Its Sunday ….and it’s the day..the day I found her for the first time. She wasn’t look happy that time, she was there…sitting there…her face look so pale at that time..but her eyes..her eyes captured me…I wish I can see her again…suddenly
Yesung: yah..eunhyuk what are you doing? Hurry up we need to go now, siwon is waiting for us.
Eunhyuk: ne..ne…(following yesung )
Both of them get out from the church. Every Sunday both of them will go to the church and pray. Its not always actually, but since eunhyuk saw her dream girl, he force yesung to go with him every Sunday.
Yesung : I don’t understand..why did you suddenly become so hardworking come to the church…before this..when I ask you..you refused to go…
Eunhyuk: yah…you don’t know???
Yesung: mwo???
Eunhyuk: did you saw the girl??? The one in the choir…
Yesung: yah…eunhyuk….i’m not like you! Do you want sungjung to killed me???
Eunhyuk: what do you mean???
Yesung: ah…just forget it…so what about the girl??
Eunhyuk: she..she is my dream girl…
Yesung: yah!!!!!!!!paboya???you just meet her several times…how did you know that she is your dream girl?
Eunhyuk: she seem so cute and her eyes..captured me….her lips…her smile….
Yesung: you need to show me the girl next Sunday….
Eunhyuk: arraso…well..you can bring sungjung here too….
Yesung: my fans will hurt her..if they know me is with sungjung..
Eunhyuk: kajja…
The next Sunday, both of them went to the same church, this time kyuhyun the magnae is following his hyung. Of course the fans become crazy…when they saw them, but they warn their fans that they come to pray…
Kyuhyun: so..where is she???
Eunhyuk smile..while looking at the altar….
Yesung: yah..yah…we didn’t want to see your smile, where is the girl???
Eunhyuk: the one wearing the blue hair ribbon.
Yesung and kyuhyun look at the altar, there is only one girl who wearing a blue ribbon….and both of them can’t stop laughing…when they saw the girl…
Eunhyuk: stop it…you make the others..looking at us….
After the prayers….yesung and kyuhyun still can’t stop laughing…
Eunhyuk: what’s wrong with both of you????
Yesung: your taste is sooooooo good eunhyuk….
Kyuhyun: hyung….you are so awesome….ekekeke…
Both of them still laughing….eunhyuk feel pissed off suddenly. Why did both of them laughing…
That night eunhyuk dream about the girl and he seem so closed with the girl. The girl only hold his hand and smile. Her smell is like lavender…in one gaze…eunhyuk awake from his sleep….he is sweating and he found lavender at his hand…he feel weird and he is frowning. He is alone at his room. How did this flowers is with him??? Wait the minute….so…it was not a dream??? She..she was here??? With me..just now????
Eunhyuk become so confused…however he fall asleep again. The next morning, he went to the church. He was lucky when he meet with the priest.
Eunhyuk: annyeonghaesyo…(bow)
Priest: annyeong….(bow)
Eunhyuk: na…eunhyuk imida.,…..
Priest: I know.you….my daughter talking about you so much at home.
Eunhyuk: chongmal???
The priest only smile.
Eunhyuk: look…I need your help father….
Priest: what kind of help???
Eunhyuk: father…every Sunday…there is girl who sing at the church..am I right???
Priest: yes…
Eunhyuk: I saw this girl..so many times before this…may I know what is her name?? she always wear blue hair ribbon at his hair….she is so thin and her face look pale sometimes…
The priest look shocked….
Priest: you better go home now…I can’t help you…..(he just walk away….leaving eunhyuk alone…)
Eunhyuk: but..but father….
The priest already walked away. Eunhyuk get back to his dorm and its so noisy. He enter the house and suddenly there is pillow about to hit him…he put his head down..
Eunhyuk: yah!!!!!what is happening here???(trying to looking for yesung, kyuhyun, ryeowook, but he shocked…, it was sungjung)
Sungjung: omo…oppa..you are back???
Eunhyuk: dae…yah…sungjung shi..what are you doing…at my house…did omma n appa know you here???
Sungjung: oppa..help me…just now..i brought hamster, it was a gift for ryeowook oppa…but suddenly the hamster is escaped…don’t worry about omma n appa…I already told them
Eunhyuk: mwo????hamster..yah!!!!!!!how can u let it out….where..where is the others???
Sungjung: they are in yesung oppa room…they scared..they said they won’t get out until I found the hamster…oppa..palli..help me…jebal…..
Eunhyuk: mwo??? How can they do this to my sister….(walk to yesung room…) hyung…hyung open the door….
Kyuhyun: hyung don’t open it….
Eunhyuk: yah…do you want to die?? Palli..get out..and help my sister…
Yesung open the door, kyuhyun and wookie hiding behind them….
Sungjung: oppa!!!!!!!!!i found it!!!!!!!!!(sungjung scream from the living room…)
Eunhyuk: hyung…you are dead!(pointing at yesung)
Yesung: ah..wae???
All of them get out from the room and follow eunhyuk….suddenly wookie slip over and he pushed kyuhyun accidentally , while kyuhyun push yesung and yesung pushed eunhyuk….eunhyuk fell from the stairs!!!!!!all they know..sungjung is screaming when she saw blood coming from eunhyuk head…
Sungjung: oppa..get up…oppa..get up now…….palli..don’t make me scared…yah!!!!!!!bring my brother to hospital now..if anything happen to him…I will never ever forgive you!
Kyuhyun, wookie sitting at the front…at the middle is yesung and sungjung. Sungjung is holding her brother head…while crying….
Yesung: sungjung ah…gwenhcana……he will be fine…
Sungjung: shikurooooo…(shut up)
Eunhyuk was admitted to the emergency room, the doctor said he need to be on surgery process. It almost for 7 hours the doctor trying to helping eunhyuk.
Eunhyuk wake up when he smell lavender sense…he look around and he saw the choir girl..was there..waiting for him…at his hand..there is lavender…flower. Eunhyuk was smiling at the girl. Eunhyuk want to get up and want to touch the girl face…but the girl come even closer and help him,
The girl: gwenchana????
Eunhyuk: dae…my head..just pain a little bit….
The girl: do you want some water???
Eunhyuk: yes please….
The girl handed the water to eunhyuk.
The girl: this is for you….
Eunhyuk: thanks…by the way..what is your name?? and..and how did you know I’m here????
The girl: my name is fai…my father told me about you….
Eunhyuk: your father???
Fai: the priest…the one that you ask about me….
Eunhyuk: he is your father????
Fai: ne…my father told me..that you are in coma for almost one week..so I come here..to see you..since my father said that you want to meet me.
Eunhyuk: ne…I was captured by your eyes and smile….
Fai: oppa..i will come again tomorrow….you need to rest…I will go now..and I will called the doctor to see your condition….just don’t closed your eyes ok????
Eunhyuk: ne….bye bye…fai..i hope that I can see you again…
Eunhyuk watch fai walking out from the room. Suddenly..he feel so tired and his eyes…are swollen…and accidentally his eyes are closed!.
The next morning, when he wake up, he saw his sister….he smile at her….and she smile back at him. Her sister, wipe his face with wet towel…beside her is yesung…but yesung face look so down….aish…gwenchana…hyung..its not your fault…
Sungjung: wah…now my oppa..are smell good….oppa…I’m using your favorite body shower from lavender….i hope you like it….
Eunhyuk: gamsamida….
Sungjung: oppa…do you want some water???
Eunhyuk only nodding. Yesung come forward.
Yesung: let me help…
Sungjung: gwenchana…I can do it…yesung oppa..you can leave now…my brother is fine now…don’t worry….
Yesung: sungjung ah…please…don’t do this to me…
Eunhyuk: what is happening????sungjung ah??? Are you fighting because of me??? it was an accident…..
Yesung: you know that I won’t do that….
Sungjung: oppa…let’s talk at the outside…eunhyuk oppa will be sad….kajja…
Sungjung and yesung get out from the room.
Eunhyuk blink his eyes…he don’t understand….why did they fighting…it was just an accident. Yesung is so sad…ottokeh???
The door is open again….and eunhyuk smile…it was fai….she holding a lavender at her hand….
Fai: oppa..how are you today???
Eunhyuk: I’m good.
Fai: mianhae..i was late today…you know..today is Sunday….i need to sing at the church….
Eunhyuk: gwenchana….
Fai: my father send a regard to you….
Eunhyuk: chongmal???
Fai: dae…oppa…I wish…I can see you again…watching me singing at the church….
Eunhyuk: wae???
Fai: you know…every Sunday…I will come to the church and sing in the choir just wanted to see you, because I know you are coming..and every time you come…you will look at me…I’m so happy…that’s why I sing in the choir every Sunday….that’s the only way I can see my idol….
Eunhyuk hold fai hand….
Eunhyuk: I think we are in the same boat….i come to the church…just want to see you….sing…i…I think…I already fall in love with you…your eyes…your pale face, your smile…always in my mind…I even dream about you fai…could this be love???
Fai: maybe…oppa…I miss you..i hope u will recover fast and watch I’m singing again….
Eunhyuk: yes…I will..for..you I will………
Fai: do you want some water? Your lips look dry….
Eunhyuk: dae….
After feeding eunhyuk..fai….went back home. Sungjung enter the room back, her eyes are wet…..and red…she must be crying, eunhyuk don’t want to ask anything. He know, sungjung is hurt, sungjung loves yesung so much…but this is not the reason why did they should fighting..i will talk to yesung hyung later.
The doctor come to the room. Eunhyuk smile to the doctor, and the doctor smile back at him…..
Doctor: how are you today???
Eunhyuk: I’m good….
Doctor: thank to god…that you are ok right now…
Eunhyuk: this is because of my sister and fai doctor….
Sungjung hold his brother hand…the doctor look at her…
Doctor: yes….it is..you got the best sister who take care of you….sungjung ah….ask your parent to come and see me ok???
Sungjung: dae….
Sungjung look at his brother…I love you oppa….
The next day fai come again and she bring the lavender again. Eunhyuk smile while looking at her.
Fai: oppa…can I ask something…..
Eunhyuk: ne….
Fai: why did you like lavender???
Eunhyuk: actually…I always received some letter from my fan, she always give me lavender inside the letter, she is not ordinary fan…she is very special to me…she write to me every week, I’m so excited to read her letter. That’ why did I like lavender..all because of her.
Fai: do you like her????
Eunhyuk: sorry…if I hurt you…yes…I like her so much..but she never show me her picture…I still remember she once send me a letter saying that she loves me and she wanna go out with me.she asking for my answer, but once I replies to her, she didn’t reply back….i did send her letter too, but there is no reply…I don’t know why…
Fai: chongmal??/(fai look down and she wipe her tears…lucky eunhyuk didn’t see it) so oppa..what is your answer?? You don’t want to go out with her???
Eunhyuk: I tell her that I love her too and I want to be with her….that’s weird…she didn’t reply anything to me….it was two year ago, lavender remind me of her, she is so special. You know what fai….she like blue hair ribbon just like you…I did send some gift to her, I give her the blue hair ribbon..and it just the same with the one that you wearing….
Fai: chongmal???oppa..your story makes me cry…and I’m so happy to hear your story and your answer….
Eunhyuk: mianhae….
Fai: so…why don’t you go and looking for her? You the her address am I right.
Eunhyuk: I did go and look for her…
Fai: you did??????????(look shocked)
Eunhyuk: yes…I did…but they already move out I was late for a day….i wish I can come earlier…but I’ve been busy with SUPER JUNIOR schedule.
Fai: you…find her….you did find her?? Oppa???
Eunhyuk: dae….like I said before…
Fai look at her watch….and she stood suddenly…
Eunhyuk: wae???
Fai: its late already….i need to go…my father must been looking for me..i will come again tomorrow….
Eunhyuk: arraso….fai..promise that you will never leave me…arraso???
Fai: dae oppa…I promise…I’m always beside you….
Eunhyuk fall asleep when fai get out from the room.
Fai get back home….as what she thought, her father is waiting for her…
Fai’s father: where are you going???
Fai: meet my friend…
Fai’s father: which friend…you have no friend…yah…did you meet with that boy again?????????
Fai: appa!!!!!!!!!!
Fai’s father: you have to stop meeting him like this! You and him are different and it is a sins….
Fai: what if I still meet him??? You will do the same thing like two years ago??? Like that???huh???
Fai’s father: fai!!!!!!!!how dare you speak to me like that…
Fai: I want to rest now….
2 days has passed….sungjung went to meet her brother, all the suju member is there, sungjung and eunhyuk parent is there…all of them are crying…eunhyuk feel so weird….why did all of them crying???wae???
The doctor come…
Mr lee: doctor….what is happening to my son???
Doctor: I also don’t know, last week, he is just fine…but two days ago…his heartbeat is not stable. I’m afraid that we might losing him, as you know he already in comma for 2 weeks..anything could happen now…
Eunhyuk: mwo???????comma???????????????two weeks????
Sungjung: doctor please save my brother..i will do anything to make him alive please doctor….
Eunhyuk: sungjung ah…I’m not dead…see…I’m talking to you!
Suddenly there is loud sound from heartbeat tools…eunhyuk heartbeat is not normal….the doctor ask everyone to get out from the room…the doctor and the nurse…become so busy….eunhyuk can see his body…like a statue…
Suddenly he saw fai….
Eunhyuk: fai..what is happening to me???/I’m in comma????
Fai: oppa…they can’t see you…oppa…, oppa you need to fight…..
Eunhyuk: mwo????(suddenly eunhyuk hold his head…it feels so pain…)
Fai: oppa..follow me…let’s us walk to the light….it will help you….
Eunhyuk: fai….don’t leave me………..
Fai: I won’t…I will always be by your self….oppa..open your eyes…open it oppa….
Eunhyuk open his eyes…and he shocked…everyone is there….
Mrs lee: hyukjae ah….
Eunhyuk: fai….fai…(it’s the first word that come from his mouth…)
Sungjung: oppa!!!!!!!you are save now…………..
Eeteuk: everyone..let’s leave eunhyuk….let him rest…..
All of them get out from room, only sungjung, yesung and eunhyuk parent is there….eunhyuk look around….and he saw lavender at the table….
Eunhyuk: fai…..where is she???
Sungjung: oppa..what are you talking about????
Eunhyuk: I need to see fai…
Yesung: eunhyuk ah..wae…
Eunhyuk: hyung…you need to help me….i need to meet her…call the priest….i need to talk to him..
Yesung: dae….
The priest come to the hospital when yesung said that it was a request from eunhyuk. Fai ‘s father..already know there is something wrong happen between them. So he bring everything that fai ask him to bring….and he is shocked when he saw fai is beside eunhyuk at the hospital.
Eunhyuk: father…can I see fai….your daughter???
Suddenly the priest is kneeling in front of them.
Sungjung: father…don’t do this…
Father: I’m sorry….i’m sorry…this is all my fault….she..she was in love with you two years ago, but I don’t agree with both of your relationship I, burn the letter that you send to him after I read it…she is angry with me…she try to take back the letter…from my hand…suddenly she slipped over and fall from the stairs.,…
Eunhyuk was speechless….he don’t get it….did fai and the fan who always send him a letter is the same person????
Eunhyuk: i..i meet her….last week….
Sungjung: mwo??? Oppa..she already dead….ottokeh???
Eunhyuk: I meet her….she brought all this lavender to me….i want to meet her….father…tell me…where can I find her???
Father: she is standing right beside you….
Sungjung scared…she walk to yesung and yesung hold her.
Eunhyuk: she is here????fai…are you here????go out….now…I want to meet you…..
Father: she refused to come out..she don’t want you to see her condition right now….
Eunhyuk: I don’t care..i want to meet her…
Suddenly…eunhyuk look shocked…fai is there….he can see her…
Eunhyuk: fai…tell me the truth….are you the same girl????
Fai only nodding….
Fai: I’m sorry. Oppa…..(there is already tears in her eyes and cheeks…)
Eunhyuk hold her hand….
eunhyuki: mianhae…I don’t know….
Fai: oppa…eventhough I’m already dead…I will always beside you oppa…oppa..i have to go now….
Eunhyuk: wait….can I ask something from you???
Fai: sure…
Eunhyuk: I want to kiss you….
Fai is crying so hard when eunhyuk lips touch her lips….
Eunhyuk let fai go….she is fading and fading away from him….eunhyuk only remember the last smile that fai give to him before she go….fai’s father said..fai already waiting for so long to know eunhyuk answer and now she already know the answer…she have to go from the earth, she is not belong here. Eventhough is hard to let fai go….eunhyuk have to let her go…she is not belong here…
Fai…please wait me there..i will come and meet you one day…..
Its Sunday morning again and it so breezing…..yesung, kyuhyun accompany eunhyuk again to the church…the same church where eunhyuk saw fai..for the first time. After the prayers…eunhyuk asking kyuhyun and yesung
Eunhyuk: guys…did u remember when I show fai in this church and you are laughing..can you tell me why????
Kyuhyun and yesung look each other and start the laugh again..
Eunhyuk: yah!!!!!! Do you want to die? Tell me….
Kyuhyun: hyung look there….(kyuhyun poiting at one fat girl wearing a blue hair ribbon)
Yesung: we thought that you are pointing at her…but it was fai…we didn’t see her…you the only one who see her…
Eunhyuk: that’s right….kajja..let’s go home……
Eunhyuk take a look at the church again…the Sunday breeze that you bring make me happy….he look around….the church…the wind…blow the lavender…..and the smell captured him..he turn back and saw her…she is smiling there…..eunhyuk waving to her and walk away……
Yesung: yah..eunhyuk what are you doing? Hurry up we need to go now, siwon is waiting for us.
Eunhyuk: ne..ne…(following yesung )
Both of them get out from the church. Every Sunday both of them will go to the church and pray. Its not always actually, but since eunhyuk saw her dream girl, he force yesung to go with him every Sunday.
Yesung : I don’t understand..why did you suddenly become so hardworking come to the church…before this..when I ask you..you refused to go…
Eunhyuk: yah…you don’t know???
Yesung: mwo???
Eunhyuk: did you saw the girl??? The one in the choir…
Yesung: yah…eunhyuk….i’m not like you! Do you want sungjung to killed me???
Eunhyuk: what do you mean???
Yesung: ah…just forget it…so what about the girl??
Eunhyuk: she..she is my dream girl…
Yesung: yah!!!!!!!!paboya???you just meet her several times…how did you know that she is your dream girl?
Eunhyuk: she seem so cute and her eyes..captured me….her lips…her smile….
Yesung: you need to show me the girl next Sunday….
Eunhyuk: arraso…well..you can bring sungjung here too….
Yesung: my fans will hurt her..if they know me is with sungjung..
Eunhyuk: kajja…
The next Sunday, both of them went to the same church, this time kyuhyun the magnae is following his hyung. Of course the fans become crazy…when they saw them, but they warn their fans that they come to pray…
Kyuhyun: so..where is she???
Eunhyuk smile..while looking at the altar….
Yesung: yah..yah…we didn’t want to see your smile, where is the girl???
Eunhyuk: the one wearing the blue hair ribbon.
Yesung and kyuhyun look at the altar, there is only one girl who wearing a blue ribbon….and both of them can’t stop laughing…when they saw the girl…
Eunhyuk: stop it…you make the others..looking at us….
After the prayers….yesung and kyuhyun still can’t stop laughing…
Eunhyuk: what’s wrong with both of you????
Yesung: your taste is sooooooo good eunhyuk….
Kyuhyun: hyung….you are so awesome….ekekeke…
Both of them still laughing….eunhyuk feel pissed off suddenly. Why did both of them laughing…
That night eunhyuk dream about the girl and he seem so closed with the girl. The girl only hold his hand and smile. Her smell is like lavender…in one gaze…eunhyuk awake from his sleep….he is sweating and he found lavender at his hand…he feel weird and he is frowning. He is alone at his room. How did this flowers is with him??? Wait the minute….so…it was not a dream??? She..she was here??? With me..just now????
Eunhyuk become so confused…however he fall asleep again. The next morning, he went to the church. He was lucky when he meet with the priest.
Eunhyuk: annyeonghaesyo…(bow)
Priest: annyeong….(bow)
Eunhyuk: na…eunhyuk imida.,…..
Priest: I know.you….my daughter talking about you so much at home.
Eunhyuk: chongmal???
The priest only smile.
Eunhyuk: look…I need your help father….
Priest: what kind of help???
Eunhyuk: father…every Sunday…there is girl who sing at the church..am I right???
Priest: yes…
Eunhyuk: I saw this girl..so many times before this…may I know what is her name?? she always wear blue hair ribbon at his hair….she is so thin and her face look pale sometimes…
The priest look shocked….
Priest: you better go home now…I can’t help you…..(he just walk away….leaving eunhyuk alone…)
Eunhyuk: but..but father….
The priest already walked away. Eunhyuk get back to his dorm and its so noisy. He enter the house and suddenly there is pillow about to hit him…he put his head down..
Eunhyuk: yah!!!!!what is happening here???(trying to looking for yesung, kyuhyun, ryeowook, but he shocked…, it was sungjung)
Sungjung: omo…oppa..you are back???
Eunhyuk: dae…yah…sungjung shi..what are you doing…at my house…did omma n appa know you here???
Sungjung: oppa..help me…just now..i brought hamster, it was a gift for ryeowook oppa…but suddenly the hamster is escaped…don’t worry about omma n appa…I already told them
Eunhyuk: mwo????hamster..yah!!!!!!!how can u let it out….where..where is the others???
Sungjung: they are in yesung oppa room…they scared..they said they won’t get out until I found the hamster…oppa..palli..help me…jebal…..
Eunhyuk: mwo??? How can they do this to my sister….(walk to yesung room…) hyung…hyung open the door….
Kyuhyun: hyung don’t open it….
Eunhyuk: yah…do you want to die?? Palli..get out..and help my sister…
Yesung open the door, kyuhyun and wookie hiding behind them….
Sungjung: oppa!!!!!!!!!i found it!!!!!!!!!(sungjung scream from the living room…)
Eunhyuk: hyung…you are dead!(pointing at yesung)
Yesung: ah..wae???
All of them get out from the room and follow eunhyuk….suddenly wookie slip over and he pushed kyuhyun accidentally , while kyuhyun push yesung and yesung pushed eunhyuk….eunhyuk fell from the stairs!!!!!!all they know..sungjung is screaming when she saw blood coming from eunhyuk head…
Sungjung: oppa..get up…oppa..get up now…….palli..don’t make me scared…yah!!!!!!!bring my brother to hospital now..if anything happen to him…I will never ever forgive you!
Kyuhyun, wookie sitting at the front…at the middle is yesung and sungjung. Sungjung is holding her brother head…while crying….
Yesung: sungjung ah…gwenhcana……he will be fine…
Sungjung: shikurooooo…(shut up)
Eunhyuk was admitted to the emergency room, the doctor said he need to be on surgery process. It almost for 7 hours the doctor trying to helping eunhyuk.
Eunhyuk wake up when he smell lavender sense…he look around and he saw the choir girl..was there..waiting for him…at his hand..there is lavender…flower. Eunhyuk was smiling at the girl. Eunhyuk want to get up and want to touch the girl face…but the girl come even closer and help him,
The girl: gwenchana????
Eunhyuk: dae…my head..just pain a little bit….
The girl: do you want some water???
Eunhyuk: yes please….
The girl handed the water to eunhyuk.
The girl: this is for you….
Eunhyuk: thanks…by the way..what is your name?? and..and how did you know I’m here????
The girl: my name is fai…my father told me about you….
Eunhyuk: your father???
Fai: the priest…the one that you ask about me….
Eunhyuk: he is your father????
Fai: ne…my father told me..that you are in coma for almost one week..so I come here..to see you..since my father said that you want to meet me.
Eunhyuk: ne…I was captured by your eyes and smile….
Fai: oppa..i will come again tomorrow….you need to rest…I will go now..and I will called the doctor to see your condition….just don’t closed your eyes ok????
Eunhyuk: ne….bye bye…fai..i hope that I can see you again…
Eunhyuk watch fai walking out from the room. Suddenly..he feel so tired and his eyes…are swollen…and accidentally his eyes are closed!.
The next morning, when he wake up, he saw his sister….he smile at her….and she smile back at him. Her sister, wipe his face with wet towel…beside her is yesung…but yesung face look so down….aish…gwenchana…hyung..its not your fault…
Sungjung: wah…now my oppa..are smell good….oppa…I’m using your favorite body shower from lavender….i hope you like it….
Eunhyuk: gamsamida….
Sungjung: oppa…do you want some water???
Eunhyuk only nodding. Yesung come forward.
Yesung: let me help…
Sungjung: gwenchana…I can do it…yesung oppa..you can leave now…my brother is fine now…don’t worry….
Yesung: sungjung ah…please…don’t do this to me…
Eunhyuk: what is happening????sungjung ah??? Are you fighting because of me??? it was an accident…..
Yesung: you know that I won’t do that….
Sungjung: oppa…let’s talk at the outside…eunhyuk oppa will be sad….kajja…
Sungjung and yesung get out from the room.
Eunhyuk blink his eyes…he don’t understand….why did they fighting…it was just an accident. Yesung is so sad…ottokeh???
The door is open again….and eunhyuk smile…it was fai….she holding a lavender at her hand….
Fai: oppa..how are you today???
Eunhyuk: I’m good.
Fai: mianhae..i was late today…you know..today is Sunday….i need to sing at the church….
Eunhyuk: gwenchana….
Fai: my father send a regard to you….
Eunhyuk: chongmal???
Fai: dae…oppa…I wish…I can see you again…watching me singing at the church….
Eunhyuk: wae???
Fai: you know…every Sunday…I will come to the church and sing in the choir just wanted to see you, because I know you are coming..and every time you come…you will look at me…I’m so happy…that’s why I sing in the choir every Sunday….that’s the only way I can see my idol….
Eunhyuk hold fai hand….
Eunhyuk: I think we are in the same boat….i come to the church…just want to see you….sing…i…I think…I already fall in love with you…your eyes…your pale face, your smile…always in my mind…I even dream about you fai…could this be love???
Fai: maybe…oppa…I miss you..i hope u will recover fast and watch I’m singing again….
Eunhyuk: yes…I will..for..you I will………
Fai: do you want some water? Your lips look dry….
Eunhyuk: dae….
After feeding eunhyuk..fai….went back home. Sungjung enter the room back, her eyes are wet…..and red…she must be crying, eunhyuk don’t want to ask anything. He know, sungjung is hurt, sungjung loves yesung so much…but this is not the reason why did they should fighting..i will talk to yesung hyung later.
The doctor come to the room. Eunhyuk smile to the doctor, and the doctor smile back at him…..
Doctor: how are you today???
Eunhyuk: I’m good….
Doctor: thank to god…that you are ok right now…
Eunhyuk: this is because of my sister and fai doctor….
Sungjung hold his brother hand…the doctor look at her…
Doctor: yes….it is..you got the best sister who take care of you….sungjung ah….ask your parent to come and see me ok???
Sungjung: dae….
Sungjung look at his brother…I love you oppa….
The next day fai come again and she bring the lavender again. Eunhyuk smile while looking at her.
Fai: oppa…can I ask something…..
Eunhyuk: ne….
Fai: why did you like lavender???
Eunhyuk: actually…I always received some letter from my fan, she always give me lavender inside the letter, she is not ordinary fan…she is very special to me…she write to me every week, I’m so excited to read her letter. That’ why did I like lavender..all because of her.
Fai: do you like her????
Eunhyuk: sorry…if I hurt you…yes…I like her so much..but she never show me her picture…I still remember she once send me a letter saying that she loves me and she wanna go out with me.she asking for my answer, but once I replies to her, she didn’t reply back….i did send her letter too, but there is no reply…I don’t know why…
Fai: chongmal??/(fai look down and she wipe her tears…lucky eunhyuk didn’t see it) so oppa..what is your answer?? You don’t want to go out with her???
Eunhyuk: I tell her that I love her too and I want to be with her….that’s weird…she didn’t reply anything to me….it was two year ago, lavender remind me of her, she is so special. You know what fai….she like blue hair ribbon just like you…I did send some gift to her, I give her the blue hair ribbon..and it just the same with the one that you wearing….
Fai: chongmal???oppa..your story makes me cry…and I’m so happy to hear your story and your answer….
Eunhyuk: mianhae….
Fai: so…why don’t you go and looking for her? You the her address am I right.
Eunhyuk: I did go and look for her…
Fai: you did??????????(look shocked)
Eunhyuk: yes…I did…but they already move out I was late for a day….i wish I can come earlier…but I’ve been busy with SUPER JUNIOR schedule.
Fai: you…find her….you did find her?? Oppa???
Eunhyuk: dae….like I said before…
Fai look at her watch….and she stood suddenly…
Eunhyuk: wae???
Fai: its late already….i need to go…my father must been looking for me..i will come again tomorrow….
Eunhyuk: arraso….fai..promise that you will never leave me…arraso???
Fai: dae oppa…I promise…I’m always beside you….
Eunhyuk fall asleep when fai get out from the room.
Fai get back home….as what she thought, her father is waiting for her…
Fai’s father: where are you going???
Fai: meet my friend…
Fai’s father: which friend…you have no friend…yah…did you meet with that boy again?????????
Fai: appa!!!!!!!!!!
Fai’s father: you have to stop meeting him like this! You and him are different and it is a sins….
Fai: what if I still meet him??? You will do the same thing like two years ago??? Like that???huh???
Fai’s father: fai!!!!!!!!how dare you speak to me like that…
Fai: I want to rest now….
2 days has passed….sungjung went to meet her brother, all the suju member is there, sungjung and eunhyuk parent is there…all of them are crying…eunhyuk feel so weird….why did all of them crying???wae???
The doctor come…
Mr lee: doctor….what is happening to my son???
Doctor: I also don’t know, last week, he is just fine…but two days ago…his heartbeat is not stable. I’m afraid that we might losing him, as you know he already in comma for 2 weeks..anything could happen now…
Eunhyuk: mwo???????comma???????????????two weeks????
Sungjung: doctor please save my brother..i will do anything to make him alive please doctor….
Eunhyuk: sungjung ah…I’m not dead…see…I’m talking to you!
Suddenly there is loud sound from heartbeat tools…eunhyuk heartbeat is not normal….the doctor ask everyone to get out from the room…the doctor and the nurse…become so busy….eunhyuk can see his body…like a statue…
Suddenly he saw fai….
Eunhyuk: fai..what is happening to me???/I’m in comma????
Fai: oppa…they can’t see you…oppa…, oppa you need to fight…..
Eunhyuk: mwo????(suddenly eunhyuk hold his head…it feels so pain…)
Fai: oppa..follow me…let’s us walk to the light….it will help you….
Eunhyuk: fai….don’t leave me………..
Fai: I won’t…I will always be by your self….oppa..open your eyes…open it oppa….
Eunhyuk open his eyes…and he shocked…everyone is there….
Mrs lee: hyukjae ah….
Eunhyuk: fai….fai…(it’s the first word that come from his mouth…)
Sungjung: oppa!!!!!!!you are save now…………..
Eeteuk: everyone..let’s leave eunhyuk….let him rest…..
All of them get out from room, only sungjung, yesung and eunhyuk parent is there….eunhyuk look around….and he saw lavender at the table….
Eunhyuk: fai…..where is she???
Sungjung: oppa..what are you talking about????
Eunhyuk: I need to see fai…
Yesung: eunhyuk ah..wae…
Eunhyuk: hyung…you need to help me….i need to meet her…call the priest….i need to talk to him..
Yesung: dae….
The priest come to the hospital when yesung said that it was a request from eunhyuk. Fai ‘s father..already know there is something wrong happen between them. So he bring everything that fai ask him to bring….and he is shocked when he saw fai is beside eunhyuk at the hospital.
Eunhyuk: father…can I see fai….your daughter???
Suddenly the priest is kneeling in front of them.
Sungjung: father…don’t do this…
Father: I’m sorry….i’m sorry…this is all my fault….she..she was in love with you two years ago, but I don’t agree with both of your relationship I, burn the letter that you send to him after I read it…she is angry with me…she try to take back the letter…from my hand…suddenly she slipped over and fall from the stairs.,…
Eunhyuk was speechless….he don’t get it….did fai and the fan who always send him a letter is the same person????
Eunhyuk: i..i meet her….last week….
Sungjung: mwo??? Oppa..she already dead….ottokeh???
Eunhyuk: I meet her….she brought all this lavender to me….i want to meet her….father…tell me…where can I find her???
Father: she is standing right beside you….
Sungjung scared…she walk to yesung and yesung hold her.
Eunhyuk: she is here????fai…are you here????go out….now…I want to meet you…..
Father: she refused to come out..she don’t want you to see her condition right now….
Eunhyuk: I don’t care..i want to meet her…
Suddenly…eunhyuk look shocked…fai is there….he can see her…
Eunhyuk: fai…tell me the truth….are you the same girl????
Fai only nodding….
Fai: I’m sorry. Oppa…..(there is already tears in her eyes and cheeks…)
Eunhyuk hold her hand….
eunhyuki: mianhae…I don’t know….
Fai: oppa…eventhough I’m already dead…I will always beside you oppa…oppa..i have to go now….
Eunhyuk: wait….can I ask something from you???
Fai: sure…
Eunhyuk: I want to kiss you….
Fai is crying so hard when eunhyuk lips touch her lips….
Eunhyuk let fai go….she is fading and fading away from him….eunhyuk only remember the last smile that fai give to him before she go….fai’s father said..fai already waiting for so long to know eunhyuk answer and now she already know the answer…she have to go from the earth, she is not belong here. Eventhough is hard to let fai go….eunhyuk have to let her go…she is not belong here…
Fai…please wait me there..i will come and meet you one day…..
Its Sunday morning again and it so breezing…..yesung, kyuhyun accompany eunhyuk again to the church…the same church where eunhyuk saw fai..for the first time. After the prayers…eunhyuk asking kyuhyun and yesung
Eunhyuk: guys…did u remember when I show fai in this church and you are laughing..can you tell me why????
Kyuhyun and yesung look each other and start the laugh again..
Eunhyuk: yah!!!!!! Do you want to die? Tell me….
Kyuhyun: hyung look there….(kyuhyun poiting at one fat girl wearing a blue hair ribbon)
Yesung: we thought that you are pointing at her…but it was fai…we didn’t see her…you the only one who see her…
Eunhyuk: that’s right….kajja..let’s go home……
Eunhyuk take a look at the church again…the Sunday breeze that you bring make me happy….he look around….the church…the wind…blow the lavender…..and the smell captured him..he turn back and saw her…she is smiling there…..eunhyuk waving to her and walk away……
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