Soon li: sir..i don’t agree with it…
Akira: me too….
Mr top: why???we never do this..theme..let’s try…
Soon li: because we never try this, I don’t wanna do it.., it would takes times…we don’t have time..
Mr top: yah..lee soon li…you still have 6 month to practice…the semester has just begun and I’m sure u guys can do it…
Eeteuk: what did mr top is true, we need to try it first than only we know….and I know that we can do it..
Soon li: than let only you dance latin and ballet than..(stare at eeteuk with killing staring)
Hyoyeon: latin and ballet sir???don’t u have other theme huh???(look at eunhyuk….and eunhyuk look at her too…) hurm..i’m going to fail this semester..
Eunhyuk: hye!!!!!!! What do you mean huh????????(angry)
Mr top: stop it guys!!!!!!! My decision is that…
Mir: sir what about our partner? Still the same???
Mr top: yes..would be the same…
Soon li: I want to change my partner…
Eeteuk: ah..wae???
Mr top: why??i thought both of you already comfortable with each other….
Soon li: who said so..sir if you wanna me do this theme, let us change our partner..i don’t wanna be with him…(look so pissed off)
Eeteuk: yah…soon li don’t be so sturborn…I have right to decide too…I don’t want to change my partner….if not…I will drop from this class
Soon li: then just drop…and leave us alone
Mr top: both of you cut it out…I won’t accept anything for you, just follow my word, or not all of you gonna fail this semester…soon li…come and meet me at the office after the school end..and see u guys tomorrow….
Mr top leave the class…
Soon li: aish…….(take her beg and walk away..)
I hate latin and ballet!!!!!!!!!!!!why can’t they understand me..and that stupid eeteuk will pay everything!!!!!!!!!!!!
That morning..haneul wear tie for lee joon, he want to go to the office…suddenly..there is blood fall at his clothes..haneul shock, then he look at joon face…
Haneul; OMO..oppa..there is blood coming from your nose…
Joon: huh??chongmal???(touch his nose and saw red blood at his finger…)
Haneul take tissue and wipe it for him…
Haneul: gwenchana??/let’s go to the hospital now oppa..
Joon: its ok maybe I’m just to hot, I will be ok if I drank my water…
Haneul: chongmal???but…
Joon: haneul ah..can u take another clothes for me??this one is already dirty…
Haneul went to his closet and take the new clothes for him…
Joon: I will be ok..don’t worry arraso..i love you..(kiss haneul lips and get into his car…and he sigh…that was so closed…)
Haneul only watch joon…with her eyes.,.oppa..are u ok??did u hide something from me??i’m worried oppa….
Joon arrive at the hospital…
Doctor: sir…please, there is no more time for you..sir..
Joon: many times that I said..i won’t do it???...
Doctor: sir…its already at the third any time..u will…….
Joon: its ok for me….(cut the doctor words…) thanks for you concern doctor..i will never forgot about u..
Joon going out from the hospital and went to the office there is so many things that he need to do before that time, his lawyer already there waiting for him..
Laywer: master…are u sure you wanna do this??
Joon: yes..make sure this envelop reach at the person…
Lawyer: kim jongwoon??who is he??
Joon: can u just do what did I said??don’t ask anymore….
Lawyer : ne master….
Joon check everything….by noon, he went back home…he went inside the house and heard someone is playing the piano…the sound is so sad…was it haneul??? her…all the maid sit around her while she is playing the song…joon only watch them from far..he is smiling….
Maid 1: miss…this song is so sad…
Haneul: yes…this song come from a sad story..i cry for the first time I heard the story…it’s a sad story….
Maid 2: can u share it with us???
Haneul start the story…..all the maid are listening to her…
Haneul: this story same like my story with joon, but at least we can meet up again..i’m so happy about that….
Maid 4: oh… are here…(one of the maid saw joon at the corner..)
Haneul turn her back and saw joon..she is smiling…all the maid gone to the kitchen…
Haneul: oppa…you are back??
Joon: ne…haneul ah…the song just now so nice…
Haneul: thanks oppa…
Joon only look at haneul..haneul can I leave u like this…I’m sick..haneul…how can I look at your smile again??how can i??maybe this is my punishment coz taking u away from jongwoon…but I love you haneul…I really love you…I promise haneul..i won’t leave you alone…
Haneul: oppa..let;s get married!
Joon: wae??
Haneul: what do you mean by why???you don’t love me anymore..
Joon: haneul ah…jebal..don’t said like know that I love u so much…
Haneul: then..let’s get married…
Joon: I can’t….
Haneul: ah..wae??(sulking already)
Joon: haneul ah…I’m busy this month, there is so many works to do..and marriage need a lot of work to do…
Haneul: gwenchana..arraso….
Haneul get up from the piano chair and walk to her room, joon called her but she ignore it…
Haneul can I get married with you??i’m happy when you said let’s get married but..its not fair for you haneul..joon get into his room, he open his locker and take out his diary…
When the night is coming haneul still in her room…joon called her for dinner..but she don’t want to open the door, joon have no choice to open the door with the extra key…
Haneul: leave me alone!!
Joon: haneul ah…jebal…don’t be like this..mianhae…(walk near to haneul and hug her from the back)
Haneul: let me go oppa…
Joon: no…I won’t let you go..until you smile..
Haneul: let me go!(moving around and both of them fall into haneul bed…)
Haneul can’t breathe when she saw lee joon face…lee joon only look at haneul…
Haneul: let me go oppa!...
Joon kiss haneul lips again….
Joon : I love you and I won’t let you go….and we will get married…next month,,it is ok???
Haneul: chongmal????
Joon only smiling…haneul kiss lee joon back at the lips and both of them lost in their own desire…
At the midnight…haneul suddenly feel so hungry…
Haneul: oppa..i’m hungry….get up now..
Joon: hurm??(eyes still closed)
Haneul: oppa….get up now…
Joon: ne…(lee joon wake up and wear his clothes same goes to haneul…)
Haneul: what can we eat??i’m so hungry…
Joon: me too..this is all your fault drag me to the bed…
Haneul: yah..mworago??huh???
Joon: let’s eat outside….
Haneul: arraso..i will get ready now….
Soon li have no choice but to dance with eeteuk, it was hard for her to do it..latin and ballet just make her feel so sad more and more…latin and ballet is sungjung fav and she is expert in those dance, this make her heart feel pain and hurt more and more..
All of the student watch the vid that mr top choose for today, they need to look at the way the dancer dance.
Eeteuk: soon li shi…mianhae..
Soon li: gwenchana….(walk away)
I don’t have mood to talk to you….i’m still angry…go away…jebal…
Soon li walk to her house, zhou mi are following her from the back…unnie..when will you come back??i know you are still alive..please unnie come back..please….
Her phone suddenly ringing…
Soon li: ne..oppa..i’ around) at the road near the school…ah…ne….(off her phone and stand there…
Zhou mi: miss waeyo??
Soon li: ah..zhou mi gege…sungmin are going to fetch me..
Zhou mi: ah…arraso…
Sungmin arrive in the few minute later, soon li get into the car..soon li only silent
Sungmin: wae?/did u feel sick??(touch soon li forehead)
Soon li: anniyo…
Sungmin: then>.hungry??
Soon li: anniyo..
Sungmin: than what with that face??is there is someone who disturb you..
Soon li: anniyo…
Sungmin stop his car at the side and look at soon li…he hold soon li hands
Sungmin: soon li ah..gwenchana??(rub soon li face)
Soon li didn’t answer it..she only cry and sungmin is panic….
Sungmin: soon li ah….(hold soon li in his arm, and soon li keep on crying..)
When they are done, soon li tell everything to sungmin..and sungmin look angry….
Sungmin: what’s wrong with that guys???he can’t do anything that he like!!!
Soon li: molla oppa…my heart hurt so much..i can’t forget about sungjung unnie…its hurting me…
Sungmin: soon li ah..maybe god did this on purpose so that you won’t forget sungjung, the god still want you to remember her…who knows about that…gwenchana everything are going to be fine…trust me…
Soon li: but I don’t wanna be partner with eeteuk…
Sungmin: you have no choice dear..if not mr top will give u F..u want that??
Soon li: but eeteuk make me irritating so much..
Sungmin: I have an idea..
Soon li: what??
Sungmin: imagine it was me who dancing with you….
Soon li: ah..oppa…it was so lame…
Sungmin: its help you….
Soon li: arraso..arraso..i will be patient because of you oppa..
Sungmin: that’s my girl….
Soon li is smiling…sungmin also….sungmin must know this…I love u so much and everything I do is just for you…
Day bye day soon li just ignore the feeling to eeteuk and just practice the dance, she don’t talk to eeteuk…after she finish the practice, she just walk away….she only talk to eeteuk if there is something….
Eeteuk so stress out with soon li action…he suggest latin because he want to get closed with her, but he is wrong..soon li is getting far..and far from him…I’m failed and I will never get her from sungmin…
Haneul feel so happy when she look at the wedding dress..joon beside her feel so glad when haneul like the dress
Joon: do u like it???
Haneul: ne…oppa..i want to get married at the church….
Joon: ne…I already book it for us…haneul look so beautiful with this dress…
Haneul: oppa…(blushing)..i wanna look beautiful that day just for u….
Joon come near her and hug her from the back and kiss her neck…haneul only smiling….
Joon: I want two child
Haneul: oppa…stop it..people might heard u…
Joon: I don’t care…
Haneul only smiling..
The next day..haneul have no mood to do anything, and she fell sick, her body is hot and she is sweating a lot. She also already throw up for so many times, and she can’t stand up anymore, she just lay at the bed. Joon is not at home, he already gone to the office..the maid is the one who take care of her. They want to call joon but haneul stop them and said that they are not supposed to disturb joon while he is working and she said that she still able to stand the pain. Everything that she eat will be out again, so there is no use of eating anything, she just drink a milk and she get back to sleep…she don’t realize when did lee joon come back from work and he fall asleep beside her. Haneul realize it when she feel someone is hugging her..she wakes up and look at joon face while are just like baby..with your smile, with ur smirk.., with ur eyes, with ur lips, is was so addicted to me…she want to kiss joon but suddenly she feel like throwing up again, she push joon hands and running to the bathroom, lee joon shocked when haneul push his hand and he wakes up too…he walk to haneul
Joon: yah…gwenchana???
Haneul: ne…
Joon: let’s go to the hospital..
Haneul: gwenchana….i just wanna sleep….
Joon: come here…(hold haneul and carry her to the bed)
He put his hand at haneul forehead…its hot…
Joon: omo..u having a fever, why did the maid didn’t tell anything to me??aish….
Haneul: oppa…I ask them to not tell you….you are busy…
Joon: but still, you are not ok..yah..yoon haneul, don’t do this again arraso??i cannot lose u anymore…I love you…
Haneul: ne oppa…
Haneul sleeping in joon arms….
Jongwoon look at the window…still raining…, he already promise to soon li and soon ji will bring them to the theme park today..but its raining…
Soon ji: its raining..ottokeh??
Jongwoon: shall we wait for it to stop??
Soon li: I don’t think so that it will stop, look at the cloud…so dark and heavy
Soon ji: why did the cloud is crying a lot today???
Jongwoon: maybe the cloud is sad and same goes to the rain…
Soon li: like what happen to cloud prince and rain princess???
Jongwoon shocked..
Jongwoon: how u know that???
Soon ji: we heard the story…when u told that to sungjung unnie…
Jongwoon: that’s true…
Soon li: on that day, we realize that u are in love with our unnie…
Jongwoon: yes..actually for the first time I saw her, I already fall for her, I have no idea how to keep her beside me, so that, I just make her angry and keep teasing her
Soon ji: must have missed unnie so much do you??
Soon li: soon ji ah…stop it….
Jongwoon: gwenchana..its alright….yes I missed her so much and I know that both of you missed her I right??
Soon ji and soon li only nodding…
Soon li: oppa the rain has stop….
Soon ji: yeah!!we can go and play indoor games in the theme park..
Jongwoon: let’s go now..called siwon and zhou mi
Zhou mi come to them..
Jongwoon: where is siwon??
Zhou mi: he is with the president sir…
Jongwoon: ah..arraso…zhou mi, let’s go to the theme park, I will drive my can follow from the back, make sure there is no press at that place
Zhou mi: ne…
While in the car..
Jongwoon: where is henry and sungmin??
Soon ji: henry opppa is at Canada right now???
Jongwoon: really??when did he go??what for??
Soon ji: he went to meet his grandmother…he will back soon at next week…
Jongwoon: oh…and what about sungmin. Soon li??
Soon li: ah..sungmin oppa???he Is busy at his father academy…he will find me tonight…
Jongwoon: soon li ah…oppa heard about the dance..are u ok??
Soon li: ne..after sungmin talk to me, I felt good and I will do it because of sungjung unnie , soon ji, daddy , for sungmin and for u oppa, I want all of you to be proud of me…
Jongwoon: we are proud with you soon li…keep the good work and just ignore the other things that are not important….
Soon li only nodding..three of them having so much fun at the theme park today..
Sungjung ah..wish u were here with us today..please come back hurry, we need you..jebal……..
The next morning
Joon sit down at his chair.., he can hear his breathe, his chest feel so hurt.., he can’t breathe properly…he took his medicine from the locker and eat it…but it still won’t help….he get up from the chair and try to get out from the office room, but he fell at the door..all his worker are shocked..and gather around of him….
Haneul look at her stomach….and rub it so many last she smile…joonie oppa…na saranghaeyo. She went back home…the maid run to her….
Maid: miss haneul….miss haneul
Haneul: ah..waeyo??you act like just saw a ghost…
Maid: joon master…joon master
Haneul: yah!!!!!!!!what happen to lee joon??tell me now….
Maid: he is in the hospital, he faint at the hospital??
Haneul: mworago???????
Haneul get into the car and the driver drove her to the hospital, the tears keep falling and suddenly the rain pour heavily , the driver slow down the car…when she get into the hospital…lee joon still in the emergency room…haneul keep crying non stop…what happen to joonie????why did he faint…
Later the doctor that take care of joon come out from the room, they still put joon in the emergency room…
Haneul: what happen to him(speak in English)
The doctor only sigh….and look down…
Doctor: we are try our best to save him..but…I’m sorry…
Haneul: yah!!!!!!!what are you saying????(he beat the doctor chest and keep on crying…the sound of thunder only make her feel more sad and feel like wanna cry too…
Doctor: he have brain tumor…he have no chance to live anymore…I’m sorry..we already done everything that we can…
Haneul: what???(she fell at the ground, her maid and her driver help her to get up…)
Doctor: you better prepare for it….he have no time anymore…the time has come…, excuse me..
The doctor walk away after said that to haneul..haneul walk slowly to joon room, she just can’t believe that joonie is leaving her…alone…she saw joon at the bed, there is so many wires and drip at him, his head is wrap and there is a blood coming from his head, joon is conscious…
My random stuff about everything that i like...
Monday, August 30, 2010
Haneul: I’m scared…its so dark…(hug joon…..and cry again…)
Joon: gwenchana..i’m here now….wear your pajama now…or you might get cold…hurry…
Haneul wear her pajama…and she hold joon hands after that..
Haneul: oppa…I wanna sleep with you..don’t left me here….please..oppa…
Joon: arraso..arraso..kajja..sleep at my room..before that I need to meet with the servant...
Haneul: ne oppa..
Haneul only following joon….to meet with his servant…
Joon: ajjushi..what is happening??
Ajushi min: sir…its seems that the whole area in this place have no electricity….
Joon: did u call the electricity people and ask what happen??
Ajjushi min: yes..i did and they said that they will solve the soon as possible…
Joon: arraso…gamsamida ajjushi….hurm..please ask the bodyguard to look around the house…I’,m afraid that thieft might come in this condition…
Ajjushi..: yes…arraso…..
Joon hold haneul hand and bring her to his room…
Joon: lay down now….i will be next to you…
Haneul lay down beside joon and hold him in her arm and she don’t want let go…joon kiss her forehead, kiss her nose, kiss her cheeks…kiss her eyes..kiss her neck..and…and kiss her lips….and both of them seem don’t want to let go of each other! The next morning….haneul wake up when her body is touching lee joon body…its hot….haneul touch joon forehead.. and cheeks…its hot…did he fall sick??haneul get up and wear her pajama…and get down to the kitchen….
Maid: annyeong miss…
Haneul: annyeong..ajjuma…where can I get fever medicine???
Maid: waeyo??
Haneul: joon shi…is sick , he got fever…I want to make porridge for him can u get me the medicine now??
Maid: yes..miss…but we can cook the porridge….sir don’t like it if he know that we don’t do our work…
Haneul: gwenchana…I wanna make it for him..go and find the medicine for me…
Maid; ne..arraso…
While cutting some carrot haneul suddenly cut her fingers…she just wash it and suck the blood..she ask the maid to wrap her fingers…
Maid: joon master must be angry if he know this…
Haneul: gwenchana…I will talk to him…
After fininsh making the porridge haneul ask the maid to bring the thing and the medicine to joon room…joon is not in his bed…he in the bathroom..he get out from the bathroom…haneul only watch his body…omg!!!!faint…so damn hot….
Joon: what is that??
Haneul: are not feeling well..aren;t u??come let’s have some porridge and eat this medicine…
Joon: how u know…
Haneul: your body is hot..kajja..wear your clothes now…and eat this..
Joon: ne…
Haneul feed joon with the porridge…
Joon: haneul..ah..about last night…I’m..i’m…
Haneul: oppa… this hurry…
Joon only nodding and suddenly he saw haneul finger is wrap …he grab haneul fingers…
Haneul: ouch!!!!!!its hurt…
Joon: mianhae..what happen to your fingers???how did this happen???
Haneul: I cut my self while cutting the carrot…
Joon: where is the maid?/call them..i already told them that u are not aloud to touch the knife…
Haneul: oppa…I’m the one who wanna cook for you, its not their fault…jebal..don’t be angry..i ..i just wanna u to taste my cooking….
Joon: but your fingers is hurt…
Haneul: I don’t care…as long as I do it for you…
Joon: haneul..ah..gomawo…(hug her )
Haneul only smiling….oppa..i think..i already fall for you….
Sungmin, donghae, kyuhyun,henry and wookie is with jongwoon. All of them went to the church again…they enter the place…and look around…
Kyuhyun: where is she??
Jongwoon: molla..maybe we can ask the sister over there…
Sungmin: let’s go…
All of them walk to the sister who are at the piano
Jongwoon: hello…sister..can we ask something?(speak in English)
Sister: yes..may I help u gentlemen??
Jongwoon look at donghae..donghae nodding his head…
Jongwoon: sister….yesterday I heard someone is playing the piano over here…may I know who are playing the piano??
Sister: yesterday???oh….i was yoon haneul, my new student….wae??/did u know her???
Wookie: yoon haneul??is he is Korean???
Sister: yes she is from Korean…based on her story yesterday…she want to get married with his fiancé…at this church..but on her way to this church..she have an accident and she has lost her memory…so poor of her…she is very beautiful…and very soft person…she play the piano so well…
Jongwoon: accident???
Sister : yes…his fiancé is very rich…they already live here for almost 5 years….by the way? Why are u looking for her??
Sungmin: its nothing we like the way she play piano, where is she???can we meet her sister??
Sister: can’t come today…her fiancé is sick…and she need to take care of him…maybe she will come back on next Monday…
Kyuhyun: next Monday???we will go back to Korea tomorrow…hurm…
Jongwoon: its ok..thanks sister…thank you very much….
All of them walk away….from the church…
Jongwoon: its not her….its not sungjung…..
Donghae: jongwoon ah…..
Jongwoon: gwenchana…I will stop dreaming now..what did sungmin said is true
Sungmin: jongwoon ah….
Jongwoon: kajja..let’s go shopping need to buy something for the girls…or else they will kill me…
Jongwoon walk..away..all of his friend looking at each other.
On the last day at Barcelona…jongwoon went to the church for the last time…he took at glance at it and walk away…good bye sungjung..from now on..i will look forward..i’m not going to look back…anymore..and if you really exists..i believe u will come back to me…and that time I will waiting u….
The next Monday haneul went to the church again after her school time..she look so tired..
Haneul: good evening sister…
Sister: evening haneul…how are u today??and what about joon??
Haneul: I’m fine thank you…joon is ok already…
Sister: glad to hear that…oh …before i forgot….last Thursday there is someone looking for you…and they are from korea..
Haneul: me???really sister???
Sister: yes..they says they love the way you play the piano…
Haneul: wow..where can I meet them???
Sister: sorry dear..they already went back to korea…
Haneul: its then..sister…today can we learn other song??i want to play it for JOON…
Sister: ok..ok..let me teach u SEASONS OF RAIN…
Haneul: season of rain????who play that???song and why did the song name seasons of rain??
Sister: well…this song was played by the greatest pianist at Canada..long time ago…he is unknown pianist…he create season of rain..because of his love is taken by the others….he supposed to get married with his fiancé…but because of the heavy rain and thunder, he lost his fiancé..his fiancé die when tree fall on her car on the way to the church…so when rains come, he will feel very sad and he keep mourning each time there is raining…so that, he come up with idea..he create season of rain…because of rain…he lost the one he love, according to him, rain have different type but the season of rain that killed his lover would never change….and it would be the same seasons of rain…
Haneul wipe her tears….the story is same with mine…but the things is..i ‘m still alive and lee joon still can see me…
Sister: why are u crying??
Haneul: the story is so sad and make me cry….
Sister: yes it is…and the song also very sad….
Haneul: sister..please teach me…I wanna learn it…
Sister : ok..ok…
Joon enter his room after he went back from school..i need to do something..someone have to look after her..when I’m not around…he took out the envelop at the locker..and look at the picture..he wrote address at the back of the picture..and he take out one piece of paper and keep writing..while writing there is tears that falling down….i am sorry…I’m not good as what you thought….sungjung ah..when they time has come…you will know and that time I know that u will hate me so much….
Lee joon sat at his garden..when the first time I saw u at the pub..i just wish that jongwoon will left u…after the deals…but I’m wrong…I was too late to act…I already fall for u for the first time..sungjung ah…I want you..and you are my first love at that time…but..but jongwoon…he destroy everything!!!!!!! I love you lee sungjung, yoon haneul…
Jongwoon get up from sleep, next to him is wookie…all of his friend sleep at his house..suddenly sungmin get out from the bathroom..
Jongwoon: yah…where are u going???its still early..
Sungmin: I’m late..soon li is already waiting for to go now..bye bye..
Sungmin lost in his eyeside…suddenly there is call phone…its kyuhyun phone…so loud…and it wakes up donghae, henry, wookie and of course kyuhyun…
Wookie: yah..yah..kyuhyun ah..your phone..pick it up…
Donghae: aish…….(take jongwoon pillow and cover his ears..)
Kyuhyun : hello…hurm…ne…what?????what time is now?????omo..mianhae..i will be there..wait for me don’t go anywhere…
Jongwoon: waeyo???
Kyuhyun: zil..i forgot we have date today…and I’m late!!!!!!!!need to go now..bye bye….
Jongwoon: aish….just now is sungmin and now kyuhyun??yah henry are you not going out with soon ji???
Henry: hurm?/what are u saying??(still in blured condition, he Is sleepy…)
Jongwoon: aish!!! You just back to sleep…
Jongwoon wake up and went to the downstairs…
Maid: good morning young master…MR kim is looking for you..
Jongwoon: my dad is home??
Maid: yes..master he is at garden…
Jongwoon: arraso…..
Jongwoon walk to the garden and he saw his father..having some the garden..
Jongwoon: appa..i’m here…
Mr kim: jongwoon ah…how are u??how the vacation??
Jongwoon: I’m fine appa..and the vacation is sooooo fabulous…
Mr kim: good then…and how about sungjung??did u have any news about her??
Jongwoon: appa..i don’t wanna talk about her anymore..from now on..please don’t talk about her…
Mr kim: jongwoon ah…
Jongwoon: appa..mianhae..i need to go now…
Jongwoon only walk away……..
Haneul went back to the house, lee joon is sleeping and she just let him sleeping and she also sleeping…after that, she is so tired…
Its been 6 month already after sungjung is lost, jongwoon, seems can forget about the things that happen to him and sungjung, he now is working with his father…
But…soon li and soon ji still thinking that sungjung is always with them…and they keep thinking that sungjung will be coming back to them…one day…
Soon li get into the dance room, eeteuk is there..already waiting for her…
Eeteuk: you are late…
Soon li: sorry…
Eeteuk: do u know that we are going to be partner again in this new semester??
Soon li: erk?/chongmal??i thought I got with akira again…
Eeteuk: top talk to me..that he want us to be partner again…
Soon li: is ok then… you have any idea..we should try what kind of dance?/ this time??
Eeteuk: latin perhaps??
Soon li: what??no no no..i can’t do that..
Eeteuk: wae??its not hard at all…
Soon li: I just don’t want to do it…
Eeteuk: but mr top already approve it…
Soon li: yah..eeteuk!!!!!shi..why did u make ur own decision without asking me???
Eeteuk: ah..waeyo???
Soon li: aish….(take her beg and wanna go out from the dance room…)
Eeteuk: soon li ah..wait…where are u going we are not even started yet…
Soon li just walk away..she is so pissed off with eeteuk..latin????why??is there is no others dance??huh???she bump with sungmin and both of them fall at the floor…
Soon li: yah!!!!!!!you don’t have eyes huh???????
Sungmin: soon li shi.
Soon li: omo..oppa..mianhae…
Sungmin: what’s wrong with u??
Soon li: anniyo…oppa what are u doing here??
Sungmin: to having lunch with you of course…
Soon li: you don’t have class today??
Sungmin: already being cancel…donghae already going back home to sleep..jongwoon already went back to his father office…
Soon li: omo…poor u…kajja..let’s go lunch….
Sungmin hold soon li hands…soon li only smile…
The next morning soon li and hyoyeon walk to studio again..they have class…as they enter the room, mr top also enter the room…
Mr top: ok…everyone sit…I have something to said…this semester we will held dance festival night,so I already decide the would be latin and ballet…
All of the student…shocked and angry with it..
Joon: gwenchana..i’m here now….wear your pajama now…or you might get cold…hurry…
Haneul wear her pajama…and she hold joon hands after that..
Haneul: oppa…I wanna sleep with you..don’t left me here….please..oppa…
Joon: arraso..arraso..kajja..sleep at my room..before that I need to meet with the servant...
Haneul: ne oppa..
Haneul only following joon….to meet with his servant…
Joon: ajjushi..what is happening??
Ajushi min: sir…its seems that the whole area in this place have no electricity….
Joon: did u call the electricity people and ask what happen??
Ajjushi min: yes..i did and they said that they will solve the soon as possible…
Joon: arraso…gamsamida ajjushi….hurm..please ask the bodyguard to look around the house…I’,m afraid that thieft might come in this condition…
Ajjushi..: yes…arraso…..
Joon hold haneul hand and bring her to his room…
Joon: lay down now….i will be next to you…
Haneul lay down beside joon and hold him in her arm and she don’t want let go…joon kiss her forehead, kiss her nose, kiss her cheeks…kiss her eyes..kiss her neck..and…and kiss her lips….and both of them seem don’t want to let go of each other! The next morning….haneul wake up when her body is touching lee joon body…its hot….haneul touch joon forehead.. and cheeks…its hot…did he fall sick??haneul get up and wear her pajama…and get down to the kitchen….
Maid: annyeong miss…
Haneul: annyeong..ajjuma…where can I get fever medicine???
Maid: waeyo??
Haneul: joon shi…is sick , he got fever…I want to make porridge for him can u get me the medicine now??
Maid: yes..miss…but we can cook the porridge….sir don’t like it if he know that we don’t do our work…
Haneul: gwenchana…I wanna make it for him..go and find the medicine for me…
Maid; ne..arraso…
While cutting some carrot haneul suddenly cut her fingers…she just wash it and suck the blood..she ask the maid to wrap her fingers…
Maid: joon master must be angry if he know this…
Haneul: gwenchana…I will talk to him…
After fininsh making the porridge haneul ask the maid to bring the thing and the medicine to joon room…joon is not in his bed…he in the bathroom..he get out from the bathroom…haneul only watch his body…omg!!!!faint…so damn hot….
Joon: what is that??
Haneul: are not feeling well..aren;t u??come let’s have some porridge and eat this medicine…
Joon: how u know…
Haneul: your body is hot..kajja..wear your clothes now…and eat this..
Joon: ne…
Haneul feed joon with the porridge…
Joon: haneul..ah..about last night…I’m..i’m…
Haneul: oppa… this hurry…
Joon only nodding and suddenly he saw haneul finger is wrap …he grab haneul fingers…
Haneul: ouch!!!!!!its hurt…
Joon: mianhae..what happen to your fingers???how did this happen???
Haneul: I cut my self while cutting the carrot…
Joon: where is the maid?/call them..i already told them that u are not aloud to touch the knife…
Haneul: oppa…I’m the one who wanna cook for you, its not their fault…jebal..don’t be angry..i ..i just wanna u to taste my cooking….
Joon: but your fingers is hurt…
Haneul: I don’t care…as long as I do it for you…
Joon: haneul..ah..gomawo…(hug her )
Haneul only smiling….oppa..i think..i already fall for you….
Sungmin, donghae, kyuhyun,henry and wookie is with jongwoon. All of them went to the church again…they enter the place…and look around…
Kyuhyun: where is she??
Jongwoon: molla..maybe we can ask the sister over there…
Sungmin: let’s go…
All of them walk to the sister who are at the piano
Jongwoon: hello…sister..can we ask something?(speak in English)
Sister: yes..may I help u gentlemen??
Jongwoon look at donghae..donghae nodding his head…
Jongwoon: sister….yesterday I heard someone is playing the piano over here…may I know who are playing the piano??
Sister: yesterday???oh….i was yoon haneul, my new student….wae??/did u know her???
Wookie: yoon haneul??is he is Korean???
Sister: yes she is from Korean…based on her story yesterday…she want to get married with his fiancé…at this church..but on her way to this church..she have an accident and she has lost her memory…so poor of her…she is very beautiful…and very soft person…she play the piano so well…
Jongwoon: accident???
Sister : yes…his fiancé is very rich…they already live here for almost 5 years….by the way? Why are u looking for her??
Sungmin: its nothing we like the way she play piano, where is she???can we meet her sister??
Sister: can’t come today…her fiancé is sick…and she need to take care of him…maybe she will come back on next Monday…
Kyuhyun: next Monday???we will go back to Korea tomorrow…hurm…
Jongwoon: its ok..thanks sister…thank you very much….
All of them walk away….from the church…
Jongwoon: its not her….its not sungjung…..
Donghae: jongwoon ah…..
Jongwoon: gwenchana…I will stop dreaming now..what did sungmin said is true
Sungmin: jongwoon ah….
Jongwoon: kajja..let’s go shopping need to buy something for the girls…or else they will kill me…
Jongwoon walk..away..all of his friend looking at each other.
On the last day at Barcelona…jongwoon went to the church for the last time…he took at glance at it and walk away…good bye sungjung..from now on..i will look forward..i’m not going to look back…anymore..and if you really exists..i believe u will come back to me…and that time I will waiting u….
The next Monday haneul went to the church again after her school time..she look so tired..
Haneul: good evening sister…
Sister: evening haneul…how are u today??and what about joon??
Haneul: I’m fine thank you…joon is ok already…
Sister: glad to hear that…oh …before i forgot….last Thursday there is someone looking for you…and they are from korea..
Haneul: me???really sister???
Sister: yes..they says they love the way you play the piano…
Haneul: wow..where can I meet them???
Sister: sorry dear..they already went back to korea…
Haneul: its then..sister…today can we learn other song??i want to play it for JOON…
Sister: ok..ok..let me teach u SEASONS OF RAIN…
Haneul: season of rain????who play that???song and why did the song name seasons of rain??
Sister: well…this song was played by the greatest pianist at Canada..long time ago…he is unknown pianist…he create season of rain..because of his love is taken by the others….he supposed to get married with his fiancé…but because of the heavy rain and thunder, he lost his fiancé..his fiancé die when tree fall on her car on the way to the church…so when rains come, he will feel very sad and he keep mourning each time there is raining…so that, he come up with idea..he create season of rain…because of rain…he lost the one he love, according to him, rain have different type but the season of rain that killed his lover would never change….and it would be the same seasons of rain…
Haneul wipe her tears….the story is same with mine…but the things is..i ‘m still alive and lee joon still can see me…
Sister: why are u crying??
Haneul: the story is so sad and make me cry….
Sister: yes it is…and the song also very sad….
Haneul: sister..please teach me…I wanna learn it…
Sister : ok..ok…
Joon enter his room after he went back from school..i need to do something..someone have to look after her..when I’m not around…he took out the envelop at the locker..and look at the picture..he wrote address at the back of the picture..and he take out one piece of paper and keep writing..while writing there is tears that falling down….i am sorry…I’m not good as what you thought….sungjung ah..when they time has come…you will know and that time I know that u will hate me so much….
Lee joon sat at his garden..when the first time I saw u at the pub..i just wish that jongwoon will left u…after the deals…but I’m wrong…I was too late to act…I already fall for u for the first time..sungjung ah…I want you..and you are my first love at that time…but..but jongwoon…he destroy everything!!!!!!! I love you lee sungjung, yoon haneul…
Jongwoon get up from sleep, next to him is wookie…all of his friend sleep at his house..suddenly sungmin get out from the bathroom..
Jongwoon: yah…where are u going???its still early..
Sungmin: I’m late..soon li is already waiting for to go now..bye bye..
Sungmin lost in his eyeside…suddenly there is call phone…its kyuhyun phone…so loud…and it wakes up donghae, henry, wookie and of course kyuhyun…
Wookie: yah..yah..kyuhyun ah..your phone..pick it up…
Donghae: aish…….(take jongwoon pillow and cover his ears..)
Kyuhyun : hello…hurm…ne…what?????what time is now?????omo..mianhae..i will be there..wait for me don’t go anywhere…
Jongwoon: waeyo???
Kyuhyun: zil..i forgot we have date today…and I’m late!!!!!!!!need to go now..bye bye….
Jongwoon: aish….just now is sungmin and now kyuhyun??yah henry are you not going out with soon ji???
Henry: hurm?/what are u saying??(still in blured condition, he Is sleepy…)
Jongwoon: aish!!! You just back to sleep…
Jongwoon wake up and went to the downstairs…
Maid: good morning young master…MR kim is looking for you..
Jongwoon: my dad is home??
Maid: yes..master he is at garden…
Jongwoon: arraso…..
Jongwoon walk to the garden and he saw his father..having some the garden..
Jongwoon: appa..i’m here…
Mr kim: jongwoon ah…how are u??how the vacation??
Jongwoon: I’m fine appa..and the vacation is sooooo fabulous…
Mr kim: good then…and how about sungjung??did u have any news about her??
Jongwoon: appa..i don’t wanna talk about her anymore..from now on..please don’t talk about her…
Mr kim: jongwoon ah…
Jongwoon: appa..mianhae..i need to go now…
Jongwoon only walk away……..
Haneul went back to the house, lee joon is sleeping and she just let him sleeping and she also sleeping…after that, she is so tired…
Its been 6 month already after sungjung is lost, jongwoon, seems can forget about the things that happen to him and sungjung, he now is working with his father…
But…soon li and soon ji still thinking that sungjung is always with them…and they keep thinking that sungjung will be coming back to them…one day…
Soon li get into the dance room, eeteuk is there..already waiting for her…
Eeteuk: you are late…
Soon li: sorry…
Eeteuk: do u know that we are going to be partner again in this new semester??
Soon li: erk?/chongmal??i thought I got with akira again…
Eeteuk: top talk to me..that he want us to be partner again…
Soon li: is ok then… you have any idea..we should try what kind of dance?/ this time??
Eeteuk: latin perhaps??
Soon li: what??no no no..i can’t do that..
Eeteuk: wae??its not hard at all…
Soon li: I just don’t want to do it…
Eeteuk: but mr top already approve it…
Soon li: yah..eeteuk!!!!!shi..why did u make ur own decision without asking me???
Eeteuk: ah..waeyo???
Soon li: aish….(take her beg and wanna go out from the dance room…)
Eeteuk: soon li ah..wait…where are u going we are not even started yet…
Soon li just walk away..she is so pissed off with eeteuk..latin????why??is there is no others dance??huh???she bump with sungmin and both of them fall at the floor…
Soon li: yah!!!!!!!you don’t have eyes huh???????
Sungmin: soon li shi.
Soon li: omo..oppa..mianhae…
Sungmin: what’s wrong with u??
Soon li: anniyo…oppa what are u doing here??
Sungmin: to having lunch with you of course…
Soon li: you don’t have class today??
Sungmin: already being cancel…donghae already going back home to sleep..jongwoon already went back to his father office…
Soon li: omo…poor u…kajja..let’s go lunch….
Sungmin hold soon li hands…soon li only smile…
The next morning soon li and hyoyeon walk to studio again..they have class…as they enter the room, mr top also enter the room…
Mr top: ok…everyone sit…I have something to said…this semester we will held dance festival night,so I already decide the would be latin and ballet…
All of the student…shocked and angry with it..
Siwon: miss did both of you ok???
Soon li: i miss my sister siwon oppa....
Zhou mi: just pray that she will be back ok??
Soon ji: arraso. Zhou mi gege....
Jongwoon ask for two sit only for him...sungmin, donghae, kyuhyun and henry look at him but they didn’t said anything....
Jongwoon take his ipod and start to play the music...suddenly the memor\y with sungjung appear...
Sungjung sit beside jongwoon at the couple sit…sungjung look so nervous…
Jongwoon: gwenchana???
Sungjung only nodding….
Jongwoon: did u want anything????
Sungjung: annya….oppa…can u hold me??i’m kind of scared…
Jongwoon: arraso…take a rest arraso???
Sungjung: ye…
Sungjung lean her head at jongwoon shoulder while jongwoon keep holding her hand.....
Jongwoon didn’t realize that he already fall asleep...he only wake up when donghae wake him up, ask him to eat something, he said that he don’t want to...he keep listening to his mp3..nobody knows what did he hear..actually he listen to sungjung and his voice while performing at that night...the night that change his life, that night that stole his soul...his sadness starting from that night...jongwoon look at his friends..thank you guys..u always beside me when i’m needed u guys...i hope that my sadness will be away when i’m at barcelona...
Haneul, walk to the park with joon...
Joon: do u wanna we meet???and how do i fall in love with u???
Haneul: of course oppa and maybe i can remember something from your story....
Joon smile and he hold haneul hands..
Joon: there is one day..its raining....i drove my car from school to get home..i didn’t realize that at the street there is two school girls is of the girl use pink umbrella and the others girl use blue soon my car pass through them..water from the road splash to the girl with pink umbrella...
Haneul: it was me right????
Joon nodding....
Haneul: than oppa..what happen??
Joon: i want to stop and help you...but i’m might afraid...that you will angry at i just drove my car away....
Haneul: lol..oppa u are so bad..i must be angry at that time, u should stop....and then...what happen??
Joon:i just do nothing....after that one of my friend introduced u to me, that time we are at the club....then i was...keep looking at you, coz i was like i know her..but where did we meet before...i offer to send you back and try to get to know you....then, when we are friend i told u that i’m the one...who splash the water to you...
Haneul: how did i react....
Joon: you just smile and u said you know it was me...after that, day by day i was so crazy for you, i want you to be mine, i want to hold u in my arms....then i confess to you that i love you....and i wanna be with you...
Haneul lean his body to joon body while holding joon hands...she smile...joon keep telling his story....and when he finish....
Haneul: your story is like story of cloud prince and the rain princess....
Joon: huh???(looking at haneul.) where did u hear that story....
Haneul: molla...i just remember one of your story about cloud prince and the rain princess...oppa....kajja..let’s go home now...angie(puppy)..must be bored we left him at home..kajja...(haneul pulled joon)
Joon still in shock....did she start to remember everything???
While in the car...
Haneul: oppa...can u teach me how to play piano???
Joon: wae??
Haneul: i love it....
Joon: arraso...arraso....tomorrow..i will bring piano teacher for you ok???the teacher will teach u...
Haneul: chongmal oppa???
Joon nodding and sweet......
Haneul: thanks oppa..i love u!!!!!!!!(kiss joon cheeks...and keep smiling...)
Joon shock again..did she said that she love me???and she...she just kiss my cheeks just now...omo.....haneul please don’t do to me like this..i will be crazy just for u...
They get down from the plane and take all their stuff, its already midnight when they arrive at barcelona...
Sungmin: gosh...i’m so tired......i want to sleep...
Wookie: let’s go to the hotel, i already book everything...
Jongwoon: its far???
Wookie: not really...
Kyuhyun: i just want to sleep..sungmin ah..let me sleep at ur shoulder....
Sungmin: get lost....
Donghae: yah..stop playing..get in the cab now....
In 30 minutes they arrive at the hotel, when they arrive at their room, everyone is gone to bed....sungmin sleeps in kyuhyun arm, while donghae sleep beside jongwoon and wookie sleep at his bed same goes to henry....they are sleeping like tomorrow...will never come....
That morning..haneul take her beg joon will sent her to the Barcelona's famous church, the Sagrada Familia church. Haneul will learn piano with the sister at that place…joon left haneul after he send her..he need to meet with the doctor…
Haneul listen to the sister very well…….and she learn very fast….
Jongwoon open his eyes..yah…still morning…where can I find the nearest church…jongwoon get ready…and he get out from the hotel…he walk and walk…, he enjoying himself…walking alone…at the street….
The sister left haneul at the altar when their learning process is end…haneul touch the piano again….suddenly she start playing….joon once playing this song to her…she keep on playing….
From the outside…jongwoon heard the sound of someone is playing the piano…he…know that song…he walk faster…that’s our song sungjung…nobody know that song in Barcelona!!!its that you???jongwoon get into the church..but he see no one….there is no one at the piano….he want to enter the church….but suddenly….
Sungmin: yah!!!!!!jongwoon ah…what are u doing here??kajja…let’s go breakfast….
Kyuhyun: you are so clever…left us at the hotel and walk alone…
Henry: lucky we are fast..
Donghae: kajja…..
Donghae pulled jongwoon…the church door is closed….
Haneul get up back….her hair ribbon is falling to the ground, she get up after she pick it up….she turn when she heard the sound of the door of the church being closed….ah…maybe there is someone here..just now while I’m playing…who cares….
Lee joon go out from the hospital..ottokeh???why did this things happen to me??????????waeyo???????? I have to do something….he look at his watch its time to pick up haneul…haneul already waiting for him at the outside of the church…
Haneul: oppa..where did u go??so long…
Joon: I went to office…
Haneul: on Saturday??hurm…
Joon: just a little while… is your learning process???
Haneul: good..oppa..i already can play that song….
Joon: chongmal???how can you play so fast??
Haneul: molla..oppa did I once play piano before this??
Joon: omo..i forgot..u are music student….u can play piano and guitar,…
Haneul: chongmal????/wah!!!!!!but…but I don’t remember anything…..
Joon: gwenchana..u will remember everything as time go by,…hurm..what should we do today??/
Haneul: molla…
Joon: let’s go and have our meal…
Haneul: arraso…
Kyuhyun: yah!!!!henry can u eat slowly..u are going to be choked u know…
Jongwoon: that’s right..why are u eating like never eat for hundreds years..
Henry: I was so hungry didn’t eat since last night..
Wookie: eat slowly…
Henry; ne…
Jongwoon: so where can we go???getting bored…
Sungmin: hye…the first place that I wanna bring you is at the church just now..they said the church is so nice and there is a legend about that church..
Kyuhyun: what kind of legend??
Sungmin: they said …if there is a couple who married there, u will be bless by the god…
Wookie: chongmal???yah..let’s go….
Haneul and joon walking in the street after their lunch suddenly there is a car who drove like crazily and focus on haneul and lee joon, lee joon saw the car coming toward haneul…he pulled haneul as fast as he can and both of them fall to the street….the car crash the tree at the street…many people…come and watch them…..
Jongwoon: yah….did something happen overthere????
Sungmin: accident!!!!!!!
Henry: shall we help??????
Kyuhyun: there is so many people…I’m sure they will save them…
Wookie: that’s right…let’s go..or maybe we will be late….
Jongwoon: kajja…hope that they are fine…
All of them walk away from that scene…
Joon: yah…lee sungjung…gwenchana????(look so panic and try to look at haneul body, whether there is a wounds or not….
Haneul: oppa…na gwenchana… about you….
Joon: glad that u are ok???(hug haneul…) let’s go home now….
Joon piggy back haneul to get into his car….
When they arrive at home…joon call his maid…and ask them to bring first aids..
Haneul: oppa…gwenchana..i’m not hurt at all……..
Joon: let me check first…..i just don’t want anything to happen to you….
Haneul: ne..oppa mianhae…coz I make u worried…
Joon: its not your fault…it’s a drunk driver fault…aish… don’t have to go to the church ok??i will talk to the sister….
Haneul ah….go and take ur bath and have a rest ok???if u need anything I will be at my room…
Haneul: ne oppa….
Haneul walk away….joon quickly run to his room and open his locker…he take that medicine and eat it….he then drink a glass of water a sigh….nobody have to know this…nobody….
When they get back to hotel..jongwoon lost in his own world again…he just can’t get out of his mind…that song only me, and sungjung only knows..and…and..joon!!!!! and impossible that joon played that song..coz I know how did sungjung and joon play…its different…
Donghae: jongwoon ah,,waeyo?/since we get back just now…you seem lost a bit…did anything happen??
Wookie: yes..i realize that…waeyo???did u wanna go back to korea tomorrow??
Jongwoon: no…no…!!i don’t know how to said it…
Kyuhyun: what happen???
Jongwoon: don’t laugh at me ok???...this is not my imagining….this is what I know…
Sungmin: ok….
Jongwoon: just now…when I want to entered the church…sungmin stop me right???.
Sungmin: yes…I did…waeyo??
Jongwoon: I actually…I heard someone is playing tears of Polaris…
Henry: yah…its that ur song and sungjung song???who played that??
Jongwoon: that’s why I go to the church.but when I open the door..there was no one…and then donghae pulled me away…
Donghae: yah…is there a ghost in the church???
Kyuhyun: stop it!!!!!you always with ur ghost..there is no ghost in the place like that…so stop scaring ur self…
Donghae: who know….
Wookie: then….what is in your mind now???
Jongwoon: I wanna go to the church again and found out who played that song….maybe its…really sungjung….
Donghae: arraso..arraso..tomorrow we go again to the church ok???
Sungmin: don’t you think that the song can be played by anybody???and not only you and sungjung know that song right???
Kyuhyun: sungmin is right…the song is could be anybody who played that song…am I right??
Jongwoon: but I know how the sungjung played…I regonize it….
Henry: stop it stop it..why don’t we just go to the church tomorrow and find out….
Sungmin: I don’t agree with it!!!yah jongwoon ah..since when u need to live in her shadow??can u just let her go???
Donghae: sungmin ah..cut it out….
Jongwoon: what do mean sungmin???
Sungmin: you what??its like a useless we bring u to here..we want to make u happy again..but still..u live in your own world with sungjung….why did you hurt your self like this??huh??do u think about us??about ur father huh???
Kyuhyun: sungmin ah..kajja….stop it..(pulled sungmin away…)
Sungmin: I’m so disappointed with u….
Jongwoon: sungmin ah…(kyuhyun already pulled sungmin away…)
Donghae: just ignore him…arraso??tomorrow we will go and find the true…
Jongwoon only nodding….
Kyuhyun: what is wrong with you???
Sungmin: what do you mean by asking me that question…
Kyuhyun: sungmin ah….woon is in trouble right now, he needs us…don’t act like this…
Sungmin: yah,,until when he want to act like that???
Kyuhyun: molla….but for this time please be patient with him ok??he is our friend and he need us….kajja…
Sungmin only follow kyuhyun….
Haneul get into the bathroom…he want to take her shower, its already 10 o clock in the night….while she open the shower..suddenly the light is switch off and its dark…..she scream outloud…
Joon who in his room…heard that noise and get out from his room and bump with his maid…there is a blackout at his house…
Joon: who is screaming???
Maid: miss haneul sir…
Joon: chongmal????(run to haneul room as fast as he can…)
Haneul: oppa…help me…I can’t see anything….jebal…I’m scared…..
Joon: haneul…where are u??? haneul ah…..
Haneul: oppa…I’m in the bath room….oppa..hurry….(there is tears in her cheeks…)
Joon try to open the door..but its lock…
Joon: haneul ah..step back..i will open this door….
Joon kicked the door..and its open..he saw haneul, she is crying and she is naked!!!!!!!!joon take the towel and wrap haneul body…
Joon: gwenchana????
Soon li: i miss my sister siwon oppa....
Zhou mi: just pray that she will be back ok??
Soon ji: arraso. Zhou mi gege....
Jongwoon ask for two sit only for him...sungmin, donghae, kyuhyun and henry look at him but they didn’t said anything....
Jongwoon take his ipod and start to play the music...suddenly the memor\y with sungjung appear...
Sungjung sit beside jongwoon at the couple sit…sungjung look so nervous…
Jongwoon: gwenchana???
Sungjung only nodding….
Jongwoon: did u want anything????
Sungjung: annya….oppa…can u hold me??i’m kind of scared…
Jongwoon: arraso…take a rest arraso???
Sungjung: ye…
Sungjung lean her head at jongwoon shoulder while jongwoon keep holding her hand.....
Jongwoon didn’t realize that he already fall asleep...he only wake up when donghae wake him up, ask him to eat something, he said that he don’t want to...he keep listening to his mp3..nobody knows what did he hear..actually he listen to sungjung and his voice while performing at that night...the night that change his life, that night that stole his soul...his sadness starting from that night...jongwoon look at his friends..thank you guys..u always beside me when i’m needed u guys...i hope that my sadness will be away when i’m at barcelona...
Haneul, walk to the park with joon...
Joon: do u wanna we meet???and how do i fall in love with u???
Haneul: of course oppa and maybe i can remember something from your story....
Joon smile and he hold haneul hands..
Joon: there is one day..its raining....i drove my car from school to get home..i didn’t realize that at the street there is two school girls is of the girl use pink umbrella and the others girl use blue soon my car pass through them..water from the road splash to the girl with pink umbrella...
Haneul: it was me right????
Joon nodding....
Haneul: than oppa..what happen??
Joon: i want to stop and help you...but i’m might afraid...that you will angry at i just drove my car away....
Haneul: lol..oppa u are so bad..i must be angry at that time, u should stop....and then...what happen??
Joon:i just do nothing....after that one of my friend introduced u to me, that time we are at the club....then i was...keep looking at you, coz i was like i know her..but where did we meet before...i offer to send you back and try to get to know you....then, when we are friend i told u that i’m the one...who splash the water to you...
Haneul: how did i react....
Joon: you just smile and u said you know it was me...after that, day by day i was so crazy for you, i want you to be mine, i want to hold u in my arms....then i confess to you that i love you....and i wanna be with you...
Haneul lean his body to joon body while holding joon hands...she smile...joon keep telling his story....and when he finish....
Haneul: your story is like story of cloud prince and the rain princess....
Joon: huh???(looking at haneul.) where did u hear that story....
Haneul: molla...i just remember one of your story about cloud prince and the rain princess...oppa....kajja..let’s go home now...angie(puppy)..must be bored we left him at home..kajja...(haneul pulled joon)
Joon still in shock....did she start to remember everything???
While in the car...
Haneul: oppa...can u teach me how to play piano???
Joon: wae??
Haneul: i love it....
Joon: arraso...arraso....tomorrow..i will bring piano teacher for you ok???the teacher will teach u...
Haneul: chongmal oppa???
Joon nodding and sweet......
Haneul: thanks oppa..i love u!!!!!!!!(kiss joon cheeks...and keep smiling...)
Joon shock again..did she said that she love me???and she...she just kiss my cheeks just now...omo.....haneul please don’t do to me like this..i will be crazy just for u...
They get down from the plane and take all their stuff, its already midnight when they arrive at barcelona...
Sungmin: gosh...i’m so tired......i want to sleep...
Wookie: let’s go to the hotel, i already book everything...
Jongwoon: its far???
Wookie: not really...
Kyuhyun: i just want to sleep..sungmin ah..let me sleep at ur shoulder....
Sungmin: get lost....
Donghae: yah..stop playing..get in the cab now....
In 30 minutes they arrive at the hotel, when they arrive at their room, everyone is gone to bed....sungmin sleeps in kyuhyun arm, while donghae sleep beside jongwoon and wookie sleep at his bed same goes to henry....they are sleeping like tomorrow...will never come....
That morning..haneul take her beg joon will sent her to the Barcelona's famous church, the Sagrada Familia church. Haneul will learn piano with the sister at that place…joon left haneul after he send her..he need to meet with the doctor…
Haneul listen to the sister very well…….and she learn very fast….
Jongwoon open his eyes..yah…still morning…where can I find the nearest church…jongwoon get ready…and he get out from the hotel…he walk and walk…, he enjoying himself…walking alone…at the street….
The sister left haneul at the altar when their learning process is end…haneul touch the piano again….suddenly she start playing….joon once playing this song to her…she keep on playing….
From the outside…jongwoon heard the sound of someone is playing the piano…he…know that song…he walk faster…that’s our song sungjung…nobody know that song in Barcelona!!!its that you???jongwoon get into the church..but he see no one….there is no one at the piano….he want to enter the church….but suddenly….
Sungmin: yah!!!!!!jongwoon ah…what are u doing here??kajja…let’s go breakfast….
Kyuhyun: you are so clever…left us at the hotel and walk alone…
Henry: lucky we are fast..
Donghae: kajja…..
Donghae pulled jongwoon…the church door is closed….
Haneul get up back….her hair ribbon is falling to the ground, she get up after she pick it up….she turn when she heard the sound of the door of the church being closed….ah…maybe there is someone here..just now while I’m playing…who cares….
Lee joon go out from the hospital..ottokeh???why did this things happen to me??????????waeyo???????? I have to do something….he look at his watch its time to pick up haneul…haneul already waiting for him at the outside of the church…
Haneul: oppa..where did u go??so long…
Joon: I went to office…
Haneul: on Saturday??hurm…
Joon: just a little while… is your learning process???
Haneul: good..oppa..i already can play that song….
Joon: chongmal???how can you play so fast??
Haneul: molla..oppa did I once play piano before this??
Joon: omo..i forgot..u are music student….u can play piano and guitar,…
Haneul: chongmal????/wah!!!!!!but…but I don’t remember anything…..
Joon: gwenchana..u will remember everything as time go by,…hurm..what should we do today??/
Haneul: molla…
Joon: let’s go and have our meal…
Haneul: arraso…
Kyuhyun: yah!!!!henry can u eat slowly..u are going to be choked u know…
Jongwoon: that’s right..why are u eating like never eat for hundreds years..
Henry: I was so hungry didn’t eat since last night..
Wookie: eat slowly…
Henry; ne…
Jongwoon: so where can we go???getting bored…
Sungmin: hye…the first place that I wanna bring you is at the church just now..they said the church is so nice and there is a legend about that church..
Kyuhyun: what kind of legend??
Sungmin: they said …if there is a couple who married there, u will be bless by the god…
Wookie: chongmal???yah..let’s go….
Haneul and joon walking in the street after their lunch suddenly there is a car who drove like crazily and focus on haneul and lee joon, lee joon saw the car coming toward haneul…he pulled haneul as fast as he can and both of them fall to the street….the car crash the tree at the street…many people…come and watch them…..
Jongwoon: yah….did something happen overthere????
Sungmin: accident!!!!!!!
Henry: shall we help??????
Kyuhyun: there is so many people…I’m sure they will save them…
Wookie: that’s right…let’s go..or maybe we will be late….
Jongwoon: kajja…hope that they are fine…
All of them walk away from that scene…
Joon: yah…lee sungjung…gwenchana????(look so panic and try to look at haneul body, whether there is a wounds or not….
Haneul: oppa…na gwenchana… about you….
Joon: glad that u are ok???(hug haneul…) let’s go home now….
Joon piggy back haneul to get into his car….
When they arrive at home…joon call his maid…and ask them to bring first aids..
Haneul: oppa…gwenchana..i’m not hurt at all……..
Joon: let me check first…..i just don’t want anything to happen to you….
Haneul: ne..oppa mianhae…coz I make u worried…
Joon: its not your fault…it’s a drunk driver fault…aish… don’t have to go to the church ok??i will talk to the sister….
Haneul ah….go and take ur bath and have a rest ok???if u need anything I will be at my room…
Haneul: ne oppa….
Haneul walk away….joon quickly run to his room and open his locker…he take that medicine and eat it….he then drink a glass of water a sigh….nobody have to know this…nobody….
When they get back to hotel..jongwoon lost in his own world again…he just can’t get out of his mind…that song only me, and sungjung only knows..and…and..joon!!!!! and impossible that joon played that song..coz I know how did sungjung and joon play…its different…
Donghae: jongwoon ah,,waeyo?/since we get back just now…you seem lost a bit…did anything happen??
Wookie: yes..i realize that…waeyo???did u wanna go back to korea tomorrow??
Jongwoon: no…no…!!i don’t know how to said it…
Kyuhyun: what happen???
Jongwoon: don’t laugh at me ok???...this is not my imagining….this is what I know…
Sungmin: ok….
Jongwoon: just now…when I want to entered the church…sungmin stop me right???.
Sungmin: yes…I did…waeyo??
Jongwoon: I actually…I heard someone is playing tears of Polaris…
Henry: yah…its that ur song and sungjung song???who played that??
Jongwoon: that’s why I go to the church.but when I open the door..there was no one…and then donghae pulled me away…
Donghae: yah…is there a ghost in the church???
Kyuhyun: stop it!!!!!you always with ur ghost..there is no ghost in the place like that…so stop scaring ur self…
Donghae: who know….
Wookie: then….what is in your mind now???
Jongwoon: I wanna go to the church again and found out who played that song….maybe its…really sungjung….
Donghae: arraso..arraso..tomorrow we go again to the church ok???
Sungmin: don’t you think that the song can be played by anybody???and not only you and sungjung know that song right???
Kyuhyun: sungmin is right…the song is could be anybody who played that song…am I right??
Jongwoon: but I know how the sungjung played…I regonize it….
Henry: stop it stop it..why don’t we just go to the church tomorrow and find out….
Sungmin: I don’t agree with it!!!yah jongwoon ah..since when u need to live in her shadow??can u just let her go???
Donghae: sungmin ah..cut it out….
Jongwoon: what do mean sungmin???
Sungmin: you what??its like a useless we bring u to here..we want to make u happy again..but still..u live in your own world with sungjung….why did you hurt your self like this??huh??do u think about us??about ur father huh???
Kyuhyun: sungmin ah..kajja….stop it..(pulled sungmin away…)
Sungmin: I’m so disappointed with u….
Jongwoon: sungmin ah…(kyuhyun already pulled sungmin away…)
Donghae: just ignore him…arraso??tomorrow we will go and find the true…
Jongwoon only nodding….
Kyuhyun: what is wrong with you???
Sungmin: what do you mean by asking me that question…
Kyuhyun: sungmin ah….woon is in trouble right now, he needs us…don’t act like this…
Sungmin: yah,,until when he want to act like that???
Kyuhyun: molla….but for this time please be patient with him ok??he is our friend and he need us….kajja…
Sungmin only follow kyuhyun….
Haneul get into the bathroom…he want to take her shower, its already 10 o clock in the night….while she open the shower..suddenly the light is switch off and its dark…..she scream outloud…
Joon who in his room…heard that noise and get out from his room and bump with his maid…there is a blackout at his house…
Joon: who is screaming???
Maid: miss haneul sir…
Joon: chongmal????(run to haneul room as fast as he can…)
Haneul: oppa…help me…I can’t see anything….jebal…I’m scared…..
Joon: haneul…where are u??? haneul ah…..
Haneul: oppa…I’m in the bath room….oppa..hurry….(there is tears in her cheeks…)
Joon try to open the door..but its lock…
Joon: haneul ah..step back..i will open this door….
Joon kicked the door..and its open..he saw haneul, she is crying and she is naked!!!!!!!!joon take the towel and wrap haneul body…
Joon: gwenchana????
Joon: cancel all of the meeting...i wanna go home now..(talk to his secratary...)
Lee joon as fast as he can and he arrive home 5 minutes later..
Joon: where is haneul??(talking to his maid)
Maid: she at the garden...
Lee joon walk to the garden and he saw haneul..
Joon: hunny....
Haneul turn her back...
Haneul: can u do this to me??huh??i believe in you...
Joon sallow his saliva..did she already know everything???
Joon: what are u talking about??
Haneul: what is this??huh?(throwing some photo to lee joon)
Joon: where did u get this??(look pissed off and he walk to haneul, but haneul step back)
Haneul: is that true u and that girl...have relationship??answer me!!!!
Joon: where did u get this photo???
Haneul: so..its true???fine!!!!!!!
Haneul run to her room..while crying...
Joon: hunny!!!!!hunny...(chase her but she already lock her self in the room..)
Lee joon look at the photo, he and his ex girlfriend is kissing,who gave this to haneul??
Lee joon take his car key and drove away from house...
He try and find his ex-girlfriend...and he saw her...the girl is smiling at him...make joon more pissed off...
Soora: lee joon are here...
Joon: hey...stupid..once more u come near my fiance i will stratch ur face with knife...
Soora: what are u talking about oppa??
Joon: don’t show that u are stupid while u are really stupid..u know what i mean...if you dare to make haneul cry again...u are i want you to clear up all the things..said to her that u only making up this story..
Soora: but...but oppa.........i..i..
Joon: or u want me to throw asid at ur stupid face huh??which one u want??
Soora: oppa.....why are u become like this....i hate u oppa...(crying and run away from there....)
Joon: stupid...
Joon drive back to his house...
Haneul lock her self in the room... you said that u love me...but u kiss other girl...what was that??are u playing with me??i won’t forgive u...never...
Jongwoon, donghae, sungmin and wookie arrive at jongwoon house at korea.kyuhyun, henry arrive later..the house is empty, his father is at barcelona...having conference...
Wookie: when will we go on holiday??the school holiday is coming...
Donghae: the first day...of holiday
Henry: go where??
Kyuhyun: jeju...
Jongwoon: do u want me to commit sucide at that island because of bored??
Sungmin: lol..that right jeju is so bored, only good for couples...
Kyuhyun: nevermind i can go with zil...
Wookie: shu...shu....i’m thinking to go fishing.......
Donghae, jongwoon, henry, sungmin, kyuhyun: no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Donghae: yah wookie do u wanna guys are not allowed to go fishing!!!!!!!!the fish is my friend lol...
The others only laughing when donghae pissed off at wookie...
Sungmin: jongwoon ah..your father is at barcelona right???do u guys know barcelona have a very nice buliding??there is so many place that we can go...
Jongwoon: barcelona???i was thinking the same thing...
Wookie: there is music festival at barcelona next week...
Henry: can we go there..please....i want to go to the festival...
Donghae: i’m on
Kyuhyun:me too
Wookie: me too
Sungmin: me too
Jongwoon: so let’s go to the barcelona then...
All of them so happy......
Sungmin: need to go now...
Jongwoon: i just arrive at home and now u leaving??huh??
Sungmin: need to fetch soon li...
Jongwoon: yah!!!!!u with her??
Sungmin only nodding...
Jongwoon: how is she??and soon ji??
Sungmin: both of them still in mourning...they can’t forget what did happen...
Jongwoon: send my regards to them and i will come and meet with them...
Sungmin: ok...bye guys...
Jongwoon only looks at sungmin....not only them that cannot forget about it..i’m still suffered from what did me and sungjung, god i wish that this would never happen...
Soon li: what?????jongwoon oppa already return?? Can i meet him..i missed him...
Sungmin: he will come and meet u guys later...u missed him??what about me??we haven’t meet for 2 days...
Soon li smile, that could kill me soon li..don’t smile like that...soon li touch sungmin hands...
Soon li: missed u like hell oppa...and you know that too....
Sungmin only smile and kiss soon li hands...
Sungmin: how is ur dad??
Soon li change her face expression....
Soon li: daddy become quiet now, he not playing the piano anymore, the more become dead..and daddy always sleep at sungjung unnie rooms..and sometimes i can heard that he is crying...
Sungmin: sorry to hear that..just pray to the god and wish that sungjung will be back ok???
Soon li: hope so........
Sungmin: soon li week, we are going to barcelona...
Soon li: ah...waeyo???u leaving me again?? u have another girlfriend??huh
Sungmin: anni!!!we are trying to help jongwoon to get back his soul...
Soon li: ah..chongmal??how many days??
Sungmin: only a week...
Soon li: a week???then how about me???you don’t want to spend time with me??huh??(sulking already)
Sungmin: i promise when i get back from barcelona, i will spend all my time with u ok???
Soon li: can i trust u??
Sungmin: dear...
Soon li only smiling..same goes to sungmin...aigooooo so cute!!!!!!!!
That evening jongwoon went to mr lee house...he hug mr lee...
Jongwoon: are u??
Mr lee: i’m about u then??
Jongwoon: i’m good too...
Soon li and soon ji come and hug jongwoon..
Soon ji: oppa..we missed u....
Jongwoon: missed u guys too........
Mr lee: is there any news about sungjung?
Jongwoon: no ajjushi...i have no news about her....but no matter what happen...i will still looking for her....
Soon li: oppa..please be strong
Jongwoon: you too...ajjushi u need to be strong and don’t forget to eat ur medicine...
Mr lee: i have no interest to do other things rather than thinking about my daugther..its been a 2 month already since she lost...
Jongwoon: ajjushi u can’t act like this, if u act like this soon li and soon ji will feel sad...u need to be strong..i believe that sungjung will come us...
Mr lee only looking at jongwoon...
Jongwoon: soon li ah..soon ji do u want anything??oppa wants to go barcelona next week...
Soon li: i wish i can go with u.....
Jongwoon: i wish i could bring u too...but i’m not sure ur daddy will allowed me to do that...
Soon ji: gwenchana oppa...just buy anything for me ok???its ok with me..
Jongwoon smile...
He get out from the house and look around..sungjung ah...i will never forget u...until i died..u are still in my heart forever....did u hear me???
Its been 2 days that haneul didn’t speak to joon. Joon try to talk to her but she ignore it...haneul get down from the car and went into her school, she didn’t look at joon at all...joon only sigh...
Haneul walk into her classroom, there is someone that waiting at the door...she know that girl...huh..what is she doing here???
Haneul: what are u doing here???
Soora: haneul shi...mianhae....the picture that i gave you...that day was the edited one...i and joon have no relationship at all....
Haneul: mworago????yah....soora shi...are u playing with me???
Soora only nodding and there is tears in her eyes...
Soora: i’m sorry haneul shi...i’m only playing with u..mianhae...chongmal mianhae, joon love u so much, i’m the one who like him, he don’t ever like me....mianhae..i need to go now...
Soora run away from there..she wipe her tears....
Haneul: soora shi..soora shi....aish!!!!
Haneul enter her class room...i was wrong....i made a i need to aplogize to lee joon...
Haneul get back from school that evening, lee joon is not yet back from his school...she waiting for him at the his room....she enter the room...and she was amaze....there is so much picture of her and the wall and she can see her picture is everywhere....she smile..oppa mianhae...i was wrong...suddenly she heard someone is playing the piano...its must be lee joon...she get out from the room and went to the living room, she saw lee joon is there..playing the moonlight sonata...she wait until lee joon finish play that song....haneul walk near to joon and she sit beside lee joon and she hug lee joon from the side....lee joon shocked and stop playing....his heart beating faster and faster...
Joon: waeyo??
Haneul: oppa...mianhaeyo..i was wrong....
Joon smile...thanks soora for ur works....
Joon: what are u talking about???
Haneul: about that picture, soora come and see me today and she said that she making up the story...i was wrong....and i didn;t listen to you....
Joon: gwenchana....don’t do that again arraso???i..i have no one else...i only have you..and i feel lonely when u are not talking to me...i only have you haneul...
Haneul: oppa..mianhaeyo....i will never do that again...i also have no one, i only have you oppa...thanks for always be next to me...
Lee joon hug haneul more tightly...and are in my arms!!!!!!!
The day has come...all of them already at the airport...soon li and soon ji is there too...
Jongwoon: lol..where is he??we already late!!!!!!aish...
Donghae: sungmin ah...aren’t u guys always together huh??where is he??
Sungmin: hye! We are not alway together ok??where do i know where is he??huh..
Wookie: try call him again...
Henry: ne...
Soon ji: did he wake up late again???
Jongwoon: i guess so...soon ji ah..oppa will buy something nice for u arraso???
Soon ji: chongmal oppa???gamsamida oppa...
Soon li: oppa..than what about me???
Jongwoon: of course i will buy something for u too..don’t worry arraso???u guys need to take care and please take care of your father ok??i’m little bit worried about him...
Soon li: ne oppa...i will..
Suddenly ..
Kyuhyun: sorry i’m late...
Donghae: yah...did u play games again until midnight huh???
Kyuhyun only smile...
Jongwoon: kajja..we should be going now....
Sungmin: soon li ah...take care ok??
Soon li: ne oppa you too...
Soon ji and henry is hugging and henry kiss her hand..soon ji only smile.....
After all of them board the plane.....siwon and zhou mi ask soon li and soon ji enter the car...they have to go now, its very dangerous for them to stay outside longer...
Soon li: i wish we can go there...
Soon ji: if sungjung unnie is with us, daddy must alowed us to go i right...
Lee joon as fast as he can and he arrive home 5 minutes later..
Joon: where is haneul??(talking to his maid)
Maid: she at the garden...
Lee joon walk to the garden and he saw haneul..
Joon: hunny....
Haneul turn her back...
Haneul: can u do this to me??huh??i believe in you...
Joon sallow his saliva..did she already know everything???
Joon: what are u talking about??
Haneul: what is this??huh?(throwing some photo to lee joon)
Joon: where did u get this??(look pissed off and he walk to haneul, but haneul step back)
Haneul: is that true u and that girl...have relationship??answer me!!!!
Joon: where did u get this photo???
Haneul: so..its true???fine!!!!!!!
Haneul run to her room..while crying...
Joon: hunny!!!!!hunny...(chase her but she already lock her self in the room..)
Lee joon look at the photo, he and his ex girlfriend is kissing,who gave this to haneul??
Lee joon take his car key and drove away from house...
He try and find his ex-girlfriend...and he saw her...the girl is smiling at him...make joon more pissed off...
Soora: lee joon are here...
Joon: hey...stupid..once more u come near my fiance i will stratch ur face with knife...
Soora: what are u talking about oppa??
Joon: don’t show that u are stupid while u are really stupid..u know what i mean...if you dare to make haneul cry again...u are i want you to clear up all the things..said to her that u only making up this story..
Soora: but...but oppa.........i..i..
Joon: or u want me to throw asid at ur stupid face huh??which one u want??
Soora: oppa.....why are u become like this....i hate u oppa...(crying and run away from there....)
Joon: stupid...
Joon drive back to his house...
Haneul lock her self in the room... you said that u love me...but u kiss other girl...what was that??are u playing with me??i won’t forgive u...never...
Jongwoon, donghae, sungmin and wookie arrive at jongwoon house at korea.kyuhyun, henry arrive later..the house is empty, his father is at barcelona...having conference...
Wookie: when will we go on holiday??the school holiday is coming...
Donghae: the first day...of holiday
Henry: go where??
Kyuhyun: jeju...
Jongwoon: do u want me to commit sucide at that island because of bored??
Sungmin: lol..that right jeju is so bored, only good for couples...
Kyuhyun: nevermind i can go with zil...
Wookie: shu...shu....i’m thinking to go fishing.......
Donghae, jongwoon, henry, sungmin, kyuhyun: no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Donghae: yah wookie do u wanna guys are not allowed to go fishing!!!!!!!!the fish is my friend lol...
The others only laughing when donghae pissed off at wookie...
Sungmin: jongwoon ah..your father is at barcelona right???do u guys know barcelona have a very nice buliding??there is so many place that we can go...
Jongwoon: barcelona???i was thinking the same thing...
Wookie: there is music festival at barcelona next week...
Henry: can we go there..please....i want to go to the festival...
Donghae: i’m on
Kyuhyun:me too
Wookie: me too
Sungmin: me too
Jongwoon: so let’s go to the barcelona then...
All of them so happy......
Sungmin: need to go now...
Jongwoon: i just arrive at home and now u leaving??huh??
Sungmin: need to fetch soon li...
Jongwoon: yah!!!!!u with her??
Sungmin only nodding...
Jongwoon: how is she??and soon ji??
Sungmin: both of them still in mourning...they can’t forget what did happen...
Jongwoon: send my regards to them and i will come and meet with them...
Sungmin: ok...bye guys...
Jongwoon only looks at sungmin....not only them that cannot forget about it..i’m still suffered from what did me and sungjung, god i wish that this would never happen...
Soon li: what?????jongwoon oppa already return?? Can i meet him..i missed him...
Sungmin: he will come and meet u guys later...u missed him??what about me??we haven’t meet for 2 days...
Soon li smile, that could kill me soon li..don’t smile like that...soon li touch sungmin hands...
Soon li: missed u like hell oppa...and you know that too....
Sungmin only smile and kiss soon li hands...
Sungmin: how is ur dad??
Soon li change her face expression....
Soon li: daddy become quiet now, he not playing the piano anymore, the more become dead..and daddy always sleep at sungjung unnie rooms..and sometimes i can heard that he is crying...
Sungmin: sorry to hear that..just pray to the god and wish that sungjung will be back ok???
Soon li: hope so........
Sungmin: soon li week, we are going to barcelona...
Soon li: ah...waeyo???u leaving me again?? u have another girlfriend??huh
Sungmin: anni!!!we are trying to help jongwoon to get back his soul...
Soon li: ah..chongmal??how many days??
Sungmin: only a week...
Soon li: a week???then how about me???you don’t want to spend time with me??huh??(sulking already)
Sungmin: i promise when i get back from barcelona, i will spend all my time with u ok???
Soon li: can i trust u??
Sungmin: dear...
Soon li only smiling..same goes to sungmin...aigooooo so cute!!!!!!!!
That evening jongwoon went to mr lee house...he hug mr lee...
Jongwoon: are u??
Mr lee: i’m about u then??
Jongwoon: i’m good too...
Soon li and soon ji come and hug jongwoon..
Soon ji: oppa..we missed u....
Jongwoon: missed u guys too........
Mr lee: is there any news about sungjung?
Jongwoon: no ajjushi...i have no news about her....but no matter what happen...i will still looking for her....
Soon li: oppa..please be strong
Jongwoon: you too...ajjushi u need to be strong and don’t forget to eat ur medicine...
Mr lee: i have no interest to do other things rather than thinking about my daugther..its been a 2 month already since she lost...
Jongwoon: ajjushi u can’t act like this, if u act like this soon li and soon ji will feel sad...u need to be strong..i believe that sungjung will come us...
Mr lee only looking at jongwoon...
Jongwoon: soon li ah..soon ji do u want anything??oppa wants to go barcelona next week...
Soon li: i wish i can go with u.....
Jongwoon: i wish i could bring u too...but i’m not sure ur daddy will allowed me to do that...
Soon ji: gwenchana oppa...just buy anything for me ok???its ok with me..
Jongwoon smile...
He get out from the house and look around..sungjung ah...i will never forget u...until i died..u are still in my heart forever....did u hear me???
Its been 2 days that haneul didn’t speak to joon. Joon try to talk to her but she ignore it...haneul get down from the car and went into her school, she didn’t look at joon at all...joon only sigh...
Haneul walk into her classroom, there is someone that waiting at the door...she know that girl...huh..what is she doing here???
Haneul: what are u doing here???
Soora: haneul shi...mianhae....the picture that i gave you...that day was the edited one...i and joon have no relationship at all....
Haneul: mworago????yah....soora shi...are u playing with me???
Soora only nodding and there is tears in her eyes...
Soora: i’m sorry haneul shi...i’m only playing with u..mianhae...chongmal mianhae, joon love u so much, i’m the one who like him, he don’t ever like me....mianhae..i need to go now...
Soora run away from there..she wipe her tears....
Haneul: soora shi..soora shi....aish!!!!
Haneul enter her class room...i was wrong....i made a i need to aplogize to lee joon...
Haneul get back from school that evening, lee joon is not yet back from his school...she waiting for him at the his room....she enter the room...and she was amaze....there is so much picture of her and the wall and she can see her picture is everywhere....she smile..oppa mianhae...i was wrong...suddenly she heard someone is playing the piano...its must be lee joon...she get out from the room and went to the living room, she saw lee joon is there..playing the moonlight sonata...she wait until lee joon finish play that song....haneul walk near to joon and she sit beside lee joon and she hug lee joon from the side....lee joon shocked and stop playing....his heart beating faster and faster...
Joon: waeyo??
Haneul: oppa...mianhaeyo..i was wrong....
Joon smile...thanks soora for ur works....
Joon: what are u talking about???
Haneul: about that picture, soora come and see me today and she said that she making up the story...i was wrong....and i didn;t listen to you....
Joon: gwenchana....don’t do that again arraso???i..i have no one else...i only have you..and i feel lonely when u are not talking to me...i only have you haneul...
Haneul: oppa..mianhaeyo....i will never do that again...i also have no one, i only have you oppa...thanks for always be next to me...
Lee joon hug haneul more tightly...and are in my arms!!!!!!!
The day has come...all of them already at the airport...soon li and soon ji is there too...
Jongwoon: lol..where is he??we already late!!!!!!aish...
Donghae: sungmin ah...aren’t u guys always together huh??where is he??
Sungmin: hye! We are not alway together ok??where do i know where is he??huh..
Wookie: try call him again...
Henry: ne...
Soon ji: did he wake up late again???
Jongwoon: i guess so...soon ji ah..oppa will buy something nice for u arraso???
Soon ji: chongmal oppa???gamsamida oppa...
Soon li: oppa..than what about me???
Jongwoon: of course i will buy something for u too..don’t worry arraso???u guys need to take care and please take care of your father ok??i’m little bit worried about him...
Soon li: ne oppa...i will..
Suddenly ..
Kyuhyun: sorry i’m late...
Donghae: yah...did u play games again until midnight huh???
Kyuhyun only smile...
Jongwoon: kajja..we should be going now....
Sungmin: soon li ah...take care ok??
Soon li: ne oppa you too...
Soon ji and henry is hugging and henry kiss her hand..soon ji only smile.....
After all of them board the plane.....siwon and zhou mi ask soon li and soon ji enter the car...they have to go now, its very dangerous for them to stay outside longer...
Soon li: i wish we can go there...
Soon ji: if sungjung unnie is with us, daddy must alowed us to go i right...
Zil look up at the sky…its going to rain again…she look at her side…there is pink and blue umbrella, the blue umbrella is her..while the pink umbrella is sungjung…she always bring extra umbrella for sungjung, sungjung always forgot to bring her umbrella…she wipe her tears that falling down in her cheeks…
Sungjung: zil…I love you so much…
Zil: ai…only I bring umbrella for you everyday huh???why did you always forgot???
Sungjung: annya I thought that my driver will pick me up…but…he is with my father.ottokeh???
Zil: aish..arraso..kajja…let’s go home.
Sungjung: I love to walk like this with you…
Zil: ai…you saying a sweet thing again..waeyo???..
Zil missed her...she look again at the umbrella...sungjung ah..did u still alive???can u give me any clue???huh???jebal???suddenly there is someone hold her hand..she look at the person...its her lover....there is smile on his face and force her to smile too...
Kyuhyun: did u cry again huh??(wipe zil tears..and hold her in his arm...) gwenchana....just cry arraso??i will be here for you...
Zil: mianhae oppa...
Kyuhyun: gwenchana...the thropy that we win yesterday is for sungjung..we will wait for her to come back and we will give this to her..arraso??
Zil: ne...oppa..what about jongwoon??
Kyuhyun: (sigh) molla, he change...suddenly....did u know that he already went back to japan???
Zil: yes..i know about that...but why did sohee is following him??
Kyuhyun: jongwoon thinks that he can forget sungjung if sohee is with him...
Zil: oppa do you believe that sungjung will come back??
Kyuhyun: yes...she will comeback...kajja...let’s go home...
Zil give her umbrella to kyuhyun while she open sungjung umbrella and both of them walk in sungjung umbrella together to the car...
Sohee walk to jongwoon..she held jongwoon hand....
Sohee: oppa..i cannot stay beside you anymore...
Jongwoon shocked and he look at sohee...
Jongwoon: wae???
Sohee: oppa..i’m already tired oppa, you can stay with this situation but i can’t...tomorrow..i will go back to father ask me to go home...mianhae oppa...i cannot stay beside you anymore...
Jongwoon...feels like the world is leaving him...everyone is leaving him...wae???did i do something wrong in my past life huh??jongwoon walk to his room leave sohee at the living room...........he went to his room...and his eyes...capture..sungjung smile on the picture at the wall...this is on their vacation at the art gallery....sungjung is so happy that time...god..can i still look at her smile???can i ???..jongwoon is sick...he need quick treatment...he become someone else since sungjung is gone...but deep inside his heart sungjung will come back to him...suddenly his door is open...and he is so shocked...
Jongwoon: yah..when did you guys arrive?/why don’t you tell me??i can fetch u guys....
All of them are hugging with jongwoon...
Donghae: jongwoon are u??
Sungmin: did u eat a lot huh???
Jongwoon: ne...i’m fine...
Wookie: where is sohee???
Jongwoon: she already left me...
Sungmin: chongmal???
Jongwoon only nodding...
Donghae: jongwoon ah...let;s go back to korea...
Jongwoon sigh...
Jongwoon: did u guys come here to ask me to go back to korea???
Sungmin: they need you to be stronger...jebal..jongwoon ah...
Jongwoon: how can i go back??if sungjung smile tied me here and there??i don’t know what to do..i’m almost crazy....
Wookie: jongwoon ah..we can help you...and you need to help ur self too..
Donghae: you can’t stay here alone...don’t runied your life jongwoon ah...both of you love music music...and make her near to you eventhough she is not here with us...its can help heal your pain...although its not much but it does i right???
Sungmin: what did donghae said is true ur father is not here, he at barcelona...if anything happen to you...nobody know...i don’t want anything bad to happen to you...
Wookie: yes..or maybe all of us should go on vacation..for a while to heal our stress...what do you guys says???
Jongwoon: guys are really my friends...i..i will follow all of you , i will go back to korea...but let me collect all my memory with sungjung
Donghae and the others nodding and smiling...
As what did he told his friend, he went to collect all the memory that both of them left at japan...jongwoon walk to the art gallery...and start over the memory...............
Sungjung: omo………the bus..already gone????/
Jongwoon : aish…….this is because of you!!!!
Sungjung: mianhaeyo…….
Jongwoon: let’s go back by our self….
Sungjung: jongwoon shi….i can call my bodyguard…they are here….
Jongwoon: erk???????
Sungjung take her phone out.
Sungjung: oh….siwon shi…..can u help me????
Siwon: ye….my lady…..
Sungjung: I need ur help….use ur gprs and find me now…
Siwon: yes my lady…I will be there.
Jongwoon: siwon shi?????
Sungjung: he is my bodyguard….where are we going now???there will take time to reach here….
Jongwoon: molla….but there is a shop over here, we can go there…kajja…..(hold sungjung hands…)
Sungjung: jongwoon shi….
Jongwoon: yah…stop calling me jongwoon shi jongwoon shi…am I a stranger???.
Sungjung: then…what u want me to call u????oppa????huh???
Jongwoon: that would be nice….(smiling….)
Sungjung: ye…..arraso…arraso…oppa…(sungjung smling too, jongwoon feel like his hearbeat is beating so faster than before when sungjung is smiling to him. Both of them walking together at the street, sungjung hold jongwoon arm and jongwoon hold sungjung waist….they don’t realize that there is a paparazzi who took their picture….both of them stop and eating at the street shop and walk again until they reach at jewwerly shop.
Sungjung: wae???
Jongwoon: kajja….
Salesgirl: hello(speak in japanese
Sungjung and jongwoon only bow…
Sungjung: oppa…let’s get out from here….
Jongwoon:wae???/wait a minute, miss do you have something new???(speak in Japanese
Salesgirl: sure sir we have, this couple ring.just arrive this morning…please take a look sir.
Jongwoon look at the ring…nice and smart….he took sungjung hand and wear the ring for her….
Jongwoon: do u like it????
Sungjung: oppa….i like it…so nice….
Jongwoon: ok…miss…I will take it….
Sungjung shock…….erk????he going to buy this for me???huh…
Sungjung: oppa…are u going to buy it for me huh???
Jongwoon: ye..wae???
Sungjung: but…but…..its…its tooo expensive….
Jongwoon: gwenchana….let’s go to the gallery…your bodyguard must have looking for u…
Sungjung: ye…….
Jongwoon look at his ring....the first couple ring that we ever had look so cute that night...jongwoon walk away..from the art gallery and walk to the street......i think i already collect all my memory with should get back to korea with my friends..sungjung ah...i know that u will return to me...
Mr lee look at sungjung room...he touch sungjung bed, laptop...closet and evrything...its still warm..and he smell sungjung clothes...there is still her smell...sungjung can daddy be happy again when u are not around??you still alive...right???daddy will waiting for you...
Haneul put her bag at the ground when she arrive at home..her face is so sour and angry...she let her hair free from being tied....all the main run to her when they saw her...already at home...
Maid 1: are home???
Haneul: where is joon???
Maid 2: he is not at home...he is at office???
Haneul: office???????call him now for me....
Maid 1: ne...arraso....
Haneul get the phone when joon is on the line already...
Joon: wae???
Haneul: oppa...come back now...
Joon: i’m busy..i have meeting...
Haneul: i don’t care...if you are not at home 30 minutes more...i will run away!!!!!!
Joon: yah...yah...hunny....(the phone is already hang up)
Joon panic, he went out from the office...
Sungjung: zil…I love you so much…
Zil: ai…only I bring umbrella for you everyday huh???why did you always forgot???
Sungjung: annya I thought that my driver will pick me up…but…he is with my father.ottokeh???
Zil: aish..arraso..kajja…let’s go home.
Sungjung: I love to walk like this with you…
Zil: ai…you saying a sweet thing again..waeyo???..
Zil missed her...she look again at the umbrella...sungjung ah..did u still alive???can u give me any clue???huh???jebal???suddenly there is someone hold her hand..she look at the person...its her lover....there is smile on his face and force her to smile too...
Kyuhyun: did u cry again huh??(wipe zil tears..and hold her in his arm...) gwenchana....just cry arraso??i will be here for you...
Zil: mianhae oppa...
Kyuhyun: gwenchana...the thropy that we win yesterday is for sungjung..we will wait for her to come back and we will give this to her..arraso??
Zil: ne...oppa..what about jongwoon??
Kyuhyun: (sigh) molla, he change...suddenly....did u know that he already went back to japan???
Zil: yes..i know about that...but why did sohee is following him??
Kyuhyun: jongwoon thinks that he can forget sungjung if sohee is with him...
Zil: oppa do you believe that sungjung will come back??
Kyuhyun: yes...she will comeback...kajja...let’s go home...
Zil give her umbrella to kyuhyun while she open sungjung umbrella and both of them walk in sungjung umbrella together to the car...
Sohee walk to jongwoon..she held jongwoon hand....
Sohee: oppa..i cannot stay beside you anymore...
Jongwoon shocked and he look at sohee...
Jongwoon: wae???
Sohee: oppa..i’m already tired oppa, you can stay with this situation but i can’t...tomorrow..i will go back to father ask me to go home...mianhae oppa...i cannot stay beside you anymore...
Jongwoon...feels like the world is leaving him...everyone is leaving him...wae???did i do something wrong in my past life huh??jongwoon walk to his room leave sohee at the living room...........he went to his room...and his eyes...capture..sungjung smile on the picture at the wall...this is on their vacation at the art gallery....sungjung is so happy that time...god..can i still look at her smile???can i ???..jongwoon is sick...he need quick treatment...he become someone else since sungjung is gone...but deep inside his heart sungjung will come back to him...suddenly his door is open...and he is so shocked...
Jongwoon: yah..when did you guys arrive?/why don’t you tell me??i can fetch u guys....
All of them are hugging with jongwoon...
Donghae: jongwoon are u??
Sungmin: did u eat a lot huh???
Jongwoon: ne...i’m fine...
Wookie: where is sohee???
Jongwoon: she already left me...
Sungmin: chongmal???
Jongwoon only nodding...
Donghae: jongwoon ah...let;s go back to korea...
Jongwoon sigh...
Jongwoon: did u guys come here to ask me to go back to korea???
Sungmin: they need you to be stronger...jebal..jongwoon ah...
Jongwoon: how can i go back??if sungjung smile tied me here and there??i don’t know what to do..i’m almost crazy....
Wookie: jongwoon ah..we can help you...and you need to help ur self too..
Donghae: you can’t stay here alone...don’t runied your life jongwoon ah...both of you love music music...and make her near to you eventhough she is not here with us...its can help heal your pain...although its not much but it does i right???
Sungmin: what did donghae said is true ur father is not here, he at barcelona...if anything happen to you...nobody know...i don’t want anything bad to happen to you...
Wookie: yes..or maybe all of us should go on vacation..for a while to heal our stress...what do you guys says???
Jongwoon: guys are really my friends...i..i will follow all of you , i will go back to korea...but let me collect all my memory with sungjung
Donghae and the others nodding and smiling...
As what did he told his friend, he went to collect all the memory that both of them left at japan...jongwoon walk to the art gallery...and start over the memory...............
Sungjung: omo………the bus..already gone????/
Jongwoon : aish…….this is because of you!!!!
Sungjung: mianhaeyo…….
Jongwoon: let’s go back by our self….
Sungjung: jongwoon shi….i can call my bodyguard…they are here….
Jongwoon: erk???????
Sungjung take her phone out.
Sungjung: oh….siwon shi…..can u help me????
Siwon: ye….my lady…..
Sungjung: I need ur help….use ur gprs and find me now…
Siwon: yes my lady…I will be there.
Jongwoon: siwon shi?????
Sungjung: he is my bodyguard….where are we going now???there will take time to reach here….
Jongwoon: molla….but there is a shop over here, we can go there…kajja…..(hold sungjung hands…)
Sungjung: jongwoon shi….
Jongwoon: yah…stop calling me jongwoon shi jongwoon shi…am I a stranger???.
Sungjung: then…what u want me to call u????oppa????huh???
Jongwoon: that would be nice….(smiling….)
Sungjung: ye…..arraso…arraso…oppa…(sungjung smling too, jongwoon feel like his hearbeat is beating so faster than before when sungjung is smiling to him. Both of them walking together at the street, sungjung hold jongwoon arm and jongwoon hold sungjung waist….they don’t realize that there is a paparazzi who took their picture….both of them stop and eating at the street shop and walk again until they reach at jewwerly shop.
Sungjung: wae???
Jongwoon: kajja….
Salesgirl: hello(speak in japanese
Sungjung and jongwoon only bow…
Sungjung: oppa…let’s get out from here….
Jongwoon:wae???/wait a minute, miss do you have something new???(speak in Japanese
Salesgirl: sure sir we have, this couple ring.just arrive this morning…please take a look sir.
Jongwoon look at the ring…nice and smart….he took sungjung hand and wear the ring for her….
Jongwoon: do u like it????
Sungjung: oppa….i like it…so nice….
Jongwoon: ok…miss…I will take it….
Sungjung shock…….erk????he going to buy this for me???huh…
Sungjung: oppa…are u going to buy it for me huh???
Jongwoon: ye..wae???
Sungjung: but…but…..its…its tooo expensive….
Jongwoon: gwenchana….let’s go to the gallery…your bodyguard must have looking for u…
Sungjung: ye…….
Jongwoon look at his ring....the first couple ring that we ever had look so cute that night...jongwoon walk away..from the art gallery and walk to the street......i think i already collect all my memory with should get back to korea with my friends..sungjung ah...i know that u will return to me...
Mr lee look at sungjung room...he touch sungjung bed, laptop...closet and evrything...its still warm..and he smell sungjung clothes...there is still her smell...sungjung can daddy be happy again when u are not around??you still alive...right???daddy will waiting for you...
Haneul put her bag at the ground when she arrive at home..her face is so sour and angry...she let her hair free from being tied....all the main run to her when they saw her...already at home...
Maid 1: are home???
Haneul: where is joon???
Maid 2: he is not at home...he is at office???
Haneul: office???????call him now for me....
Maid 1: ne...arraso....
Haneul get the phone when joon is on the line already...
Joon: wae???
Haneul: oppa...come back now...
Joon: i’m busy..i have meeting...
Haneul: i don’t care...if you are not at home 30 minutes more...i will run away!!!!!!
Joon: yah...yah...hunny....(the phone is already hang up)
Joon panic, he went out from the office...
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