ok….i wanna hear it on Friday..please be prepare..arraso??
Sungjung: ne…….
Jongwoon swallow his saliva…I’m going to die..huhuhuhu
Sungjung: oppa did u saw sungmin today??
Jongwoon: no..he is not in the same class with me.
Sungjung: chongmal???i need to see him…
Sungjung: jongwoon is at japan at that time…..i don’t want to disturb him…….
Donghae: what about us????????
Sungjung: i..i don’t want you guys to have trouble…..
Donghae: you better talk to jongwoon……
Sungjung: no!!!!!!!!
Donghae: still angry with him??that picture was edited lor… should listen to him!!!!!
Sungjung: how you know???
Donghae: I know my friend and sohee is not at japan last week, she is at Thailand…….
Sungjung: chongmal???????omg!!!!!!!!
Donghae: sungjung shi.,..once that jongwoon said that he love you……he will stick to it until you turn your back from him……
Sungjung crying after she heard what did donghae said…….
Jongwoon still waiting sungjung at her house, when he saw donghae car, he get our from the house, mr lee, zhou mi, siwon and her sister is there toooo. Sungjung get out from the car…..and when she saw jongwoon she cry and she hug her fiancé……….
Sungjung: oppa….i’m scared……….
Jongwoon: gwenchana????(rub sungjung face and hug her…
Mr lee: donghae ah..who did this???
Donghae: it was jongwoon ex girlfriend….
Mr lee: siwon did u heard that??go and find her now…jongwoon I need to talk to you……soon li, soon ji go and take ur sister to her room
Jongwoon: ne…ajjushi…….
Sungjung: daddy…I don’t want to see that girl anymore…
Mr lee: ne…go and rest now……
Mr lee and jongwoon went into the meeting room and leaving donghae at the leaving room.
Mr lee: decide now jongwoon, sohee or sungjung?
Jongwoon: what do you mean ajjushi???
Mr lee: sungjung is my daughter and I don’t want this to happen again, I let u and her engaged because I trust you, so please prove it to me
Jongwoon: ajjuhsi…..i love her……..and I’m not going to let her go…and sohee is my past…I don’t care about her anymore…..what I care more is sungjung.
Mr lee: prove it!!!!! I don’t want to see sohee again…you also heard what did sungjung said just now…I will talk to her and her family….
Jongwoon: ajjuhsi don’t worry I agree with what did u wanna do…can I meet sungjung now???
Mr lee: not now, she is not ok..come back tomorrow…
Jongwoon : ne…..ajjuhsi mianhae………..
Mr lee: gwenchana
Sungjung didn’t go to school tomorrow. Sungmin, kyuhyun, wookie are so shock when they heard the news from jongwoon,
Sungmin: did soon li is ok??
Jongwoon: soon li??why did u ask about her? Sungjung is the one who being kidnap lol….
Sungmin: just asking….
Wookie: so what happen???
Donghae: sungjung shi…fight with sohee..and I manage to stop them
Kyuhyun: was there??
Donghae: yup, I saw sohee and her people take sungjung inside the car and then I follow them..
Sungmin: lucky there was nothing happen to her
Wookie: what happen to sohee?
Jongwoon: I don’t know, and I don’t wanna know…what is Important right now is sungjung.
Donghae: that’s right.
Jongwoon: kyuhyun ah…what did joon do lately???
Kyuhyun: nothing much…my people said that he just went to school as usual.nothing suspicious…
Jongwoon: keep on eye on him again ok???i don’t want him to come near to sungjung or us…, I know he will do anything just to get sungjung
Donghae: don’t worry, he won’t hurt sungjung, we were here with you…
Suddenly kyuhyun phone is ringing. He knock his own head and answer it..
Kyuhyun: mianhae I will be there now..chongmal mianhae….(and turn of the phone)
Sungmin: wae???
Kyuhyun: I got to go now…jongwoon ah send my regards to sungjung and soon ji arraso??bye bye…
Kyuhyun just running away from that place…
Wookie: buya???where did he go??
Donghae: meeting zil..
Jongwoon, wookie, sungmin: mworago?????????
Donghae: aish..i have to go now...
Sungmin: yah…donghae..ah….(donghae already left)
Kyuhyun keep running and suddenly he lose his balance and fall down, his feet and and his arm is bleeding, he still wake up and walk to the studio, zil is already waiting for him, he must be hurry…he open the studio room, zil at the piano shocked when she saw kyuhyun condition……
Zil: yah…gwenchana???
Kyuhyun: yup..i’m ok….
Zil: let me see at your wounds???why don’t you tell me that u are in pain???huh??waeyo???
Kyuhyun: I know that u was waiting for me, I don’t want to make u waiting for me…
Zil: pabo……why did u hurt ur self just to make me feel glad??
Kyuhyun: coz…coz..i think I already fall for you…
Zil: mworago????yah..kyuhyun ah..did u lost ur mind when you fall just now??
Kyuhyun: no I’m not……..i really like you..and I know you like me tooooo
Zil: I’m…I’m…
Kyuhyun: can hide ur feeling I’m ok with it……
Zil: me see your wounds..
Kyuhyun: I’m ok…
Zil: don’t be sturborn….if you wanna be my boyfriend u need to listen to me..(pulled kyuhyun hand)
Kyuhyun: what??(he lost his balance again and he fall on zil and their lips are locked together, zil and kyuhyun was so shocked…zil push him away…
Kyuhyun: aww………pain……..
Zil: mianhae…I was so shocked..
Kyuhyun: gwenchana, I’m sorry I fall at you…
Zil: oppa…let me wash ur wounds now…kajja….(hold kyuhyun hand, kyuhyun only watch it and smile^^
Jongwoon went to sungjung house, sungjung is at the piano room, when he come.
Sungjung: oppa..there is something I need to tell you…
Jongwoon: what was that??/
Sungjung: actually…the day you went to japan, joon come to see me..and he..he..touch…
Jongwoon: he touch you??????where???????
Sungjung: oppa calm down..would you??
Jongwoon: how can I calm down??he touch you…where?????
Sungjung: don’t be angry, but he touch my butt
jongwoon: what??????????/your butt???????he going to die today….i never do that to you and he touch u???jerk…….
Sungjung: oppa……..please don’t be angry I need you now……(hug jongwoon just to make him calm down..) I need you and I missed you oppa….i really missed u and I’m sorry about sohee, I should listen to you….
Jongwoon hold sungjung and kiss her forehead
Jongwoon: gwenchana, but trust me..i love you so much….there is no other like you….
Sungjung: I know oppa, I love you too….
Jongwoon: I’m worried about joon, I worried when I need to go to japan again he will disturb you…
Sungjung: don’t worry, zhou mi gege will save me.
Jongwoon: are u sure??
Sungjung: yup…oppa.let’s hear this song, I just composed this song, and I want you to sing this song…
Jongwoon: me??????????
Sungjung: yup….i have competition and I need singer for my song, and I want you to sing it for me…
Jongwoon: but I don’t know how to sing…
Sungjung: I don’t care,,you must help me……..
Jongwoon: but….(sungjung already pulled him away..)
Soon li waiting for him at the café….siwon is with her……in the few minute he come and meet her….soon li is smiling..but he is not smiling..wae?????????
Soon li: oppa…
Sungmin: why did you want to meet here??
Soon li: waeyo??i can’t meet you anymore??
Sungmin: what if eeteuk saw us together??he will get angry right??
Soon li: he is not my why should he be angry
Sungmin: hurm..what do you want?? I’m busy…
Soon li: annya, I just wanna ask you out for dinner.
Sungmin: I’m busy..maybe some other times…well need to go now..see you later…
Soon li: but……..
Sungmin already walk away…….maybe soon li is not suited for me…but why did my heart hurt so much..looking at her sad face make me feel sad and angry…am I doing the right things????sungmin just walk away…but my heart seem so hurt can she forgot about the dates and yet she going out with that stupid guy eeteuk..argh…….
Soon li just get into the car…with a sad face
Siwon: are u ok???miss??
soon li:..yes……..
Siwon drives the car..but suddenly soon li scream ask him to stop………
Siwon: wae?? Anything happen miss???
Soon li: go to the cake shop now………..
Siwon headed that car to the shop……..and both of them get out from the car and went inside, soon li order 10 type of cake, and 5 flavour of ice cream..siwon open his eyes widely…omo…did she is ok??????????/soon li start to eat all the cakes……
Siwon: soon li shi…stop it…let’s go home….now…
Soon li: don’t stop me!!!!!!
Siwon: missed stop it…do you want me to call yoru father???
Soon li: I don’t care, you can call him,
Siwon have no choice but to call the president…soon li is acting crazy now…she will get sick…..
Not in the few minutes…mr lee arrive at the place and he look so shock…
Mr lee: siwon get carry her away…now……….
Siwon just carry soon li…
Soon li: yah…..get me down..get me down!!!!!now…
Siwon put soon li in the car and locked the door……sungjung and soon ji is shocked when they saw soon li situation…it was bad……..her clothes full of chocholate….
Mr lee: what was wrong with you????what did the reporters was there and snap ur picture???huh?????
Soon li: I don’t care…I just wanna eat cakes why did u take me away???
Mr lee: eating cakes???i think u eat the elephant!!!!!, what is wrong with you???
Soon li: molla….i will be at my room..(get up and suddenly she vomits out everything that she eats…….the floor is full of cakes……….)
Sungjung: yah…..soon li gwenchana???
Soon li just faint at the living room……
Soon ji: unnie!!!!!! soon li unnie
Mr lee: siwon bring her to her room and call the doctor, han ..ask the others maid to clean up this messed….
Han unnie: ne
They all know that if soon li is sad or angry she will eat more than I cakes and she will sick after that, that’s the only way to endures her pain. Sungjung stay with soon li……soon li did said something in her sleeps and sungjung suddenly become angry….what did he do to soon li???
The next morning soon li staying at home and resting while sungjung teally can’t wait to go to school. She want to meet with him and ask him.
Sungjung enter vocal class. Mr junsu is already there…
Mr junsu: here you go…….i waited for you so long already..did u composed any song…
Sungjung: yes I did….and jongwoon will sing my song.
Mr junsu: great then^^ but did jongwoon ever sing before??
Sungjung: no…
Mr junsu: jongwoon ah…did u really can do it??
Jongwoon : yes…I can do it
Mr junsu: ok….i wanna hear it on Friday..please be prepare..arraso??
Sungjung: ne…….
Jongwoon swallow his saliva…I’m going to die..huhuhuhu
Sungjung: oppa did u saw sungmin today??
Jongwoon: no..he is not in the same class with me.
Sungjung: chongmal???i need to see him…
Soon li: I don’t like it…..
Eeteuk: ok..ok..please don’t be mad ok???hye let’s go out this week…
Soon li: huh???u ask me..
Eeteuk: yeah…who else..
Soon li: going where??
Eeteuk: you will know when u come wit me..
Soon li: arraso…see u tomorrow…
On that Saturday morning…sungmin feel so happy because soon li already agree to go out with him…..he check his cupboard. Looking for the best outfit to wear..hurm..but where should I bring her??hurm…..ottokeh???sungmin look at his watch, still early…let me call her….there is no answer….aigooo where did u go??hurm nevermind let me set my hair at the salon first….
Soon li get into the car.
Siwon: where are we going??
Soon li: hurm go to eeteuk oppa house, then u can follow me from the back arraso??
Siwon: ne..miss…
Soon li look at her watch did eeteuk oppa already waiting for me??hurm…..
Soon li totally forgot about her date with sungmin that day…she went out with eeteuk, plus she left her phone at her room……….
Sungmin waiting for her at the restaurant..he keep waiting and waiting. He look at the flower and chocolate that he bought for soon li…with priceless…he look at his watch…..its already 11pm…he keep calling soon li..but there is no answer..hurm…….he take the flower and chocolate with him….
Soon li get out from eeteuk car and she waving at eeteuk before she go inside her house. And there he is waiting for her with the flower and chocolate at his hand. Soon li shock when she saw him…and suddenly she knock her head
Soon li: omo!!!!!!!!sungmin oppa!!!mianhaeyo…..i..i..forgot.about our date…..
Sungmin: who is that???(his voice is slow)
Soon li: he is eeteuk oppa…
Sungmin : the boy from the dance class???
Soon li: yes..oppa mianhae…
Sungmin: gwenchana…this is for you..good night…..
Sungmin passed everything to soon li and just walk away…soon li…just watch him…..she feel guilty…sungmin must have really sad and angry..oppa mianhaeyo…….
Sunday they are doing nothing, just spend time at house. Henry just got back from Canada..and he only got second place for the dance competition. Soon ji feel so happy when she saw henry…
Henry: what can we do???
Sungjung: watch movie^^…death bell 2…let’s go
Soon ji: ghost story???are u sure unnie??
Sungjung: waeyo???
Soon li: aren’t u scared of ghost??
Sungjung: you guys are with me, I’m not scared^^
Henry: lol…but noona where is jongwoon hyung??
Sungjung: speaking of him…hurm….maybe he sleeping right now..he just got back from japan…
Henry: oh really??oh yeah…I got email this morning he and sohee at japan…
Sungjung, soon li, soon ji: SOHEE????????????????
Soon ji: yah oppa what are u talking about???
Henry: I got email this morning from my friend he said that he saw jongwoon hyung with sohee at japan, since they are best friend maybe they are helping their father business together.
Sungjung: can I see that email??
Henry: sure….but I don’t bring my laptop..
Sungjung: used mine…han unnie!!!!han unnie...
Han unnie come to them
Han: yes..
Sungjung: unnie can u take my laptop??
Han : sure……
Soon li: didn’t he told u about this??
Sungjung: no……
Han unnie come with sungjung laptop, henry check his email..
Henry: I haven’t watch this picture….here take a look…..
Sungjung and the other open their eyes widely….jongwoon and sohee is hugging and smiling..they look so happy………argh….they are friend….no!!!!!!sohee is his ex..why did he never told me about sohee??????/he called me everyday but he never told me about it…and plus they are kissing!!!!!!
Soon ji: unnie……
Sungjung: aish..they are friend.gwenchana..i ‘m ok…let’s watch movie now…kajja…….
Soon li and soon ji look at her sister…
Henry: noona..mianhae..i don’t know about this photo…..
Sungjung: I’m ok lar..kajja…let’s watch movie…soon li ah..ask han unnie to prepare some snack for us and ask han unnie to call heechul, ask heechul to come here..
Soon li: arraso…
Sungjung hide her feeling..she try to be happy….she laugh with them. she scream with them…and she cry alone at her room! Once everyone is home..she is crying alone at her room…and still jongwoon didn’t call her today….
The next morning, sungjung went to piano class, she saw jongwoon and sohee. Jongwoon smiling at her, she ignore it…..jongwoon come to her
Jongwoon: hye baby…did u missed me???(touch sungjung shoulder)
Sungjung: don’t touch me!!!
Jongwoon shock……he look at sungjung
Jongwoon: waeyo?????
Sungjung just silent and sit beside won bin
Jongwoon only look at her…
Zil: what’s wrong with her??you fight with her again???
Jongwoon: no..
Suddenly kyuhyun come to them…
Donghae: yah….kyuhyun what are u doing here??
Kyuhyun: jongwoon ah..u are dead…
Jongwoon: ah..waeyo???????
Kyuhyun: take a look at this…
All of them look at the photo and shock..zil got angry…
Zil: yah jongwoon ah!!!!
Jongwoon: waeyo???
Zil only slap jongwoon face...and walk to sungjung...
Jongwoon: yah!!!!!this is not true…..
Donghae: what happen?????
Jongwoon: I don’t know…
Wookie: give this to me….i know what to do…did u meet with sohee at japan???
Jongwoon: no…I was at the office all the time
Donghae: explain that to sungjung….
Jongwoon only nodding….
Sungjung wait for zhou mi at the gate..she already escape from jongwoon, I have no mood to talk to him right now…..suddenly there is someone who pulled her away while closing her mouth…sungjung try to escape but the person who holidng him is so strong….and she being pushed inside the car……
Sungjung: yah!!!!!!what are u doing?let’ me go..let me go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The car is moving…sungjung shock when she saw guy beside her……
Sungjung: yah stupid let me go!!!!!!what are you doing to me???????let’ me go…………
Sohee: shut up!!!!!!!!or I will killed you……jinsu…drive faster…….
Donghae saw what did happen just now, he follow the car……..and inform jongwoon about it……..
Sungjung push sohee and knock her head and put her hand at sohee neck……
Sungjung: yah!!!!!!!stop the car now..or I will killed her…..
Sohee: just drive to lee joon, jinsu….quick!!!!!!!!
Sungjung: don’t you play with me..i will killed her…stop the car!!!!!!!!!!!
The driver stop the car and sungjung ask him to open the door while she still holding sohee.
Donghae also stop the car……..and get out from his car……
Donghae: sungjung ah!!!!!!!!!!!what happen
Sungjung: oppa!!!!!!!!!1help me..this stupid girl try to kidnap me!!!!!!!(push sohee to the ground……)
Donghae walk to sohee…..
Donghae: who ask you to do this???
Sohee: no one…
Donghae: yah!!!!!!!!!!don’t lie to me!!!!!!(shout at sohee, jinsu want to help but donghae punch him…)
Sohee: I said no one…….
Sungjung: oppa let’s go……….i just wanna go home……(already cry…)
Donghae: you guys don’t play2 with me and jongwoon……if not….you will regret it……….
Donghae pulled sungjung hands…….
Jongwoon waited at sungjung house………
While in the car with donghae
Donghae: did lee joon come to see you??
Sungjung: an…ani….
Donghae: chongmal????don’t lie to me..sungjung shi…..
Sungjung: he…he..did come and see me on last Monday…..
Donghae: did jongwoon know about this??
Sungjung shaking her head…
Donghae: why did u keeping it from him..he will killed lee joon if you don’t tell him…..wait did he touch ur body???
Sungjung nodding…donghae smack his car sterring….
Donghae: where???
Sungjung: my butt..
Eeteuk: ok..ok..please don’t be mad ok???hye let’s go out this week…
Soon li: huh???u ask me..
Eeteuk: yeah…who else..
Soon li: going where??
Eeteuk: you will know when u come wit me..
Soon li: arraso…see u tomorrow…
On that Saturday morning…sungmin feel so happy because soon li already agree to go out with him…..he check his cupboard. Looking for the best outfit to wear..hurm..but where should I bring her??hurm…..ottokeh???sungmin look at his watch, still early…let me call her….there is no answer….aigooo where did u go??hurm nevermind let me set my hair at the salon first….
Soon li get into the car.
Siwon: where are we going??
Soon li: hurm go to eeteuk oppa house, then u can follow me from the back arraso??
Siwon: ne..miss…
Soon li look at her watch did eeteuk oppa already waiting for me??hurm…..
Soon li totally forgot about her date with sungmin that day…she went out with eeteuk, plus she left her phone at her room……….
Sungmin waiting for her at the restaurant..he keep waiting and waiting. He look at the flower and chocolate that he bought for soon li…with priceless…he look at his watch…..its already 11pm…he keep calling soon li..but there is no answer..hurm…….he take the flower and chocolate with him….
Soon li get out from eeteuk car and she waving at eeteuk before she go inside her house. And there he is waiting for her with the flower and chocolate at his hand. Soon li shock when she saw him…and suddenly she knock her head
Soon li: omo!!!!!!!!sungmin oppa!!!mianhaeyo…..i..i..forgot.about our date…..
Sungmin: who is that???(his voice is slow)
Soon li: he is eeteuk oppa…
Sungmin : the boy from the dance class???
Soon li: yes..oppa mianhae…
Sungmin: gwenchana…this is for you..good night…..
Sungmin passed everything to soon li and just walk away…soon li…just watch him…..she feel guilty…sungmin must have really sad and angry..oppa mianhaeyo…….
Sunday they are doing nothing, just spend time at house. Henry just got back from Canada..and he only got second place for the dance competition. Soon ji feel so happy when she saw henry…
Henry: what can we do???
Sungjung: watch movie^^…death bell 2…let’s go
Soon ji: ghost story???are u sure unnie??
Sungjung: waeyo???
Soon li: aren’t u scared of ghost??
Sungjung: you guys are with me, I’m not scared^^
Henry: lol…but noona where is jongwoon hyung??
Sungjung: speaking of him…hurm….maybe he sleeping right now..he just got back from japan…
Henry: oh really??oh yeah…I got email this morning he and sohee at japan…
Sungjung, soon li, soon ji: SOHEE????????????????
Soon ji: yah oppa what are u talking about???
Henry: I got email this morning from my friend he said that he saw jongwoon hyung with sohee at japan, since they are best friend maybe they are helping their father business together.
Sungjung: can I see that email??
Henry: sure….but I don’t bring my laptop..
Sungjung: used mine…han unnie!!!!han unnie...
Han unnie come to them
Han: yes..
Sungjung: unnie can u take my laptop??
Han : sure……
Soon li: didn’t he told u about this??
Sungjung: no……
Han unnie come with sungjung laptop, henry check his email..
Henry: I haven’t watch this picture….here take a look…..
Sungjung and the other open their eyes widely….jongwoon and sohee is hugging and smiling..they look so happy………argh….they are friend….no!!!!!!sohee is his ex..why did he never told me about sohee??????/he called me everyday but he never told me about it…and plus they are kissing!!!!!!
Soon ji: unnie……
Sungjung: aish..they are friend.gwenchana..i ‘m ok…let’s watch movie now…kajja…….
Soon li and soon ji look at her sister…
Henry: noona..mianhae..i don’t know about this photo…..
Sungjung: I’m ok lar..kajja…let’s watch movie…soon li ah..ask han unnie to prepare some snack for us and ask han unnie to call heechul, ask heechul to come here..
Soon li: arraso…
Sungjung hide her feeling..she try to be happy….she laugh with them. she scream with them…and she cry alone at her room! Once everyone is home..she is crying alone at her room…and still jongwoon didn’t call her today….
The next morning, sungjung went to piano class, she saw jongwoon and sohee. Jongwoon smiling at her, she ignore it…..jongwoon come to her
Jongwoon: hye baby…did u missed me???(touch sungjung shoulder)
Sungjung: don’t touch me!!!
Jongwoon shock……he look at sungjung
Jongwoon: waeyo?????
Sungjung just silent and sit beside won bin
Jongwoon only look at her…
Zil: what’s wrong with her??you fight with her again???
Jongwoon: no..
Suddenly kyuhyun come to them…
Donghae: yah….kyuhyun what are u doing here??
Kyuhyun: jongwoon ah..u are dead…
Jongwoon: ah..waeyo???????
Kyuhyun: take a look at this…
All of them look at the photo and shock..zil got angry…
Zil: yah jongwoon ah!!!!
Jongwoon: waeyo???
Zil only slap jongwoon face...and walk to sungjung...
Jongwoon: yah!!!!!this is not true…..
Donghae: what happen?????
Jongwoon: I don’t know…
Wookie: give this to me….i know what to do…did u meet with sohee at japan???
Jongwoon: no…I was at the office all the time
Donghae: explain that to sungjung….
Jongwoon only nodding….
Sungjung wait for zhou mi at the gate..she already escape from jongwoon, I have no mood to talk to him right now…..suddenly there is someone who pulled her away while closing her mouth…sungjung try to escape but the person who holidng him is so strong….and she being pushed inside the car……
Sungjung: yah!!!!!!what are u doing?let’ me go..let me go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The car is moving…sungjung shock when she saw guy beside her……
Sungjung: yah stupid let me go!!!!!!what are you doing to me???????let’ me go…………
Sohee: shut up!!!!!!!!or I will killed you……jinsu…drive faster…….
Donghae saw what did happen just now, he follow the car……..and inform jongwoon about it……..
Sungjung push sohee and knock her head and put her hand at sohee neck……
Sungjung: yah!!!!!!!stop the car now..or I will killed her…..
Sohee: just drive to lee joon, jinsu….quick!!!!!!!!
Sungjung: don’t you play with me..i will killed her…stop the car!!!!!!!!!!!
The driver stop the car and sungjung ask him to open the door while she still holding sohee.
Donghae also stop the car……..and get out from his car……
Donghae: sungjung ah!!!!!!!!!!!what happen
Sungjung: oppa!!!!!!!!!1help me..this stupid girl try to kidnap me!!!!!!!(push sohee to the ground……)
Donghae walk to sohee…..
Donghae: who ask you to do this???
Sohee: no one…
Donghae: yah!!!!!!!!!!don’t lie to me!!!!!!(shout at sohee, jinsu want to help but donghae punch him…)
Sohee: I said no one…….
Sungjung: oppa let’s go……….i just wanna go home……(already cry…)
Donghae: you guys don’t play2 with me and jongwoon……if not….you will regret it……….
Donghae pulled sungjung hands…….
Jongwoon waited at sungjung house………
While in the car with donghae
Donghae: did lee joon come to see you??
Sungjung: an…ani….
Donghae: chongmal????don’t lie to me..sungjung shi…..
Sungjung: he…he..did come and see me on last Monday…..
Donghae: did jongwoon know about this??
Sungjung shaking her head…
Donghae: why did u keeping it from him..he will killed lee joon if you don’t tell him…..wait did he touch ur body???
Sungjung nodding…donghae smack his car sterring….
Donghae: where???
Sungjung: my butt..
Mr lee: soon ji ah..daddy is so happy…do you want anything??daddy buy for you…
Soon ji: daddy I don’t want anything…I just wanna go home and be like before…and…and..i don’t want to see that women again….please don’t let her come near us…anymore…
Mr lee: yes I will, let’s get prepared…we are going home now…lucky that you can walk again after 3 months at the hospital…
Soon ji: yup…can’t wait to play the violin again..
Mr lee: speaking of that, where is henry??
Soon ji: he already went to Canada…
Mr lee: waeyo??
Soon ji: dance competition…
Mr lee” chongmal???what a talented boy…
Soon ji: yes…he is…daddy do you like him??
Mr lee: wae??do you like him???
Soon Ji: hurm…yes…I like him….
Mr lee: I like him too..he Is a nice boy…let’s ho home ur sister must have been waiting for you…
Soon ji: arraso daddy…..
Soon ji feel so happy when she can go back to her house again. Her sister are so happy when they saw her at home. She saw the puppies that jongwoon bought for her and the teddy bear that sungmin give it to her.,I’m so happy now..but why does she come again???what did she want from us???
They having a party that night, when soon ji arrive at home. Soon ji feel so happy, she look at the puppies that she got from jongwoon…
Soon ji: what should I called them???
Sungjung: molla….
Soon ji: soon li unnie..what about u??
Soon li: hurm why don’t you put ichiro and min min??
Mr lee: what a cute names..
Soon ji: yup…sooooo cute…thanks unnie…now my puppies already have name….erk…sungjung unnie where is jongwoon oppa???
Sungjung: he is at japan, he follow his father
Soon ji: oh………jinjayo???
Sungjung only nodding…
Mr lee: soon ji ah..let’s rest now…
Soon ji: arraso..daddy….
Mr lee: sungjung ah, soon li go and sleep too..arraso??
Sungjung: ye…hurm..daddy…tomorrow…I don’t wanna go to school…….
Mr lee: waeyo??????did someone bullied you???
Sungjung: anni….
Soon li: unnie gwenchana???
Sungjung: ne…
Mr lee: arraso…go and sleep now…….
Sungjung feels glad…I hate to go to school, when he is not around…….that stupid joon will disturb me again and again, I can’t trouble donghae shi……aigoooo ottokeh…..sungjung went to her room. Her phone is ringing…she pick it up…..ah..jongwoon make 3G phone call. She can see jongwoon face.
Sungjung: annyeong oppa..
Jongwoon: annyeong…my are u today??
Sungjung: I’m about you??
Jongwoon: I’m fine tooooo but today was soooo cold..
Sungjung: chongmal??do u wear tick clothes??
Jongwoon: yes I did, how about school today??
Sungjung: sc…….fine…
Jongwoon: chongmal??did anybody bullied you??
Sungjung: ani…zil and the others is with me….
Jongwoon: arraso…sleep well ok??good night…love you……..(waving at sungjung)
Sungjung: good night oppa..(waving back at him)
Sungjung fall asleep after that…
The next morning, zil waiting for sungjung at the hallway. From far she already saw kyuhyun. Her heart beating so fast until she can hear the sounds of beating…oh my…please..don’t come here….jebal…….and kyuhyun still walk straight to her…
Kyuhyun: yah…what are u doing here???
Zil: m…me???of course I’m waiting for sungjung
Kyuhyun: chongmal???
Zil: of course…
Kyuhyun: I thought u waiting for me..
Zil: huh??what for???
Kyuhyun: hurm..molla…(walk near to zil.., zil can smile kyuhyun scent..sooooooooooooo fresh and nice…suddenly she realize that kyuhyun is so near to her..)
Zil: buya!!!!!!!!what are u doing??(push kyuhyun)
Kyuhyun: don’t move…(hold zil hand…zil, shock and she can’t move at all) there is a bug at your hair……..
Zil: where?/where…(keep moving…)
Kyuhyun: gone already……yah..let;s go to the class..we are late now…
Zil: ne..arraso…….
Zil feel so bored when sungjung is not around…why did she didn’t come to school???hurm……and that kyuhyun always beside me…what’s wrong with him?keep staring at him..did he have the same feeling as me????? Zil walk to mr taeyang vocal class. Kyuhyun and ryeowook is with her.
Mr taeyang: kyuhyun ah…did u practice the new song??
Kyuhyun: yes I did….but I need someone to play piano for me…
Wookie: I can play for you…
Mr taeyang: ha..there u go…wookie is willing to help…
Kyuhyun: no..i don’t want him..i want girl…I want play the piano….
Suddenly they heard sounds of falling…kyuhyun look around and he saw zil at the floor…she fall from the chair after she heard what did kyuhyun said. Kyuhyun help zil..
Kyuhyun: gwenchana???
Zil: ne…..
Kyuhyun: be careful next time..
Zil: ne…
Mr taeyang: so..zil can u play piano for kyuhyun??
Zil: he can play by himself right??
Kyuhyun: please…..(with puppy eyes..aww….so cute)
Zil: araso..araso..i will…..
Mr taeyang: good than.//next week I want to see yours performance ok??by the way where is sungjung?? She supposed to show me her skills
Zil: she is sick…
Mr taeyang: hurm..arraso..go and practice now…
Zil look at kyuhyun…kyuhyun smile at her….omg!!!! I can die now by just seeying his smile..god please save me…
Soon li and eeteuk keep practice the dance competition is coming.
Eeteuk: you look so happy….
Soon li: am i??
Eeteuk: yes…waeyo??
Soon li: soon ji is already out from the hospital and she can walk and talk again^^
Eeteuk: wow….that’s good
Soon li: thanks to sungmin oppa who make her smile again…
Eeteuk: sungmin oppa?????who is he??(frowning his forehead)
Soon li: my sister friend…
Eeteuk: did he is guy that come the other day???
Soon li: yes he is…
Eeteuk: did u like him??
Soon li: why did u ask that question??
Eeteuk: coz everytime we talk about him, you will smile….so brightly…
Soon li: lol..oppa I also smile at you
Eeteuk: but not like you smile for him..its different….
Soon li: its not your matter….(soon li get up…)
Eeteuk: why did u mad??suddenly??i just ask..
Soon ji: daddy I don’t want anything…I just wanna go home and be like before…and…and..i don’t want to see that women again….please don’t let her come near us…anymore…
Mr lee: yes I will, let’s get prepared…we are going home now…lucky that you can walk again after 3 months at the hospital…
Soon ji: yup…can’t wait to play the violin again..
Mr lee: speaking of that, where is henry??
Soon ji: he already went to Canada…
Mr lee: waeyo??
Soon ji: dance competition…
Mr lee” chongmal???what a talented boy…
Soon ji: yes…he is…daddy do you like him??
Mr lee: wae??do you like him???
Soon Ji: hurm…yes…I like him….
Mr lee: I like him too..he Is a nice boy…let’s ho home ur sister must have been waiting for you…
Soon ji: arraso daddy…..
Soon ji feel so happy when she can go back to her house again. Her sister are so happy when they saw her at home. She saw the puppies that jongwoon bought for her and the teddy bear that sungmin give it to her.,I’m so happy now..but why does she come again???what did she want from us???
They having a party that night, when soon ji arrive at home. Soon ji feel so happy, she look at the puppies that she got from jongwoon…
Soon ji: what should I called them???
Sungjung: molla….
Soon ji: soon li unnie..what about u??
Soon li: hurm why don’t you put ichiro and min min??
Mr lee: what a cute names..
Soon ji: yup…sooooo cute…thanks unnie…now my puppies already have name….erk…sungjung unnie where is jongwoon oppa???
Sungjung: he is at japan, he follow his father
Soon ji: oh………jinjayo???
Sungjung only nodding…
Mr lee: soon ji ah..let’s rest now…
Soon ji: arraso..daddy….
Mr lee: sungjung ah, soon li go and sleep too..arraso??
Sungjung: ye…hurm..daddy…tomorrow…I don’t wanna go to school…….
Mr lee: waeyo??????did someone bullied you???
Sungjung: anni….
Soon li: unnie gwenchana???
Sungjung: ne…
Mr lee: arraso…go and sleep now…….
Sungjung feels glad…I hate to go to school, when he is not around…….that stupid joon will disturb me again and again, I can’t trouble donghae shi……aigoooo ottokeh…..sungjung went to her room. Her phone is ringing…she pick it up…..ah..jongwoon make 3G phone call. She can see jongwoon face.
Sungjung: annyeong oppa..
Jongwoon: annyeong…my are u today??
Sungjung: I’m about you??
Jongwoon: I’m fine tooooo but today was soooo cold..
Sungjung: chongmal??do u wear tick clothes??
Jongwoon: yes I did, how about school today??
Sungjung: sc…….fine…
Jongwoon: chongmal??did anybody bullied you??
Sungjung: ani…zil and the others is with me….
Jongwoon: arraso…sleep well ok??good night…love you……..(waving at sungjung)
Sungjung: good night oppa..(waving back at him)
Sungjung fall asleep after that…
The next morning, zil waiting for sungjung at the hallway. From far she already saw kyuhyun. Her heart beating so fast until she can hear the sounds of beating…oh my…please..don’t come here….jebal…….and kyuhyun still walk straight to her…
Kyuhyun: yah…what are u doing here???
Zil: m…me???of course I’m waiting for sungjung
Kyuhyun: chongmal???
Zil: of course…
Kyuhyun: I thought u waiting for me..
Zil: huh??what for???
Kyuhyun: hurm..molla…(walk near to zil.., zil can smile kyuhyun scent..sooooooooooooo fresh and nice…suddenly she realize that kyuhyun is so near to her..)
Zil: buya!!!!!!!!what are u doing??(push kyuhyun)
Kyuhyun: don’t move…(hold zil hand…zil, shock and she can’t move at all) there is a bug at your hair……..
Zil: where?/where…(keep moving…)
Kyuhyun: gone already……yah..let;s go to the class..we are late now…
Zil: ne..arraso…….
Zil feel so bored when sungjung is not around…why did she didn’t come to school???hurm……and that kyuhyun always beside me…what’s wrong with him?keep staring at him..did he have the same feeling as me????? Zil walk to mr taeyang vocal class. Kyuhyun and ryeowook is with her.
Mr taeyang: kyuhyun ah…did u practice the new song??
Kyuhyun: yes I did….but I need someone to play piano for me…
Wookie: I can play for you…
Mr taeyang: ha..there u go…wookie is willing to help…
Kyuhyun: no..i don’t want him..i want girl…I want play the piano….
Suddenly they heard sounds of falling…kyuhyun look around and he saw zil at the floor…she fall from the chair after she heard what did kyuhyun said. Kyuhyun help zil..
Kyuhyun: gwenchana???
Zil: ne…..
Kyuhyun: be careful next time..
Zil: ne…
Mr taeyang: so..zil can u play piano for kyuhyun??
Zil: he can play by himself right??
Kyuhyun: please…..(with puppy eyes..aww….so cute)
Zil: araso..araso..i will…..
Mr taeyang: good than.//next week I want to see yours performance ok??by the way where is sungjung?? She supposed to show me her skills
Zil: she is sick…
Mr taeyang: hurm..arraso..go and practice now…
Zil look at kyuhyun…kyuhyun smile at her….omg!!!! I can die now by just seeying his smile..god please save me…
Soon li and eeteuk keep practice the dance competition is coming.
Eeteuk: you look so happy….
Soon li: am i??
Eeteuk: yes…waeyo??
Soon li: soon ji is already out from the hospital and she can walk and talk again^^
Eeteuk: wow….that’s good
Soon li: thanks to sungmin oppa who make her smile again…
Eeteuk: sungmin oppa?????who is he??(frowning his forehead)
Soon li: my sister friend…
Eeteuk: did he is guy that come the other day???
Soon li: yes he is…
Eeteuk: did u like him??
Soon li: why did u ask that question??
Eeteuk: coz everytime we talk about him, you will smile….so brightly…
Soon li: lol..oppa I also smile at you
Eeteuk: but not like you smile for him..its different….
Soon li: its not your matter….(soon li get up…)
Eeteuk: why did u mad??suddenly??i just ask..
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