New Moon…New…Daylight!
He walk again and again at the dark street. His butler also walking with him..it already for an hours….they only have to killed one more person….the hunger is killing them…if they don’t killed anyone today…they might die…..
Ryeowook: sir…you have to stop….walking like this……..i will find one for you….just go back to the house and I will bring it to you….
His master stop walking and look at him…………
Siwon: are you serious?????
Ryeowook nodding his head….
Siwon: andwae….don’t you remember what did the old folks said??? After 1000 years…of my birth….i need to drink some blood from the girl that like me….only that way I can be the king……
Ryeowook: omo………I almost forgot…but sir…how did we need to find the girl that love you???in this middle of the night????huh???sir…I’m afraid that you might die…by tomorrow..if you don’t drink blood…..please sir…let me do this for you……
Siwon: arraso…….but please don’t killed the good person…..or girs..or..or..hurm children…hurm..or old man…
Ryeowook: arraso..how many times that you have to said that???
Suddenly there is one door open from the bar….ryeowook and siwon fly to the top of the buildings………and watch……….there is one boy chasing a girl….the boy grab the girl hand and kiss her lips…the boy want to rape the girl!
Siwon look at ryeowook and ryeowook nod his head. Ryeowook fly away and stand in front of the old man……..nieya and the old man shocked…siwon get down after ryeowook…….
Man: ah……buya?????
Siwon: don’t you have any fear by rapping this poor girl huh?? Do you wanna die???
Man: she is mine….and you have nothing to do with it..get lost before I killed you!
Ryeowook and siwon laughing….
Man: yah!!!!!!!!stop………
Siwon: ryeowook…I guess you can settle him for me…
Ryeowook: of course young master…….
Siwon take hold the girl…..and bring her to the save place…
The man want to chase siwon…but ryeowook stop him…in one flash…ryeowook hold the man arm and bite his neck and suck all the blood from the man neck……..and he bring the dead man to their house. He must save some blood for his master siwon…
Siwon: gwenchana???
Girl : anni……..by the way..thanks for helping me….
Siwon: I don’t like to see women is being bullied by the others.
Girl : .by the way my name is nieya…what’s yours????
Siwon: my name is siwon…by the way if you are in danger…just called my name and I will be there..right beside you….
Nieya: chongmal????omo…siwon shi..can we meet tomorrow??? At this place???
Siwon: dae….at 6pm….well I got to go now…take care..please…
Nieya smile and nodding, she walk to her house. Omo…that man….are so kind………he face are so handsome….his body is so tough….can’t believe that there is someone like that really safe me from that stupid man!
Ryeowook follow nieya until she arrive at her house. Siwon order him to do that. From now on..ryeowook have to take care of nieya, because nieya can help them to find blood…
Ryeowook: sir…she is safe..and I already know where did she stay……
Siwon: she can help us….
Ryeowook: how???
The next day , nieya waiting for siwon at the same place they meet yesterday. Nieya smile when she look at the chocolate that she made for siwon… siwon come and meet nieya as they planned yesterday…
Nieya: annyeong…(bow)
Siwon: annyeong…(bow)
Nieya: dae…siwon shi…today let’s me treat you with Japanese food..
Siwon: what was that???
Nieya: kajja…..
When they arrive at sushi restaurant….siwon look so nervous and scared, he never been at this place for the whole life, this is the first time.
Nieya: are you ok???
Siwon: dae………by the way…who the boy that want to rape you last night???
Nieya: he is my ex-boyfriend…
Siwon: chongmal???you stay with who???
Nieya: my friend, since my parent is dead..i have no one accept of my friend Syori, I live with her…
Siwon only look at the food..he didn’t touch it…..
Nieya: you don’t like your food????
Siwon: nop…its just weird….i never see this before..i only see fresh meat and blood
Nieya: mwo???????
Siwon: anni……..anni….i said…I like meat rather than..this thing…
Nieya: this is fish….
Siwon: whatever it is….
Nieya: what is your occupation?
Siwon: I’m running my own business …
Nieya: what kind of business????
Siwon: hurm…(look around…and he saw…knife….) knife…..making knife…
Nieya: oh…
Siwon: nieya…can you keep a secret???
Nieya: its depends….wae?? do you want to tell me something???
Siwon: anni…well..since I ‘m already help you…can you help me???
Nieya: sure…what kind of help????
Siwon: let’s go from here….and I will show you something….
When they arrive at the place where is nobody….siwon hold nieya arm and both of them are flying. Nieya can’t help her self from screaming……….the chocolate that she bring for siwon fall to the ground………siwon finally put nieya to the tree…..they are facing the full moon…………..
Nieya: what are you??? What do you want to do to me??? let’ me go let me go freak!
Siwon: calm down…calm down…I just need your help…
Nieya: are you trying to killed me???
Siwon: yes…..well..no…I’m not….i’m just trying to ask for help……
Nieya:please be clear with me!
Siwon: can you keep a secret???
Nieya: just tell me..who are you!
Siwon: I’m..i’m a vampire….
Nieya: what??????????(nieya try to run away…but suddenly siwon hold her in his arm.)
Siwon: I’m not going to killed you nieya! I just need your help…I want You to buy some blood for me…from the hospital……..
Nieya: wae???
Siwon: coz..i need to drink it….if not i will die………
Nieya: I rather see you die..than helping you…you are beast!!!!!!let me down from this stupid tree!!!!
Siwon have to put nieya back at the ground..nieya run from siwon and she never look back….
Siwon: I already help you…why don’t you help me????
Siwon get back home……………ryeowook already waiting for him…
Ryeowook: so..how was it? Will she help us???
Siwon only shaking his head…
Ryeowook: sir..do you want me to killed her???
Siwon: no!!!!!!! don’t do that…she..she is different……..ryeowook…don’t you feel anything??? Her sense..is so strong…until I can’t read her mind…
Ryeowook: what do you mean sir???
Siwon: I don’t know how to describe it…remember…what did the old folks said?? Maybe she is for me…
Ryeowook: but how?? She is scared now…and she don’t want to help us..sir..we will die..if we don’t have blood..i don’t want to killed other people anymore! Just go back to the empire….and haunting some bears and tigers….
Siwon: no! ryeowook..you don’t understand!, she was made for me..we need her…I need her so that I can have my own child…
Ryeowook: I understand sir..but how?????
Siwon: I don’t know!
Nieya run to her house and locked the door…….Syori look so shocked when suddenly nieya come into the house like that.
Syori: yah..nieya..gwenchana???
Nieya: i….i……(she just run and go to her room….she locked the door)
From outside……syori keep knocking the door..asking nieya to open the door……
Nieya: I’m fine….syori…I just want to sleep..i will talk to you tomorrow…
Syori: are you sure???
Nieya: yes…I am………..
Syori let nieya in her room and she went to her room as well………….
Nieya hide under her comforter….and keep thinking, is he really vampire??? He doesn’t look like it…well…he is just too handsome to be a vampire! Wait..nieya….aren’t all the vampire that you see in the Tv are handsome and tough???he is one of that….what if he come and find me and killed me?? omo………suddenly….she remember again what did siwon said to her when she running away….
Siwon: I already help you…why don’t you help me????....
Nieya feel guilty….if siwon and his friend didn’t help me that night…maybe jung min already rape me…na ottokeh?? Should I help him??? But what if he killed me…nieya its dangerous! You are dealing with a vampire!....he can killed you anytime when he is hungry….no…no..he already promise that he won’t killed me………..maybe I should help him…only once…
The next evening…nieya walk to the tree that siwon bring her. And she called siwon names…..in one second…siwon already in front of her…nieya shocked..and impress…he is a vampire…..
Siwon: did you called for me????
Nieya: yes…I do….
Siwon: why did you called me?? aren’t you afraid of me?? I’m a vampire..i sucks blood and I killed people…..
Nieya: who said that I’m afraid of you…no I’m not….are you really a vampire???where is your fangs?
Siwon: do you want to see it??? Here you go…(siwon open his mouth and the fangs suddenly appears) are you happy now????
Nieya: if you really a vampire…why don’t you killed me on the first day we meet???
Siwon: I don’t killed people for fun and because I want to drink the people blood.we have our own rules…
Nieya: and what was that???
Siwon: are you doing some interview here???
Nieya: no..i’m not……just tell me what are the rules….
Siwon: we can’t killed girl, children, old man and women, we also can’t killed the good person…we only killed the bad person….
Nieya: how you know that the person is bad or not???
Siwon: their mind..i can read people mind……..
Nieya: you do??? And how about me??? can you read mine???
Siwon shaking his head….
Siwon: I can’t….
Nieya: why????omo..are you Edward Cullen????
Siwon: Edward Cullen is not real vampire! They make the story……….we are real………I need to find my queen too…….after 1000 years………I need to make love with someone..so that, my people will growth…and the person that will be my queen will appear at full moon…….after 1000 years I was born……..its not easy for me..do you think I like to be a vampire??? No..i’m not……
Nieya: you can change…
Siwon: how???? Change myself to be human so I can die when the sunlight touch me????
Nieya: i…i…
Siwon: I don’t ask you to understand me……I know you are scared because there is other group of vampire that is killing people and suck their blood…..
Nieya: mwo??? There is???
Siwon: yes….that’s why I need to find my queen as soon as possible so that I can be the king and rule the empire of vampire……
Nieya: what will happen to the other group if you become the king??
Siwon: we have to destroyed all of them…if not they will rebelling and kill more people…so nieya..would you help me to buy the blood for me and my people????i will paid you…………
Nieya: i…I will help you…but only once………..
Siwon: and more one thing nieya..the old folks said…I will find my queen after 1000 years of my birth….at full moon..can you help me to find her toooo???
Nieya: but how????
Siwon: I will teach you…but first……you need to take the blood for me and my people…….if not all of us will die…
Nieya: how many do you want???
Siwon: as many as you can take……..
Nieya: I didn’t promise to you…….but if you don’t have human blood…what would you do to killed your hungry??
Siwon: we will go back to the empire and haunting some tiger and bear….nieya shi..let me send you back home now..its getting dark and late………
Nieya: dae…
Siwon walk nieya home….when they reach at nieya house.
Nieya: thanks..
Siwon: I’ll see you tomorrow…just called my name………
Nieya: dae…
Nieya get into the house…omo..he is just toooooooooooo cute…wait…wait nieya..he is vampire…stop dreaming away……..and now..let’s think how did you have to take the blood???from the hospital???think nieya…think….suddenly she smile………….
The next evening…nieya walk to the tree again…she wearing her bagback..its heavy….she put the bag at the ground………suddenly….there is someone…….standing in front of her..
Nieya: siwon…its that’s you???? Come here…help me…this things are heavy…..
Nieya shocked…it was not siwon! She didn’t know who is he…
Nieya: who are you??????what do you want????
Kyuhyun: well………..i’m kyuhyun……….i can smell blood and fresh meat here….do I know you???
Nieya: no!!!!!!!! who are you and what do you want???
Kyuhyun: give me the blood……….
Nieya: no!!!!!!!!
Kyuhyun: don’t play with me nieya…..do you want me to killed you????
Nieya: how did you know my name????
Kyuhyun: siwon ask me to take the blood from you……….
Nieya: no……….siwon will come with his butler….
Suddenly kyuhyun already in front of nieya….he choked nieya neck with his hand……….
Nieya: ah…..uh…..le……le..let me go…………siwon…………….where are you??????????????
Siwon come as soon as she heard nieya call him…….when he saw kyuhyun he kick kyuhyun away from nieya…
Siwon: nieya…gwenchana………….
Nieya: dae…siwon..he is coming again!!!!!!!!!1(nieya scream……….and closed her eyes when kyuhyun and siwon are fighting)
Siwon: she is our queen……..why did you attack her???
Kyuhyun: she is not………and who gave the right to you to be the king?? I will be the king of our empire!
Siwon: kyuhyun…….i’m the next generation..of my ancestor….and I will be the king…
Kyuhyun: stop talking and fight…whoever win this battle will be the king!
Siwon and kyuhyun keep fighting….
Suddenly there are so many vampire come and gather around siwon and kyuhyun. Ryeowook come and protect nieya from all of them.
Nieya: what is happening here??
Ryeowook: the others vampire already know my master planned…
Nieya: so…what did they want to do???
Ryeowook: killed him…
Nieya: you have to safe him!!!!!!!don’t let them killed him……….
Ryeowook: don’t worry my master is strong..plus…the other vampire will help him………
Nieya: chongmal??
Ryeowook only nodding……..for an hour they are fighting , kyuhyun seem so tired…he run away from the battle place.
Nieya come to siwon…………she hug him…………
Siwon: nieya shi………….
Nieya: gwenchana?????
Siwon: dae…don’t worry………nieya..i’m so sorry…..i put you in danger………
Nieya: I’m fine..don’t worry about me…did he is from the other group that want to killed people????
Siwon: yes….by the way..let’s meet my people……….(show his people to nieya…) people this is our queen………..
Nieya: mwo???????? Queen??????????what do you mean by that????
Siwon: ryeowook….tell her…….what did you see???????
Ryeowook: nieya shi…..i have a vision….and in my vision you are our queen…
Nieya: mwo??????how did that happen???did you killed me???
Ryeowook: no…it on your willingness…..you love our master…..and you want to be like us……….this vision is always right and will never change…………
Nieya closed her mouth…………yes..i like him…but…but I never thing to killed my self and be one of them……….
Siwon: you are in danger now nieya…kyuhyun will keep after you…she already smell your blood and he want it…..he will do anything to drink your blood………you need to be with us…
Nieya: but what about my friend??? Syori?? Did she is in danger too???????
Ryeowook: yes she is…henry and ming will protect your friend….you have to follow my master to go back to the main house…
Nieya: why??? So how about my work?? My friend…
Siwon: your life is more important than the others….henry and ming will protect syori….don’t worried about her….
Nieya hug siwon……siwon hug nieya again…
Nieya: I’m scared siwon..i’m scared….
Siwon: I’m here..and I will protect you no matter what…you are my queen now….
Nieya smile and hug siwon again………..the others only smile and feel glad..finally……their master have queen….
Nieya stay at siwon house….she feel so weird……there is no food in the house……..how did she and the others gonna eat???? She is hungry..she can’t drink blood….she is not vampire….she is human! Nieya scream suddenly……….and all the vampires around her……..
Eeteuk: are you ok my queen……
Nieya: no…I’m not ok??? Where is siwon???
Ryeowook: master at the gym…
Nieya: gym??? At this hour??? I’m so hungry……..what should I eat????(pouts)call siwon now……..
Siwon: what is happening here??????/
Nieya: finally you are here…oppa……I’m so hungry to death…you are not planning to ask me drink the blood don’t you???
Siwon: ottokeh????there is no other thing in this house..
Nieya: what time is now????
Siwon: already 12 in the noon……
Nieya: all of you will get burn if you get out now…na ottokeh??? I’m so hungry..oppa.let me go to the shop……
Siwon: andwae……..
Nieya: oppa……please…………I will buy something for you guys….i will go to the market and buy some blood for you………all…what do you said………..
Siwon: its dangerous..kyuhyun..will come and killed you……..
Nieya: oppa.he won’t go out in the noon…..he will die….its hot now……
Eeteuk: she is right…master……..
Nieya do her puppy eyes at siwon……..
Omo……..she is so cute with that face……..ottokeh????
Siwon: arraso….only 1 hour ok??????
Nieya: dae…I love you oppa…….(kiss siwon cheeks and get out from the house)
Siwon rub his cheeks and smile….
Ryeowokk: sir…isn’t she lovely????
Siwon: dae..
Eeteuk: she is the right person…to be our queen….
Siwon: we need to hurry……..kyuhyun won’t let her go……we must killed him………..
Eeteuk: we need some planned….
Ryeowook: yesung, eunhyuk is with kyuhyun…same goes to zhou mi….can we win this battle???
Eeteuk: we have kangin, you, me and master…its enough….they are not strong like us….
Siwon: our people are more powerful than them…we will killed them one by one….
In 20 minute later….nieya comeback home..in her hand full with food and meat………….
Nieya: ryeowook come and help me to cook……
Ryeowook: dae…my queen………..
Eeteuk follow them..he feel curious….
Nieya take out the chicken, fish, vegetables, meat and rice….
Eeteuk:what is this???(pointing something with her hand)
Nieya: this is tomato…..
Eeteuk: oh…can we eat this???
Nieya: of couse…I will cook beef stew today…and you can have the meat……..ok???
When the lunch is ready…all of them look weird….
Nieya: sit and eat your meals…you guys have to change and learn….how to be more like human…since you guys in human worlds….
Siwon: can we really eat this???
Nieya: yes…and you guys don’t have to be hungry always…
Eeteuk take a sip of the soup…and drink it………its taste nice…he like it and drank all the soup in his bowls…he show his bowls again……..to nieya…he want more……….
Nieya: see..eeteuk love it…you guys should try it…
Everyone seem to like the dish that nieya make and everyone look so full…most of them are sleeping after the meal………..
Siwon helping nieya…….
Siwon: wanna somewhere tonight??? Only us…
Nieya: only us???
Siwon: yes….
Nieya: sure….but let me tell ryeowook first…
Siwon: andwae………
Nieya: wae????
Siwon: they will follow us and disturb our date…
Nieya: so….its a date????
Siwon: kind off………
Nieya: arraso…
While in kyuhyun place….
Yesung: I can’t find the girl….she is not at her house…
Kyuhyun: then find her!!!!!!!!!(scream at yesung and kick him…)
Eunhyuk: why did we need to find her???
Kyuhyun: she is the girl…the girl that can change our world…she can’t be with siwon…if they get married and unite….all of us will die!, I can’t let siwon be the king………I should be the king……..
Zhou mi: master..we will find her and killed her…
Kyuhyun: she is leaving with her friend..am I right?????
Yesung: yes……..
Kyuhyun: killed her….
Zhou mi: yes master………
Yesung and zhou mi walk away……they have to killed nieya friend……..
That night siwon bring nieya to the mountain….they can see the moon…its almost full……….nieya smile…this place is so nice…siwon hold her hand……..
Siwon: do you like this place???
Nieya: yes…oppa..tell me now..can you read mine now???
Siwon: I can’t….your sense is too strong..and I can’t read it….
Nieya: oppa…can I ask something???do you like me????
Siwon: why did you ask that question?? Of course I like you???how about you??? Do you like me too???
Nieya: i…i…don’t like you…oppa……
Siwon: mwo??(cut her words)
Nieya: let me finish my words…I don’t like you…I love you ..i don’t know when this feeling growing inside of me…but right now..i love you………
Siwon: so…the vision is right???you…you love me…..
Nieya: I’m shocked too………oppa..what will happen to me????
Siwon: actually…I need to change you….i need to drink your blood…to make you as my queen and I will be the king when the full moon is come…..i have to drink the blood from the person that like me, in that way only I can be stronger……. …but now…I don’t want it…how can I drink your blood??? i..i love you and I don’t want you to be like me…
Nieya: oppa…….you have too..if not..kyuhyun will come and killed me…you have no choice…by changing me…I will safe……..and plus…I want to be with you forever…..
Siwon: no..nieya..i can’t do this…I can’t destroy your life..just because I love you…this is not the way……
Nieya: oppa..oppa..look at me……….we can do this…you need to have a son…for our next generation…
Siwon: i..i can’t do this…
Nieya: if you don’t change me…I will go to kyuhyun and let him to killed me!
Siwon: don’t said that!!!!!!!! I won’t let him to hurt you……
Nieya: so…change me…..
Siwon: I love you nieya….
Nieya: I love you too…………….
Back in syori house….ming and henry shocked when yesung and zhou mi come to the house..syori is in the house…
Henry: what are they doing here???
Ming: henry go and take out syori from the house and we go back to the main house……..
Henry: arraso……..
When henry come into the house, syori shocked..
Syori: who are you???
Henry: shut up….and follow me if you want to be safe….
Henry grab syori hand and bring her out from the house…they arrive at the house later…….
Eeteuk: why did you bring human in this house???
Ming: this is queen nieya friend…….
Syori: queen nieya?????who are you people???????????
Suddenly nieya come and hug syori..she is happy when she know that syori is safe…
Syori: nieya…who are they??? Why are they take me away from the house….
Siwon: nieya..you should tell her everything…
Nieya: dae oppa……….
Nieya then told everything to syori what happen to her….and told syori that her life is in danger….at first syori shocked and scared….she cry…but nieya promise that everything will be ok….
Syori: when will I can go back to the house????
Nieya: after I get married with siwon tomorrow………
Syori: nieya….do you realize what did you said?? You…you will become like them………nieya let’s go from here…
Nieya: no syo…this is my decision…and I have to follow it…everything will be find..if not they will killed you..i don’t want that…
Syori: but…but….
Nieya: I love him syo…I love him………
Syori: oh nieya………..(hug her friend)
Eeteuk, siwon, ryeowook, henry, ming and minho…sit at the table…
Siwon: so..they want to killed syo???
Ming: yes…lucky we were there…we have to stop them…master…
Ryeowook: master tomorrow..will be the full moon….and it’s the right time….to change queen nieya and get married…
Siwon: prepare all the things…tomorrow night…we will change her….
Ryeowook yes sir……….
That night siwon only watch nieya and her best friend sleep…….nieya..tomorrow..the full moon will shine..and the new born will arise…. I hope I can change you……….with no regret…….
Kyuhyun become so angry when he know that they failed to killed syo……..
Kyuhyun: tomorrow is full moon…we have to killed all of them before they start with the ritual………
Yesung: everything has been prepare…when they full moon arrive..we will killed them sir..
Kyuhyun: yes we will……………
The next tomorrow…….ryeowook already prepare all the things that they need for the ritual later….
Siwon look nervous..same goes to nieya…the clock ticking 12 times…it already midnight and the full moon shine the dark house…..
Siwon look at nieya….
Siwon: are you ready?????
Nieya: yes…
Siwon: its only hurt for a while….
Nieya: i have one thing to ask…can you hold me…when you bite me???
‘siwon: sure……………I will count 1, 2,3……….
Nieya closed her eyes…when siwon fangs touch her neck…………..she can feel the fangs…….stab into her necks…………the pain……..the pain is killing her……………..
Syori: nieya!!!!!!!!!
Nieya: I….i’m….fine….
Suddenly kyuhyun and all the people ambush the place…….they are starting to fight..eeteuk stop kyuhyun…..from disturbing siwon…siwon stop sucking nieya blood…and want to help……..
Nieya: opp…oppa…don’t…s…stop….n..o..w…….if not..you can’t change me……..
Minho: master…keep sucking her blood…….we can handle this………
Kyuhyun: all of you will die tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!
Siwon keep sucking nieya blood………..nieya…feel the pain…syori is beside her….
Ryeowook: now..master…you can stop………now…..
Eeteuk: master stop now..or else you will killed her….(he said after he saw siwon don’t want to let nieya go….)
Yesung try to harm syori….but suddenly siwon conscious…and killed him at once…………
Siwon: ryeowook……..bring syori and nieya from here………I have work to do……………
Ryeowook: yes master………
Siwon: kyuhyun I give you another chance..stop or I killed you……..
Kyuhyun: you bastard! I supposed to be the king…not you!
Siwon: its already written in the destiny…I will be the king………..
Kyuhyun: you have to killed me…first….
Siwon: eeteuk, minho, ming, henry..killed the other…and I will killed him!!!
They fight till the end…..most of kyuhyun follower are dead….and now only him..that survive….
Siwon: I won’t feel regret killing my own brother…to safe other people life!
Kyuhyun: you will paid for this!!!!!!!!!!
Ming and minho broke kyuhyun hand and burn him….all of them were killed by them…………
Siwon run to the room…he want to meet nieya……….nieya is still at the bed….
Siwon: how is she????
Ryeowook only look at the floor……….
Siwon: what do you mean???
Ryeowook: she is fine…and she already one of us………….
Eeteuk: chongmal????
Siwon: soon after she awake…we will go back to the empire………
5 years later………..
Nieya: that’s the story……….
Mit eum: that’s how I born?? Mummy?????
Nieya: yes my son….
Mit eum: am I a vampire too????????
Nieya look at her son..Mit eum….and laughing……..
Nieya: no…you are not…its only a story…my son….
Mit eum: really??? Then why did appa only go out with us only at night????
Nieya: your appa is a singer..of course….he is busy and only have time at night to spend with us…now..go to bed..or else..the bad vampire will come and suck your blood!
Mit Eum: mummy..can I sleep with you????
Nieya: andwae…be a strong man..arraso????
Suddenly siwon come into the room..
Siwon: Mitty…you are not sleeping yet???
Mit Eum: appa..i’m scared???/
Siwon: did your mother tell the vampire story again???
Mit Eum: dae…..
Siwon: vampire is not exist in this world….go to sleep now..i love you………..
Siwon and nieya left Mit eum at the room and get out from the room….
Siwon: when the time has come..we will tell him…that he is the new born of the new moon….
Nieya..smile….and hug siwon…………
He walk again and again at the dark street. His butler also walking with him..it already for an hours….they only have to killed one more person….the hunger is killing them…if they don’t killed anyone today…they might die…..
Ryeowook: sir…you have to stop….walking like this……..i will find one for you….just go back to the house and I will bring it to you….
His master stop walking and look at him…………
Siwon: are you serious?????
Ryeowook nodding his head….
Siwon: andwae….don’t you remember what did the old folks said??? After 1000 years…of my birth….i need to drink some blood from the girl that like me….only that way I can be the king……
Ryeowook: omo………I almost forgot…but sir…how did we need to find the girl that love you???in this middle of the night????huh???sir…I’m afraid that you might die…by tomorrow..if you don’t drink blood…..please sir…let me do this for you……
Siwon: arraso…….but please don’t killed the good person…..or girs..or..or..hurm children…hurm..or old man…
Ryeowook: arraso..how many times that you have to said that???
Suddenly there is one door open from the bar….ryeowook and siwon fly to the top of the buildings………and watch……….there is one boy chasing a girl….the boy grab the girl hand and kiss her lips…the boy want to rape the girl!
Siwon look at ryeowook and ryeowook nod his head. Ryeowook fly away and stand in front of the old man……..nieya and the old man shocked…siwon get down after ryeowook…….
Man: ah……buya?????
Siwon: don’t you have any fear by rapping this poor girl huh?? Do you wanna die???
Man: she is mine….and you have nothing to do with it..get lost before I killed you!
Ryeowook and siwon laughing….
Man: yah!!!!!!!!stop………
Siwon: ryeowook…I guess you can settle him for me…
Ryeowook: of course young master…….
Siwon take hold the girl…..and bring her to the save place…
The man want to chase siwon…but ryeowook stop him…in one flash…ryeowook hold the man arm and bite his neck and suck all the blood from the man neck……..and he bring the dead man to their house. He must save some blood for his master siwon…
Siwon: gwenchana???
Girl : anni……..by the way..thanks for helping me….
Siwon: I don’t like to see women is being bullied by the others.
Girl : .by the way my name is nieya…what’s yours????
Siwon: my name is siwon…by the way if you are in danger…just called my name and I will be there..right beside you….
Nieya: chongmal????omo…siwon shi..can we meet tomorrow??? At this place???
Siwon: dae….at 6pm….well I got to go now…take care..please…
Nieya smile and nodding, she walk to her house. Omo…that man….are so kind………he face are so handsome….his body is so tough….can’t believe that there is someone like that really safe me from that stupid man!
Ryeowook follow nieya until she arrive at her house. Siwon order him to do that. From now on..ryeowook have to take care of nieya, because nieya can help them to find blood…
Ryeowook: sir…she is safe..and I already know where did she stay……
Siwon: she can help us….
Ryeowook: how???
The next day , nieya waiting for siwon at the same place they meet yesterday. Nieya smile when she look at the chocolate that she made for siwon… siwon come and meet nieya as they planned yesterday…
Nieya: annyeong…(bow)
Siwon: annyeong…(bow)
Nieya: dae…siwon shi…today let’s me treat you with Japanese food..
Siwon: what was that???
Nieya: kajja…..
When they arrive at sushi restaurant….siwon look so nervous and scared, he never been at this place for the whole life, this is the first time.
Nieya: are you ok???
Siwon: dae………by the way…who the boy that want to rape you last night???
Nieya: he is my ex-boyfriend…
Siwon: chongmal???you stay with who???
Nieya: my friend, since my parent is dead..i have no one accept of my friend Syori, I live with her…
Siwon only look at the food..he didn’t touch it…..
Nieya: you don’t like your food????
Siwon: nop…its just weird….i never see this before..i only see fresh meat and blood
Nieya: mwo???????
Siwon: anni……..anni….i said…I like meat rather than..this thing…
Nieya: this is fish….
Siwon: whatever it is….
Nieya: what is your occupation?
Siwon: I’m running my own business …
Nieya: what kind of business????
Siwon: hurm…(look around…and he saw…knife….) knife…..making knife…
Nieya: oh…
Siwon: nieya…can you keep a secret???
Nieya: its depends….wae?? do you want to tell me something???
Siwon: anni…well..since I ‘m already help you…can you help me???
Nieya: sure…what kind of help????
Siwon: let’s go from here….and I will show you something….
When they arrive at the place where is nobody….siwon hold nieya arm and both of them are flying. Nieya can’t help her self from screaming……….the chocolate that she bring for siwon fall to the ground………siwon finally put nieya to the tree…..they are facing the full moon…………..
Nieya: what are you??? What do you want to do to me??? let’ me go let me go freak!
Siwon: calm down…calm down…I just need your help…
Nieya: are you trying to killed me???
Siwon: yes…..well..no…I’m not….i’m just trying to ask for help……
Nieya:please be clear with me!
Siwon: can you keep a secret???
Nieya: just tell me..who are you!
Siwon: I’m..i’m a vampire….
Nieya: what??????????(nieya try to run away…but suddenly siwon hold her in his arm.)
Siwon: I’m not going to killed you nieya! I just need your help…I want You to buy some blood for me…from the hospital……..
Nieya: wae???
Siwon: coz..i need to drink it….if not i will die………
Nieya: I rather see you die..than helping you…you are beast!!!!!!let me down from this stupid tree!!!!
Siwon have to put nieya back at the ground..nieya run from siwon and she never look back….
Siwon: I already help you…why don’t you help me????
Siwon get back home……………ryeowook already waiting for him…
Ryeowook: so..how was it? Will she help us???
Siwon only shaking his head…
Ryeowook: sir..do you want me to killed her???
Siwon: no!!!!!!! don’t do that…she..she is different……..ryeowook…don’t you feel anything??? Her sense..is so strong…until I can’t read her mind…
Ryeowook: what do you mean sir???
Siwon: I don’t know how to describe it…remember…what did the old folks said?? Maybe she is for me…
Ryeowook: but how?? She is scared now…and she don’t want to help us..sir..we will die..if we don’t have blood..i don’t want to killed other people anymore! Just go back to the empire….and haunting some bears and tigers….
Siwon: no! ryeowook..you don’t understand!, she was made for me..we need her…I need her so that I can have my own child…
Ryeowook: I understand sir..but how?????
Siwon: I don’t know!
Nieya run to her house and locked the door…….Syori look so shocked when suddenly nieya come into the house like that.
Syori: yah..nieya..gwenchana???
Nieya: i….i……(she just run and go to her room….she locked the door)
From outside……syori keep knocking the door..asking nieya to open the door……
Nieya: I’m fine….syori…I just want to sleep..i will talk to you tomorrow…
Syori: are you sure???
Nieya: yes…I am………..
Syori let nieya in her room and she went to her room as well………….
Nieya hide under her comforter….and keep thinking, is he really vampire??? He doesn’t look like it…well…he is just too handsome to be a vampire! Wait..nieya….aren’t all the vampire that you see in the Tv are handsome and tough???he is one of that….what if he come and find me and killed me?? omo………suddenly….she remember again what did siwon said to her when she running away….
Siwon: I already help you…why don’t you help me????....
Nieya feel guilty….if siwon and his friend didn’t help me that night…maybe jung min already rape me…na ottokeh?? Should I help him??? But what if he killed me…nieya its dangerous! You are dealing with a vampire!....he can killed you anytime when he is hungry….no…no..he already promise that he won’t killed me………..maybe I should help him…only once…
The next evening…nieya walk to the tree that siwon bring her. And she called siwon names…..in one second…siwon already in front of her…nieya shocked..and impress…he is a vampire…..
Siwon: did you called for me????
Nieya: yes…I do….
Siwon: why did you called me?? aren’t you afraid of me?? I’m a vampire..i sucks blood and I killed people…..
Nieya: who said that I’m afraid of you…no I’m not….are you really a vampire???where is your fangs?
Siwon: do you want to see it??? Here you go…(siwon open his mouth and the fangs suddenly appears) are you happy now????
Nieya: if you really a vampire…why don’t you killed me on the first day we meet???
Siwon: I don’t killed people for fun and because I want to drink the people blood.we have our own rules…
Nieya: and what was that???
Siwon: are you doing some interview here???
Nieya: no..i’m not……just tell me what are the rules….
Siwon: we can’t killed girl, children, old man and women, we also can’t killed the good person…we only killed the bad person….
Nieya: how you know that the person is bad or not???
Siwon: their mind..i can read people mind……..
Nieya: you do??? And how about me??? can you read mine???
Siwon shaking his head….
Siwon: I can’t….
Nieya: why????omo..are you Edward Cullen????
Siwon: Edward Cullen is not real vampire! They make the story……….we are real………I need to find my queen too…….after 1000 years………I need to make love with someone..so that, my people will growth…and the person that will be my queen will appear at full moon…….after 1000 years I was born……..its not easy for me..do you think I like to be a vampire??? No..i’m not……
Nieya: you can change…
Siwon: how???? Change myself to be human so I can die when the sunlight touch me????
Nieya: i…i…
Siwon: I don’t ask you to understand me……I know you are scared because there is other group of vampire that is killing people and suck their blood…..
Nieya: mwo??? There is???
Siwon: yes….that’s why I need to find my queen as soon as possible so that I can be the king and rule the empire of vampire……
Nieya: what will happen to the other group if you become the king??
Siwon: we have to destroyed all of them…if not they will rebelling and kill more people…so nieya..would you help me to buy the blood for me and my people????i will paid you…………
Nieya: i…I will help you…but only once………..
Siwon: and more one thing nieya..the old folks said…I will find my queen after 1000 years of my birth….at full moon..can you help me to find her toooo???
Nieya: but how????
Siwon: I will teach you…but first……you need to take the blood for me and my people…….if not all of us will die…
Nieya: how many do you want???
Siwon: as many as you can take……..
Nieya: I didn’t promise to you…….but if you don’t have human blood…what would you do to killed your hungry??
Siwon: we will go back to the empire and haunting some tiger and bear….nieya shi..let me send you back home now..its getting dark and late………
Nieya: dae…
Siwon walk nieya home….when they reach at nieya house.
Nieya: thanks..
Siwon: I’ll see you tomorrow…just called my name………
Nieya: dae…
Nieya get into the house…omo..he is just toooooooooooo cute…wait…wait nieya..he is vampire…stop dreaming away……..and now..let’s think how did you have to take the blood???from the hospital???think nieya…think….suddenly she smile………….
The next evening…nieya walk to the tree again…she wearing her bagback..its heavy….she put the bag at the ground………suddenly….there is someone…….standing in front of her..
Nieya: siwon…its that’s you???? Come here…help me…this things are heavy…..
Nieya shocked…it was not siwon! She didn’t know who is he…
Nieya: who are you??????what do you want????
Kyuhyun: well………..i’m kyuhyun……….i can smell blood and fresh meat here….do I know you???
Nieya: no!!!!!!!! who are you and what do you want???
Kyuhyun: give me the blood……….
Nieya: no!!!!!!!!
Kyuhyun: don’t play with me nieya…..do you want me to killed you????
Nieya: how did you know my name????
Kyuhyun: siwon ask me to take the blood from you……….
Nieya: no……….siwon will come with his butler….
Suddenly kyuhyun already in front of nieya….he choked nieya neck with his hand……….
Nieya: ah…..uh…..le……le..let me go…………siwon…………….where are you??????????????
Siwon come as soon as she heard nieya call him…….when he saw kyuhyun he kick kyuhyun away from nieya…
Siwon: nieya…gwenchana………….
Nieya: dae…siwon..he is coming again!!!!!!!!!1(nieya scream……….and closed her eyes when kyuhyun and siwon are fighting)
Siwon: she is our queen……..why did you attack her???
Kyuhyun: she is not………and who gave the right to you to be the king?? I will be the king of our empire!
Siwon: kyuhyun…….i’m the next generation..of my ancestor….and I will be the king…
Kyuhyun: stop talking and fight…whoever win this battle will be the king!
Siwon and kyuhyun keep fighting….
Suddenly there are so many vampire come and gather around siwon and kyuhyun. Ryeowook come and protect nieya from all of them.
Nieya: what is happening here??
Ryeowook: the others vampire already know my master planned…
Nieya: so…what did they want to do???
Ryeowook: killed him…
Nieya: you have to safe him!!!!!!!don’t let them killed him……….
Ryeowook: don’t worry my master is strong..plus…the other vampire will help him………
Nieya: chongmal??
Ryeowook only nodding……..for an hour they are fighting , kyuhyun seem so tired…he run away from the battle place.
Nieya come to siwon…………she hug him…………
Siwon: nieya shi………….
Nieya: gwenchana?????
Siwon: dae…don’t worry………nieya..i’m so sorry…..i put you in danger………
Nieya: I’m fine..don’t worry about me…did he is from the other group that want to killed people????
Siwon: yes….by the way..let’s meet my people……….(show his people to nieya…) people this is our queen………..
Nieya: mwo???????? Queen??????????what do you mean by that????
Siwon: ryeowook….tell her…….what did you see???????
Ryeowook: nieya shi…..i have a vision….and in my vision you are our queen…
Nieya: mwo??????how did that happen???did you killed me???
Ryeowook: no…it on your willingness…..you love our master…..and you want to be like us……….this vision is always right and will never change…………
Nieya closed her mouth…………yes..i like him…but…but I never thing to killed my self and be one of them……….
Siwon: you are in danger now nieya…kyuhyun will keep after you…she already smell your blood and he want it…..he will do anything to drink your blood………you need to be with us…
Nieya: but what about my friend??? Syori?? Did she is in danger too???????
Ryeowook: yes she is…henry and ming will protect your friend….you have to follow my master to go back to the main house…
Nieya: why??? So how about my work?? My friend…
Siwon: your life is more important than the others….henry and ming will protect syori….don’t worried about her….
Nieya hug siwon……siwon hug nieya again…
Nieya: I’m scared siwon..i’m scared….
Siwon: I’m here..and I will protect you no matter what…you are my queen now….
Nieya smile and hug siwon again………..the others only smile and feel glad..finally……their master have queen….
Nieya stay at siwon house….she feel so weird……there is no food in the house……..how did she and the others gonna eat???? She is hungry..she can’t drink blood….she is not vampire….she is human! Nieya scream suddenly……….and all the vampires around her……..
Eeteuk: are you ok my queen……
Nieya: no…I’m not ok??? Where is siwon???
Ryeowook: master at the gym…
Nieya: gym??? At this hour??? I’m so hungry……..what should I eat????(pouts)call siwon now……..
Siwon: what is happening here??????/
Nieya: finally you are here…oppa……I’m so hungry to death…you are not planning to ask me drink the blood don’t you???
Siwon: ottokeh????there is no other thing in this house..
Nieya: what time is now????
Siwon: already 12 in the noon……
Nieya: all of you will get burn if you get out now…na ottokeh??? I’m so hungry..oppa.let me go to the shop……
Siwon: andwae……..
Nieya: oppa……please…………I will buy something for you guys….i will go to the market and buy some blood for you………all…what do you said………..
Siwon: its dangerous..kyuhyun..will come and killed you……..
Nieya: oppa.he won’t go out in the noon…..he will die….its hot now……
Eeteuk: she is right…master……..
Nieya do her puppy eyes at siwon……..
Omo……..she is so cute with that face……..ottokeh????
Siwon: arraso….only 1 hour ok??????
Nieya: dae…I love you oppa…….(kiss siwon cheeks and get out from the house)
Siwon rub his cheeks and smile….
Ryeowokk: sir…isn’t she lovely????
Siwon: dae..
Eeteuk: she is the right person…to be our queen….
Siwon: we need to hurry……..kyuhyun won’t let her go……we must killed him………..
Eeteuk: we need some planned….
Ryeowook: yesung, eunhyuk is with kyuhyun…same goes to zhou mi….can we win this battle???
Eeteuk: we have kangin, you, me and master…its enough….they are not strong like us….
Siwon: our people are more powerful than them…we will killed them one by one….
In 20 minute later….nieya comeback home..in her hand full with food and meat………….
Nieya: ryeowook come and help me to cook……
Ryeowook: dae…my queen………..
Eeteuk follow them..he feel curious….
Nieya take out the chicken, fish, vegetables, meat and rice….
Eeteuk:what is this???(pointing something with her hand)
Nieya: this is tomato…..
Eeteuk: oh…can we eat this???
Nieya: of couse…I will cook beef stew today…and you can have the meat……..ok???
When the lunch is ready…all of them look weird….
Nieya: sit and eat your meals…you guys have to change and learn….how to be more like human…since you guys in human worlds….
Siwon: can we really eat this???
Nieya: yes…and you guys don’t have to be hungry always…
Eeteuk take a sip of the soup…and drink it………its taste nice…he like it and drank all the soup in his bowls…he show his bowls again……..to nieya…he want more……….
Nieya: see..eeteuk love it…you guys should try it…
Everyone seem to like the dish that nieya make and everyone look so full…most of them are sleeping after the meal………..
Siwon helping nieya…….
Siwon: wanna somewhere tonight??? Only us…
Nieya: only us???
Siwon: yes….
Nieya: sure….but let me tell ryeowook first…
Siwon: andwae………
Nieya: wae????
Siwon: they will follow us and disturb our date…
Nieya: so….its a date????
Siwon: kind off………
Nieya: arraso…
While in kyuhyun place….
Yesung: I can’t find the girl….she is not at her house…
Kyuhyun: then find her!!!!!!!!!(scream at yesung and kick him…)
Eunhyuk: why did we need to find her???
Kyuhyun: she is the girl…the girl that can change our world…she can’t be with siwon…if they get married and unite….all of us will die!, I can’t let siwon be the king………I should be the king……..
Zhou mi: master..we will find her and killed her…
Kyuhyun: she is leaving with her friend..am I right?????
Yesung: yes……..
Kyuhyun: killed her….
Zhou mi: yes master………
Yesung and zhou mi walk away……they have to killed nieya friend……..
That night siwon bring nieya to the mountain….they can see the moon…its almost full……….nieya smile…this place is so nice…siwon hold her hand……..
Siwon: do you like this place???
Nieya: yes…oppa..tell me now..can you read mine now???
Siwon: I can’t….your sense is too strong..and I can’t read it….
Nieya: oppa…can I ask something???do you like me????
Siwon: why did you ask that question?? Of course I like you???how about you??? Do you like me too???
Nieya: i…i…don’t like you…oppa……
Siwon: mwo??(cut her words)
Nieya: let me finish my words…I don’t like you…I love you ..i don’t know when this feeling growing inside of me…but right now..i love you………
Siwon: so…the vision is right???you…you love me…..
Nieya: I’m shocked too………oppa..what will happen to me????
Siwon: actually…I need to change you….i need to drink your blood…to make you as my queen and I will be the king when the full moon is come…..i have to drink the blood from the person that like me, in that way only I can be stronger……. …but now…I don’t want it…how can I drink your blood??? i..i love you and I don’t want you to be like me…
Nieya: oppa…….you have too..if not..kyuhyun will come and killed me…you have no choice…by changing me…I will safe……..and plus…I want to be with you forever…..
Siwon: no..nieya..i can’t do this…I can’t destroy your life..just because I love you…this is not the way……
Nieya: oppa..oppa..look at me……….we can do this…you need to have a son…for our next generation…
Siwon: i..i can’t do this…
Nieya: if you don’t change me…I will go to kyuhyun and let him to killed me!
Siwon: don’t said that!!!!!!!! I won’t let him to hurt you……
Nieya: so…change me…..
Siwon: I love you nieya….
Nieya: I love you too…………….
Back in syori house….ming and henry shocked when yesung and zhou mi come to the house..syori is in the house…
Henry: what are they doing here???
Ming: henry go and take out syori from the house and we go back to the main house……..
Henry: arraso……..
When henry come into the house, syori shocked..
Syori: who are you???
Henry: shut up….and follow me if you want to be safe….
Henry grab syori hand and bring her out from the house…they arrive at the house later…….
Eeteuk: why did you bring human in this house???
Ming: this is queen nieya friend…….
Syori: queen nieya?????who are you people???????????
Suddenly nieya come and hug syori..she is happy when she know that syori is safe…
Syori: nieya…who are they??? Why are they take me away from the house….
Siwon: nieya..you should tell her everything…
Nieya: dae oppa……….
Nieya then told everything to syori what happen to her….and told syori that her life is in danger….at first syori shocked and scared….she cry…but nieya promise that everything will be ok….
Syori: when will I can go back to the house????
Nieya: after I get married with siwon tomorrow………
Syori: nieya….do you realize what did you said?? You…you will become like them………nieya let’s go from here…
Nieya: no syo…this is my decision…and I have to follow it…everything will be find..if not they will killed you..i don’t want that…
Syori: but…but….
Nieya: I love him syo…I love him………
Syori: oh nieya………..(hug her friend)
Eeteuk, siwon, ryeowook, henry, ming and minho…sit at the table…
Siwon: so..they want to killed syo???
Ming: yes…lucky we were there…we have to stop them…master…
Ryeowook: master tomorrow..will be the full moon….and it’s the right time….to change queen nieya and get married…
Siwon: prepare all the things…tomorrow night…we will change her….
Ryeowook yes sir……….
That night siwon only watch nieya and her best friend sleep…….nieya..tomorrow..the full moon will shine..and the new born will arise…. I hope I can change you……….with no regret…….
Kyuhyun become so angry when he know that they failed to killed syo……..
Kyuhyun: tomorrow is full moon…we have to killed all of them before they start with the ritual………
Yesung: everything has been prepare…when they full moon arrive..we will killed them sir..
Kyuhyun: yes we will……………
The next tomorrow…….ryeowook already prepare all the things that they need for the ritual later….
Siwon look nervous..same goes to nieya…the clock ticking 12 times…it already midnight and the full moon shine the dark house…..
Siwon look at nieya….
Siwon: are you ready?????
Nieya: yes…
Siwon: its only hurt for a while….
Nieya: i have one thing to ask…can you hold me…when you bite me???
‘siwon: sure……………I will count 1, 2,3……….
Nieya closed her eyes…when siwon fangs touch her neck…………..she can feel the fangs…….stab into her necks…………the pain……..the pain is killing her……………..
Syori: nieya!!!!!!!!!
Nieya: I….i’m….fine….
Suddenly kyuhyun and all the people ambush the place…….they are starting to fight..eeteuk stop kyuhyun…..from disturbing siwon…siwon stop sucking nieya blood…and want to help……..
Nieya: opp…oppa…don’t…s…stop….n..o..w…….if not..you can’t change me……..
Minho: master…keep sucking her blood…….we can handle this………
Kyuhyun: all of you will die tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!
Siwon keep sucking nieya blood………..nieya…feel the pain…syori is beside her….
Ryeowook: now..master…you can stop………now…..
Eeteuk: master stop now..or else you will killed her….(he said after he saw siwon don’t want to let nieya go….)
Yesung try to harm syori….but suddenly siwon conscious…and killed him at once…………
Siwon: ryeowook……..bring syori and nieya from here………I have work to do……………
Ryeowook: yes master………
Siwon: kyuhyun I give you another chance..stop or I killed you……..
Kyuhyun: you bastard! I supposed to be the king…not you!
Siwon: its already written in the destiny…I will be the king………..
Kyuhyun: you have to killed me…first….
Siwon: eeteuk, minho, ming, henry..killed the other…and I will killed him!!!
They fight till the end…..most of kyuhyun follower are dead….and now only him..that survive….
Siwon: I won’t feel regret killing my own brother…to safe other people life!
Kyuhyun: you will paid for this!!!!!!!!!!
Ming and minho broke kyuhyun hand and burn him….all of them were killed by them…………
Siwon run to the room…he want to meet nieya……….nieya is still at the bed….
Siwon: how is she????
Ryeowook only look at the floor……….
Siwon: what do you mean???
Ryeowook: she is fine…and she already one of us………….
Eeteuk: chongmal????
Siwon: soon after she awake…we will go back to the empire………
5 years later………..
Nieya: that’s the story……….
Mit eum: that’s how I born?? Mummy?????
Nieya: yes my son….
Mit eum: am I a vampire too????????
Nieya look at her son..Mit eum….and laughing……..
Nieya: no…you are not…its only a story…my son….
Mit eum: really??? Then why did appa only go out with us only at night????
Nieya: your appa is a singer..of course….he is busy and only have time at night to spend with us…now..go to bed..or else..the bad vampire will come and suck your blood!
Mit Eum: mummy..can I sleep with you????
Nieya: andwae…be a strong man..arraso????
Suddenly siwon come into the room..
Siwon: Mitty…you are not sleeping yet???
Mit Eum: appa..i’m scared???/
Siwon: did your mother tell the vampire story again???
Mit Eum: dae…..
Siwon: vampire is not exist in this world….go to sleep now..i love you………..
Siwon and nieya left Mit eum at the room and get out from the room….
Siwon: when the time has come..we will tell him…that he is the new born of the new moon….
Nieya..smile….and hug siwon…………