My random stuff about everything that i like...
Friday, April 22, 2011
WHAT THE FUCK??? why did ELF are so EMO??? i'm an ELF TOO...SO i can't said anything about SUPER JUNIOR my Idol? guys can see about it TOO.. where is KIBUM when all of them need him??? where is he?? am i wrong to state my opinion??? that is my the hell and your right to ask me to talk about it at other place??? what do you know about SUPER JUNIOR??? how long did you know them???? did you know their history??? did you know donghae and the others have to cover his part each time of SS2 N SS3??? busy with acting??? what the FUCK??? SIOWN, HEECHUL, DONGHAE, MING, DONGHAE also busy with drama..i have seen their drama...but you...where is you??? and for the girls who are bashing me....don't be so confident about yourself ok??? i don't thinks so that you know who are SUPER JUNIOR...and if you read back my status...i didn't bash was my opinion...and who the hell are you to talk like that to me???
Thursday, April 21, 2011
apparently...i'm looking for a student who want to have TUITION WITH is the details..anything just call me...
Tuition for standard 1until 6
*one subject for only RM40
interested??? call me
Tuition for standard 1until 6
*one subject for only RM40
interested??? call me
Sunday, April 10, 2011
It’s not my illusion…I saw her beside me..several times…she was talking to me…she always wear her red mantel. I’m not dreaming…she was there…right in front of me…I’m not joking, but why did nobody see her??? Even eunhyuk also said that he didn’t see her..donghae lay down at his bed, he remember what actually happen last week… Last week… Donghae, eunhyuk, sungmin, shindong and eeteuk just finish practicing their dance. After the dance, donghae excuse himself and went to the toilet at the SM bulidngs…as he walk to the toilet…he feel like there is someone is following him..he turn…but there is no one…he feels so cold suddenly…he walk again..and there is someone at his back…he turn again..but there is no one….when he turn back…he saw someone is standing in front of him…wearing a red mantel, the person is holding black rose at her hand…omo…when did the girl coming here???donghae just passed by….she never saw this girl before…is she is new trainee???donghae get into the bathroom and when he is out the girl is not there…she only left the black rose at the floor..donghae get back to the dance room.. Eunhyuk: yah…why are you so long at the bathroom???we already waited for you for almost an hour… Shindong: which toilet did you go??? Donghae: ah…wae?? I go to the same toilet….only 15 minute I left…you said an hour??? Are you guys sick??? Eeteuk: donghae ah…hyung is not angry with you..but all of us are very tired…so don’t play like this anymore ok??? Donghae: ah,..buya?????????? Sungmin: kajja..let’s go home..i’m so damn tired…now… Shindong: dae… Donghae feel so weird…I just went to the toilet for 15 minutes….ah..they must prank me….huh… The present day The next morning, when he go and practice his dance.., he saw the girl talking with the shinee boys…he ignore it and start to dance…ah….i’m so tired..can’t sleep very well….today also I’m not feeling so well…I’m sweating a lot…donghae meet with the K.R.Y..they are already there and doing warming up…ryeowook come to him and offer some drink… Ryeowook: are sweating a lot..gwenchana??? Donghae: dae..i’m the way..thanks…let’s we start first…oh..yesung hyung….don’t be so stiff arraso???shake your butt more.. Yesung: mwo??? My…my butt??? Donghae: dae… Yesung: arraso..arraso.. In five minute the other is there… Eunhyuk: let’s start now…with siwon part…. All of them: dae…. Donghae keep make mistake..he feel so tired and he is sweating a lot… Heechul: yah..lee donghae!!!!!! Do you think I’m so free enough????i still have work to do…so do it properly……… Donghae: dae hyung…. Suddenly donghae faint………. Eunhyuk: yah……….lee donghae……wake up… Siwon: bring him to the hospital..palli……… Donghae is having high fever and he work overload…he need to rest for one night…eunhyuk is with him…donghae conscious at night…eunhyuk give him drink… Eunhyuk: gwenchana?? I’m so worried about you… Donghae: what happen??? Eunhyuk: you faint just now.. Donghae: chongmal???eunhyuk ah..lately I see and hear weird things.. Eunhyuk: what are you talking about?? Are you talking about gawi??? Donghae: I’m not sure it was a ghost or what….did you see any girl wearing red mantel at our company???? Eunhyuk: nop… Donghae: I saw she talking to the shinee boy… Eunhyuk: what’s wrong with that???maybe she is a fan.. Donghae: the feeling is weird… Eunhyuk: don’t think to much..go and sleep now… Donghae: promise that you will help me to find her.. Eunhyuk: rest… Donghae get back to sleep…. After 2 day resting, donghae get back to work… Shindong: yah..did you see your red riding hood today??(making jokes) Donghae: what are you talking about??? Kyuhyun: eunhyuk told us…about the girl wearing red mantel… Donghae look at eunhyuk.., eunhyuk look at other place.. Donghae: its not a joke… Eeteuk: we didn’t said it a jokes..but the shinee boy thought that you are crazy…they said they never talk with a girl that wearing red mantel… Donghae: but I saw….. Heechul: are you dreaming that time??? Donghae shi…I think you are tired that time….maybe you should rest more.. Donghae: anni…. Eeteuk: stop the discussion..let’s practice…yah…yesung…shake your butt more! Yesung shocked when eeteuk said like that… Yesung: mwo??? My butt again??? What’s wrong with my butt???(talk to himself…) Ryeowook touch his shoulder….yesung smile… After the practice, donghae went to the toilet again..and he saw the girl…donghae smile…its true…she is here…and its not my illusion. Donghae talk to the girl.. Donghae: annyeong….i’m donghae…who are you??? Can I know your name???? The girl only smile….while looking at donghae… Donghae: are you the new trainee????who is your friend??? The girl handed the black rose to donghae and walk away….donghae feel weird…why did she give me this flower…ah….maybe she is my fan…donghae take the black rose and get back to his dorm…after when back home, he put the flower at the vase…he smell it…so nice….and then he fall to sleep, he is so damn tired…. The next day….when he wake up, eunhyuk already beside him…omo..when did he come to my room and sleep with me???donghae shake eunhyuk body…..he turn eunhyuk one glance…he saw eunhyuk face is bleeding with maggot!!!!!!!!he shout and scream…eunhyuk so shocked when donghae scream at his ear…he wake up.. Eunhyuk: yah…yah…….donghae….its me..its me….calm down…. Donghae: eunhyuk ah…(hug eunhyuk) Eunhyuk: wait here…I take some water for you.. Later on…eunhyuk come with water in his hand…donghae take a sip of the water… Eunhyuk: do you have bad dream again??? Donghae: again??? What do you mean???? Eunhyuk: last are screaming and sweating a lot. Me, yesung hyung and wookie are so worried….you don’t remember???? Donghae: anni…… is true that I’m screaming??? Eunhyuk: dae….donghae ah..what is wrong with you actually????can you tell me??? Donghae: I don’t know what to say…I keep walking in the forest….and holding a black rose…and suddenly there is someone is chasing me..and I keep running….. Eunhyuk: that’s weird…how long did you dream about it???? Donghae: just today…. Eunhyuk: I think you think so many things…relaxs…donghae ah..kajja let’s go to practice…the others already there……… After the practice…donghae tell to his member what did he see in his dream and about the girl at the toilet….all of them suddenly feel scared…. Yesung: are you making a story??? So that nobody won’t skip the dance practice time?? Donghae: hyung………I’m not joking…I saw her…she is wearing a red mantel just like the red riding hood wear…. Siwon: donghae ah..i already told you before…always pray and bring your bible along……. Heechul: yah…siwon shi..can you stop with your bible and all that stop..we have some serious problem here… Siwon: I’m not playing..maybe there is something is haunted him……. Donghae: mwo???????yah..siwon..don’t make me scared……. Eeteuk: ah…there is nothing…donghae watching too much horror movie that’s why you keep thinking like that…….. Donghae: but hyung……. Wookie: eeteuk hyung is right………. Donghae: I will prove to you all that I’m not playing around…I really saw her…and I will bring her to let you guys see Kyuhyun: donghae hyung..don’t force your self ok?? Donghae: aish!!!!!!!(walk away from the dance room) There is no point talking to them……I must fine the girl………. Eunhyuk: you guys are so mean with hae!(get out and follow hae) Eeteuk: did we said something wrong just now??? Sungmin: maybe we are too harsh with him Heechul: if he still like this, we will get problem for the concert! Yesung: but donghae Is sick..why don’t we give him so extra time…I’m sure he will be fine… Sungmin: agree with yesung hyung…he is our friend..not just our member…we must believe him..if he says that he saw the we must believe him Wookie: what if the girl is ghost??? Sungmin: then..we have to help donghae… Siwon: sungmin and yesung hyung is right….we must help donghae…not just to ignore him like that…. Kyuhyun: but how we will help me… Siwon: let’s meet the father..maybe he know…. Heechul: yah..siwon…you are still with your bible and holly stuff do you???huh?? think more realistic please… Shindong: siwon is right..maybe there is bad spirit who disturbing donghae… Yesung: right now..we have to wait first…….. All of them nodding their head… The next day, donghae purposely went to the toilet again..and again he saw the girl……….donghae smile……he walk to the girl….. Donghae: annyeong…. Girl” oh..oppa…annyeong…….. Donghae shocked when suddenly the girl is talking to him…he smile at the girl… Donghae: I’m donghae…what is your name??? Girl: I know who you are…I’m a big fan of super junior…by the way my name is mae ying Donghae: ah…mae ying…are you the new trainee??? Mae ying: dae….oppa..gotto go now…this is for you….(handed the black rose to donghae, donghae take it and smell it) Donghae: wait a minute…can I see you again tomorrow??? Mae ying: dae….4pm…at here… Donghae: arraso………. Mae Ying walk away.donghae only watching her….donghae smile, he went back to the dance room…….. Sungmin: oh…donghae…why are you late again??? Donghae: oh hyung…I meet with her already… Eeteuk: her?? Who??? Donghae: the girl with red mantel………. Eunhyuk: yah.chongmal???????what is her name??? Donghae: Mae Ying….she said she is the new trainee……… Yesung: chongmal???can we meet her??? Donghae: not now..maybe later………kajja…let’s practice……..(donghae smile and feel excited….) Everyone was looking at him…….that’s weird…..donghae seem so happy about it……. That night..donghae put again the black rose…at the vase. He look at the black rose, the rose is still fresh..its already 3 days….well he don’t think so much..he wash his face and look at the mirror..there is one red mark at his neck….its so pain….donghae touch his neck….and its more painful…….he take some cream from the table and rub it at the red mark…. When donghae was sleeping, all the suju member went out and discuss…… Wookie: I search the new name for new trainee….there is no one name with Mae Ying, and there is no girl wearing red mantel…….. Sungmin: eeteuk hyung…you was there when he told about Mae Ying right??? Eeteuk: dae…….. Siwon: omo… was the bad spirit………..its true…it’s a ghost……….. Heechul: jinjayo??????? Eunhyuk: I agree with you know…he receive the black rose from the girl??? The rose still fresh until today…….. Yesung: yah…… rose mean revenge!!!!and they won’t stop until they get what they want……… Shindong: donghae shi… in danger..we must safe him…….. Siwon: we need to bring him meet with the father.. Eunhyuk: I don’t think so he will come…… Kyuhyun: we need to force him……. Sungmin: we need to know who is the girl actually…..and why did she come and disturb donghae??? Siwon: tomorrow…we must bring him…… All of them: dae!!!!!!!!! The next morning when donghae wake up, he look at the black rose, its still fresh, he smile…he wake up and smell the flower. He feels so tired today…he look at the mirror…his body is full with bruiser….he touch one of it..and its pain….he takes his bath……….when the water pour down….he closed his eyes…. “you promise that you won’t leave me!” Donghae shocked…he open his eyes immediately….he look around….there is no one…but who said that???? He continue…to takes his bath……again when he closed his eyes…. “don’t leave me…..jebal…” Donghae feel so scared…he open his eyes………and he get out from the bathroom………the voice is so scary….eunhyuk is in his room………. Eunhyuk: yah what happen with your body??? Donghae: molla……. Eunhyuk: kajja..let’s go to the hospital… Donghae: shiroooooooo, I have shooting today… Eunhyuk: donghae ah…do you know I’m worried about you???? Donghae: na gwenchana..chongmal… Eunhyuk: what time you finish today??? Donghae: wae??? Eunhyuk: the others asking you to go out dinner with them today.. Donghae: I will call when I’m finish…. Eunhyuk: dae… After the shooting, donghae go back to SM..he already promise to meet with Mae Ying….but when donghae arrive there..Mae Ying is not there….but there is only one black rose…donghae pick up the rose and smell it….he feels so addicted with the smell………when he get back to the dorm…he put the another flower that he got in the vase…he count the rose…its not enough one..who took it??? He went out and meet with yesung who reading a book.. Donghae: hyung..did you enter my room just now??? Yesung: anni…I just went back..wae??? Donghae : anni…where is eunhyuk, wookie and kyuhyun??? Yesung: they are at eeteuk hyung dorm…yah..aren’t you supposed to call us after you finish with your shooting???we are waiting for you Donghae: I’m tired today…I want to rest..maybe next time…… Yesung: arraso..i will told the others…do you want something??? Donghae: nop…… Donghae get back into his room….who take my black rose??? That night..donghae dreaming again, he was at the forest and being chase….he being chase with someone who wearing a red mantel……he can’t see the person face clearly….donghae stop running……..and the person also stop chasing him………donghae just realize that it was MAE YING!... Donghae: what are you doing?? Why did you chase me???? Mae Ying: give back my soul!!!!!!!!!! Donghae: what are you talking about??? Mae ying….why did you chase me??? Mae Ying: give back my soul!!!!!!!!i will keep chasing you until you give back my soul! Mae ying gone…donghae wake up from sleep!!!!!!!!he is sweating…soul??? What soul???i had never take anyone soul, he get up and went to the kitchen……he feel thirsty …when he pour down some water…he shocked when the water turn color to red..its bloods……..the glass…slip over his hand automatically…….the noise wake up everyone… Yesung; donghae ah…gwenchana?? Donghae: hyung….its blood…blood……. Wookie: hyung….hyung..calm down…its only a water…… Donghae: anni……….i saw it………. Eunhyuk: donghae ah……you have to stop all this nonsense!!!!! Donghae: I’m not joking………… Yesung: eunhyuk……….bring him back to his room…… donghaeL shirooooooooo there is ghost in my room…….shiroooooo donghae seem like he saw a ghost…….. eunhyuk: wookie call the manager and the others…we need to bring him to meet the father that siwon told us before…we must stop him now! Wookie: dae… They have no choice…they bring donghae to the church…and meet with the father..lucky the father is friend with siwon appa….so that he will help…….donghae is unconscious……… Father: lucky you bring him right on time…if not…you couldn’t safe your friend… Siwon: father…what happen to him??? Father: I will talk later…but now..where is the black rose?? I need to destroy the flower first…the flower has been cursed……..after the father get rid of the flower…suddenly..the church door is open…all of them shocked……..they saw the girl with red mantel…just like the red riding hood and she is holding a black rose…… Kyuhyun: so…that is Mae Ying……. Mae Ying: he is mine!!!!!!! Return him back to me!!!!!!!!! Father: how dare you come to my place……..go back to your own place…this boys got nothing to do with you…….. Mae Ying: he owe me!!!!!!!! he need to return my soul back………if not..i will keep haunting him!!!!!!!! The SJ member shocked and they are hugging each other, only siwon is stand still next to the father Father: what do you want from him?? Mae Ying: his souls…….he owe me that……….. Father: nonsense……..only god have the right for each human soul in this world…….. Mae Ying: he belongs to me..i want his souls………… Father : in your dream…boys…holding each other HAND and sit around donghae..we need to help donghae… The father sit with the others at the floor and keep reading his swear……..the boys also following……..the father………they can hear Mae ying screaming in ten minute…they saw Mae Ying was burn…..and she is gone………..the father have to use the holy water to conscious donghae… Donghae: where am i????why did you bring me here??? Eunhyuk: donghae…everything is fine now…….let’s listen to the father…….he just save you from the evil spirit……….. Donghae: chongmal??? Father: I have one advice…if you saw someone after this…don’t turn back and don’t take anything from the person that you don’t know arraso.. Eeteuk: dae…father…. Donghae: father..what is happening to me… Father: the girl that you saw is Mae Ying……..she is being rape and killed by her boyfriend…….she come to put her revenge on you…the black rose mean…is revenge…. Donghae: why me??? Father: when she the one who saw her…you are the first one who saw her…she already been there for almost a thousand years……and this is the first time someone saw her..and your face is look like her boyfriend..that’s why she keep haunting you…….. Donghae : chongmal??? Heechul: I’m glad everything is fine.. Father: everyone..let’s go back now…don’t worry..she is gone now………clean all your room and remember what did I told you??? All of them: dae…. Donghae get back to his room, the member helping him to clean his room……he feel grateful to the god for helping him……..its not my illusion…but it was my nighmare…I swear I will never accept anything from anyone that I don’t know…may her soul rest in peace……… The next evening after the practice…yesung going to the toilet with donghae………suddenly donghae saw the black rose again!!!!! But this time he just ignore it…………when he and yesung get back to the dance room…….eeteuk show the newspaper to them………..donghae shocked…………the father who help him yesterday was died…in accident………….. all of them look so shocked..when they read that they found red mantel at the car mirror……….. ENCORE Donghae still having a bad fever after one week, they heard about the father death…he keep screaming and have bad dream. His body full of red marks. The others are worried about him. Eeteuk: didn’t Mae Ying is already dead???we saw she is burning right? Heechul: but what happen now??? She still haunted donghae….. Eunhyuk: we must use shaman this time… Yesung: shaman??? Where did we can get one??? Wookie: there is one temple at incheon…they said there is one shaman that can help with the bad spirit……. Yesung: let’s go and bring donghae……… Siwon: kajja……… They went to donghae room……but the shocked…donghae is not there……they found red mantel at donghae bed and there is black rose at the table……. Yesung: where is he??? Eunhyuk: let’s find him.we must find him………. All of them searching donghae around the dorm buildings……all of them very shocked…and worried about donghae. They afraid that something might happen to donghae. As they know donghae is not strong enough….he may look strong but he is weak and sensitive…….. At the other place……..donghae is walking….in the forest….Mae Ying is holding his hand……donghae look so happy with Mae Ying……. Donghae: are we there yet??? Mae Ying: not yet…….oppa are you cold???? Donghae: not really…. Mae Ying: if you want..i can lend you my Red Mantel……. Donghae: chongmal??? I thought its very important to you…… Mae Ying: this is because you give this as a gift for me….you don’t remember??? Donghae: how can I forgot about that…… really love the red mantel until you didn’t let anybody touch it…….how about the black rose that I always give you??? Did you still keeping it??? Mae Ying: of course…….i put in the box…….oppa….we are here……… Donghae and Mae Ying arrive at one cottage…..its very nice and big…there is a pond…., chicken…around the cottage….. Donghae: wah……did you build this??? Mae Ying: anni……I found this place………kajja..let’s go inside…… Donghae: Mae Ying ah…..i feel so sleepy…can I sleep for a while?????? Mae Ying: dae…. Mae Ying bring donghae to the room, and donghae fall asleep as soon as his head touch the pillow…….. While at SJ dorm……. Eunhyuk: where did he go????????(already crying…wookie hug him and calm him down…) Sungmin: we already search him all around the place……but still we couldn’t found him……. Shindong: what did the girl want???why did she do this to donghae??? Why did donghae?? Yesung: calm down everyone, we cannot tell about this to anyone…..especially ELF..they will worried and making rumors about it………. Eeteuk: yesung is right…… Suddenly kyuhyun running to them, he just get out from donghae room…….. Heechul: ah..buya??? this kid always playing around……… Kyuhyun: donghae hyung is at his room…….he is sleeping………. Eunhyuk: mwo????????????i want to see him……… Eunhyuk walk to donghae room and saw donghae is sleeping…….eunhyuk feel glad…….. Eunhyuk: I will sleep with him tonight to make sure that he is fine Yesung: me too……I will sleep at the floor…….. Eeteuk: I think all of us need to sleep around him..but since his room is not big enough……..we will sleep at the living room…….. Shindong: arraso……….kajja…..let’s donghae sleep now………. The next morning…….. Yesung: where did you go yesterday??? Donghae: me??? I was in Bangkok……are you guys crazy???? I have photo shooting there… Eeteuk: ah…jinjayo??? Donghae: dae…and you know what?? I found Mae Ying…….. All of them shocked..when donghae say Mae Ying name Eunhyuk: donghae ah……… Donghae: don’t worried……..i just found her in my dream…but the weird things is…we are happy, like we are in love……… Eeteuk: mwo?????? Shindong: donghae did he give anything to you???? Donghae: nop……..but she said…the red mantel is my present to her, same goes to the black rose that she receive from me…. Siwon: mwo…I’m confused now Kyuhyun: maybe its was not donghae, but it was Mae Ying ex boyfriend, who rape her, the one that have same face with donghae hyung……… Wookie: agree with kyuhyun……. Eunhyuk: donghae ah…..we want to bring you to meet with shaman……all this nonsense need to be stop……. Donghae: if you try to do something with me and him………I will killed one by one of his friend including you!!!!!!(all of them shocked when they heard what did donghae said…….her voice already change with girl voice…) All of them stay back from donghae….they can see donghae eyes turn to red……… Siwon: let’s go….let’s go……….. All of them left donghae at his room……… Shindong: did you see that??????? Eeteuk: we must hurry……… Wookie: but how??? She know everything that we want to do???????? Heechul: why don’t wookie and yesung bring the shaman here..while the others and me will looking for donghae at this home…………….. Kyuhyun: good idea……hurry up and go…………… Yesung: dae……(yesung pulled wookie hand and both of them get out from the house……..) After yesung and wookie gone….donghae suddenly get out from his room……… Donghae: eunhyuk ah……… Eunhyuk: dae……(look so scared…..) Donghae: what’s wrong with you??? Did you saw a ghost??????let’s go to SM…practice…….. Siwon: there is no practice today..are you forgot??? We are having our holiday right now…. Donghae: ah..jinjayo????ah..arraso…….i will be at my room………I want to play games…….. Kyuhyun: what games hyung???i want to join you……. Donghae: ah…I just bought this new game…..THE RED RIdING HOOD…kajja let’s play with me.. Kyuhyun: ah….i forgot…..wookie ask me to clean the kitchen…maybe next time……. Donghae: ok..ok…if you want to play just come inside……… While donghae at his room……. The others stay together at the living room..everyone is scared and they are hoping that wookie and yesung come back early with the shaman………. In donghae room……… Donghae: Mae Ying ah……why did all my friend is weird??? Mae Ying: mollayo…..maybe they don’t like me??? Donghae: anni…….they will like you…. Mae ying: oppa…….can you give me your soul Donghae: my soul???? What for???? Mae ying: didn’t you promise to me that you will give me your soul if I die one day??? Donghae: I did………but you are not dead yet………. Mae Ying: oppa……you will give it to me right??? Donghae: dae……I will give you everything that you want……… Eunhyuk is crying………donghae ah………andwae…….you can’t give your soul to that witch!!!!! Kyuhyun enter his room and he saw one black rose at his bed…..he is shocked and scared…he run and go out side and meet with the others………. Eeteuk: wae?????/ Kyuhyun: I found black rose at my bed….. Heechul: mwo??????kyuhyun ah…stay here…don’t go anywhere……. Shindong: siwon ah……start with your prayer…at least, she won’t disturb us……. Siwon: dae….i hope that YE wook will come here any moment with the shaman……… All of them are holding each other hand and pray….suddenly the light is off…all of them shocked and stop the prayer.. Sungmin: she know……… Kyuhyun: keep praying…………. Suddenly there is someone knocked the door…it was Yesung and wookie……… Wookie: open the door………open the door……….. Siwon and the other try to open the door but it useless………suddenly.. Donghae: why did you bring him here???????do you want to die?????????(donghae scream and we know that it is not him…but the girl……..) The shaman read his prayer and the door is open…….they shocked looking at yesung……all of his body is bleeding……… Kyuhyun: what happen???????? Wookie: we meet with accident on the way here…its seem that the girl know that we bring the shaman here…. Donghae: all of you will die!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shaman: who are you????????? Why did you keep disturbing this boy?????? Mae Ying: I come to take his soul……he already promise to me…… Shaman: how dare you!!!!!!!!!you are you evil spirit…….you have no right to ask for his soul……his soul is belong to the god…now return to your place before I killed you……… Mae Ying: know…….if I don’t get the soul……I will killed him tooooooooooo The shaman take his stuff and burn it……….he start reading his prayer…….. Mae Ying screaming…………. Shaman: get out now……… Mae Ying: no……….i want him to follow me……..i already waiting for him so long ago……… Shaman: he is not like before……..he don’t remember anything……this is only the body of your ex..but his soul is not your boyfriend… already wrong! Mae Ying: no…….it was him…..he and my ex is the same person!!!!!! Shaman: he is not…….if he is your ex boyfriend…..why don’t he remember you??????? The shaman try to confused Mae Ying… Mae Ying: he..he….just forget for a while……. Shaman: do you still don’t want to go????????? Mae Ying: no!!!!!!!!!!!!! The shaman read his prayer louder and louder……Mae Ying keep screaming…………. Mae Ying: andwae………..andwae…………. Shaman: its tooooooo late for it now………. Mae Ying: you will pay for this……I will make you pay……………. Suddenly donghae fall to the floor…….the shaman closed the bottle where did he put Mae Ying……… Eunhyuk: donghae…donghae……… Donghae conscious………. Donghae: what is happening???? Kyuhyun: we will tell you later……… Shaman: she is not here anymore….. Eeteuk: are you sure???the father before this also said the same thing, but in the end……..the girl come and disturb all of us….again…. Shaman: I already captured her and she is inside the bottle……I think she is right……… Donghae: what do you mean????? Shaman: you don’t remember donghae??? In the past????? Of course you don’t remember….because it wasn’t you…….but according to what I saw, your body is the same body who rape the girl…..only your soul is different…….. Donghae: how can that be????// Shaman: there is scar on your neck…..there is scar at your leg…….all of that is the sign of Mae Ying old boyfriend body……you have his body and but not souls…..that’s why she keep coming back.but this time, she won’t come anymore……. Donghae: thank god…….. Shaman: pray to go always………. All of them: dae………… Wookie cleaning yesung wounds…….the shaman already treated yesung so , he will be fine…….. Eunhyuk hug donghae as hard as he can……… Eunhyuk: I thought that I will lose you…….. Donghae: eunhyuk ah……….. Then all of them hugging each other..thank god that they are safe now……..i always thought that it was my illusion………but its not…..its really happening…… week later they found Mae Ying grave…..they pray to god that MAE YING will rest in peace…….we don’t know what did we did in past……we don’t know that we sometimes hurt someone feeling………if could only the RED RIDING HOOD is not coming here….why might don’t know what did we do in the past………I will pray to the god always and seeking for forgiveness……The red hiding hood who come and visit me for a while…will kept in my memory………..always……….
Monday, April 4, 2011
ACCIDENT and It was a nightMARES...
today i went out with my sis n aqish...we reach at our home 4.40 pm....then suddenly my other sister come back with her friend taz n adik....we talk each other and make some joke...later on , my sister and taz want to send adik went back to her home. adik was riding a motorbike, taz n my sis driving car following her from back...suddenly one car break immediately and make a U turn at double line! adik didn't have time to avoid it and crush with the sis help adik and bring her to hospital, my sis call me and ask to look out for adik motobike, when me and along reach at the crime scene the boy and his girlfriend who crush adik was there.. i remember his first word! " dia bawak laju sangat!" and his girlfriend said " kitorang dah bagi signal dah... i don't want to hear it...i ask the person who safe the motobike and ask how can i bring back the motobike??? i called my brother ask him to bring the motobike home, me and my sister went to the hospital and meet my other sister and calm her down...she said..." adik is not fast!!!!!!, they stupid boy didn't give signal at the u-turn spot just infront of him..why did he U-Turn there???...then taz go to REPORT IT to the police station...the boy who crush adik was there...the boy admit that he didn't give signal....and adik did say something to my mom just now..."aunty adik nak saman diorang..." i feel the pain...she did talk to me and makes jokes...her fiance is sad and crying when my sis told about her...PRAY FOR HER.....
Saturday, April 2, 2011
My HAIR...
my hair keep falling down..each time i take my bath..i will look at the floor..there is so many hair fall to the bathroom day my sis ask me..."it was your hair right???" i said " nop...its not mine..." she said that" don't lie to me...i know it was your hair..." i just went to my room...they other already realize that i'm losing my hair little by little....what happen if i bald???

lately my dongsaeng always in bad mood, she keep saying that she will leave us for a while, was it because of me??? sometimes, i know them...but suddenly i don't know i said before this PEOPLE CHANGE! they really change..i saw it...i'm changing too....maybe because i'm become more older and older than them...2 years that we spend together is the most precious you think i'm faking by saying i love all of you???no..i'm not...i think maybe because of me...sometimes, when i talk, i will talk directly...and she seems to hurt with my words...i'm sorry dongsaeng..u know that i didn't mean to do that...i'm leaving the page for a while because i'm so sick and tired with my self...attitude...nobody know it that i'm disgust with my own behavior...and lately at my house, they make one rules....and voting stuff, whoever bake the best cake will get more money pocket from my sister....all of them like my cake better than my younger sister..but my mom said younger sister is more deserve to recieve the money than me...but what's the point you ask the other to taste my cake and voting all the have brain right???so think la...i'm so angry and they left me alone at house TODAY! i was so dad is not at home, he is at cameron highlands...outstations...damn i miss him so much....actually i want my dongsaeng to read this and be happy..unnie is always here for you....since that you block me from see your post and so do i....sorry this things happen between us...if you need time to be alone and cool down..its ok...but please tell me that you are know i'm talking about least give me a message....
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