Sungjung waiting for jongwoon at the field. Suddenly there is someone close her eyes…sungjung smile, she touch the person hand…and she know it….
Sungjung: oppa…I know its you….
Jongwoon: ah…ottokeh???
Sungjung show her ring….
Jongwoon: ah….( they got the same ring…of course…sungjung know…) so what we have today…
Sungjung: I made kimbap for you…
Jongwoon: chongmal???yah!!! can’t wait to taste it…
Jongwoon want to take the lunch box…but sungjung take it away….from him.
Jongwoon: ah..wae???
Sungjung: oppa…what if the taste wasn’t nice
Jongwoon: gwenchana…. coz you are the one who make this for me…(jongwoon smile, he open the box and look at the kimbap..he shock…coz the kimbap doesn’t look like kimbap..sungjung didn’t wrap it properly…his face is frowning…sungjung saw it…she look down…jongwoon saw it…
Jongwoon: kiyo!!!!!hurm….yummy…(eating the kimbap….)
Sungjung: chongmal???
Jongwoon only nodding…he smile….and feed sungjung some of the kimbap…
Sungjung: oppa..i have something to tell you….
Jongwoon: go on…I’m listening to you..(keeping eating the kimbap..without looking at sungjung)
Sungjung: this morning joon come and disturb me…
Jongwoon shock and he choke…sungjung handed water to him…
Jongwoon: why didn’t you tell me earlier??gwenchana??did he touch you???huh??did he???aish!!!!he really wanna die!.
Sungjung: I’m ok..lucky there is donghae who help me…
Jongwoon: chongmal????
Sungjung: ye oppa..i have something to ask u…why did u and joon fighting??and why did he want to take me down????
Joonwoon: aish……….actually before this me and my friend will bet to kiss the girl that we know in one week and show the picture. But when it comes to you…I don’t really wanna do it, but joon keep asking me to do it and he said if I won’t dare to do it he will do it….i don’t want he touch my girl…especially you! I don’t want him to touch you….
Sungjung couldn’t believe to what that she heard! My fiancé did that????kissing with other girl???????
Sungjung: oppa….how many girl that you already kissed and what happen to the girl after that???????
Jongwoon: its not important anymore..its already passed…
Sungjung put a pouting face…he never kiss me properly before….he kissed me in a hurry! I didn’t enjoy the kiss at all!!!jongwoon saw at sungjung face
Jongwoon: aigoooooooo did you mad???
Sungjung: of course!!oppa answer my question now!
Jongwoon: I never kissed one of them……
Sungjung: liar……..
Jongwoon: its true..i never kiss them, the bet always fall on joon, sungmin and kyuhyun.
Sungjung: chongmal???
Jongwoon only nodding…
Sungjung: oppa…but….sohee already kiss you right???
Jongwoon shock and stuned…yes…the only girl that I had kissed before..only her…jongwoon look down…he didn’t answer sungjung question. The bell is ringing…they have to go to the class…
Sungjung: oppa..i go first..we will talk later…bye bye…
Jongwoon only watch sungjung walk away…I promise…joon will never touch u again!.
Soon li get in the car and zhou mi closed the door for her. Sungjung already in the car…
Sungjung: where is soon ji??
Zhou mi: she is not at school, I will bring both you to her, your father is with her.
Soon li: ah..chongmal?/arraso…arraso…
Sungjung look around..this is hospital.
Sungjung: zhou mi gege…why did u bring us here???
Soon li: yes…gege..waeyo???
Zhou mi: let’s get down ur father and you will know.
Soon li: ye…
Both of them shock when they know about soon ji. Soon ji is still unconscious, she broke her leg. Both of them can’t stop crying.
Soon li: how did this happen??
Mr lee: she fall from the stairs…
Sungjung: poor her..daddy…she have violin competition next week..ottokeh????
Mr lee: chongmal??omo…..she must really sad………..about this….she just broke her leg….
Suddenly soon ji conscious, she try to get up but she can’t…
Soon ji: daddy….are u here???
Mr lee: I’m here..soon ji…waeyo???
Soon ji: daddy what is happening to me??why can’t I get up????daddy help me..(keep trying to get up, soon li trying to calm her down)
Sungjung: soon ji…calm down..don’t move…
Soon ji: unnie what happen to my leg??why can ‘t I lift it up??waeyo???
Mr lee: soon ji…you just broke ur leg….
Soonji:mworago???????????daddy?????/no!!!!!!!(she keep crying and throw everything….they have to called the nurse and the nurse inject her, she stay in calm…but we still can see her tears falling from her eyes……sungjung and soon li cannot endures the feeling. Both fo them, when back home after that, there is only han unnie is with daddy who keep on eye on soon ji….
My random stuff about everything that i like...
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
my feeling
yesterday i watch super junior 1st premium live in japan...i see the crowd....and i remember the moment when i watch super junior super show at malaysia 2o march 2010. i love the crowd..i wish i can tell everyone how great it was, how great the feeling seeing 10 member os super junior is at the stage, singing..dancing and talking to you. its like a dream to me...but...i wasn't dreaming at that time...coz i saw donghae, kyuhyun, sungmin, heechul, shindong. eunhyuk, ryeowook, siwon, eeteuk, and yesung, well i also sae henry and zhou mi........i see how sungmin wear all the shining at at his hands....he trow it at me...i get was so cool........see eunhae, sichul, yewook...make me feel so happy, i just don't want this memory lost from my mind....i don't want too...........well i hope i still can went for teh third super show at malaysia again....
Soon li and sungmin stop at the last building of the road when they already sure that there is no one who following them.
Sungmin: omo….we run already far from school, gwenchana???
Soon li: gwenchana…….how about u???
Sungmin: I’m ok…where is your house??let me send u back…
Soon li: its ok..sungmin oppa…I can walk….from here, my house not that far….i rather walk….
Sungmin: if like that, let me company you
Soon li: it is ok???
Sungmin: ye…of course…
Soon li only smile…sungmin feel like his heart like jumping out when soon li smile at him.
Soon li: oppa..can I ask something???
Sungmin: sure….
Soon li: on the other day, when u become model in our art class..are u really volunteer to be model???coz…I know mr shu will make student that he punish to be our model…
Sungmin: ah..chongmal… are right..i got punish that day…coz..i fall asleep in his class….
Soon li: mianhae…
Sungmin: ah…gwenchana….i;m very naughty….hhehehe…always make trouble at school, you probably heard something bad about me…
Soon Li; annya…I’ve never heard any story about u….but I heard from other student that you are playboy….
Sungmin: its not true….well….its true….but..i’m not like that anymore….
Soon li: chongmal???good then for you oppa…
They walk until, they reach soon li house.
Soon li: oppa..thanks..for sending me home…
Sungmin: its big deal….
Soon li: see u at school………
Soon li about to go inside of the gate….sungmin called her..
Sungmin: soon li shi………
Soon li: ye…sungmin oppa…..
Sungmin: can I have your number???please???
Soon li: my number????waeyo???
Sungmin: hurm…hurm…….(garu kepala, he never ask girl number before this, this is the first time)
Soon li: sure sungmin oppa..give me your phone…..
Sungmin smile and he handed his phone to soon li and soon li restore her number at sungmin phone.
Sungmin: gamsamida….have a good rest…annyeong…jalga….
Soon li: annyeong oppa…….
Soon li went inside the house…han unnie was there..waiting for her
Han: soon li shi….where are u going???
Soon li: ah..unnie wae???
Han: ur father was looking for you, he at study room……….
Soon li: omo!!!!!! Unnie did daddy found out already???
Han: yes…your sisters at that room….
Soon li” omo!!!!!!!daddy must have punish them…I need to safe….
Han: soon li shi…don’t fight with ur daddy….arraso????????
Soon li: I will try………
Soon li went to the study room, his father is waiting for her
Mr lee: what are u doing??????did u know that many people are worried about u???
Soon li remain silent, she saw sungjung and soon ji already in bend position, they must have been in that position so long………..
Soon li: daddy..mianhae…I know I was wrong..can u let unnie and soon ji stand???
Mr lee: because of ur action today, I need to punish all of you!
Soon li: daddy…it was my fault….not them…please daddy..let them go……..
Mr lee: sungjung, soon ji…get to your room now…
Sungjung, soon ji: ye daddy…………
Soon li look at his father
Mr lee: you need to do house work for one month, after school, just went back home, no shopping, arraso?????????
Soon li: ye.daddy..mianhae..i won’t do that again…
Mr lee: go to your room now…
Soon li get out from that room. Sungjung and soon ji still waiting for her
Sungjung: gwenchana???
Soon li: unnie..soon ji mianhae….
Soon ji: gwenchana….unnie where did u go just now???
Soon li: I;m going no where…I just want to walk to home……..
Sungjung: lol……..kajja..go and rest…..
That morning, sungjung wake up so early. She want to make kimbap for jongwoon. Han unnie is with her, helping and teach her how to make it.
Sungjung: yah!why did this thing is hard to make???aigoooooo
Han: you can do it, just be patient arraso???
Sungjung: argh!!!!!i’m done..that’s it….
Han: sungjung ah…if you wanna get jongwoon love, you should do this and be patient!...if you really good at cooking, he will love you…trust me…
Sungjung: chongmal???
Han: yup..let’s do it again..kajja…and then you get prepare to school…if not, you will be late to school.
Sungjung: ye…
Sungjung become more patient and more focused to make the kimbap rice for jongwoon. After she done with it…., she get into her room and get ready to school. She is smiling all the time. He will love me more….hehehehe….
She arrive at school early that time and she waiting for him at the corridor.she look at the time, its already 7.30…he should be here by now. Where is he???she took out her phone…and try to call him, but there is no answer…..she keep waiting….suddenly….there is someone….
Joon: what we have here?????(talking to sungjung and come near her, sungjung only bow..she don’t know the boy….
Joon: sungjung shi…who are you waiting for???did u waiting for your fiancé???
Sungjung: ye…how do you know my name???did we know each other???
Joon: you don’t remember me???i’m the one at the club with jongwoon…
Sungjung: ah…lee joon???
Joon: ye….its me…do you waiting for jongwoon??(touch sungjung body…)
Sungjung: ah..buya!!!!!why are u touching me???
Joon: sungjung shi…don’t be naïve….you and jongwoon did more than this right???
Sungjung: lee joon shi!!!!!!!please…take back your words! We have done nothing….
Joon: wae???do you want to do it with me????
Sungjung feel so angry, she slap joon face….
Joon: yah!!!!!!!!!!!(pulled her hand…)
Sungjung: let me go….let me gooooo argh!!!!
Then there is someone who pulled sungjung from joon.
Sungjung: donghae shi….
Donghae: are u ok???
Sungjung: ye…
Donghae: yah..joon..what’s wrong with u???huh???
Joon: wae???? Are u afraid that I ruined her???
Donghae get angry and he pulled lee joon uniform colar…
Donghae: watch out your mouth….don’t you ever to touch her again!!!!do you wanna die???do you think jongwoon will let you go????if he know that u touch his fiancé???
Joon: this is non of your business..this is between me and jongwoon,and I will get that girl…I will take her down!, let me go!
Donghae: I’m warning you! If you touch her or come near her…you will dead! Remember that!.....(donghae pushed joon and take sungjung away from that place.
Sungjung: donghae shi….why did he act like that??what did jongwoon and he up to???
Donghae: I think u better ask jongwoon about this, listen if he come and disturb u again, you just call jongwoon or me…arraso???he is dangerous…don’t be alone again..arraso???
Sungjung: ye….donghae shi…gamsamida….you are my hero
Donghae: buya???hahahha. I’m doing nothing
Sungjung: you safe me from that weird guy….gamsamida….if you are not there….i’m not sure what will happen…
Donghae: its are my friend fiancé…I must take care of you when jongwoon is not around..
Sungjung: chongmal…gumawo…
Donghae only smiling….same goes to sungjung…
Donghae: what is this??(reffering to sungjung lunch box)
Sungjung: ah…this…hurm…this is lunch box for jongwoon..
Donghae: you made it???
Sungjung: yup….i made this for him…mianhae…donghae shi..i cannot give this to you…
Donghae: genchana….can u made it for me…someday??
Sungjung: sure….i will make it for you…to pay back what have you done to me…
Donghae: I’m waiting for it..kajja..let’s go to the class now…
Soon ji enter her class, zhou mi is waiting at outside of the school. She holding her violin with her. Argh…..i hate this stairs…so….long….suddenly there is bunch of student running to the stairs and they terlanggar soon ji, soon ji lose her balance and fall from the stairs….everyone was shock and stuned….soon ji already uncousious. Zhou mi enter the school when he know that soon ji is fall from the stairs. He bring soon ji to the hospital as soon as he can. He called mr lee to mention about it…..
Mr lee feel so nervous and get to the hospital straight away.
Soon ji condition is very bad, there is blood everywhere. Mr lee is waiting outside of the emergency room
Sungmin: omo….we run already far from school, gwenchana???
Soon li: gwenchana…….how about u???
Sungmin: I’m ok…where is your house??let me send u back…
Soon li: its ok..sungmin oppa…I can walk….from here, my house not that far….i rather walk….
Sungmin: if like that, let me company you
Soon li: it is ok???
Sungmin: ye…of course…
Soon li only smile…sungmin feel like his heart like jumping out when soon li smile at him.
Soon li: oppa..can I ask something???
Sungmin: sure….
Soon li: on the other day, when u become model in our art class..are u really volunteer to be model???coz…I know mr shu will make student that he punish to be our model…
Sungmin: ah..chongmal… are right..i got punish that day…coz..i fall asleep in his class….
Soon li: mianhae…
Sungmin: ah…gwenchana….i;m very naughty….hhehehe…always make trouble at school, you probably heard something bad about me…
Soon Li; annya…I’ve never heard any story about u….but I heard from other student that you are playboy….
Sungmin: its not true….well….its true….but..i’m not like that anymore….
Soon li: chongmal???good then for you oppa…
They walk until, they reach soon li house.
Soon li: oppa..thanks..for sending me home…
Sungmin: its big deal….
Soon li: see u at school………
Soon li about to go inside of the gate….sungmin called her..
Sungmin: soon li shi………
Soon li: ye…sungmin oppa…..
Sungmin: can I have your number???please???
Soon li: my number????waeyo???
Sungmin: hurm…hurm…….(garu kepala, he never ask girl number before this, this is the first time)
Soon li: sure sungmin oppa..give me your phone…..
Sungmin smile and he handed his phone to soon li and soon li restore her number at sungmin phone.
Sungmin: gamsamida….have a good rest…annyeong…jalga….
Soon li: annyeong oppa…….
Soon li went inside the house…han unnie was there..waiting for her
Han: soon li shi….where are u going???
Soon li: ah..unnie wae???
Han: ur father was looking for you, he at study room……….
Soon li: omo!!!!!! Unnie did daddy found out already???
Han: yes…your sisters at that room….
Soon li” omo!!!!!!!daddy must have punish them…I need to safe….
Han: soon li shi…don’t fight with ur daddy….arraso????????
Soon li: I will try………
Soon li went to the study room, his father is waiting for her
Mr lee: what are u doing??????did u know that many people are worried about u???
Soon li remain silent, she saw sungjung and soon ji already in bend position, they must have been in that position so long………..
Soon li: daddy..mianhae…I know I was wrong..can u let unnie and soon ji stand???
Mr lee: because of ur action today, I need to punish all of you!
Soon li: daddy…it was my fault….not them…please daddy..let them go……..
Mr lee: sungjung, soon ji…get to your room now…
Sungjung, soon ji: ye daddy…………
Soon li look at his father
Mr lee: you need to do house work for one month, after school, just went back home, no shopping, arraso?????????
Soon li: ye.daddy..mianhae..i won’t do that again…
Mr lee: go to your room now…
Soon li get out from that room. Sungjung and soon ji still waiting for her
Sungjung: gwenchana???
Soon li: unnie..soon ji mianhae….
Soon ji: gwenchana….unnie where did u go just now???
Soon li: I;m going no where…I just want to walk to home……..
Sungjung: lol……..kajja..go and rest…..
That morning, sungjung wake up so early. She want to make kimbap for jongwoon. Han unnie is with her, helping and teach her how to make it.
Sungjung: yah!why did this thing is hard to make???aigoooooo
Han: you can do it, just be patient arraso???
Sungjung: argh!!!!!i’m done..that’s it….
Han: sungjung ah…if you wanna get jongwoon love, you should do this and be patient!...if you really good at cooking, he will love you…trust me…
Sungjung: chongmal???
Han: yup..let’s do it again..kajja…and then you get prepare to school…if not, you will be late to school.
Sungjung: ye…
Sungjung become more patient and more focused to make the kimbap rice for jongwoon. After she done with it…., she get into her room and get ready to school. She is smiling all the time. He will love me more….hehehehe….
She arrive at school early that time and she waiting for him at the corridor.she look at the time, its already 7.30…he should be here by now. Where is he???she took out her phone…and try to call him, but there is no answer…..she keep waiting….suddenly….there is someone….
Joon: what we have here?????(talking to sungjung and come near her, sungjung only bow..she don’t know the boy….
Joon: sungjung shi…who are you waiting for???did u waiting for your fiancé???
Sungjung: ye…how do you know my name???did we know each other???
Joon: you don’t remember me???i’m the one at the club with jongwoon…
Sungjung: ah…lee joon???
Joon: ye….its me…do you waiting for jongwoon??(touch sungjung body…)
Sungjung: ah..buya!!!!!why are u touching me???
Joon: sungjung shi…don’t be naïve….you and jongwoon did more than this right???
Sungjung: lee joon shi!!!!!!!please…take back your words! We have done nothing….
Joon: wae???do you want to do it with me????
Sungjung feel so angry, she slap joon face….
Joon: yah!!!!!!!!!!!(pulled her hand…)
Sungjung: let me go….let me gooooo argh!!!!
Then there is someone who pulled sungjung from joon.
Sungjung: donghae shi….
Donghae: are u ok???
Sungjung: ye…
Donghae: yah..joon..what’s wrong with u???huh???
Joon: wae???? Are u afraid that I ruined her???
Donghae get angry and he pulled lee joon uniform colar…
Donghae: watch out your mouth….don’t you ever to touch her again!!!!do you wanna die???do you think jongwoon will let you go????if he know that u touch his fiancé???
Joon: this is non of your business..this is between me and jongwoon,and I will get that girl…I will take her down!, let me go!
Donghae: I’m warning you! If you touch her or come near her…you will dead! Remember that!.....(donghae pushed joon and take sungjung away from that place.
Sungjung: donghae shi….why did he act like that??what did jongwoon and he up to???
Donghae: I think u better ask jongwoon about this, listen if he come and disturb u again, you just call jongwoon or me…arraso???he is dangerous…don’t be alone again..arraso???
Sungjung: ye….donghae shi…gamsamida….you are my hero
Donghae: buya???hahahha. I’m doing nothing
Sungjung: you safe me from that weird guy….gamsamida….if you are not there….i’m not sure what will happen…
Donghae: its are my friend fiancé…I must take care of you when jongwoon is not around..
Sungjung: chongmal…gumawo…
Donghae only smiling….same goes to sungjung…
Donghae: what is this??(reffering to sungjung lunch box)
Sungjung: ah…this…hurm…this is lunch box for jongwoon..
Donghae: you made it???
Sungjung: yup….i made this for him…mianhae…donghae shi..i cannot give this to you…
Donghae: genchana….can u made it for me…someday??
Sungjung: sure….i will make it for you…to pay back what have you done to me…
Donghae: I’m waiting for it..kajja..let’s go to the class now…
Soon ji enter her class, zhou mi is waiting at outside of the school. She holding her violin with her. Argh…..i hate this stairs…so….long….suddenly there is bunch of student running to the stairs and they terlanggar soon ji, soon ji lose her balance and fall from the stairs….everyone was shock and stuned….soon ji already uncousious. Zhou mi enter the school when he know that soon ji is fall from the stairs. He bring soon ji to the hospital as soon as he can. He called mr lee to mention about it…..
Mr lee feel so nervous and get to the hospital straight away.
Soon ji condition is very bad, there is blood everywhere. Mr lee is waiting outside of the emergency room
Saturday, June 26, 2010
That night, her father come and talk to them.
Mr lee: from now on…siwon and zhou mi will follow all of you
Sungjung: wae???????/
Mr lee: I have my reason why I’m doing this.
Soon li” but daddy…
Mr lee: please…listen with my condition ok???i only ask u to follow this..please…
Soon ji: arraso daddy….
Sungjung and soon li have no choice. But to agree….sungjung keep slient, is this because of what happen yesterday??hurm…she went to her room and lay down…donghae is very kind to me…he is very nice, hope he will find nice girl. Suddenly her phone is ringing….
Sungjung: ye…oh….oppa..
Jongwoon: what are u doing??
Sungjung: nothing…how about u???
Jongwoon: I just finish practice my dance…
Sungjung: oh…hurm oppa…tomorrow my driver will send me to school.
Jongwoon: ye..arraso..sungjung ah….good nite…
Sungjung: good nite…
Jongwoon look at his phone..hurm..only that???i can talk to her??what a stupid namja you are jongwoon!
The next day, still the same, sohee keep holding to jongwoon. Jongwoon feel burden when he can’t be with his fiancé. Sungjung only watch from far.
Jongwoon: can u stop following me??huh???
Sohee: oppa..wae???(with a sad voice)
Jongwoon: sohee….we are over! I’m no longer your boyfriend, I already have fiancé…and I need my fiancé more than I need please stop…following me……
Jongwoon leave sohee…
Sohee: oppa..oppa…….
I want you and I will never leave you!.....
Sungjung walk to her piano class. Zhou mi still following her.
Sungjung: zhou mi..oppa…you can wait for me at outside….
Zhou mi: yes my lady.
Zil: wow..what happen???
Sungjung: hurm…because of last night….remember…I told you..about the person that can make me sick???yesterday I saw her….she is there….looking at me and my sisters…
Zil: chongmal???omo….
Suddenly jongwoon, wookie, and donghae come to them.
Wookie: what are u talking about???
Sungjung: annya..last night I dream about rat….
Jongwoon: ah..chongmal???sungjung ah…let’s play with me today.
Sungjung: hurm..i think I will play with wookie…
Jongwoon: wae?????????
Sungjung: if I play with u…sohee will disturb us right???
Jongwoon: I already told her that don’t disturb us…kajja..sit beside me…
Sungjung: ye…oppa…
Donghae only watch both them…sungjung feel so happy beside jongwoon.zil sit beside wookie. Sohee come to the class and got angry when she saw jongwoon and sungjung are together…donghae then ask her to sit with him.
Donghae: sohee shi….i think you need to be clear about something….
Sohee: buya?????
Donghae: don’t disturb my friend anymore…I’m warning you…
Sohee: yah!!!!!!why are u saying this???
Donghae: I guess u already know…you the one who left him…before this…do u know the pain that he has when u leave him huh???
Sohee: naega….naega….ah wae???/
Donghae: he already found someone new..i hope you will stay far from this, if u hurt will be regret…the whole of your life…
Sohee: donghae shi……..
Donghae: but..if you need friend I’m here…I can help u…but please..let them together.
Sohee keep silent…she look at sungjung and jongwoon. Both of them are happy…why did I left you behind oppa??/I love you…..
Soon li look around…siwon is not around, she run quickly to the back door of the school and walk away….aigoooooooo there is a wall…….ottokeh??soon li try to get the wall..she climb it….someone is watching her.
Sungmin: you need help???
Soon li shock when she heard that voice and she suddenly lose her balance and she fall on sungmin…sungmin grab her and both of them fall at the ground……
Sungmin: ouch…………….my back……….
Soon li: omo..sungmin oppa..mianhaeyo….(help sungmin to get up).
Sungmin: gwenchana…what are u doing here???
Soon li: I want to go home..
Sungmin: then u should used the front gate…….
Soon li: my body guard is there…I don’t want to be with them….oppa..can u help me…
Sungmin: eh????what kind of help???
Soon li: help me to climb this wall….
Sungmin: why u wanna climb this wall???kajja let me sent you back….
Soon li: chongmal???
Sungmin: ye….kajja…
Soon li followed sungmin suddenly….
Siwon: soon li shi!!!!!!!!!!!where are u going????
Soon li: omo!!!!!!oppa run!!!!!!(grab sungmin hand and both of them run from siwon and the others man.)
Siwon: soon li shi…soon li shi stop….gajima…….jebal……..
Soon li and sungmin already run and lost from their eyes.
Seulong: sir…they are gone.
Siwon: omg!!!!! We need to find her, if not we are dead!..keep looking her now……
Seulong: yes sir…….
Siwon and his people keep looking for soon li.
Mr lee: from now on…siwon and zhou mi will follow all of you
Sungjung: wae???????/
Mr lee: I have my reason why I’m doing this.
Soon li” but daddy…
Mr lee: please…listen with my condition ok???i only ask u to follow this..please…
Soon ji: arraso daddy….
Sungjung and soon li have no choice. But to agree….sungjung keep slient, is this because of what happen yesterday??hurm…she went to her room and lay down…donghae is very kind to me…he is very nice, hope he will find nice girl. Suddenly her phone is ringing….
Sungjung: ye…oh….oppa..
Jongwoon: what are u doing??
Sungjung: nothing…how about u???
Jongwoon: I just finish practice my dance…
Sungjung: oh…hurm oppa…tomorrow my driver will send me to school.
Jongwoon: ye..arraso..sungjung ah….good nite…
Sungjung: good nite…
Jongwoon look at his phone..hurm..only that???i can talk to her??what a stupid namja you are jongwoon!
The next day, still the same, sohee keep holding to jongwoon. Jongwoon feel burden when he can’t be with his fiancé. Sungjung only watch from far.
Jongwoon: can u stop following me??huh???
Sohee: oppa..wae???(with a sad voice)
Jongwoon: sohee….we are over! I’m no longer your boyfriend, I already have fiancé…and I need my fiancé more than I need please stop…following me……
Jongwoon leave sohee…
Sohee: oppa..oppa…….
I want you and I will never leave you!.....
Sungjung walk to her piano class. Zhou mi still following her.
Sungjung: zhou mi..oppa…you can wait for me at outside….
Zhou mi: yes my lady.
Zil: wow..what happen???
Sungjung: hurm…because of last night….remember…I told you..about the person that can make me sick???yesterday I saw her….she is there….looking at me and my sisters…
Zil: chongmal???omo….
Suddenly jongwoon, wookie, and donghae come to them.
Wookie: what are u talking about???
Sungjung: annya..last night I dream about rat….
Jongwoon: ah..chongmal???sungjung ah…let’s play with me today.
Sungjung: hurm..i think I will play with wookie…
Jongwoon: wae?????????
Sungjung: if I play with u…sohee will disturb us right???
Jongwoon: I already told her that don’t disturb us…kajja..sit beside me…
Sungjung: ye…oppa…
Donghae only watch both them…sungjung feel so happy beside jongwoon.zil sit beside wookie. Sohee come to the class and got angry when she saw jongwoon and sungjung are together…donghae then ask her to sit with him.
Donghae: sohee shi….i think you need to be clear about something….
Sohee: buya?????
Donghae: don’t disturb my friend anymore…I’m warning you…
Sohee: yah!!!!!!why are u saying this???
Donghae: I guess u already know…you the one who left him…before this…do u know the pain that he has when u leave him huh???
Sohee: naega….naega….ah wae???/
Donghae: he already found someone new..i hope you will stay far from this, if u hurt will be regret…the whole of your life…
Sohee: donghae shi……..
Donghae: but..if you need friend I’m here…I can help u…but please..let them together.
Sohee keep silent…she look at sungjung and jongwoon. Both of them are happy…why did I left you behind oppa??/I love you…..
Soon li look around…siwon is not around, she run quickly to the back door of the school and walk away….aigoooooooo there is a wall…….ottokeh??soon li try to get the wall..she climb it….someone is watching her.
Sungmin: you need help???
Soon li shock when she heard that voice and she suddenly lose her balance and she fall on sungmin…sungmin grab her and both of them fall at the ground……
Sungmin: ouch…………….my back……….
Soon li: omo..sungmin oppa..mianhaeyo….(help sungmin to get up).
Sungmin: gwenchana…what are u doing here???
Soon li: I want to go home..
Sungmin: then u should used the front gate…….
Soon li: my body guard is there…I don’t want to be with them….oppa..can u help me…
Sungmin: eh????what kind of help???
Soon li: help me to climb this wall….
Sungmin: why u wanna climb this wall???kajja let me sent you back….
Soon li: chongmal???
Sungmin: ye….kajja…
Soon li followed sungmin suddenly….
Siwon: soon li shi!!!!!!!!!!!where are u going????
Soon li: omo!!!!!!oppa run!!!!!!(grab sungmin hand and both of them run from siwon and the others man.)
Siwon: soon li shi…soon li shi stop….gajima…….jebal……..
Soon li and sungmin already run and lost from their eyes.
Seulong: sir…they are gone.
Siwon: omg!!!!! We need to find her, if not we are dead!..keep looking her now……
Seulong: yes sir…….
Siwon and his people keep looking for soon li.
Friday, June 25, 2010

Sungjung went to her class, she meet with donghae and zil, omo….i hate art class….she don’t realize that donghae is in art class with her before. She just realize it today.
Donghae: how do u feel???today??
Sungjung: I’m good gamsamida donghae shi.
Sungjung spend her time with zil and donghae. She didn’t realize that all her class is same with donghae. Donghae said, he always saw her, but she never look at him.
Sungjung look at her watch. Jongwoon already late……where are u???suddenly she saw jongwoon coming to the café with sohee…she become angry suddenly. When jongwoon come, she stand up and walk away…
Jongwoon: sungjung ah….
Sungjung: I’m not hungry…see u later…
Sungjung just walk away….why did u have to do this??you kkow that I hate her, but why u still with her all the time…I’m your fiancé……sungjung walk until she reach at the back of building C. she sit there and lean at the wall…while sighning.suddenly there is someone who coming and both of them shock..
Sungjung: donghae shi..what are u doing here???
Donghae: me??this is my place…and what are u doing here??i’m never saw you before….
Sungjung then tell everything to donghae…
Donghae: you know….jongwoon really really love sohee. He would do anything just for her, but sohee just leave him that day…I saw him crying…sungjung shi…you should not let sohee come near to jongwoon, she might hurt him again….if u really love jongwoon then you should be with him…
Sungjung: I know..but….i’m confused and I need time…argh!!!!!!!!!!!
Donghae: be cool.let’s go..the time is up…
Sungjung: can I skip class…
Donghae: wae????after this piano class right???u can meet jongwoon…kajja…..
Sungjung: aish……….
Both of them went to piano class. Sungjung keep her feeling. She cannot come near to jongwoon also..sohee keep holding on him…
Kyuhyun took his book and sit at his place. he only watch sungmin sleeping at his table. Ah…buya…..sleeping at this hour??you are dead! Sungmin if Mr Shu saw you like this….
Kyuhyun: yah,,.sungmin ah,,wake up…(no respond) aigoooo…sungmin ah….(touch his body)
Sungin: ah….don’t disturb me….
Suddenly Mr Shu coming to the class. He look at sungmin.
Mr Shu: sungmin ah…..wake up…(still no respond, aish…dare to sleep at my class??????he took the eraser and throw it at sungmin head….sungmin look so shock…
Sungmin: yah!!!!!!!who did that????wanna die huh?????????
Mr Shu: its me…waeyo??????you want to kill me huh?
Sungmin shock and he look down.
Mr Shu: yah lee sungmin…I know you are the smartest student in this school, you have to keep it up with ur attitude, what with this huh??bullying the kids and sleeping in the class…naega buya???/huh???
Sungmin only silent.
Mr Shu: you have to be punish! Follow me after this.
Sungmin: ah..waeyo?????teacher…mianhae….please don’t.(he probably know what are the punishment)
Mr shu: no excuse sungmin ah….prepare to be cute after this…
Sungmin: argh!!!!!
After the class end, sungmin follow his teacher to the grade 6 art class.damn…..i hate this…Mr Shu is crazy!!!!!argh!!!
Mr shu: arraso…student today I want you to draw my model today….
Student 1: ah….mr shu…isn’t he Is our senior??
Mr shu: yes…he volunteer to be a model…let’s draw him…today…
Sungmin: mr shu….please don’t this to me..
Mr shu: hurry up sungmin…pose!!!!!!\sungmin have no choice, he sit at the piano chair and put his finger at the piano, he look really good at posing. Suddenly…
Student 2: soon li shi….can I borrowed your pen???
Soon li: sure…..
Sungmin heard that and his eyes looking around to look for soon li and yes!!soon li is looking at him! She smile at him!!!!!!!sungmin can feel her heartbeat punching him….omg!!!!!she is so cute!!!!!!!sungmin keep looking at soon li and soon li only blushing.
Ah..waeyo..he keep looking at me???well…his smile…his smile and his eyes..make me wanna faint!..stop looking at me sungmin oppa..if not..i won’t be able to draw you…..
Mr shu: ehem..ehem…soon li shi…
Soon li:…..(look nervous and get back to her work)
After the class.sungmin want to talk to soon li but mr shu call him and he just see soon li..walk away…argh!!!! What a waste!!!!!aish!!!!!!!!
Then sungmin went to martial art class, he bump with jongwoon at the corridor….
Jongwoon: what are u doing here???
Sungmin: jongwoon ah…can u help me???
Jongwoon: yah…did u fight again??/with huh??this time???
Sungmin: annya…its not…that….
Jongwoon: then..what it is???
Sungmin: can u give me soon li phone number?//
Jongwoon: mworago????andwae!
Sungmin: ah..wae????help me this time…arraso???please..jongwoon ah…
Jongwoon: andwae….yah,,sungmin…you know she is sungjung sister??huh????
Sungmin: ara…
Jongwoon: then???you wanna die??huh??
Sungmin: jongwoon ah..i’m not playing this time..jebal….please help me….
Jongwoon: andwae..if you want you ask from her!
Jongwoon walk away….leave sungmin.sungmin feel so upset….gwenchana..i will ask soon li!!!for my self…I will get her number!
Soon li change her clothes, hyoyeon is with her.
Hyoyeon: yah…what with that senior just now???
Soon Li” ah,,,buya????
Hyoyeon: I saw he keep looking at you….and you keep smiling at him…
Soon li: annya..he is my sister friend….
Hyoyeon: chongmal????
Soon li: ah..wae..let’s practice now.
Since eeteuk win the audition. He and soon li are partner now. They make a good combination in dancing. Eeteuk look at soon li…she keep make a mistake since they start practice.
Eeteuk: soon li..gwenchana???
Soon li: gwenchana….mianhae…eeteuk shi…I keep make a mistake…
Eeteuk: annya..if there is something wrong you can tell me…
Soon li; annya..gwenchana….
Eeteuk: arraso..let’s start it again…you have to treat me today…
Soon li: ye arraso…
Soon li sallow her saliva, she is not focused today…omo…why did I keep thinking about his smile and his eyes..omo..i’m going crazy now…ottokeh????
Mr lee went inside his office, his laywer is waiting for him
Mr kang: what can I help you???president lee???
Mr lee: I want the law protect my daughter…,
Mr kang: wae???
Mr lee: she is coming….and I’m scared that she will harm my daughter….
Mr kang: arraso…mr lee, I know what to do…in the mean should hired a bodyguard for them…
Mr lee: I’m thinking the same too…maybe I will call siwon and zhou mi back…..arraso…you can go now….
Mr lee…feel..glad…you won’t get what you want..they are mine..forever mine….sinc eyou make a decision to leave them.. you have no right to get them back…..from me…
Donghae: how do u feel???today??
Sungjung: I’m good gamsamida donghae shi.
Sungjung spend her time with zil and donghae. She didn’t realize that all her class is same with donghae. Donghae said, he always saw her, but she never look at him.
Sungjung look at her watch. Jongwoon already late……where are u???suddenly she saw jongwoon coming to the café with sohee…she become angry suddenly. When jongwoon come, she stand up and walk away…
Jongwoon: sungjung ah….
Sungjung: I’m not hungry…see u later…
Sungjung just walk away….why did u have to do this??you kkow that I hate her, but why u still with her all the time…I’m your fiancé……sungjung walk until she reach at the back of building C. she sit there and lean at the wall…while sighning.suddenly there is someone who coming and both of them shock..
Sungjung: donghae shi..what are u doing here???
Donghae: me??this is my place…and what are u doing here??i’m never saw you before….
Sungjung then tell everything to donghae…
Donghae: you know….jongwoon really really love sohee. He would do anything just for her, but sohee just leave him that day…I saw him crying…sungjung shi…you should not let sohee come near to jongwoon, she might hurt him again….if u really love jongwoon then you should be with him…
Sungjung: I know..but….i’m confused and I need time…argh!!!!!!!!!!!
Donghae: be cool.let’s go..the time is up…
Sungjung: can I skip class…
Donghae: wae????after this piano class right???u can meet jongwoon…kajja…..
Sungjung: aish……….
Both of them went to piano class. Sungjung keep her feeling. She cannot come near to jongwoon also..sohee keep holding on him…
Kyuhyun took his book and sit at his place. he only watch sungmin sleeping at his table. Ah…buya…..sleeping at this hour??you are dead! Sungmin if Mr Shu saw you like this….
Kyuhyun: yah,,.sungmin ah,,wake up…(no respond) aigoooo…sungmin ah….(touch his body)
Sungin: ah….don’t disturb me….
Suddenly Mr Shu coming to the class. He look at sungmin.
Mr Shu: sungmin ah…..wake up…(still no respond, aish…dare to sleep at my class??????he took the eraser and throw it at sungmin head….sungmin look so shock…
Sungmin: yah!!!!!!!who did that????wanna die huh?????????
Mr Shu: its me…waeyo??????you want to kill me huh?
Sungmin shock and he look down.
Mr Shu: yah lee sungmin…I know you are the smartest student in this school, you have to keep it up with ur attitude, what with this huh??bullying the kids and sleeping in the class…naega buya???/huh???
Sungmin only silent.
Mr Shu: you have to be punish! Follow me after this.
Sungmin: ah..waeyo?????teacher…mianhae….please don’t.(he probably know what are the punishment)
Mr shu: no excuse sungmin ah….prepare to be cute after this…
Sungmin: argh!!!!!
After the class end, sungmin follow his teacher to the grade 6 art class.damn…..i hate this…Mr Shu is crazy!!!!!argh!!!
Mr shu: arraso…student today I want you to draw my model today….
Student 1: ah….mr shu…isn’t he Is our senior??
Mr shu: yes…he volunteer to be a model…let’s draw him…today…
Sungmin: mr shu….please don’t this to me..
Mr shu: hurry up sungmin…pose!!!!!!\sungmin have no choice, he sit at the piano chair and put his finger at the piano, he look really good at posing. Suddenly…
Student 2: soon li shi….can I borrowed your pen???
Soon li: sure…..
Sungmin heard that and his eyes looking around to look for soon li and yes!!soon li is looking at him! She smile at him!!!!!!!sungmin can feel her heartbeat punching him….omg!!!!!she is so cute!!!!!!!sungmin keep looking at soon li and soon li only blushing.
Ah..waeyo..he keep looking at me???well…his smile…his smile and his eyes..make me wanna faint!..stop looking at me sungmin oppa..if not..i won’t be able to draw you…..
Mr shu: ehem..ehem…soon li shi…
Soon li:…..(look nervous and get back to her work)
After the class.sungmin want to talk to soon li but mr shu call him and he just see soon li..walk away…argh!!!! What a waste!!!!!aish!!!!!!!!
Then sungmin went to martial art class, he bump with jongwoon at the corridor….
Jongwoon: what are u doing here???
Sungmin: jongwoon ah…can u help me???
Jongwoon: yah…did u fight again??/with huh??this time???
Sungmin: annya…its not…that….
Jongwoon: then..what it is???
Sungmin: can u give me soon li phone number?//
Jongwoon: mworago????andwae!
Sungmin: ah..wae????help me this time…arraso???please..jongwoon ah…
Jongwoon: andwae….yah,,sungmin…you know she is sungjung sister??huh????
Sungmin: ara…
Jongwoon: then???you wanna die??huh??
Sungmin: jongwoon ah..i’m not playing this time..jebal….please help me….
Jongwoon: andwae..if you want you ask from her!
Jongwoon walk away….leave sungmin.sungmin feel so upset….gwenchana..i will ask soon li!!!for my self…I will get her number!
Soon li change her clothes, hyoyeon is with her.
Hyoyeon: yah…what with that senior just now???
Soon Li” ah,,,buya????
Hyoyeon: I saw he keep looking at you….and you keep smiling at him…
Soon li: annya..he is my sister friend….
Hyoyeon: chongmal????
Soon li: ah..wae..let’s practice now.
Since eeteuk win the audition. He and soon li are partner now. They make a good combination in dancing. Eeteuk look at soon li…she keep make a mistake since they start practice.
Eeteuk: soon li..gwenchana???
Soon li: gwenchana….mianhae…eeteuk shi…I keep make a mistake…
Eeteuk: annya..if there is something wrong you can tell me…
Soon li; annya..gwenchana….
Eeteuk: arraso..let’s start it again…you have to treat me today…
Soon li: ye arraso…
Soon li sallow her saliva, she is not focused today…omo…why did I keep thinking about his smile and his eyes..omo..i’m going crazy now…ottokeh????
Mr lee went inside his office, his laywer is waiting for him
Mr kang: what can I help you???president lee???
Mr lee: I want the law protect my daughter…,
Mr kang: wae???
Mr lee: she is coming….and I’m scared that she will harm my daughter….
Mr kang: arraso…mr lee, I know what to do…in the mean should hired a bodyguard for them…
Mr lee: I’m thinking the same too…maybe I will call siwon and zhou mi back…..arraso…you can go now….
Mr lee…feel..glad…you won’t get what you want..they are mine..forever mine….sinc eyou make a decision to leave them.. you have no right to get them back…..from me…
Jongwoon took the ring from the box and wear it at sungjung finger. So does sungjung. However, jongwoon make sungjung cry when jongwoon return back her bracelet. Jongwoon wear it to sungjung hand. Both of them are smiling. Jongwoon hold sungjung hand and go to the mic.
Jongwoon: all of you who coming today. First of all I want to share my feeling today. Of course I feel happy and nervous, but I hope my relationship with my fiancé will still be forever. This is because I love her so much, thank you to all of you.
All the guess clapping their hand for sungjung and jongwoon. Sungjung feel so happy but at the same time, she keep thinking about jongwoon story about the cloud prince and the rain princess.
Donghae: congratulations….
Sungjung: gamsamida donghae shi….
Then soon li, soon ji and zil come to her and hug her…
Zil: yah…you look so beautiful today…chukahae…
Sungjung: gamsamida….
Soon li: unnie let’s we have a sit….
4 of them sit together.
Soon ji: how do u feel unnie???
Sungjung: good.
Soon li: unnie…did u know jongwoon oppa friend..lee sungmin??
Sungjung: ye..waeyo???
Soon li: annya…I met him before…
Zil: aigoooooo…that kid like to bully other people…aish…bad namja….
Soon li look puzzled…chongmal???but I don’t think so…he is different…
Sungjung: soon ji ah…do u like that ice cream???huh???
Soon ji: I like it so much unnie.gamsamida for ordering for me…
Suddenly…sungjung saw someone….she regonize that face..but…where….she look again!....her eyes become wide….
Zil: yah..waeyo??
Sungjung: naeg…na…naega…….(sungjung just passed out at the table.)
Soon li: unnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!(soon li shout..making all of them looking at her) daddy…come here…unnie is passed out….hurry up….
soon ji go and call jongwoon.
Jongwoon: mworago????
He run to sungjung. Everyone was there
Jongwoon: sungjung ah….sungjung ah???
He carried sungjung to the guest room. He look so nervous. So does her father.
Mr lee: soon li….waeyo??what happen??
Soon li: molla..daddy…molla….
Jongwoon: gwenchana..she only shock a bit…….
Soon ji: chongmal??//
Jongwoon pour some water, to sungjung face, sungjung already move a bit.
Sungjung: mummy… that you???mummy..please don’t leave me….
Mr lee: sungjung ah…sungjung ah!
Sungjung shock and awake!
Sungjung: daddy!!!!!!!(hug mr lee)
Mr lee: leave me with her for a while.
Everyone leave them.
Sungjung: daddy…I saw her…I saw her…she was here….
Mr lee: sungjung ah..gwenchana..she won’t hurt you…I promise……
Sungjung: arraso…(still hugging her father)
When she get home, she keep thinking about it..why did u come back???wae???. she couldn’t sleep at all that night and wake up so late that morning….until jongwoon have to wait for her. Her face is swollen…
Jongwoon look at sungjung face.
Sungjung: oppa…don’t look at me like that….
Jongwoon: gwenchana????
Sungjung: ye…..
Jongwoon look at sungjung again and touch her face…and touch her hair…
Jongwoon: if u feel no really good we can go back…
Sungjung: oppa..i’m ok..chongmal….
Jongwoon: chongmal??then smile for me….
Sungjung smile at jongwoon and jongwoon smile back…
Jongwoon: look so sweet!..
Sungjung: oppa………..(Jongwoon kiss her cheeck. Sungjung only smile.)
Then they arrive at school, they get many wishes from their firend. Suddenly!!!!!!!!!!!sungjung saw someone!!!!!!!1omo…its sohee!!!!!!!what did she doing here??????//
Sohee: jongwoon oppa!!!!!!!!!!(hug jongwoon)
Jongwoon: yah...what are u doing here???
Sohee: I’m schooling here…….i got the same class with u oppa…
Jongwoon: ah…..chongmal???
Sungjung: oppa…I;m going….
Jongwoon: sohee ah…mianhae…I need to go now…
Sohee: sungjung shi….would u mind if I borrowed jongwoon oppa today…I still didn’t know this school.
Sungjung feel angry about it..argh!!!!!!!!!! I’m going to kill you!!!!!!!!!!
Sungjung: sure why not….but remember to return him back to me…
Sohee: ye…
Jongwoon: baby…meet you at the café lunch time arraso???
Sungjung: ye oppa…(jongwoon kiss her again! Lol!!what’s wrong with u?/)
Jongwoon: all of you who coming today. First of all I want to share my feeling today. Of course I feel happy and nervous, but I hope my relationship with my fiancé will still be forever. This is because I love her so much, thank you to all of you.
All the guess clapping their hand for sungjung and jongwoon. Sungjung feel so happy but at the same time, she keep thinking about jongwoon story about the cloud prince and the rain princess.
Donghae: congratulations….
Sungjung: gamsamida donghae shi….
Then soon li, soon ji and zil come to her and hug her…
Zil: yah…you look so beautiful today…chukahae…
Sungjung: gamsamida….
Soon li: unnie let’s we have a sit….
4 of them sit together.
Soon ji: how do u feel unnie???
Sungjung: good.
Soon li: unnie…did u know jongwoon oppa friend..lee sungmin??
Sungjung: ye..waeyo???
Soon li: annya…I met him before…
Zil: aigoooooo…that kid like to bully other people…aish…bad namja….
Soon li look puzzled…chongmal???but I don’t think so…he is different…
Sungjung: soon ji ah…do u like that ice cream???huh???
Soon ji: I like it so much unnie.gamsamida for ordering for me…
Suddenly…sungjung saw someone….she regonize that face..but…where….she look again!....her eyes become wide….
Zil: yah..waeyo??
Sungjung: naeg…na…naega…….(sungjung just passed out at the table.)
Soon li: unnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!(soon li shout..making all of them looking at her) daddy…come here…unnie is passed out….hurry up….
soon ji go and call jongwoon.
Jongwoon: mworago????
He run to sungjung. Everyone was there
Jongwoon: sungjung ah….sungjung ah???
He carried sungjung to the guest room. He look so nervous. So does her father.
Mr lee: soon li….waeyo??what happen??
Soon li: molla..daddy…molla….
Jongwoon: gwenchana..she only shock a bit…….
Soon ji: chongmal??//
Jongwoon pour some water, to sungjung face, sungjung already move a bit.
Sungjung: mummy… that you???mummy..please don’t leave me….
Mr lee: sungjung ah…sungjung ah!
Sungjung shock and awake!
Sungjung: daddy!!!!!!!(hug mr lee)
Mr lee: leave me with her for a while.
Everyone leave them.
Sungjung: daddy…I saw her…I saw her…she was here….
Mr lee: sungjung ah..gwenchana..she won’t hurt you…I promise……
Sungjung: arraso…(still hugging her father)
When she get home, she keep thinking about it..why did u come back???wae???. she couldn’t sleep at all that night and wake up so late that morning….until jongwoon have to wait for her. Her face is swollen…
Jongwoon look at sungjung face.
Sungjung: oppa…don’t look at me like that….
Jongwoon: gwenchana????
Sungjung: ye…..
Jongwoon look at sungjung again and touch her face…and touch her hair…
Jongwoon: if u feel no really good we can go back…
Sungjung: oppa..i’m ok..chongmal….
Jongwoon: chongmal??then smile for me….
Sungjung smile at jongwoon and jongwoon smile back…
Jongwoon: look so sweet!..
Sungjung: oppa………..(Jongwoon kiss her cheeck. Sungjung only smile.)
Then they arrive at school, they get many wishes from their firend. Suddenly!!!!!!!!!!!sungjung saw someone!!!!!!!1omo…its sohee!!!!!!!what did she doing here??????//
Sohee: jongwoon oppa!!!!!!!!!!(hug jongwoon)
Jongwoon: yah...what are u doing here???
Sohee: I’m schooling here…….i got the same class with u oppa…
Jongwoon: ah…..chongmal???
Sungjung: oppa…I;m going….
Jongwoon: sohee ah…mianhae…I need to go now…
Sohee: sungjung shi….would u mind if I borrowed jongwoon oppa today…I still didn’t know this school.
Sungjung feel angry about it..argh!!!!!!!!!! I’m going to kill you!!!!!!!!!!
Sungjung: sure why not….but remember to return him back to me…
Sohee: ye…
Jongwoon: baby…meet you at the café lunch time arraso???
Sungjung: ye oppa…(jongwoon kiss her again! Lol!!what’s wrong with u?/)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Not in the few minute, jongwoon appear. He bow to all of them in the room.
Heechul: yah..jongwoon shi… need to help me..with the dress…
Jongwoon: wae???
Heechul: lady sungjung not like all of the dress, but all the dress is the best….
Jongwoon: chongmal???sungjung ah..waeyo???
Sungjung: molla…I have no mood……..
Jongwoon: can all of you leave me with sungjung for a while…
Heechul:…kajja..leave them…
All of them leave the room. Jongwoon walk to sungjung. He hold sungjung hand…
Jongwoon: waeyo???
Sungjung: annya…amot annya….
Jongwoon: do u wanna hear one story??about the cloud prince who fall with the rain princess???
Sungjung look at him and look at the window…is raining….
Sungjung: I never heard the story before…
Jongwoon: let me tell you.once upon a time, there was a cloud prince who is very arrogant and don’t like to smile. His face very sour like the cloud, that’s why all of them called him cloud prince. He lost his mother since he is young, since that he lost his ablity to smile. But god love him, he send rain princess to the cloud prince. The rain princess is very beautiful, cute, smart and love to play music. Everytime the cloud prince hear the rain princess play the music, he start to smile again….with one accident they become closed and the cloud prince already fall with the rain princess. They are always fought and they playing a games, however because of the game ,They are getting engaged..but the rain princess think that the cloud prince is playing with her,and now the cloud prince look feel so sad when he look at his princess face. Her princess is no longer smile and happy like before. How can the cloud prince tell the rain princess his true feeling??? Did the the rain princess don’t want to get engaged with the cloud prince??if that so…the cloud prince will be sad…because he love the rain princess, since they fought at the field when, the cloud prince treathen to sold the rain princess bracelet. Can u help me sungjung ah???can u help the cloud prince to be happy again???
Sungjung: oppa????
Jongwoon: did u like the story???how are u now??feel good??huh??let’s we choose a good dress for you…I want you to look beautiful…
Sungjung still speechless…….jongwoon want to get up but sungjung pulled him.
Sungjung: oppa…its not a just a story right???tell me…oppa…
Jongwoon: annya…kajja…we have a lot of work to do….(wake up and walk, but he suddenly stop walking when sungjung hold him from the back..)
Sungjung: I will make u happy again oppa..i will……..
Jongwoon: ye…let’s call heechul shi….
Heechul come back to the room and sungjung start to pick a dress and jongwoon nodding he head, show that he like that dress too.
The big day has come. The hotel look so crowded with people. all of her father and her fiancé father friend is here. Both of them look so happy. Sungjung feel so nervous.
Hankyung: my lady are u ok???
Sungjung: ye…maybe feel so nervous…
Hankyung: do u want anything to drink???
Sungjung: warm water please….
Hankyung take the water for her.
Sungjung: gamsamida…hankyung oppa…
Hankyung: gwenchana…my lady you look so beautiful today…I hope u and jongwoon shi will be happy…
Sungjung: gamsamida….
Heechul come to the room.
Heechul: sungjung shi…this is the time…come…
Soon li and soon ji stay beside their father. Jongwoon feel so nervous…his friend are with him.
Sungmin: yah…calm down…
Jongwoon: ottokeh???
All of them laugh at him..
Wookie: only getting engaged…why are u so nervous..
Jongwoon: molla..
Donghae: jongwoon ah…calm down, don’t be nervous…do you want something to drink…
Jongwoon: sure…wine..please…
Sungmin: let me take for you.
Sungmin walk to the water spot. Suddenly he bump with someone, lucky the water didn’t spiled out.
Sungmin: mianhae..i didn’t see you….(he turn and stoned, this is the beautiful girl that I save that day, that girl also look speechless and shocked.
Sungmin: mianhae…are u ok???
Soon li: yes..i’m ok..i’m sorry too…
Sungmin: what a day….by the way, I’m lee sungmin and you???
Soon Li: I’m lee soon li..
Suddenly jongwoon come to them..
Soon li: oppa….
Jongwoon: something wrong soon li???
Soon li: annya…I just want to take a drink and bump with sungmin shi…
Sungmin: yah..jongwoon..did u know her???
Jongwoon: of course…she is sungjung sister, lee soon li.., soon li ah..this is my friend lee sungmin
Sungmin: chongmal???omo…
Soon li: oh..nice to meet you sungmin oppa…oppa I have to go now..daddy are looking for me..
Jongwoon: ye…
Soon li walk to her table. Sungmin still look at her.
Jongwoon: yah!!!!waeyo???
Sungmin: annya..she is… beautiful.
Jongwoon: don’t you dare to touch her…
Sungmin: let’s go now….sungjung will come out any moment.(change the topic)
The mc of the ceremony announce that sungjung will come out from the dressing room, everyone was so excited. At last she coming out, jongwoon take her and bring her to the stage. Mr lee and mr kim coming to the stage too.
Mr lee” I want to thank all of you for coming to this ceremony , today sungjung and jongwoon will get engaged.let’s we proceed to that.
Mr kim: let’s them exchange their ring.
Heechul: yah..jongwoon shi… need to help me..with the dress…
Jongwoon: wae???
Heechul: lady sungjung not like all of the dress, but all the dress is the best….
Jongwoon: chongmal???sungjung ah..waeyo???
Sungjung: molla…I have no mood……..
Jongwoon: can all of you leave me with sungjung for a while…
Heechul:…kajja..leave them…
All of them leave the room. Jongwoon walk to sungjung. He hold sungjung hand…
Jongwoon: waeyo???
Sungjung: annya…amot annya….
Jongwoon: do u wanna hear one story??about the cloud prince who fall with the rain princess???
Sungjung look at him and look at the window…is raining….
Sungjung: I never heard the story before…
Jongwoon: let me tell you.once upon a time, there was a cloud prince who is very arrogant and don’t like to smile. His face very sour like the cloud, that’s why all of them called him cloud prince. He lost his mother since he is young, since that he lost his ablity to smile. But god love him, he send rain princess to the cloud prince. The rain princess is very beautiful, cute, smart and love to play music. Everytime the cloud prince hear the rain princess play the music, he start to smile again….with one accident they become closed and the cloud prince already fall with the rain princess. They are always fought and they playing a games, however because of the game ,They are getting engaged..but the rain princess think that the cloud prince is playing with her,and now the cloud prince look feel so sad when he look at his princess face. Her princess is no longer smile and happy like before. How can the cloud prince tell the rain princess his true feeling??? Did the the rain princess don’t want to get engaged with the cloud prince??if that so…the cloud prince will be sad…because he love the rain princess, since they fought at the field when, the cloud prince treathen to sold the rain princess bracelet. Can u help me sungjung ah???can u help the cloud prince to be happy again???
Sungjung: oppa????
Jongwoon: did u like the story???how are u now??feel good??huh??let’s we choose a good dress for you…I want you to look beautiful…
Sungjung still speechless…….jongwoon want to get up but sungjung pulled him.
Sungjung: oppa…its not a just a story right???tell me…oppa…
Jongwoon: annya…kajja…we have a lot of work to do….(wake up and walk, but he suddenly stop walking when sungjung hold him from the back..)
Sungjung: I will make u happy again oppa..i will……..
Jongwoon: ye…let’s call heechul shi….
Heechul come back to the room and sungjung start to pick a dress and jongwoon nodding he head, show that he like that dress too.
The big day has come. The hotel look so crowded with people. all of her father and her fiancé father friend is here. Both of them look so happy. Sungjung feel so nervous.
Hankyung: my lady are u ok???
Sungjung: ye…maybe feel so nervous…
Hankyung: do u want anything to drink???
Sungjung: warm water please….
Hankyung take the water for her.
Sungjung: gamsamida…hankyung oppa…
Hankyung: gwenchana…my lady you look so beautiful today…I hope u and jongwoon shi will be happy…
Sungjung: gamsamida….
Heechul come to the room.
Heechul: sungjung shi…this is the time…come…
Soon li and soon ji stay beside their father. Jongwoon feel so nervous…his friend are with him.
Sungmin: yah…calm down…
Jongwoon: ottokeh???
All of them laugh at him..
Wookie: only getting engaged…why are u so nervous..
Jongwoon: molla..
Donghae: jongwoon ah…calm down, don’t be nervous…do you want something to drink…
Jongwoon: sure…wine..please…
Sungmin: let me take for you.
Sungmin walk to the water spot. Suddenly he bump with someone, lucky the water didn’t spiled out.
Sungmin: mianhae..i didn’t see you….(he turn and stoned, this is the beautiful girl that I save that day, that girl also look speechless and shocked.
Sungmin: mianhae…are u ok???
Soon li: yes..i’m ok..i’m sorry too…
Sungmin: what a day….by the way, I’m lee sungmin and you???
Soon Li: I’m lee soon li..
Suddenly jongwoon come to them..
Soon li: oppa….
Jongwoon: something wrong soon li???
Soon li: annya…I just want to take a drink and bump with sungmin shi…
Sungmin: yah..jongwoon..did u know her???
Jongwoon: of course…she is sungjung sister, lee soon li.., soon li ah..this is my friend lee sungmin
Sungmin: chongmal???omo…
Soon li: oh..nice to meet you sungmin oppa…oppa I have to go now..daddy are looking for me..
Jongwoon: ye…
Soon li walk to her table. Sungmin still look at her.
Jongwoon: yah!!!!waeyo???
Sungmin: annya..she is… beautiful.
Jongwoon: don’t you dare to touch her…
Sungmin: let’s go now….sungjung will come out any moment.(change the topic)
The mc of the ceremony announce that sungjung will come out from the dressing room, everyone was so excited. At last she coming out, jongwoon take her and bring her to the stage. Mr lee and mr kim coming to the stage too.
Mr lee” I want to thank all of you for coming to this ceremony , today sungjung and jongwoon will get engaged.let’s we proceed to that.
Mr kim: let’s them exchange their ring.
what i prefer..ekekekek
weli as you guys know...i like super junior!.. this is the list that i prefer too......
i prefer 2AM THAN MBLAQ
i prefer B2ST THAN MBLAQ
i prefer BIG BANG THAN 2PM
i prefer B2ST THAN 2PM
i prefer 2PM THAN SS501
i prefer TVXQ THAN SS501
i prefer SHINEE THAN SS501
i prefer 2PM THAN SS501
i prefer SS501 THAN MBLAQ!
i prefer 2AM THAN MBLAQ
i prefer B2ST THAN MBLAQ
i prefer BIG BANG THAN 2PM
i prefer B2ST THAN 2PM
i prefer 2PM THAN SS501
i prefer TVXQ THAN SS501
i prefer SHINEE THAN SS501
i prefer 2PM THAN SS501
i prefer SS501 THAN MBLAQ!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Sungjung: ye…….
Sungjung feel so happy, but she is confused is this real or only in her fantasy??? Can someone tell me???. When they reach at the gallery….siwon is already there~her bodyguard.
Siwon: my lady….
Sungjung: siwon shi….thanxs for coming..can u send us back to our hotel.
Siwon: sure miss lee.
Before sungjung went to her room. Jongwoon look at her…
Sungjung: wae???
Jongwoon: annya….kajja..go inside and have a rest…
Sungjung: good nite oppa…
Zil aready waiting for her in the room….
Zil: so how??did he believe it???
Sungjung: yes..our plan is success.
Zil: sungjung u have fun???
Sungjung: ye…I have fun with him today…
Zil: good then….
Sungjung: zil…look…he gave this to me…this is couple ring, he got one for me and him…
Zil: omo……..he is so nice and the ring…is awesome….yah..did he fall for you already???
Sungjung: molla…..hurm…
Zil: sungjung ah..what if he really for u???
Sungjung: omo..please don’t mention that…jebal..he won’t everything that he do is just a fake….
Zil: hurm…arraso….wow we need to submit the report tomorrow before we went back to korea again right???
Sungjung: omo.i need to talk to donghae about this, I’m his partner.zil can u company me to their room??i need to discuss with donghae
Zil: ok..let’s go…..
Both of them went to donghae room, which is jongwoon, kyuhyun and wookie room as well.
Donghae: ye..sungjung shi….what bring u here???
Sungjung: I want to talk about the report…
Donghae: don’t worried..i already finish it…
Sungjung: but…
Donghae: don’t just go back and rest…we talk later arraso……….
Donghae send them to the door….they have no choice but to went to their room.
Sungjung: omo..i can’t believe it..he already done it….
Zil: you should treat him…
Sungjung: maybe after we went back to korea
Zil: let’s sleep now..kajja….
Jongwoon waiting for sungjung outside of her room. They will go back to korea today. Sungjung and zil going out from the room. They shock when they saw jongwoon
Sungjung: o.o…oppa….what are u doing here???
Jongwoon: I’ve waited for u, kajja…let me help u with ur stuff.
Sungjung: ye….
Jongwoon hold sungjung beg. Zil and sungjung looking at each other and smiling….did u fall for me jongwoon huh???.
Sungjung feel angry when she know that sohee took the same plain with them….from far, she can saw sohee waving her hand at jongwoon, while jongwoon only smiling. And he want to go to sohee..suddenly…
Sungjung: omo….omo..oppa…my head…feel so dizzy…
Jongwoon: gwenchana…???come here…(hold sungjung in his arm…., sungjung hold jongwoon…)
Sungjung can see sohee angry face from far….serves u right huh! Zil, kyuhyun, donghae, wookie coming to them.
Donghae: sungjung shi….gwenchana???
Sungjung: ye….just feel dizzy…..
Donghae: do u want anything???drink???
Sungjung: gwechana…I just wanna in jongwoon arms…for a while and then I will be ok…
Jongwoon shock when he heard that…he look at sungjung and kiss her forehead….donghae look down
Kyuhyun: stop it guys…u make me wanna puke…
Wookie: hahhaha…
Zil: yah..are u jealous???
Kyuhyun: huh??mworago????me????never….
Jongwoon: let’s go in..kajja….
The journey took only 3 hours. When they arrive at seoul. Sohee used this chance to be near jongwoon.
Sohee: oppa…can we meet later???
Jongwoon: sure….
Sohee: great oppa…see you later..(hold jongwoon and kiss him! Sungjung open her eyes …..) bye oppa….
Jongwoon waving to sohee.then he look at sungjung….
Sungjung: oppa….
Jongwoon: ah..wae????
Sungjung: aish!!(she step on jongwoon feet and walk away)
Jongwoon: sungjung ah..waeyo??yah!!!
Sungjung keep walking, she saw donghae get in his car, she call him.
Sungjung: donghae shi..can u give me a ride???
Donghae: sure..come on……..
Jongwoon didn’t have time to stop the car.
Jongwoon: aish!!!waeyo?????
Sungjung fall asleep after she reach home. She feel so tired. In the evening she woke up and watch televisyen. Both of her sister is with her. Suddenly all of them speechless..while watching….tv. soon li and soon ji look at her sister sungjung. Sungjung also looking at both of their sisters.
Sungjung: ah..waeyo??????///
Soon li: unnie..its that u????
Soon ji: omo…unnie..u and him…are very closed…omo….and …
Sungjung: lol….this is when me and jongwoon at japan..amot annya….
Soon ji: must be paparazzi…omo unnie u already become popular now…omo…
Sungjung: ah…they should have not show all this picture! This is my private life….
Soon li: calm down unnie…don’t u remember u have only 2 day more left, after that you will become jongwoon oppa fiancé.
Sungjung: omo……please don’t remind me about this things…huhuhu….
Suddenly han unnie coming to them.
Sungjung: ye…unnie waeyo???
Han: your stylist is here sungjung shi….
Sungjung: oh..chongmal??ask him to come here…..
Han: ye…sungjung shi…..
Sungjung: oh..heechul shi…you are here….
Heechul: omona!!!!my lady………you are so pretty……..
Sungjung: ai…sweet words again…what makes u come here???
Heechul: to show the gown to u of course…I want you to try some dress for the ceremony…..
Sungjung: ah…….i hate it……
Heechul: come on..let’s go to your room now, we need to hurry up, there is a lot of work need to be done…
Sungjung: ye….aish…I hate you….
Heechul : I love u my lady….hurry up…ha..soon li shi, soon ji shi..both of u have to try new dress too….
Soon li: omo…no…….
Heechul: hurry up…..yah!!!where is my workers?????//yah!!!!shindong,hankyung hurry up!!!!help me with this…
Sungjung already try so many clothes, but she don’t like any dress that heechul bring to her.
Heechul: I think we should ask your fiancé to come and give opinion.
Sungjung: ah….andwae….
Heechul: shindong call the Mr Kim now and ask him to come now…
Sungjung: heechul shi…..
Heechul: please my lady..i want you look beautiful, your father pay me to make u beautiful.
Sungjung: ye…ye…
Sungjung feel so happy, but she is confused is this real or only in her fantasy??? Can someone tell me???. When they reach at the gallery….siwon is already there~her bodyguard.
Siwon: my lady….
Sungjung: siwon shi….thanxs for coming..can u send us back to our hotel.
Siwon: sure miss lee.
Before sungjung went to her room. Jongwoon look at her…
Sungjung: wae???
Jongwoon: annya….kajja..go inside and have a rest…
Sungjung: good nite oppa…
Zil aready waiting for her in the room….
Zil: so how??did he believe it???
Sungjung: yes..our plan is success.
Zil: sungjung u have fun???
Sungjung: ye…I have fun with him today…
Zil: good then….
Sungjung: zil…look…he gave this to me…this is couple ring, he got one for me and him…
Zil: omo……..he is so nice and the ring…is awesome….yah..did he fall for you already???
Sungjung: molla…..hurm…
Zil: sungjung ah..what if he really for u???
Sungjung: omo..please don’t mention that…jebal..he won’t everything that he do is just a fake….
Zil: hurm…arraso….wow we need to submit the report tomorrow before we went back to korea again right???
Sungjung: omo.i need to talk to donghae about this, I’m his partner.zil can u company me to their room??i need to discuss with donghae
Zil: ok..let’s go…..
Both of them went to donghae room, which is jongwoon, kyuhyun and wookie room as well.
Donghae: ye..sungjung shi….what bring u here???
Sungjung: I want to talk about the report…
Donghae: don’t worried..i already finish it…
Sungjung: but…
Donghae: don’t just go back and rest…we talk later arraso……….
Donghae send them to the door….they have no choice but to went to their room.
Sungjung: omo..i can’t believe it..he already done it….
Zil: you should treat him…
Sungjung: maybe after we went back to korea
Zil: let’s sleep now..kajja….
Jongwoon waiting for sungjung outside of her room. They will go back to korea today. Sungjung and zil going out from the room. They shock when they saw jongwoon
Sungjung: o.o…oppa….what are u doing here???
Jongwoon: I’ve waited for u, kajja…let me help u with ur stuff.
Sungjung: ye….
Jongwoon hold sungjung beg. Zil and sungjung looking at each other and smiling….did u fall for me jongwoon huh???.
Sungjung feel angry when she know that sohee took the same plain with them….from far, she can saw sohee waving her hand at jongwoon, while jongwoon only smiling. And he want to go to sohee..suddenly…
Sungjung: omo….omo..oppa…my head…feel so dizzy…
Jongwoon: gwenchana…???come here…(hold sungjung in his arm…., sungjung hold jongwoon…)
Sungjung can see sohee angry face from far….serves u right huh! Zil, kyuhyun, donghae, wookie coming to them.
Donghae: sungjung shi….gwenchana???
Sungjung: ye….just feel dizzy…..
Donghae: do u want anything???drink???
Sungjung: gwechana…I just wanna in jongwoon arms…for a while and then I will be ok…
Jongwoon shock when he heard that…he look at sungjung and kiss her forehead….donghae look down
Kyuhyun: stop it guys…u make me wanna puke…
Wookie: hahhaha…
Zil: yah..are u jealous???
Kyuhyun: huh??mworago????me????never….
Jongwoon: let’s go in..kajja….
The journey took only 3 hours. When they arrive at seoul. Sohee used this chance to be near jongwoon.
Sohee: oppa…can we meet later???
Jongwoon: sure….
Sohee: great oppa…see you later..(hold jongwoon and kiss him! Sungjung open her eyes …..) bye oppa….
Jongwoon waving to sohee.then he look at sungjung….
Sungjung: oppa….
Jongwoon: ah..wae????
Sungjung: aish!!(she step on jongwoon feet and walk away)
Jongwoon: sungjung ah..waeyo??yah!!!
Sungjung keep walking, she saw donghae get in his car, she call him.
Sungjung: donghae shi..can u give me a ride???
Donghae: sure..come on……..
Jongwoon didn’t have time to stop the car.
Jongwoon: aish!!!waeyo?????
Sungjung fall asleep after she reach home. She feel so tired. In the evening she woke up and watch televisyen. Both of her sister is with her. Suddenly all of them speechless..while watching….tv. soon li and soon ji look at her sister sungjung. Sungjung also looking at both of their sisters.
Sungjung: ah..waeyo??????///
Soon li: unnie..its that u????
Soon ji: omo…unnie..u and him…are very closed…omo….and …
Sungjung: lol….this is when me and jongwoon at japan..amot annya….
Soon ji: must be paparazzi…omo unnie u already become popular now…omo…
Sungjung: ah…they should have not show all this picture! This is my private life….
Soon li: calm down unnie…don’t u remember u have only 2 day more left, after that you will become jongwoon oppa fiancé.
Sungjung: omo……please don’t remind me about this things…huhuhu….
Suddenly han unnie coming to them.
Sungjung: ye…unnie waeyo???
Han: your stylist is here sungjung shi….
Sungjung: oh..chongmal??ask him to come here…..
Han: ye…sungjung shi…..
Sungjung: oh..heechul shi…you are here….
Heechul: omona!!!!my lady………you are so pretty……..
Sungjung: ai…sweet words again…what makes u come here???
Heechul: to show the gown to u of course…I want you to try some dress for the ceremony…..
Sungjung: ah…….i hate it……
Heechul: come on..let’s go to your room now, we need to hurry up, there is a lot of work need to be done…
Sungjung: ye….aish…I hate you….
Heechul : I love u my lady….hurry up…ha..soon li shi, soon ji shi..both of u have to try new dress too….
Soon li: omo…no…….
Heechul: hurry up…..yah!!!where is my workers?????//yah!!!!shindong,hankyung hurry up!!!!help me with this…
Sungjung already try so many clothes, but she don’t like any dress that heechul bring to her.
Heechul: I think we should ask your fiancé to come and give opinion.
Sungjung: ah….andwae….
Heechul: shindong call the Mr Kim now and ask him to come now…
Sungjung: heechul shi…..
Heechul: please my lady..i want you look beautiful, your father pay me to make u beautiful.
Sungjung: ye…ye…
Jongwoon buy something for sungjung, and he went to sunjung room, but he found out that sungjung is not at the room. He waiting for her at outside of the room. He look at his watch again…its already 11 pm, where did she go??with who????hurm…in the few minute sungjung arrive…….with with…donghae???????????jongwoon feel uneasy….
Jongwoon: sungjung ah…….
Sungjung://oh jongwoon shi….what are u doing here???are u having fun with sohee shi????????/
Donghae: I go first….annyeong…..
Donghae just left them….
Jongwoon: mianhae…..i supposed to take u out….
Sungjung: gwenchana..just forget it…….i;m tired….
Jongwoon: but I already buy something for us, I’m hungry,…..let’s eat together…
Sungjung: jongwoon shi….u know the rules right???why don’t u just ask ur GIRLFRIEND sohee to be with u??i’m tired…need to sleep..jalga……..
Sungjung just enter the room and left him at outside….sungjung feel so angry…..who do u think I am??? Jongwoon look at the food that he bought. He throw it to the dustbin….and went back to the room.
Donghae: jongwoon shi..mianhae…
Jongwoon: gwenchana…
Wookie: wae???
Jongwoon: amot annya….i want to rest now….
Jongwoon went to his room. Donghae feel sorry…
Kyuhyun: ah..wae???
Donghae: annya…yah…let’s sleep kyuhyun..stop playing the game…
Kyuhyun: arraso..arraso………..
The next morning they have a trip to the music gallery. They have to wrote a report about the trip to the gallery. Jongwoon already spare a place for sungjung in the bus. He act quick this time….
Sungjung: ah…wae????
Jongwoon: sit with me…kajja….
Sungjung: ye……
Sohee: oh..oppa……I already spare place for us.
Jongwoon: are late….(he pulled sungjung hand and bring her to their sitting.
Sungjung: why do u wanna sit with me???
Jongwoon: the news about us already spread..what if the media….know that we are not like what are they thought???
Sungjung:….only because of that?? Media??huh????
Jongwoon: wae????
Sungjung: annya….
The bus start to move. Jongwoon take out his mp3 and put his ear. Sungjung only look at him…then she take off the earphone.jongwoon shock.
Jongwoon: wae??
Sungjung: I’m bored….what are u listening to???
Jongwoon put the earphone to sungjung ear and the music play…….sungjung smile….jongwoon also smile when sungjung is smiling…..she must have love that song…..jongwoon lean his head to sungjung shoulder…..and he fall asleep………
They arrive at the place 2 hours after that. They have a great time at the gallery. Jongwoon is always with sungjung. He won’t let anyone to stay beside her. The clock is show at 6, they have to go back to their hotel.everyone is in the bus and the bus just move on..without checking everyone. Everyone is tired that time.
Sungjung: jongwoon shi..i need to go to the bathroom.
Jongwoon: hurry up…we have to go now…
Sungjung: wait the minute.
After that, they went to the bus parking, but the bus already gone.
Sungjung: omo………the bus..already gone????/
Jongwoon : aish…….this is because of you!!!!
Sungjung: mianhaeyo…….
Jongwoon: let’s go back by our self….
Sungjung: jongwoon shi….i can call my bodyguard…they are here….
Jongwoon: erk???????
Sungjung take her phone out.
Sungjung: oh….siwon shi…..can u help me????
Siwon: ye….my lady…..
Sungjung: I need ur help….use ur gprs and find me now…
Siwon: yes my lady…I will be there.
Jongwoon: siwon shi?????
Sungjung: he is my bodyguard….where are we going now???there will take time to reach here….
Jongwoon: molla….but there is a shop over here, we can go there…kajja…..(hold sungjung hands…)
Sungjung: jongwoon shi….
Jongwoon: yah…stop calling me jongwoon shi jongwoon shi…am I a stranger???.
Sungjung: then…what u want me to call u????oppa????huh???
Jongwoon: that would be nice….(smiling….)
Sungjung: ye…..arraso…arraso…oppa…(sungjung smling too, jongwoon feel like his hearbeat is beating so faster than before when sungjung is smiling to him. Both of them walking together at the street, sungjung hold jongwoon arm and jongwoon hold sungjung waist….they don’t realize that there is a paparazzi who took their picture….both of them stop and eating at the street shop and walk again until they reach at jewwerly shop.
Sungjung: wae???
Jongwoon: kajja….
Salesgirl: hello(speak in japanese
Sungjung and jongwoon only bow…
Sungjung: oppa…let’s get out from here….
Jongwoon:wae???/wait a minute, miss do you have something new???(speak in Japanese
Salesgirl: sure sir we have, this couple ring.just arrive this morning…please take a look sir.
Jongwoon look at the ring…nice and smart….he took sungjung hand and wear the ring for her….
Jongwoon: do u like it????
Sungjung: oppa….i like it…so nice….
Jongwoon: ok…miss…I will take it….
Sungjung shock…….erk????he going to buy this for me???huh…
Sungjung: oppa…are u going to buy it for me huh???
Jongwoon: ye..wae???
Sungjung: but…but…..its…its tooo expensive….
Jongwoon: gwenchana….let’s go to the gallery…your bodyguard must have looking for u…
Jongwoon: sungjung ah…….
Sungjung://oh jongwoon shi….what are u doing here???are u having fun with sohee shi????????/
Donghae: I go first….annyeong…..
Donghae just left them….
Jongwoon: mianhae…..i supposed to take u out….
Sungjung: gwenchana..just forget it…….i;m tired….
Jongwoon: but I already buy something for us, I’m hungry,…..let’s eat together…
Sungjung: jongwoon shi….u know the rules right???why don’t u just ask ur GIRLFRIEND sohee to be with u??i’m tired…need to sleep..jalga……..
Sungjung just enter the room and left him at outside….sungjung feel so angry…..who do u think I am??? Jongwoon look at the food that he bought. He throw it to the dustbin….and went back to the room.
Donghae: jongwoon shi..mianhae…
Jongwoon: gwenchana…
Wookie: wae???
Jongwoon: amot annya….i want to rest now….
Jongwoon went to his room. Donghae feel sorry…
Kyuhyun: ah..wae???
Donghae: annya…yah…let’s sleep kyuhyun..stop playing the game…
Kyuhyun: arraso..arraso………..
The next morning they have a trip to the music gallery. They have to wrote a report about the trip to the gallery. Jongwoon already spare a place for sungjung in the bus. He act quick this time….
Sungjung: ah…wae????
Jongwoon: sit with me…kajja….
Sungjung: ye……
Sohee: oh..oppa……I already spare place for us.
Jongwoon: are late….(he pulled sungjung hand and bring her to their sitting.
Sungjung: why do u wanna sit with me???
Jongwoon: the news about us already spread..what if the media….know that we are not like what are they thought???
Sungjung:….only because of that?? Media??huh????
Jongwoon: wae????
Sungjung: annya….
The bus start to move. Jongwoon take out his mp3 and put his ear. Sungjung only look at him…then she take off the earphone.jongwoon shock.
Jongwoon: wae??
Sungjung: I’m bored….what are u listening to???
Jongwoon put the earphone to sungjung ear and the music play…….sungjung smile….jongwoon also smile when sungjung is smiling…..she must have love that song…..jongwoon lean his head to sungjung shoulder…..and he fall asleep………
They arrive at the place 2 hours after that. They have a great time at the gallery. Jongwoon is always with sungjung. He won’t let anyone to stay beside her. The clock is show at 6, they have to go back to their hotel.everyone is in the bus and the bus just move on..without checking everyone. Everyone is tired that time.
Sungjung: jongwoon shi..i need to go to the bathroom.
Jongwoon: hurry up…we have to go now…
Sungjung: wait the minute.
After that, they went to the bus parking, but the bus already gone.
Sungjung: omo………the bus..already gone????/
Jongwoon : aish…….this is because of you!!!!
Sungjung: mianhaeyo…….
Jongwoon: let’s go back by our self….
Sungjung: jongwoon shi….i can call my bodyguard…they are here….
Jongwoon: erk???????
Sungjung take her phone out.
Sungjung: oh….siwon shi…..can u help me????
Siwon: ye….my lady…..
Sungjung: I need ur help….use ur gprs and find me now…
Siwon: yes my lady…I will be there.
Jongwoon: siwon shi?????
Sungjung: he is my bodyguard….where are we going now???there will take time to reach here….
Jongwoon: molla….but there is a shop over here, we can go there…kajja…..(hold sungjung hands…)
Sungjung: jongwoon shi….
Jongwoon: yah…stop calling me jongwoon shi jongwoon shi…am I a stranger???.
Sungjung: then…what u want me to call u????oppa????huh???
Jongwoon: that would be nice….(smiling….)
Sungjung: ye…..arraso…arraso…oppa…(sungjung smling too, jongwoon feel like his hearbeat is beating so faster than before when sungjung is smiling to him. Both of them walking together at the street, sungjung hold jongwoon arm and jongwoon hold sungjung waist….they don’t realize that there is a paparazzi who took their picture….both of them stop and eating at the street shop and walk again until they reach at jewwerly shop.
Sungjung: wae???
Jongwoon: kajja….
Salesgirl: hello(speak in japanese
Sungjung and jongwoon only bow…
Sungjung: oppa…let’s get out from here….
Jongwoon:wae???/wait a minute, miss do you have something new???(speak in Japanese
Salesgirl: sure sir we have, this couple ring.just arrive this morning…please take a look sir.
Jongwoon look at the ring…nice and smart….he took sungjung hand and wear the ring for her….
Jongwoon: do u like it????
Sungjung: oppa….i like it…so nice….
Jongwoon: ok…miss…I will take it….
Sungjung shock…….erk????he going to buy this for me???huh…
Sungjung: oppa…are u going to buy it for me huh???
Jongwoon: ye..wae???
Sungjung: but…but…..its…its tooo expensive….
Jongwoon: gwenchana….let’s go to the gallery…your bodyguard must have looking for u…
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Ajjuhsi: oh..young master…..what bring u here???
Henry: ajjuhsi..i need ur help…
Ajjuhsi: what can I help u???
Henry” can u fix this????(showing the violin to the ajjushi)
Ajjuhsi: sure….this is small matter….i can fix this…
Soon ji: ah..chongmal?????gamsamida….ajjuhsi…..
Soon ji and henry smiling……
Ajjuhsi: but I need time to fix it….
Soon: ah……..but I need…it for tomorrow class…
Henry: gwenchana…you can used mine…
Soon ji: chongmal???
Henry: ye….u can used mine…until ur violin is ok////
Soon ji: gamsamida……
Henry: let’s go home now….
Henry hold soon ji hands…soon ji look so shock..but she only smiling…
Soon li look at the mirror again….she try to remember the step for the dance…but….she keep see the boy at the market at the mirror aish!!!!!!!!wae??????she lay down at the studio…suddenly someone enter the studio….its eeteuk..
Eeteuk: can I join u????
Soon li: annya…I wanna go already…you can used this studio…
Soon li try to get up and walk away..but eeteuk pulled her.
Soon li: what are u doing???let me go???
Eeteuk: why are u so cold with me???
Soon li: I’m not…I’m always like this….
Eeteuk: chongmal???
Soon li: ye…mianhae..i’m not in good mood..i will talk to u later….
Soon li get out from the studio…she walk to get home….why did I keep thinking about that guy???why???????huh…….she walking to the road..suddenly there is a boy who cross the road and there is a lorry infront of the boy…soon li run to the boy and pushed him…but she, still standing at the road…she didn’t realize when someone was there and save her.,..all she know that she feel hurt………
Soon li: ouch………….
Boy: gwenchana??????
Soon li shock…I know this voice….this voice..this is the boy from the super market….soon li look at the boy… and look at him….yes…he is…..
Boy: yah… you ok???huh????
Soon li: I’m ok……..
Boy: chongmal?????(look at soon li hand and legs…, he look at soon li body…)
Soon li: ah….boya???????get off of me….
Suddenly soon li driver is there…..
Driver: soon li shi……gwenchana???
Soon li: I’m ok..ajjuhsi…let’s go…….
Soon li just walk away without saying thank you to the boy…the boy only watch her….what a weird girl..huh….
Sungjung look at her phone…its still early….should I call him???should i…..zil passed through her…
Sungjung: where are u going???
Zil: having dinner with kyuhyun…wanna join???let’s go…..
Sungjung : gwenchana..i’m not hungry….i want to sleep….
Zil: arraso..need anything just call me…
Sungjung: ye…..
Zil left her alone at the room….not the few minute the door bell is ringing….sungjung open it…she shock…
Sungjung: wae????
Donghae: let’s go out and have fun…….
Sungjung: gwenchana…..
Donghae: hurry up…I ‘m waiting for u…….i’ won’t go anywhere….
Sungjung: ye…arraso..arraso……..
Donghae and sungjung went outside, sungjung know that her bodyguard is with her.
Sungjung: donghae shi..gamsamida….
Donghae: wae???/
Sungjung: for bringing me out tonight….
Donghae: annya….just now I saw zil with kyuhyun….and I’m sure you will be alone..just like me…everyone is going out except for me….so I just wanna ask you to going out with me..we should have fun…right???.
Sungjung: everyone???is going out????why are u so sure that I’m alone???
Donghae: coz..jongwoon is going out with sohee…….
Sungjung: ah…chongmal???you are clever donghae shi…so what are we going to do???
Donghae: let’s go to the Disney land….
Sungjung: ye……..
Both of them having so much fun…sungjung feel so happy…donghae is so funny…..
Meanwhile, zil and kyuhyun saw jongwoon with sohee..zil smirk her face to sohee and jongwoon…
Kyuhyun: oh..hyung….where are u going???
Jongwoon: having dinner….
Zil: omo!!!!!! I forget!!sungjung is alone ….kyuhyun shi..i need to go. Now..annyeong….
Kyuhyun: yah……..zil..yah!!!!!!!
Jongwoon: boya????sungjung is alone???/so she haven’t eat yet???
Kyuhyun: ye…….hyung why did u left her????you supposed to take care of her right????
Sohee: why did jongwoon have to take care of her???
Kyuhyun: hyung….i ‘ll go to our room first….
Sohee: oppa….who is she????
Jongwoon: annya….see u tomorrow…I need to go now…
Sohee: oppa!!!!!!
Jongwoon just walk away….he try to called sungjung but there is no answer….he try again and again.are u sleeping already????
Henry: ajjuhsi..i need ur help…
Ajjuhsi: what can I help u???
Henry” can u fix this????(showing the violin to the ajjushi)
Ajjuhsi: sure….this is small matter….i can fix this…
Soon ji: ah..chongmal?????gamsamida….ajjuhsi…..
Soon ji and henry smiling……
Ajjuhsi: but I need time to fix it….
Soon: ah……..but I need…it for tomorrow class…
Henry: gwenchana…you can used mine…
Soon ji: chongmal???
Henry: ye….u can used mine…until ur violin is ok////
Soon ji: gamsamida……
Henry: let’s go home now….
Henry hold soon ji hands…soon ji look so shock..but she only smiling…
Soon li look at the mirror again….she try to remember the step for the dance…but….she keep see the boy at the market at the mirror aish!!!!!!!!wae??????she lay down at the studio…suddenly someone enter the studio….its eeteuk..
Eeteuk: can I join u????
Soon li: annya…I wanna go already…you can used this studio…
Soon li try to get up and walk away..but eeteuk pulled her.
Soon li: what are u doing???let me go???
Eeteuk: why are u so cold with me???
Soon li: I’m not…I’m always like this….
Eeteuk: chongmal???
Soon li: ye…mianhae..i’m not in good mood..i will talk to u later….
Soon li get out from the studio…she walk to get home….why did I keep thinking about that guy???why???????huh…….she walking to the road..suddenly there is a boy who cross the road and there is a lorry infront of the boy…soon li run to the boy and pushed him…but she, still standing at the road…she didn’t realize when someone was there and save her.,..all she know that she feel hurt………
Soon li: ouch………….
Boy: gwenchana??????
Soon li shock…I know this voice….this voice..this is the boy from the super market….soon li look at the boy… and look at him….yes…he is…..
Boy: yah… you ok???huh????
Soon li: I’m ok……..
Boy: chongmal?????(look at soon li hand and legs…, he look at soon li body…)
Soon li: ah….boya???????get off of me….
Suddenly soon li driver is there…..
Driver: soon li shi……gwenchana???
Soon li: I’m ok..ajjuhsi…let’s go…….
Soon li just walk away without saying thank you to the boy…the boy only watch her….what a weird girl..huh….
Sungjung look at her phone…its still early….should I call him???should i…..zil passed through her…
Sungjung: where are u going???
Zil: having dinner with kyuhyun…wanna join???let’s go…..
Sungjung : gwenchana..i’m not hungry….i want to sleep….
Zil: arraso..need anything just call me…
Sungjung: ye…..
Zil left her alone at the room….not the few minute the door bell is ringing….sungjung open it…she shock…
Sungjung: wae????
Donghae: let’s go out and have fun…….
Sungjung: gwenchana…..
Donghae: hurry up…I ‘m waiting for u…….i’ won’t go anywhere….
Sungjung: ye…arraso..arraso……..
Donghae and sungjung went outside, sungjung know that her bodyguard is with her.
Sungjung: donghae shi..gamsamida….
Donghae: wae???/
Sungjung: for bringing me out tonight….
Donghae: annya….just now I saw zil with kyuhyun….and I’m sure you will be alone..just like me…everyone is going out except for me….so I just wanna ask you to going out with me..we should have fun…right???.
Sungjung: everyone???is going out????why are u so sure that I’m alone???
Donghae: coz..jongwoon is going out with sohee…….
Sungjung: ah…chongmal???you are clever donghae shi…so what are we going to do???
Donghae: let’s go to the Disney land….
Sungjung: ye……..
Both of them having so much fun…sungjung feel so happy…donghae is so funny…..
Meanwhile, zil and kyuhyun saw jongwoon with sohee..zil smirk her face to sohee and jongwoon…
Kyuhyun: oh..hyung….where are u going???
Jongwoon: having dinner….
Zil: omo!!!!!! I forget!!sungjung is alone ….kyuhyun shi..i need to go. Now..annyeong….
Kyuhyun: yah……..zil..yah!!!!!!!
Jongwoon: boya????sungjung is alone???/so she haven’t eat yet???
Kyuhyun: ye…….hyung why did u left her????you supposed to take care of her right????
Sohee: why did jongwoon have to take care of her???
Kyuhyun: hyung….i ‘ll go to our room first….
Sohee: oppa….who is she????
Jongwoon: annya….see u tomorrow…I need to go now…
Sohee: oppa!!!!!!
Jongwoon just walk away….he try to called sungjung but there is no answer….he try again and again.are u sleeping already????
Sungjung lay down..when they enter the room.
Zil: are u ok????
Sungjung: I’m ok…
Zil: hurm….kyuhyun want me to be his partner in the session …
Sungjung: chongmal??that’s great.
Zil: so…who you will be with???jongwoon??
Sungjung: maybe…lol we have to come to the meeting room after this…
Zil: yup..for partner selection. Hurry yup get change.
All of the student for the champ gather around at the meeting room. Jongwoon walk to her….jongwoon touch sungjung face….
Jongwoon: did u have a rest???
Sungjung: not yet….feel dizzy…
Jongwoon: let have a sit first….
Jongwoon hold sungjung hand and bring her to the chair when suddenly sohee come and pulled jongwoon hand from sungjung…sungjung look so shock….
Sohee: oppa….let’s go….
Jongwoon: going where????
Sohee: register our name….let’s be partner…
Jongwoon: gwenchana…I already have a partner….
Sohee: I don’t care…come with me…hurry!.(sohee keep pulling jongwoon hand..sungjung only watch…she feel so angry!!!!!!!!
Suddenly donghae come to her…
Donghae: wae???
Sungjung: annya….that girl stole my partner…
Donghae: chongmal..its my pleasure if you wanna be my partner…
Sungjung: are u sure???
Hae: yup…
Sungjung: that would be great…so let’s register our name….
After the session, jongwoon try to get near with sungjung but that sohee keep following him. He can see that his fiancé is with donghae and they look happy. He feel angry…..but he have no choice….wait the minute..why did I become so weak??why did I care about her so much???she has nothing to do with me…we only pretend,,,,argh!!!!who care! U can do what ever u wanna do…I don’t care!
Soon ji waiting for him…he ask her to wait for him. She look at her watch…..suddenly…..
Henry: sorry..i’m late…..
Soon ji.: gwenchana…let’s go..we are already late to the class.
Both of them went to the violin class together….today they have to play the new song, their teacher will thought them….
Henry: play so well…
Soon ji: gamsamida…u so well
Suddenly when soon ji..want to play again…tali violinnya putus..dengan tiba-tiba….her hand hurt…and bleeding….
Henry: omo…(take soon ji finger and suck the blood…soon ji shock…however she only watching henry…..
Soon ji: oppa….
Henry: how do u feel???
Soon ji: I;m ok…but my…my…my violin….is broke already…ottokeh?????????
Henry: we can buy another…..but your hand is more important!..
Soon ji: I don’t care about my hand!..this violin is more important to me!
Henry: what’s wrong with u??calm down….calm…down………
Soon ji hug henry……
Henry: soon ji…….(he hug soon ji….i have to do something since this violin is important to her.)
After the class that evening Henry bring soon ji to one shop….
Soon ji: why are we here???
Henry: you will know..give me your violin…
Soon ji: ah..wae………..
Henry: trust me….hurry….
Soon ji give her violin to henry….
Henry: ajjuhsi…..
Zil: are u ok????
Sungjung: I’m ok…
Zil: hurm….kyuhyun want me to be his partner in the session …
Sungjung: chongmal??that’s great.
Zil: so…who you will be with???jongwoon??
Sungjung: maybe…lol we have to come to the meeting room after this…
Zil: yup..for partner selection. Hurry yup get change.
All of the student for the champ gather around at the meeting room. Jongwoon walk to her….jongwoon touch sungjung face….
Jongwoon: did u have a rest???
Sungjung: not yet….feel dizzy…
Jongwoon: let have a sit first….
Jongwoon hold sungjung hand and bring her to the chair when suddenly sohee come and pulled jongwoon hand from sungjung…sungjung look so shock….
Sohee: oppa….let’s go….
Jongwoon: going where????
Sohee: register our name….let’s be partner…
Jongwoon: gwenchana…I already have a partner….
Sohee: I don’t care…come with me…hurry!.(sohee keep pulling jongwoon hand..sungjung only watch…she feel so angry!!!!!!!!
Suddenly donghae come to her…
Donghae: wae???
Sungjung: annya….that girl stole my partner…
Donghae: chongmal..its my pleasure if you wanna be my partner…
Sungjung: are u sure???
Hae: yup…
Sungjung: that would be great…so let’s register our name….
After the session, jongwoon try to get near with sungjung but that sohee keep following him. He can see that his fiancé is with donghae and they look happy. He feel angry…..but he have no choice….wait the minute..why did I become so weak??why did I care about her so much???she has nothing to do with me…we only pretend,,,,argh!!!!who care! U can do what ever u wanna do…I don’t care!
Soon ji waiting for him…he ask her to wait for him. She look at her watch…..suddenly…..
Henry: sorry..i’m late…..
Soon ji.: gwenchana…let’s go..we are already late to the class.
Both of them went to the violin class together….today they have to play the new song, their teacher will thought them….
Henry: play so well…
Soon ji: gamsamida…u so well
Suddenly when soon ji..want to play again…tali violinnya putus..dengan tiba-tiba….her hand hurt…and bleeding….
Henry: omo…(take soon ji finger and suck the blood…soon ji shock…however she only watching henry…..
Soon ji: oppa….
Henry: how do u feel???
Soon ji: I;m ok…but my…my…my violin….is broke already…ottokeh?????????
Henry: we can buy another…..but your hand is more important!..
Soon ji: I don’t care about my hand!..this violin is more important to me!
Henry: what’s wrong with u??calm down….calm…down………
Soon ji hug henry……
Henry: soon ji…….(he hug soon ji….i have to do something since this violin is important to her.)
After the class that evening Henry bring soon ji to one shop….
Soon ji: why are we here???
Henry: you will know..give me your violin…
Soon ji: ah..wae………..
Henry: trust me….hurry….
Soon ji give her violin to henry….
Henry: ajjuhsi…..
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Sungjung check her things everything is complete….her father and sisters…with her and jongwoon father also is here with her. They are at the airport….they hugging together….
Mr lee: take care arraso???your bodyguard will be with u while u in japan…
Sungjung: daddy…I’m ok…
Mr lee: he won’t disturb u….
Sungjung: to go now…bye bye daddy…soon li soon ji…
Soon ji: bye bye unnie take care…
Jongwoon come near her and hold her hand…
Jongwoon: we have to go now…
They are waving to each other….
Sungjung sit beside jongwoon at the couple sit…sungjung look so nervous…
Jongwoon: gwenchana???
Sungjung only nodding….
Jongwoon: did u want anything????
Sungjung: annya….oppa…can u hold me??i’m kind of scared…
Jongwoon: arraso…take a rest arraso???
Sungjung: ye…
Sungjung lean her head at jongwoon shoulder while jongwoon keep holding her hand…zil only smiling looking at them…seasons of love!!!!!!hhahahah….suddenly….
Kyuhyun: what are u looking at???
Zil:eh???aannya..amot annya…
Kyuhyun: chongmal???
Zil: ye..ah..wae???
Kyuhyun: just u want to play piano with me???
Kyuhyun: why did u like shock????
Zil: annya….
Kyuhyun: we meet later n we play together arraso??i want u to be my partner…
Zil: sure…love it….
Soon li look at the list….pumpkin????hurm…soon li walk with her maid…
Soon li: unnie..where did we can find pumpkin???
Han: let’s go at the back…
Soon li: gwenchana…I can go u wait for me here arraso???
Han: ye…
Soon li walk to the place…omo..there is only one pumpkin left!!!!!!!she walk faster as usually…..when she want to take the pumpkin…there is another hand who already take it…soon li got angry.
Soon li: hye!!!!!that’s mine!!!!(the boy shock)
Boy: what????yours???i saw it first…its mine….
Soon li: I saw it its mine….(try to grab the pumpkin from that boy hand
Boy: yah!!!!i already grab it…this is mine…
The boy want to walk away…but soon li pulled him and take the pumpkin…both of them…holding the pumpkin and …suddenly the pumpkin…fall down and broke….soon li clothes are dirty…same goes to that boy….
Soon li: ah!!!!!!!!!what a waste…..
Boy: look what have you done!!!!aish!!!!!!!!
Suddenly there is a promoter who saw the accident and force them to pay the price for the broken pumpkin….both of them have to pay for it…
Soon li…feel so sad…aish….i want to cook for daddy today…ish…….ottokeh?//aish!!!!!i want to kill that boy!!!!!!argh!!!!!!!!!!!
Han: gwenchana..we can cook other things for your dad…
Soon li: but daddy love to eat pumpkin soup..ottokeh???its gone because of that stupid boy! Aish!!!!!!!!!!!
Han: calm down…would u???let;s go..everyone is looking at us…kajja…
Soon li: ye….
They went home with bad feeling.
After 2 hours in the flight they already arrive at japan. Sungjung still fall asleep.
Jongwoon: yah..sungjung ah…wake up..we already here.
Sungjung: chongmal????hurm..(wake up and tidy up her hair….jongwoon help with her hair…and hold her hand to get down form the plane.
Zil: omo…I’m so tired….
Sungjung: me too…
Jongwoon: sleeping like a pig just now..still feel tired….
Sungjung: that so harsh…jongwoon!
Kyuhyun: hurry up…or not they will leave us…
All of them keep walking with mrs haewon. They have to come to the center point, where they meet all the participant from other schools. When they arrive at that place..suddenly…there were a girl coming toward jongwoon and hug him and kiss him…sungjung shock and feel angry….
Jongwoon: yah,,,sohee…..its that u???
Sohee: oppa..its me…oppa I miss u so much!..(hug jongwoon again and again…)
Jongwoon: what are u doing here???
Sohee: I’m joining this champ…and what about u???
Jongwoon: same goes to me…
Sungjung walk away from jongwoon…zil following her…..
Zil: wow….are they have any connection???
Sungjung: molla….hurm…
Kyuhyun: that girl name is sohee…she is jongwoon ex girlfriend…
Zil: why did they clash???
Kyuhyun: sohee love her piano more than jongwoon…
Sungjung: its worth it…if I at sohee place..i will choose my piano…..
Wookie: but lately..sohee keep asking to comeback to jongwoon…
Sungjung: huh..that girl is so stupid…
Wookie: so please don’t become like her….
Sungjung: what do u mean???
Wookie: sungjung shi…I know that u like jongwoon..admit it…and both of you can be happy…
Sungjung want to answer it but mrs haewon ask them to take their key and gte into the room.
Mr lee: take care arraso???your bodyguard will be with u while u in japan…
Sungjung: daddy…I’m ok…
Mr lee: he won’t disturb u….
Sungjung: to go now…bye bye daddy…soon li soon ji…
Soon ji: bye bye unnie take care…
Jongwoon come near her and hold her hand…
Jongwoon: we have to go now…
They are waving to each other….
Sungjung sit beside jongwoon at the couple sit…sungjung look so nervous…
Jongwoon: gwenchana???
Sungjung only nodding….
Jongwoon: did u want anything????
Sungjung: annya….oppa…can u hold me??i’m kind of scared…
Jongwoon: arraso…take a rest arraso???
Sungjung: ye…
Sungjung lean her head at jongwoon shoulder while jongwoon keep holding her hand…zil only smiling looking at them…seasons of love!!!!!!hhahahah….suddenly….
Kyuhyun: what are u looking at???
Zil:eh???aannya..amot annya…
Kyuhyun: chongmal???
Zil: ye..ah..wae???
Kyuhyun: just u want to play piano with me???
Kyuhyun: why did u like shock????
Zil: annya….
Kyuhyun: we meet later n we play together arraso??i want u to be my partner…
Zil: sure…love it….
Soon li look at the list….pumpkin????hurm…soon li walk with her maid…
Soon li: unnie..where did we can find pumpkin???
Han: let’s go at the back…
Soon li: gwenchana…I can go u wait for me here arraso???
Han: ye…
Soon li walk to the place…omo..there is only one pumpkin left!!!!!!!she walk faster as usually…..when she want to take the pumpkin…there is another hand who already take it…soon li got angry.
Soon li: hye!!!!!that’s mine!!!!(the boy shock)
Boy: what????yours???i saw it first…its mine….
Soon li: I saw it its mine….(try to grab the pumpkin from that boy hand
Boy: yah!!!!i already grab it…this is mine…
The boy want to walk away…but soon li pulled him and take the pumpkin…both of them…holding the pumpkin and …suddenly the pumpkin…fall down and broke….soon li clothes are dirty…same goes to that boy….
Soon li: ah!!!!!!!!!what a waste…..
Boy: look what have you done!!!!aish!!!!!!!!
Suddenly there is a promoter who saw the accident and force them to pay the price for the broken pumpkin….both of them have to pay for it…
Soon li…feel so sad…aish….i want to cook for daddy today…ish…….ottokeh?//aish!!!!!i want to kill that boy!!!!!!argh!!!!!!!!!!!
Han: gwenchana..we can cook other things for your dad…
Soon li: but daddy love to eat pumpkin soup..ottokeh???its gone because of that stupid boy! Aish!!!!!!!!!!!
Han: calm down…would u???let;s go..everyone is looking at us…kajja…
Soon li: ye….
They went home with bad feeling.
After 2 hours in the flight they already arrive at japan. Sungjung still fall asleep.
Jongwoon: yah..sungjung ah…wake up..we already here.
Sungjung: chongmal????hurm..(wake up and tidy up her hair….jongwoon help with her hair…and hold her hand to get down form the plane.
Zil: omo…I’m so tired….
Sungjung: me too…
Jongwoon: sleeping like a pig just now..still feel tired….
Sungjung: that so harsh…jongwoon!
Kyuhyun: hurry up…or not they will leave us…
All of them keep walking with mrs haewon. They have to come to the center point, where they meet all the participant from other schools. When they arrive at that place..suddenly…there were a girl coming toward jongwoon and hug him and kiss him…sungjung shock and feel angry….
Jongwoon: yah,,,sohee…..its that u???
Sohee: oppa..its me…oppa I miss u so much!..(hug jongwoon again and again…)
Jongwoon: what are u doing here???
Sohee: I’m joining this champ…and what about u???
Jongwoon: same goes to me…
Sungjung walk away from jongwoon…zil following her…..
Zil: wow….are they have any connection???
Sungjung: molla….hurm…
Kyuhyun: that girl name is sohee…she is jongwoon ex girlfriend…
Zil: why did they clash???
Kyuhyun: sohee love her piano more than jongwoon…
Sungjung: its worth it…if I at sohee place..i will choose my piano…..
Wookie: but lately..sohee keep asking to comeback to jongwoon…
Sungjung: huh..that girl is so stupid…
Wookie: so please don’t become like her….
Sungjung: what do u mean???
Wookie: sungjung shi…I know that u like jongwoon..admit it…and both of you can be happy…
Sungjung want to answer it but mrs haewon ask them to take their key and gte into the room.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Jongwoon: arraso..arraso….so I will fetch u at your home tomorrow morning…
Sungjung: wae???
Jongwoon: we are going to japan remember???
Sungjung:…lol I have to buy something….
Jongwoon: let’s go after school…I wait u at the gate…
Sungjung: ye…
Jongwoon: now…
Both of them having their lunch together…from back there is someone who watching them….
Sungjung look at her watch…where is he??aish!
Later in 30 minute only jongwoon come. Sungjung get in his car…
Sungjung: why are u late???
Jongwoon: annya….there is something turn up…
Sungjung: arraso..arraso….
Jongwoon: where do you wanna go???
Sungjung: molla..i never do shopping before this….
Jongwoon: let’s go to my father shopping complex…
Sungjung: ye….
Jongwoon hold sungjung hand after she get out from the car. Sungjung only watch jongwoon but she don’t dare to ask….they start with shopping stuff….all everything was paid by jongwoon….they have a break at ice cream shop. Sungjung order banana split for her, while jongwoon only order cake and coffee.
Jongwoon: did u see the schedule for japan trip???
Sungjung: ye….
Jongwoon: there is other student from other school too…
Sungjung: ah..chongmal????
Jongwoon: some cake..don’t just eat ice cream….(feeding sungjung when suddenly there is flash camera)
Jongwoon and sungjung shock……and look around….there is a reporter….
Jongwoon: yah!!!!both of you stop!!!!!(try to chase them…but sungjung pulled him…)
Sungjung: just let them…
Jongwoon: they will published it tomorrow,..
Sungjung: what are u afaid of???they will said that we are closed right???so???just ignore them, you are going to be my fiancé…so?/who cares???
Jongwoon only silent. That’s right…..
Sungjung: let’s go home now…we need to wake up early….
After paid the bill, sungjung hold jongwoon hand …jongwoon shock…but he just smile……then they reach at sungjung house…
Sungjung: don’t be late…tomorrow….
Jongwoon: arraso..arraso..good nite…
Jongwoon: drive away....he look at his watch, they must have waited for me....after park his car, he went inside the house club. Everyone is there, sungmin, donghae, wookie, kyuhyun and joon is there too.
Joon: why are u late???
Jongwoon: got something to do….
Joon: so how???
Jongwoon: what????/
Sungmin: about the bet!...sungjung..have you kiss her yet??where is the picture???
Jongwoon: what are u talking about???
Wookie: sungmin…when did we ever bet about this???
Joon: yah…..waeyo??is she hard to get???passed it to me…I will let her down….
Jongwoon get angry all of sudden,…he pulled joon colar t-shirt…
Jongwoon: don’t you ever dare to touch her! And don’t ever to come near her! If I know that you touch her or come near her..we are through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kyuhyun: yah…jongwoon calm down…let joon go hurry…
Jongwoon let joon go…
Joon: why all of sudden???huh???she is the best???you sleep with that bitch already????she is fun huh????
Donghae: stop it joon…get out from here!
Joon: you stay out of this. This is between me and him….
Wookie: jongwoon ah…kajja..let’s go…..we need to be early tomorrow….
Kyuhyun and and sungmin pulled jongwoon away….donghae and wookie follow them….
Joon: yah!!!!!!!...
All of them ignore joon….joon feel so angry….jongwoon ah,,,this game won’t be fun if I don’t touch her….
Sungjung: wae???
Jongwoon: we are going to japan remember???
Sungjung:…lol I have to buy something….
Jongwoon: let’s go after school…I wait u at the gate…
Sungjung: ye…
Jongwoon: now…
Both of them having their lunch together…from back there is someone who watching them….
Sungjung look at her watch…where is he??aish!
Later in 30 minute only jongwoon come. Sungjung get in his car…
Sungjung: why are u late???
Jongwoon: annya….there is something turn up…
Sungjung: arraso..arraso….
Jongwoon: where do you wanna go???
Sungjung: molla..i never do shopping before this….
Jongwoon: let’s go to my father shopping complex…
Sungjung: ye….
Jongwoon hold sungjung hand after she get out from the car. Sungjung only watch jongwoon but she don’t dare to ask….they start with shopping stuff….all everything was paid by jongwoon….they have a break at ice cream shop. Sungjung order banana split for her, while jongwoon only order cake and coffee.
Jongwoon: did u see the schedule for japan trip???
Sungjung: ye….
Jongwoon: there is other student from other school too…
Sungjung: ah..chongmal????
Jongwoon: some cake..don’t just eat ice cream….(feeding sungjung when suddenly there is flash camera)
Jongwoon and sungjung shock……and look around….there is a reporter….
Jongwoon: yah!!!!both of you stop!!!!!(try to chase them…but sungjung pulled him…)
Sungjung: just let them…
Jongwoon: they will published it tomorrow,..
Sungjung: what are u afaid of???they will said that we are closed right???so???just ignore them, you are going to be my fiancé…so?/who cares???
Jongwoon only silent. That’s right…..
Sungjung: let’s go home now…we need to wake up early….
After paid the bill, sungjung hold jongwoon hand …jongwoon shock…but he just smile……then they reach at sungjung house…
Sungjung: don’t be late…tomorrow….
Jongwoon: arraso..arraso..good nite…
Jongwoon: drive away....he look at his watch, they must have waited for me....after park his car, he went inside the house club. Everyone is there, sungmin, donghae, wookie, kyuhyun and joon is there too.
Joon: why are u late???
Jongwoon: got something to do….
Joon: so how???
Jongwoon: what????/
Sungmin: about the bet!...sungjung..have you kiss her yet??where is the picture???
Jongwoon: what are u talking about???
Wookie: sungmin…when did we ever bet about this???
Joon: yah…..waeyo??is she hard to get???passed it to me…I will let her down….
Jongwoon get angry all of sudden,…he pulled joon colar t-shirt…
Jongwoon: don’t you ever dare to touch her! And don’t ever to come near her! If I know that you touch her or come near her..we are through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kyuhyun: yah…jongwoon calm down…let joon go hurry…
Jongwoon let joon go…
Joon: why all of sudden???huh???she is the best???you sleep with that bitch already????she is fun huh????
Donghae: stop it joon…get out from here!
Joon: you stay out of this. This is between me and him….
Wookie: jongwoon ah…kajja..let’s go…..we need to be early tomorrow….
Kyuhyun and and sungmin pulled jongwoon away….donghae and wookie follow them….
Joon: yah!!!!!!!...
All of them ignore joon….joon feel so angry….jongwoon ah,,,this game won’t be fun if I don’t touch her….
[Donghae] bulan bulanhae neul jomajamahae salmi jeongmal jeulgeobni
[Kyuhyun] naeil ddakddaekhan mitmithan neomu neomu sosimhan geureon niga neodo ijen jigyeobni
[Yesung] hanbeon jumeok jwigo Cool hage (Yeah) hago sipeun sori jilreobwa (Yeah)
[Ryeowook] sesangeun negeoya mandeuneun geoya saenggakeul heundeuleo (Uh oh)
Shake it up- Shake it up- Shake it up!
[Eunhyuk] bbareuge ddo gaggeumeun cheoncheonhi geobmeokjima Nice & Slow meoljjeonghan sesangi teukbyeolhan niga juingong
[Eunhyuk] You can change the world dolabomyeon eojireowo michindeusi Let's dance nohjima One chance
[Leeteuk] chumchugo sipeul ddaen sanggwan malgo jeulgyeo [KH] rideume matgyeo geondeuljima dachyeo
[Yesung] jebal hajima gwanduja neorang an eoulryeo ireon maldeul Shake it (up)
[Sungmin] hanbeon gaseum pyeogo Chic hage (Yeah) neoreul saranghanda malhaebwa
[Ryeowook] sarangeun itjana mandeuneun geoya saenggakeul heundeuleo (Uh oh)
Shake it up- Shake it up- Shake it up!
[Donghae] haru haru banbokdoeneun saenghwal ijen Shake it up (Just shake it up)
[Donghae] jaggu jaggu saenggaknaneun seulpeum ijen Shake it up (Oh)
[Kyuhyun] saengsang byeolgeo isseo geudaeege dalryeosseo Oh! Oh! heundeuleo Ah just shake it up
Shake it up- Shake it up- Shake it up- Shake it up- Shake it up!
Hey get up, everyone come here
Just shake (all your thoughts)
Just shake it up!
Hey get up, everyone come here
Just shake (all your thoughts) Just shake it up!
Shake it up~~~Shake it up~~~
Shake it up, is an anxious, so anxious
always a nervous life really enjoyable?
You, who's stiff and flat and too timit everyday
Aren't you bored?
Just oncee clench your fists and cooly (yeah~)
yell out what you want to say (yeah~)
The world is yours
It's what you make of it Shake up your thoughts (Oh~)
Shake it up~~~Shake it up~~~
Shake it up, you go so fast
but don't be afraid to go slow sometimes, nice and slow
You're the owner of this perfect world
You can change the world
If you look back you'll get dizzy
Wildly, let's dance
Hold on, once chance,
when you wanna dance, don't worry just enjoy it
put your trust is the rhythem , you won't get hurt
Don't do it - forget it - you're lame
all these kinds of phrases, just shake it (Up)
Just once stick out your chest and chicly (yeah~)
Say i love you~
You're in love, aren't you?
It's what you make of it Shake up your Thoughts (Oh)
Shake it up~~~ Shake it up~~~
Shake it up, your everyday repetitive life, right now shake it up
your repeated thoughts of sadness- right now shake it up
Are you separated from the world?
It all depens on you oh- oh - shake ah- just shake it up!
Shake it up~~~ Shake it up~~~ Shake it up~~~
(Hey get up, everyone come here, just skake, just shake it up)
Shake it up~~~ (Hey get up, everyone come here, just shake, just shake it up) Shake it up!
[Donghae] bulan bulanhae neul jomajamahae salmi jeongmal jeulgeobni
[Kyuhyun] naeil ddakddaekhan mitmithan neomu neomu sosimhan geureon niga neodo ijen jigyeobni
[Yesung] hanbeon jumeok jwigo Cool hage (Yeah) hago sipeun sori jilreobwa (Yeah)
[Ryeowook] sesangeun negeoya mandeuneun geoya saenggakeul heundeuleo (Uh oh)
Shake it up- Shake it up- Shake it up!
[Eunhyuk] bbareuge ddo gaggeumeun cheoncheonhi geobmeokjima Nice & Slow meoljjeonghan sesangi teukbyeolhan niga juingong
[Eunhyuk] You can change the world dolabomyeon eojireowo michindeusi Let's dance nohjima One chance
[Leeteuk] chumchugo sipeul ddaen sanggwan malgo jeulgyeo [KH] rideume matgyeo geondeuljima dachyeo
[Yesung] jebal hajima gwanduja neorang an eoulryeo ireon maldeul Shake it (up)
[Sungmin] hanbeon gaseum pyeogo Chic hage (Yeah) neoreul saranghanda malhaebwa
[Ryeowook] sarangeun itjana mandeuneun geoya saenggakeul heundeuleo (Uh oh)
Shake it up- Shake it up- Shake it up!
[Donghae] haru haru banbokdoeneun saenghwal ijen Shake it up (Just shake it up)
[Donghae] jaggu jaggu saenggaknaneun seulpeum ijen Shake it up (Oh)
[Kyuhyun] saengsang byeolgeo isseo geudaeege dalryeosseo Oh! Oh! heundeuleo Ah just shake it up
Shake it up- Shake it up- Shake it up- Shake it up- Shake it up!
Hey get up, everyone come here
Just shake (all your thoughts)
Just shake it up!
Hey get up, everyone come here
Just shake (all your thoughts) Just shake it up!
Shake it up~~~Shake it up~~~
Shake it up, is an anxious, so anxious
always a nervous life really enjoyable?
You, who's stiff and flat and too timit everyday
Aren't you bored?
Just oncee clench your fists and cooly (yeah~)
yell out what you want to say (yeah~)
The world is yours
It's what you make of it Shake up your thoughts (Oh~)
Shake it up~~~Shake it up~~~
Shake it up, you go so fast
but don't be afraid to go slow sometimes, nice and slow
You're the owner of this perfect world
You can change the world
If you look back you'll get dizzy
Wildly, let's dance
Hold on, once chance,
when you wanna dance, don't worry just enjoy it
put your trust is the rhythem , you won't get hurt
Don't do it - forget it - you're lame
all these kinds of phrases, just shake it (Up)
Just once stick out your chest and chicly (yeah~)
Say i love you~
You're in love, aren't you?
It's what you make of it Shake up your Thoughts (Oh)
Shake it up~~~ Shake it up~~~
Shake it up, your everyday repetitive life, right now shake it up
your repeated thoughts of sadness- right now shake it up
Are you separated from the world?
It all depens on you oh- oh - shake ah- just shake it up!
Shake it up~~~ Shake it up~~~ Shake it up~~~
(Hey get up, everyone come here, just skake, just shake it up)
Shake it up~~~ (Hey get up, everyone come here, just shake, just shake it up) Shake it up!
When your cold words reach my heart
In my eyes, without me knowing, wet dewdrops
Where they’re from and how they form over and over even I don’t know
The only thing I know is that I just really hurt
My formerly burning heart is slowly becoming cold
I don’t know what to say, or how to hold on to you
How can I, How can I do it
Nanananana nanananana on the window and on my eyes
dew forms, tears form, a small stream is made
Where they’re from and how they form over and over even I don’t know
The only thing I know is that I just really hurt
My formerly burning heart is slowly becoming cold
It seems even I don’t know what to say, or how to hold on to you
How can I, How can I do it
I’m afraid that if I close my eyes they will flow even as I look up to the sky
Of the tears that have ultimately become worse, one drop was finally discovered
How if I can’t see you again then how can I
Tomorrow morning when I unknowingly reach for the telephone
What will I do then
I want to smile and leave you with a good image but when I look at you
The tears ultimately fall down
Chagaun neoe geu han madiga nae maeume dake dwaesseul ddae
Nae nundongjaen nado moreuneun chokchokan iseul bangul
Eodiseo eoddeoke jagguman maetineunji nado moreujyo
Geunyang naega mani apeun geotman arayo
Ddeugeowotddeon gaseumi jeomjeom ssaneulhajyo
Mworago malhalji, eoddeoke butjapeulji nado moreugetjjana
Eoddeoke nan eoddeoke hajyo
Nanananana nanananana yurichangedo nae nun wiedo
Iseul maetchyeone nunmul maetchyeone jageun naetmuleul mandeune
Eodiseo eoddeoke jagguman maetineunji nado moreujyo
Geunyang naega mani apeun geotman arayo
Ddeugeowotddeon gaseumi jeomjeom ssaneulhajyo
Mworago malhalji, eoddeoke butjapeulji nado moreugetjana
Eoddeoke nan eoddeoke hajyo
Nun gameumyeon heulleo naerilggabwa haneureul ollyeobwado
Gyeolgugen mugeowojin nunmul han bangureul deulkyeobeorigo maratji
Eoddeoke dasin neol bol su eopseumyeon nan eoddeoke
Naeil achim nado moreuge jeonhwagie soni daheumyeon geureomyeon naneun eoddeoke
Useumyeo neoege joeun moseup namgigo sipeo neoreul bwatjiman
Gyeolgugen heulleo naeryeotji
When your cold words reach my heart
In my eyes, without me knowing, wet dewdrops
Where they’re from and how they form over and over even I don’t know
The only thing I know is that I just really hurt
My formerly burning heart is slowly becoming cold
I don’t know what to say, or how to hold on to you
How can I, How can I do it
Nanananana nanananana on the window and on my eyes
dew forms, tears form, a small stream is made
Where they’re from and how they form over and over even I don’t know
The only thing I know is that I just really hurt
My formerly burning heart is slowly becoming cold
It seems even I don’t know what to say, or how to hold on to you
How can I, How can I do it
I’m afraid that if I close my eyes they will flow even as I look up to the sky
Of the tears that have ultimately become worse, one drop was finally discovered
How if I can’t see you again then how can I
Tomorrow morning when I unknowingly reach for the telephone
What will I do then
I want to smile and leave you with a good image but when I look at you
The tears ultimately fall down
Chagaun neoe geu han madiga nae maeume dake dwaesseul ddae
Nae nundongjaen nado moreuneun chokchokan iseul bangul
Eodiseo eoddeoke jagguman maetineunji nado moreujyo
Geunyang naega mani apeun geotman arayo
Ddeugeowotddeon gaseumi jeomjeom ssaneulhajyo
Mworago malhalji, eoddeoke butjapeulji nado moreugetjjana
Eoddeoke nan eoddeoke hajyo
Nanananana nanananana yurichangedo nae nun wiedo
Iseul maetchyeone nunmul maetchyeone jageun naetmuleul mandeune
Eodiseo eoddeoke jagguman maetineunji nado moreujyo
Geunyang naega mani apeun geotman arayo
Ddeugeowotddeon gaseumi jeomjeom ssaneulhajyo
Mworago malhalji, eoddeoke butjapeulji nado moreugetjana
Eoddeoke nan eoddeoke hajyo
Nun gameumyeon heulleo naerilggabwa haneureul ollyeobwado
Gyeolgugen mugeowojin nunmul han bangureul deulkyeobeorigo maratji
Eoddeoke dasin neol bol su eopseumyeon nan eoddeoke
Naeil achim nado moreuge jeonhwagie soni daheumyeon geureomyeon naneun eoddeoke
Useumyeo neoege joeun moseup namgigo sipeo neoreul bwatjiman
Gyeolgugen heulleo naeryeotji
Friday, June 11, 2010
The next morning…soon li and hyoyeon went to dance class as usual however they saw two boys standing at the door. Soon li only looking at them…
Boy 1: excuse this dance class?? Mr top class???
Hyoyeon: ye..wae???
Boy2: we are new students…my name is eeteuk, this is my friend hyukie…
Soon li: arraso…..hyoyeon..kajja…(both them walk away….) eeteuk feel weird..yah!!!!!what attitude is that??aish! eeteuk and hyukie went inside the class and meet with mr top.
Mr top: attention..this is new student, hyukie and eeteuk, please be nice to them..soon li shi…please gave attention…one of them might be your dance partner…
Soon li: ah??wae????mr top…I already have akira with me..he will dance with me..
Mr top: annya..akira will dance with hyoyeon…
Hyoyeon: but….what about doojoon???
Mr top: doojoon already quit….so…I need to change your partner…
Akira; but why did you change me and soon li???
Mr top: I have my reason..cut it out…start practice kajja…
Soon li take her place and warming up…she only looking at eeteuk and hyukie….after 30 minute…mr top ask them to gather…
Mr top: ok…now I want all of you to show your dance…give me the best shot..give me the best that you have…akira…you go first….one by one of the student show their talent…now its time for eeteuk. As the music has started, he start to dancing…all of them speechless including soon li man..he is so hot!!!!and he know how to dance..and when its time for hyukie, soon li totally speechless….they are good!
Mr top: guys are so good!..well welcome to the dance class….
Soon li know that eeteuk only look at her, she pretend to do other things and keep practicing again…after the class eeteuk chase her…
Soon li: wae???
Eeteuk: If i had a chance i want to dance with u.,…
Soon li smirk….
Soon li: in your dreams!
Soon li walk away…eeteuk…only sigh…..why did she act like that…you are going to be my partner!
Sungjung sigh….why did my name is here??/why???? Aish….japan???2 week????omo! I hate it…
Zil: waeyo???wasn’t you really wanna go before this???
Sungjung: this is before my father is sick..
Zil: mianhae….
Sungjung: annya….gwecnhana…this is the chance…and I’m happy you are with me…
Zil: of course…heheh kyuhyun will be there too…
Sungjung: chongmal??hahah u must be happy right???
Zil: you too…jongwoon will go also right..i saw his name…
Sungjung: ye…he will go too.hurm…
Zil: wae???
Sungjung: annya…I need to talk to him…
Zil: yes you should…both of you are going to be together soon…
Sungjung: well I wish all this is only a nightmare…ottokeh????
Zil: kajja….he must have wait for u at the canteen….
Sungjung: arraso..see you after this…bye bye…
Sungjung and zil walk a different path…sungjung went to the canteen..yes..he is there waiting for her….
Sungjung: ehem..ehem….
Jongwoon: ah..wae??you have sort throat???(ah…he is still annoying person)
Sungjung: annya…I have something to tell u…
Jongwoon: me too…you tell it first….
Sungjung: annya…you tell it first…
Jongwoon: annya lady first….
Sungjung: yah!!!!arraso arraso..we tell it together….
Jongwoon: like kids)
Jongwoon&sungjung: I agree…to be your fiancé!
both of them looking at each other….
Sungjung: but…this is only temporarily until my father is recover…
Jongwoon: but……..
Sungjung: please jongwoon shi..both of us know that we are not love each other…
Boy 1: excuse this dance class?? Mr top class???
Hyoyeon: ye..wae???
Boy2: we are new students…my name is eeteuk, this is my friend hyukie…
Soon li: arraso…..hyoyeon..kajja…(both them walk away….) eeteuk feel weird..yah!!!!!what attitude is that??aish! eeteuk and hyukie went inside the class and meet with mr top.
Mr top: attention..this is new student, hyukie and eeteuk, please be nice to them..soon li shi…please gave attention…one of them might be your dance partner…
Soon li: ah??wae????mr top…I already have akira with me..he will dance with me..
Mr top: annya..akira will dance with hyoyeon…
Hyoyeon: but….what about doojoon???
Mr top: doojoon already quit….so…I need to change your partner…
Akira; but why did you change me and soon li???
Mr top: I have my reason..cut it out…start practice kajja…
Soon li take her place and warming up…she only looking at eeteuk and hyukie….after 30 minute…mr top ask them to gather…
Mr top: ok…now I want all of you to show your dance…give me the best shot..give me the best that you have…akira…you go first….one by one of the student show their talent…now its time for eeteuk. As the music has started, he start to dancing…all of them speechless including soon li man..he is so hot!!!!and he know how to dance..and when its time for hyukie, soon li totally speechless….they are good!
Mr top: guys are so good!..well welcome to the dance class….
Soon li know that eeteuk only look at her, she pretend to do other things and keep practicing again…after the class eeteuk chase her…
Soon li: wae???
Eeteuk: If i had a chance i want to dance with u.,…
Soon li smirk….
Soon li: in your dreams!
Soon li walk away…eeteuk…only sigh…..why did she act like that…you are going to be my partner!
Sungjung sigh….why did my name is here??/why???? Aish….japan???2 week????omo! I hate it…
Zil: waeyo???wasn’t you really wanna go before this???
Sungjung: this is before my father is sick..
Zil: mianhae….
Sungjung: annya….gwecnhana…this is the chance…and I’m happy you are with me…
Zil: of course…heheh kyuhyun will be there too…
Sungjung: chongmal??hahah u must be happy right???
Zil: you too…jongwoon will go also right..i saw his name…
Sungjung: ye…he will go too.hurm…
Zil: wae???
Sungjung: annya…I need to talk to him…
Zil: yes you should…both of you are going to be together soon…
Sungjung: well I wish all this is only a nightmare…ottokeh????
Zil: kajja….he must have wait for u at the canteen….
Sungjung: arraso..see you after this…bye bye…
Sungjung and zil walk a different path…sungjung went to the canteen..yes..he is there waiting for her….
Sungjung: ehem..ehem….
Jongwoon: ah..wae??you have sort throat???(ah…he is still annoying person)
Sungjung: annya…I have something to tell u…
Jongwoon: me too…you tell it first….
Sungjung: annya…you tell it first…
Jongwoon: annya lady first….
Sungjung: yah!!!!arraso arraso..we tell it together….
Jongwoon: like kids)
Jongwoon&sungjung: I agree…to be your fiancé!
both of them looking at each other….
Sungjung: but…this is only temporarily until my father is recover…
Jongwoon: but……..
Sungjung: please jongwoon shi..both of us know that we are not love each other…
The next day…and the following day sungjung still the same…jongwoon feel very weird..what happen to her???why did she ignore me????
That day is Friday…sungjung have to stay until evening, she have ballet class….when she go out from the class….its raining…..sungjung only sigh…she take her handphone out…damn! No battery…ottokeh????she just walk through the rain and keep thinking about the engagement…ottokeh???/what should I do…however…she didn’t realize that there is a truck coming after her..she just walking..the truck keep honing to her, but she don’t listen to it…when the truck is nearer to her only she realize..she scream when she saw the truck was infront of her….however..there is someone who save her..both of them fall to the ground……it was jongwoon
Jongwoon: yah!!!! Did u really wanna die??huh???(he yelled at sungjung)
Sungjung: mworago???yah!!!! don’t acting like you know me arraso??who ask you to save me???i don’t ask for it…
Jongwoon: chongmal???you wanna died huh??chongmal???
Sungjung just ignore jongwoon, she try to get up but she can’t move, her leg….her leg is pain….she fall down again..jongwoon saw it…and he hold sungjung…
Sungjung: yah..yah..what are u doing???let me down..
Jongwoon: don’t be sturborn..stay still….
Sungjung only keep silent…jongwoon hold her and bring her to his car….
Jongwoon: gwenchana???let me see your leg….
Sungjung: anniyo…gwenchana….(put her hand at her leg~covering it….)however jongwoon pulled her hand away and take a look….
Jongwoon: its swollen…and bleeding…let’s go to the hospital….
Sungjung: andwae….
Jongwoon: wae????kajja..we are going now…
Sungjung: yah!!!why are u acting like this???i didn’t ask you naything…
Jongwoon: can u just shut up and just do everything I want you to do huh??can u???you should think of your father, he must be worried if he saw u like this…
Sungjung silent again..everything that he said is true, daddy can’t see me like this….sungjung have no choice but to let jongwoon bring her to hospital.
In the hospital, the doctor put some medicine to her and she can go back she only need to rest at home. Later on jongwoon send her back home..before he left he said something
Jongwoon: remember to eat ur medicine and rest….tomorrow you don’t have to go to school…I will talk to your class teacher…
Sungjung: but….
Jongwoon: good nite, I will come and see you tomorrow….annyeong….
Sungjung only watch jongwoon gone from her eyes….she feel weird. She come inside the house…her maid waiting for her…
Han: sungjung shi….you are back??
Sungjung: ye…
Han: who send you??
Sungjung : jongwoon shi…unnie…did daddy sleep already??
Han: no…actually he waiting for you just now…he is at studio…
Sungjung: arraso..tell daddy I need to change and I will come and see him..
Han: ye..sungjung shi….
Sungjung went to her room and change…and she meet with her father…..
Sungjung: daddy…
Mr lee” you are here???who send u back???
Sungjung: jongwoon shi…
Mr lee: ah..chongmal???he is really nice boy…
Sungjung: daddy…do u really want me and jongwoon together???
Mr lee: I hope so..wae???
Sungjung: annya..just asking…so daddy how are u???today??
Mr lee” I’m fine…you must be tired go and rest first…
Sungjung: arraso..daddy…
That day is Friday…sungjung have to stay until evening, she have ballet class….when she go out from the class….its raining…..sungjung only sigh…she take her handphone out…damn! No battery…ottokeh????she just walk through the rain and keep thinking about the engagement…ottokeh???/what should I do…however…she didn’t realize that there is a truck coming after her..she just walking..the truck keep honing to her, but she don’t listen to it…when the truck is nearer to her only she realize..she scream when she saw the truck was infront of her….however..there is someone who save her..both of them fall to the ground……it was jongwoon
Jongwoon: yah!!!! Did u really wanna die??huh???(he yelled at sungjung)
Sungjung: mworago???yah!!!! don’t acting like you know me arraso??who ask you to save me???i don’t ask for it…
Jongwoon: chongmal???you wanna died huh??chongmal???
Sungjung just ignore jongwoon, she try to get up but she can’t move, her leg….her leg is pain….she fall down again..jongwoon saw it…and he hold sungjung…
Sungjung: yah..yah..what are u doing???let me down..
Jongwoon: don’t be sturborn..stay still….
Sungjung only keep silent…jongwoon hold her and bring her to his car….
Jongwoon: gwenchana???let me see your leg….
Sungjung: anniyo…gwenchana….(put her hand at her leg~covering it….)however jongwoon pulled her hand away and take a look….
Jongwoon: its swollen…and bleeding…let’s go to the hospital….
Sungjung: andwae….
Jongwoon: wae????kajja..we are going now…
Sungjung: yah!!!why are u acting like this???i didn’t ask you naything…
Jongwoon: can u just shut up and just do everything I want you to do huh??can u???you should think of your father, he must be worried if he saw u like this…
Sungjung silent again..everything that he said is true, daddy can’t see me like this….sungjung have no choice but to let jongwoon bring her to hospital.
In the hospital, the doctor put some medicine to her and she can go back she only need to rest at home. Later on jongwoon send her back home..before he left he said something
Jongwoon: remember to eat ur medicine and rest….tomorrow you don’t have to go to school…I will talk to your class teacher…
Sungjung: but….
Jongwoon: good nite, I will come and see you tomorrow….annyeong….
Sungjung only watch jongwoon gone from her eyes….she feel weird. She come inside the house…her maid waiting for her…
Han: sungjung shi….you are back??
Sungjung: ye…
Han: who send you??
Sungjung : jongwoon shi…unnie…did daddy sleep already??
Han: no…actually he waiting for you just now…he is at studio…
Sungjung: arraso..tell daddy I need to change and I will come and see him..
Han: ye..sungjung shi….
Sungjung went to her room and change…and she meet with her father…..
Sungjung: daddy…
Mr lee” you are here???who send u back???
Sungjung: jongwoon shi…
Mr lee: ah..chongmal???he is really nice boy…
Sungjung: daddy…do u really want me and jongwoon together???
Mr lee: I hope so..wae???
Sungjung: annya..just asking…so daddy how are u???today??
Mr lee” I’m fine…you must be tired go and rest first…
Sungjung: arraso..daddy…
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The doctor said that her father is ok now but he have to stay at the hospital. Sungjung keep on crying…
Soon ji: unnie…genchana…daddy is ok now…
Sungjung: this is all my fault…..ottokeh??/
Soon li: unnie calm down arraso????
Sungjung: I will try…hurm….
The next morning…sungjung not going to the school. Jongwoon feel weird…he called her but there is no respond…
While in the hospital….sungjung are feeding her father…
Sungjung: daddy…I already made my decision…
Mr lee: sungjung..ah..whatever it is…don’t ever go out from the house..jebal….i can’t take it anymore….
Sungjung: daddy…I will never leave the house…and…I will agree to the engagement…
Mr lee: jinjayo????well…if you are doing this because I said so…please don’t agree with it…please….
Sungjung: daddy annya…I’m just agree about it..i already think about it…
Mr lee: sungjung …gamsamida….
Sungjung: daddy.,,.i just want you to be happy….
Mr lee hug sungjung. Soon li and soon ji feel happy because their father and their sister are ok right now.
Jongwoon went to sungjung house but there is no one..its empty…he went back home….and he meet with his father when he reach at home…
Jongwoon: where are you going???
Mr kim: to the hospital….
Jongwoon: wae????
Mr kim: you don’t know?/sungjung didn’t tell you???
Jongwoon: what???is she ok??did anything happen to her?/(look worried and nervous)
Mr kim: annya…her father had an heart attack yesterday…are you following me???
Jongwoon: ye….
When they arrive at the hospital, sungjung already went back home, jongwoon only sigh……..why did I feel so unhappy today???why did I feel like something???huh…he sigh again….
Mr lee: jongwoon ah…I hope that u agree with this engagement…I hope that u can take care of sungjung after I left the world…
Jongwoon: eh???ajjuhsi…jebal..don’t talk like that….
Mr lee: please..promise to me….
Mr kim: jongwoon ah..hurry….agree with it…
Jongwoon: but…but…aish…arraso..arraso….i will agree….and I promise to take care of her.
Mr lee: gamsamida…chongmal….
Jongwoon only sigh…I have no choice…..this old man is dying….i need to agree….
The next morning…jongwoon waiting for sungjung…at the corridor….when he saw sungjung…he walk beside her…
Jongwoon: how do you feel today my fiancé???
Sungjung shock…she stop walking….and look at jongwoon…
Jongwoon: wae???
Sungjung keep walking and ignore jongwoon….jongwoon only watch her walking away from him…
Wookie: what’s wrong with her???
Jongwoon: molla….kajja…let’s go to the class now…
Kyuhyun, wookie, jongwoon, donghae walking to their class….
Sungjung become so silent today..zil only watching her. Sungjung don’t know why did she become like that….she just ignore jongwoon that day..she don’t wanna fight again…she is tried with everything,..
Lee soon ji take her violin with her. She already late…and plus she is lost..this is the first time she registered for violin class…suddenly she bump with someone…both of them fall..there is something that fall down..its violin….soon ji stand do the guy…
Soon ji: mianhae….
The guy: gwechana….are u ok???
Soon ji: I’m ok…hye..are u playing violin too???
The guy: yeah…I’m my way to my violin class…so you play it too???i saw your violin in your hand…
Soon ji: yeah…but I;m kind of lost…I don’t know where the class….
The guy: oh.ok..we can go together….anyway my name is henry lau…you can called me henry…
Soon ji: nice to meet you name is lee soon ji…you can called me soon ji…
Henry: nice name..kajja….we are already late….
Sungjung following henry to the class..
Soon ji: unnie…genchana…daddy is ok now…
Sungjung: this is all my fault…..ottokeh??/
Soon li: unnie calm down arraso????
Sungjung: I will try…hurm….
The next morning…sungjung not going to the school. Jongwoon feel weird…he called her but there is no respond…
While in the hospital….sungjung are feeding her father…
Sungjung: daddy…I already made my decision…
Mr lee: sungjung..ah..whatever it is…don’t ever go out from the house..jebal….i can’t take it anymore….
Sungjung: daddy…I will never leave the house…and…I will agree to the engagement…
Mr lee: jinjayo????well…if you are doing this because I said so…please don’t agree with it…please….
Sungjung: daddy annya…I’m just agree about it..i already think about it…
Mr lee: sungjung …gamsamida….
Sungjung: daddy.,,.i just want you to be happy….
Mr lee hug sungjung. Soon li and soon ji feel happy because their father and their sister are ok right now.
Jongwoon went to sungjung house but there is no one..its empty…he went back home….and he meet with his father when he reach at home…
Jongwoon: where are you going???
Mr kim: to the hospital….
Jongwoon: wae????
Mr kim: you don’t know?/sungjung didn’t tell you???
Jongwoon: what???is she ok??did anything happen to her?/(look worried and nervous)
Mr kim: annya…her father had an heart attack yesterday…are you following me???
Jongwoon: ye….
When they arrive at the hospital, sungjung already went back home, jongwoon only sigh……..why did I feel so unhappy today???why did I feel like something???huh…he sigh again….
Mr lee: jongwoon ah…I hope that u agree with this engagement…I hope that u can take care of sungjung after I left the world…
Jongwoon: eh???ajjuhsi…jebal..don’t talk like that….
Mr lee: please..promise to me….
Mr kim: jongwoon ah..hurry….agree with it…
Jongwoon: but…but…aish…arraso..arraso….i will agree….and I promise to take care of her.
Mr lee: gamsamida…chongmal….
Jongwoon only sigh…I have no choice…..this old man is dying….i need to agree….
The next morning…jongwoon waiting for sungjung…at the corridor….when he saw sungjung…he walk beside her…
Jongwoon: how do you feel today my fiancé???
Sungjung shock…she stop walking….and look at jongwoon…
Jongwoon: wae???
Sungjung keep walking and ignore jongwoon….jongwoon only watch her walking away from him…
Wookie: what’s wrong with her???
Jongwoon: molla….kajja…let’s go to the class now…
Kyuhyun, wookie, jongwoon, donghae walking to their class….
Sungjung become so silent today..zil only watching her. Sungjung don’t know why did she become like that….she just ignore jongwoon that day..she don’t wanna fight again…she is tried with everything,..
Lee soon ji take her violin with her. She already late…and plus she is lost..this is the first time she registered for violin class…suddenly she bump with someone…both of them fall..there is something that fall down..its violin….soon ji stand do the guy…
Soon ji: mianhae….
The guy: gwechana….are u ok???
Soon ji: I’m ok…hye..are u playing violin too???
The guy: yeah…I’m my way to my violin class…so you play it too???i saw your violin in your hand…
Soon ji: yeah…but I;m kind of lost…I don’t know where the class….
The guy: oh.ok..we can go together….anyway my name is henry lau…you can called me henry…
Soon ji: nice to meet you name is lee soon ji…you can called me soon ji…
Henry: nice name..kajja….we are already late….
Sungjung following henry to the class..
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Later in 2 hours…
Sungjung open her eyes…she look so shock! She look around…where am i??why did I can be here..she look beside was jongwoon…he is sleeping…aren’t we supposed to go to school??she can hear the waterfall….the environment, she try to open the door but its locked…suddenly…
Jongwoon: you are awake???
Sungjung: open the door! Let me out!
Jongwoon: where do you wanna go??huh???
Sungjung: anywhere but not with u! open the door now…
Jongwoon: can u just calm down???
Sungjung: no! I cannot!...
Jongwoon feel so angry suddenly he just kissed sungjung lips just to make her quite…and its works..sungjung suddenly silent…
Jongwoon: if you don’t want me to kiss better listen to what I’m saying now….the reason I come this morning just to ask you something!
Sungjung: what???
Jongwoon: do you know because of our stupid games…we are going to be engaged???
Sungjung: what are you saying???you are the one who started it not me!
Jongwoon: who asked you to pour the water color on me huh???
Sungjung: it was an accident you know that too!what’s wrong with u???huh???
Jongwoon: I don’t care…what I know…we are going to be engaged….
Sungjung: I don’t agree with it..
Jongwoon: so we have to plan something to make this will never happen!
Sungjung: I will told my father that this were only a joke..gwenchana….
Jongwoon: me too I will told my father the same too…if they believe us and not forcing us to engaged I will return your bracelet!..
Sungjung: you haven’t sold it???really???
Jongwoon: let’s go back now….
Sungjung: yah..answer my question!
Jongwoon only silent…sungjung get bored with him and take out her phone(jongwoon phone actually) and playing some games….jongwoon only watch sungjung….
Sungjung wait for her father….they are supposed to be home by now….but they only arrive at dinner…while taking dinner sungjung open her mouth…..
Sungjung: daddy…I don’t want to be engaged with jongwoon….
Mr lee: what????wae???
Sungjung: I don’t love him! Were only playing..that time…
Mr lee: sungjung shi!
Sungjung” daddy…I’m sorry….
Mr lee: its too late now! Me and mr kim already agree with it and you must follow it!
Sungjung: daddy you should ask me first please cancel this engagement!
Mr lee” no I’m not!
Sungjung: I have no choice but to get out from this house!!
Mr lee: yah!!(holding his chest.!..)sungjung ah!!
Her father faint at the table…
Soon li: daddy!
Soon ji: unnie look what have you done….
Sungjung: daddy..daddy! wake up!
Soon li: han unnie call the ambulans now…
Sungjung keep on crying…this is all my fault!daddy I’m sorry….
Sungjung open her eyes…she look so shock! She look around…where am i??why did I can be here..she look beside was jongwoon…he is sleeping…aren’t we supposed to go to school??she can hear the waterfall….the environment, she try to open the door but its locked…suddenly…
Jongwoon: you are awake???
Sungjung: open the door! Let me out!
Jongwoon: where do you wanna go??huh???
Sungjung: anywhere but not with u! open the door now…
Jongwoon: can u just calm down???
Sungjung: no! I cannot!...
Jongwoon feel so angry suddenly he just kissed sungjung lips just to make her quite…and its works..sungjung suddenly silent…
Jongwoon: if you don’t want me to kiss better listen to what I’m saying now….the reason I come this morning just to ask you something!
Sungjung: what???
Jongwoon: do you know because of our stupid games…we are going to be engaged???
Sungjung: what are you saying???you are the one who started it not me!
Jongwoon: who asked you to pour the water color on me huh???
Sungjung: it was an accident you know that too!what’s wrong with u???huh???
Jongwoon: I don’t care…what I know…we are going to be engaged….
Sungjung: I don’t agree with it..
Jongwoon: so we have to plan something to make this will never happen!
Sungjung: I will told my father that this were only a joke..gwenchana….
Jongwoon: me too I will told my father the same too…if they believe us and not forcing us to engaged I will return your bracelet!..
Sungjung: you haven’t sold it???really???
Jongwoon: let’s go back now….
Sungjung: yah..answer my question!
Jongwoon only silent…sungjung get bored with him and take out her phone(jongwoon phone actually) and playing some games….jongwoon only watch sungjung….
Sungjung wait for her father….they are supposed to be home by now….but they only arrive at dinner…while taking dinner sungjung open her mouth…..
Sungjung: daddy…I don’t want to be engaged with jongwoon….
Mr lee: what????wae???
Sungjung: I don’t love him! Were only playing..that time…
Mr lee: sungjung shi!
Sungjung” daddy…I’m sorry….
Mr lee: its too late now! Me and mr kim already agree with it and you must follow it!
Sungjung: daddy you should ask me first please cancel this engagement!
Mr lee” no I’m not!
Sungjung: I have no choice but to get out from this house!!
Mr lee: yah!!(holding his chest.!..)sungjung ah!!
Her father faint at the table…
Soon li: daddy!
Soon ji: unnie look what have you done….
Sungjung: daddy..daddy! wake up!
Soon li: han unnie call the ambulans now…
Sungjung keep on crying…this is all my fault!daddy I’m sorry….
Sungjung went back home today…both of her sister is not at home, both of them went for summer champing under our father company. Daddy won’t be at home either… boring..although now is summer, the rain still pour down..sungjung went to the studio..she look at the piano again…she walk near it and touch it…she still can feel the pain…the sadness…after she touch that piano…she try to forget that memory….she keep remembering those words….
“let me go…I will leave you and the kids…behind!”
“I don’t want to live like this…”
“ what about our kids???what about them???”
“they will understand me…get me off……”
Those words keep hunting her since that day….daddy…poor you…how could mummy left you and us?? Sungjung sit at the piano chair and open the lid….she play the piano..this is for daddy….daddy I love u so much!!!
Mr lee look at the letter…its from a lawyer….he just tear the letter…how dare u come back and doing this to me????you won’t got anything from me!!
Sungjung sit in the car, today she alone again, her father and her sister is not at home. The driver have to send her to school. She read the newspaper while her driver is driving suddenly her driver break emergency! And she almost fall from her sit….
Sungjung: ajjuhsi!!...wae???
Ajjuhsi: miss..there is someone blocking our car….
Sungjung look from the window…omo! What the hell are u doing here????? Her car door is open….and she has been pulled away….
Sungjung: yah!!!!!let me go…….yah! kim jongwoon!
Jongwoon: wae honey???i will drive you too school.
Sungjung: I don’t want….
Jongwoon: why are u so fierce today???
Sungjung: it has nothing to do with u…yah! When will you return my bracelet???
Jongwoon: hurm…I sold it already!...
Sungjung lost her words and she look speechless….
Sungjung: waeyo??(she said but not too loud)
Jongwoon: mworago???
Sungjung: why are u doing this to me??????/what have I done to u???(sungjung scream at jongwoon)
Jongwoon: I just wanna play and having fun…with u…my fiancé…..come let’s go…to school..we are late…(pulled sungjung hand but sungjung have no reaction….she is crying…..she push jongwoon away and run to the road……..
Jongwoon: yah.yah!!!come back here…(chase sungjung, sungjung keep running….but jongwoon got her and hug her…..although sungjung try to pulled him away…jongwoon still hold her in his arm….sungjung got nothing to she just let jongwoon hug her….
Jongwoon: let’s go….
Jongwoon bring sungjung to his car….sungjung only remain silent..and she fall asleep….jongwoon only sigh….jongwoon start to drive….but not to school….
“let me go…I will leave you and the kids…behind!”
“I don’t want to live like this…”
“ what about our kids???what about them???”
“they will understand me…get me off……”
Those words keep hunting her since that day….daddy…poor you…how could mummy left you and us?? Sungjung sit at the piano chair and open the lid….she play the piano..this is for daddy….daddy I love u so much!!!
Mr lee look at the letter…its from a lawyer….he just tear the letter…how dare u come back and doing this to me????you won’t got anything from me!!
Sungjung sit in the car, today she alone again, her father and her sister is not at home. The driver have to send her to school. She read the newspaper while her driver is driving suddenly her driver break emergency! And she almost fall from her sit….
Sungjung: ajjuhsi!!...wae???
Ajjuhsi: miss..there is someone blocking our car….
Sungjung look from the window…omo! What the hell are u doing here????? Her car door is open….and she has been pulled away….
Sungjung: yah!!!!!let me go…….yah! kim jongwoon!
Jongwoon: wae honey???i will drive you too school.
Sungjung: I don’t want….
Jongwoon: why are u so fierce today???
Sungjung: it has nothing to do with u…yah! When will you return my bracelet???
Jongwoon: hurm…I sold it already!...
Sungjung lost her words and she look speechless….
Sungjung: waeyo??(she said but not too loud)
Jongwoon: mworago???
Sungjung: why are u doing this to me??????/what have I done to u???(sungjung scream at jongwoon)
Jongwoon: I just wanna play and having fun…with u…my fiancé…..come let’s go…to school..we are late…(pulled sungjung hand but sungjung have no reaction….she is crying…..she push jongwoon away and run to the road……..
Jongwoon: yah.yah!!!come back here…(chase sungjung, sungjung keep running….but jongwoon got her and hug her…..although sungjung try to pulled him away…jongwoon still hold her in his arm….sungjung got nothing to she just let jongwoon hug her….
Jongwoon: let’s go….
Jongwoon bring sungjung to his car….sungjung only remain silent..and she fall asleep….jongwoon only sigh….jongwoon start to drive….but not to school….
Sunday, June 6, 2010

On the way to school on the next morning, ,mr lee talk to sungjung,
Mr lee: I really like that boy..
Sungjung: who???jongwoon??
Mr lee: yes
Soon ji : daddy why??
Mr lee: he such a nice boy…
Sungjung: how you know daddy??
Mr lee: omo..why are u asking me like that?? You are her girlfriend you should know why did I tell this to you…sungjung.
Soon li: omo!!!!! Unnie boyfriend???since when???
Mr lee: ask your sister about this…
Sungjung: last Monday….
Mr lee: I hope can see both of you getting married
Sungjung: daddy…stop it…
Mr lee: he such a nice boy sungjung….
Sungjung speechless..why did her father said that???
Jongwoon already waiting for sungjung at the school gate, as soon as he saw sungjung father, he greet him so politely. Sungjung only watch it…soon after her father is gone….jongwoon only walk away..ish!!!!! what a jerk! What with ur attitude?? I;m here! Sungjung walk…behind him..suddenly her phone is ringing…she got a text message, jongwoon also got a text message….jongwoon stop walking, sungjung didn’t realize it and bump with him..her head is so pain..
Sungjung: ouch!!!!!
Jongwoon: look when you are walking….
Sungjung: omo..what is this how this can be.who took the picture??/
Jongwoon look at his phone too…he open his eyes big and widely….
Jongwoon: awesome!!!! I love this
Jongwoon reffering to the picture which is the picture of him and sungjung fall down and their lips are locked together!
Sungjung: yah!! How could you said that???
Jongwoon: honey should be happy..we are popular now!!
Sungjung: what do u mean???
Jongwoon: you will know…bye bye..see u at lunch. Don’t forget to bring ur phone…(kiss sungjung cheek when sungjung still looking at the picture, she was shock when she know that jongwoon kiss her!!!
Sungjung: yah!!!!!!
Jongwoon only smiling looking at sungjung…let’s play a game sungjung!!!!
Sungjung feel weird…what the hell is going on with jongwoon, sometimes he will be so cold..sometimes he can be so happy and cool…omo!!!!!i’m going crazy! Sungjung remember once you got ur bracelet back…just ignore this guy and throw him away…
Sungjung went to the piano class..omo..jongwoon also in that class???wookie and donghae also….donghae smile at her, she only bow.. to them…
The class started when mrs haewon coming to the class…
Mrs haewon: ok today..i will do some test for our new student who just registered today….we will test him to make sure that he is qualified to be in this class…we have three new student..omo..jongwoon nice to see you in my class…
Jongwoon: its my pleasure teacher…to be in one class with the one I love would be great……
All of the student in that class is cheering for him..sungjung looking at jongwoon and jongwoon wink at her…
Mrs haewon: stop it class…ok…we will start with student lee donghae…play me moonlight sonata please…
Donghae: ye…
Donghae walk to the piano and start to play. And everyone was so shocked with his skills and he passed the test so easy…
Mrs haewon: well done donghae shi…now its turn for student kim ryeowook..please start now..
Wookie play the song kiss goodbye by wang lee hom…and he also passed with the test and now its jongwoon turn. Sungjung only looking at him..ha! that jerk want to play piano???hahahha you won’t be in this class….jongwoon look at sungjung and wink at her…sungjung show her tounge to jongwoon while he only smiling….
Jongwoon start to play the piano and sungjung is speechless…this is her favourite song! Tears of polaris! Jongwoon play it so well……..zil whisper to her eyes..
Zil: girl this men is totally hot!
Sungjung almost fall in her sit…after zil said that to her. But she cover it. All of the student in the class clap for jongwoon.
Mrs haewon: wow! Your skills is so good jongwoon..ok you may join this class.
Jongwoon: gamsamida….
After that class, they move to maths class…oh I hate this class, zil babbling at sungjung.
Sungjung: hahhaha.hurry up…maths is fun you know….
Zil: sungjung ah..look who sitting at our place. its kyuhyun!!!!!omo!!!! suddenly I feel like I like maths…hahaha
Sungjung: lol….let’s go….
They arrive at their place
Sungjung: ehem..ehem…
Kyuhyun: omo…is this your place sungjung shi???
Sungjung: ye….its my sit and zil…gwenchana…you can sit here with zil, I can sit at other place.
Zil: omo..sungjung ah…
Kyuhyun: thanks..
Sungjung left zil with kyuhyun. Zil only look at kyuhyun non stop and kyuhyun realize it…
Kyuhyun: your eyes will died if you keep looking at me…(looking at zil..zil are nervous and she look at other place, kyuhyun only smiling…
Sungjung waiting for jongwoon at the block b, jongwoon ask her to be there for their lunch…not in the few minute jongwoon appear and bring something for her it’s a sushi!!!omo where did he get that???
Jongwoon: let’s eat….
Sungjung: we did u get this??
Jongwoon: stole…..of course I bought it…lol why are u so numb???huh!
Sungjung:: I’m just asking..don’t have to said that…
Jongwoon: hurry eat your meal…
Sungjung: arraso..arraso….
Sungjung start eating and there is leftover at her lips. Jongwoon saw it, he just took a tissue and wipe her lips..sungjung are shocked, she is speechless and only looking at jongwoon.
Jongwoon: next time be careful when u are eating arraso???
Sungjung remain slient….
Jongwoon: I have to go now..bye…bye..wait for me after school.
Jongwoon left her at the corridor…sungjung still look at jongwoon! Omo!!!!! What is wrong with me??stop it!!!!but he is so nice just now..i love when he is soft to me…
Mr lee: I really like that boy..
Sungjung: who???jongwoon??
Mr lee: yes
Soon ji : daddy why??
Mr lee: he such a nice boy…
Sungjung: how you know daddy??
Mr lee: omo..why are u asking me like that?? You are her girlfriend you should know why did I tell this to you…sungjung.
Soon li: omo!!!!! Unnie boyfriend???since when???
Mr lee: ask your sister about this…
Sungjung: last Monday….
Mr lee: I hope can see both of you getting married
Sungjung: daddy…stop it…
Mr lee: he such a nice boy sungjung….
Sungjung speechless..why did her father said that???
Jongwoon already waiting for sungjung at the school gate, as soon as he saw sungjung father, he greet him so politely. Sungjung only watch it…soon after her father is gone….jongwoon only walk away..ish!!!!! what a jerk! What with ur attitude?? I;m here! Sungjung walk…behind him..suddenly her phone is ringing…she got a text message, jongwoon also got a text message….jongwoon stop walking, sungjung didn’t realize it and bump with him..her head is so pain..
Sungjung: ouch!!!!!
Jongwoon: look when you are walking….
Sungjung: omo..what is this how this can be.who took the picture??/
Jongwoon look at his phone too…he open his eyes big and widely….
Jongwoon: awesome!!!! I love this
Jongwoon reffering to the picture which is the picture of him and sungjung fall down and their lips are locked together!
Sungjung: yah!! How could you said that???
Jongwoon: honey should be happy..we are popular now!!
Sungjung: what do u mean???
Jongwoon: you will know…bye bye..see u at lunch. Don’t forget to bring ur phone…(kiss sungjung cheek when sungjung still looking at the picture, she was shock when she know that jongwoon kiss her!!!
Sungjung: yah!!!!!!
Jongwoon only smiling looking at sungjung…let’s play a game sungjung!!!!
Sungjung feel weird…what the hell is going on with jongwoon, sometimes he will be so cold..sometimes he can be so happy and cool…omo!!!!!i’m going crazy! Sungjung remember once you got ur bracelet back…just ignore this guy and throw him away…
Sungjung went to the piano class..omo..jongwoon also in that class???wookie and donghae also….donghae smile at her, she only bow.. to them…
The class started when mrs haewon coming to the class…
Mrs haewon: ok today..i will do some test for our new student who just registered today….we will test him to make sure that he is qualified to be in this class…we have three new student..omo..jongwoon nice to see you in my class…
Jongwoon: its my pleasure teacher…to be in one class with the one I love would be great……
All of the student in that class is cheering for him..sungjung looking at jongwoon and jongwoon wink at her…
Mrs haewon: stop it class…ok…we will start with student lee donghae…play me moonlight sonata please…
Donghae: ye…
Donghae walk to the piano and start to play. And everyone was so shocked with his skills and he passed the test so easy…
Mrs haewon: well done donghae shi…now its turn for student kim ryeowook..please start now..
Wookie play the song kiss goodbye by wang lee hom…and he also passed with the test and now its jongwoon turn. Sungjung only looking at him..ha! that jerk want to play piano???hahahha you won’t be in this class….jongwoon look at sungjung and wink at her…sungjung show her tounge to jongwoon while he only smiling….
Jongwoon start to play the piano and sungjung is speechless…this is her favourite song! Tears of polaris! Jongwoon play it so well……..zil whisper to her eyes..
Zil: girl this men is totally hot!
Sungjung almost fall in her sit…after zil said that to her. But she cover it. All of the student in the class clap for jongwoon.
Mrs haewon: wow! Your skills is so good jongwoon..ok you may join this class.
Jongwoon: gamsamida….
After that class, they move to maths class…oh I hate this class, zil babbling at sungjung.
Sungjung: hahhaha.hurry up…maths is fun you know….
Zil: sungjung ah..look who sitting at our place. its kyuhyun!!!!!omo!!!! suddenly I feel like I like maths…hahaha
Sungjung: lol….let’s go….
They arrive at their place
Sungjung: ehem..ehem…
Kyuhyun: omo…is this your place sungjung shi???
Sungjung: ye….its my sit and zil…gwenchana…you can sit here with zil, I can sit at other place.
Zil: omo..sungjung ah…
Kyuhyun: thanks..
Sungjung left zil with kyuhyun. Zil only look at kyuhyun non stop and kyuhyun realize it…
Kyuhyun: your eyes will died if you keep looking at me…(looking at zil..zil are nervous and she look at other place, kyuhyun only smiling…
Sungjung waiting for jongwoon at the block b, jongwoon ask her to be there for their lunch…not in the few minute jongwoon appear and bring something for her it’s a sushi!!!omo where did he get that???
Jongwoon: let’s eat….
Sungjung: we did u get this??
Jongwoon: stole…..of course I bought it…lol why are u so numb???huh!
Sungjung:: I’m just asking..don’t have to said that…
Jongwoon: hurry eat your meal…
Sungjung: arraso..arraso….
Sungjung start eating and there is leftover at her lips. Jongwoon saw it, he just took a tissue and wipe her lips..sungjung are shocked, she is speechless and only looking at jongwoon.
Jongwoon: next time be careful when u are eating arraso???
Sungjung remain slient….
Jongwoon: I have to go now..bye…bye..wait for me after school.
Jongwoon left her at the corridor…sungjung still look at jongwoon! Omo!!!!! What is wrong with me??stop it!!!!but he is so nice just now..i love when he is soft to me…
Donghae: sungjung ah mianhae…he is not like that…he just angry….
Sungjung: why are he doing this??that bracelet are important to me.
Donghae: molla….i will talk to him….don’t worry arraso???wonbin ah…mianhae….
Donghae walk away..follow his members.
Sungjung wipe her tears…I need to be strong if he want to play with me..i will play with u…I will make u fall in love with me in 2 month and I will leave you after you said that u love me! You will know who am I that time! I’m lee sungjung!
Sungjung went back home, tonight they will celebrate their father birthday. They cannot keep a secret from their father, their father already know their plan..but their father are happy when he know about it. Sungjung, soon li, soon ji get dressed. Tonight everyone will come, they have to look good infront of the guest. Today I will play piano for his father. The ceremony will begin now..soon li, soon and sungjung get down from upstairs with their father everyone clap for them….
Mr lee: first of all I want to thanks to my daughter for making this party for me….i love you girls…and secondly I want to thank all of the people who come today….please enjoy the party………
Sungjung, soon li, soon ji and their father entertain the guest…suddenly sungjung heart seem to stop beating! She saw someone!..what are he doing here????she walk towards him…
Sungjung: what are you doing here???
Jongwoon: wae???
Sungjung: you are not aloud to come here???
Jongwoon: do you think I want to come????if not because of my father…I won’t come here and see you!!!!
Sungjung: mworago????yah!!!!
Mr lee: sungjung ah…did you know each other???
Sungjung: well…he is my boyfriend…(holding jongwoon hand, jongwoon tersedak..nasib baik dia masih mampu mengawal air yang mahu keluar dari mulutnya) suddenly one men come to them…
Mr lee: kim…this is your son??i don’t know that they are together…
Mr kim: chongmal???wow that was great mr lee…we can be family….
Sungjung: uncle…jongwoon oppa is so nice…I love him….
Mr kim: omo..chongmal????mr lee I think we better make an engagement ceremony for them..what do you think…
Jongwoon: eh??????are u serious???appa???
Mr lee: why not????
Sungjung: that would be great appa..uncle….
Mr kim: mr lee let’s we discuss at that corner about this…..
Jongwoon pulled his hand away from sungjung.
Jongwoon: what the hell are u talking about???
Sungjung: you wanna play right????so let’s play my game now!!!!!!!
Jongwoon: don’t you dare!..
Sungjung: stop me!!!
Sungjung walk away…but jongwoon pulled her, sungjung lost her balance and she fall on jongwoon and their lips are locked together..jongwoon and sungjung shock and speechless…..soon li and soon ji come to help them..
Soon ji: unnie na gwenchana???
Sungjung: I’m ok….
Jongwoon face are red same goes to sungjung, so many people watching them….at the corner mr lee and mr kim are smiling!
The ceremony ended with sungjung playing a piano with her father…before the party ended..sungjung meet jongwoon…
Sungjung: honey..are you going back now???
Jongwoon: stop it!!!
Sungjung: oppa..waeyo???you don’t like it???(acting cute..)
Jongwoon: I feel like wanna puke right now…
Sungjung: arraso oppa see you at school tomorrow…I love you!!!!
Jongwoon only smirk . you are crazy sungjung!!! wanna play???i’m on!!!
Sungjung: why are he doing this??that bracelet are important to me.
Donghae: molla….i will talk to him….don’t worry arraso???wonbin ah…mianhae….
Donghae walk away..follow his members.
Sungjung wipe her tears…I need to be strong if he want to play with me..i will play with u…I will make u fall in love with me in 2 month and I will leave you after you said that u love me! You will know who am I that time! I’m lee sungjung!
Sungjung went back home, tonight they will celebrate their father birthday. They cannot keep a secret from their father, their father already know their plan..but their father are happy when he know about it. Sungjung, soon li, soon ji get dressed. Tonight everyone will come, they have to look good infront of the guest. Today I will play piano for his father. The ceremony will begin now..soon li, soon and sungjung get down from upstairs with their father everyone clap for them….
Mr lee: first of all I want to thanks to my daughter for making this party for me….i love you girls…and secondly I want to thank all of the people who come today….please enjoy the party………
Sungjung, soon li, soon ji and their father entertain the guest…suddenly sungjung heart seem to stop beating! She saw someone!..what are he doing here????she walk towards him…
Sungjung: what are you doing here???
Jongwoon: wae???
Sungjung: you are not aloud to come here???
Jongwoon: do you think I want to come????if not because of my father…I won’t come here and see you!!!!
Sungjung: mworago????yah!!!!
Mr lee: sungjung ah…did you know each other???
Sungjung: well…he is my boyfriend…(holding jongwoon hand, jongwoon tersedak..nasib baik dia masih mampu mengawal air yang mahu keluar dari mulutnya) suddenly one men come to them…
Mr lee: kim…this is your son??i don’t know that they are together…
Mr kim: chongmal???wow that was great mr lee…we can be family….
Sungjung: uncle…jongwoon oppa is so nice…I love him….
Mr kim: omo..chongmal????mr lee I think we better make an engagement ceremony for them..what do you think…
Jongwoon: eh??????are u serious???appa???
Mr lee: why not????
Sungjung: that would be great appa..uncle….
Mr kim: mr lee let’s we discuss at that corner about this…..
Jongwoon pulled his hand away from sungjung.
Jongwoon: what the hell are u talking about???
Sungjung: you wanna play right????so let’s play my game now!!!!!!!
Jongwoon: don’t you dare!..
Sungjung: stop me!!!
Sungjung walk away…but jongwoon pulled her, sungjung lost her balance and she fall on jongwoon and their lips are locked together..jongwoon and sungjung shock and speechless…..soon li and soon ji come to help them..
Soon ji: unnie na gwenchana???
Sungjung: I’m ok….
Jongwoon face are red same goes to sungjung, so many people watching them….at the corner mr lee and mr kim are smiling!
The ceremony ended with sungjung playing a piano with her father…before the party ended..sungjung meet jongwoon…
Sungjung: honey..are you going back now???
Jongwoon: stop it!!!
Sungjung: oppa..waeyo???you don’t like it???(acting cute..)
Jongwoon: I feel like wanna puke right now…
Sungjung: arraso oppa see you at school tomorrow…I love you!!!!
Jongwoon only smirk . you are crazy sungjung!!! wanna play???i’m on!!!
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