23 September 2009
It was her first day at Korea. She and her family just move in to Seoul. Although she refused to follow, her family force her. Heesya look at her face in the mirror with her new uniform. She let her hair go.
Heesya mother: heesya!!!!!hurry…you will be late to school…this is your first day!
Heesya: dae…arraso….
Suddenly heesya brother minho appear…
Minho: kajja..let’s me send you to school.
Heesya: gwenchana oppa???
Minho: ne…kajja.
Heesya arrive at her school for the first time. Everyone was looking at her and whispering….ah…they must have look at my brother. Minho leave her and she went to class. Heesya follow the principle to her class. Heesya look down. She enter the classroom.
Principle: annyeong…..everyone silent!
The class which are so noisy just now become so silent.
Principle: today we have new student. She is from japan. Her name is heesya tomoko. Ok right heesya go and sit beside…hurm…(the principle looking at the empty sit…..and he smile) yah kim heechul! Get up!!!!!!!!!(talked to the student who sleeping at the table….) yah…kim heechul!
Heechul: ah buya!!!!!!!!!!!!(get up and look at the principle)
Principle: how dare u sleeping in the class huh!!!!!!!(take the white board duster and throw it at the student , the student avoid it and the duster hit the student behind him…) yah!!!!!!!!!!called your parent to come and see me tomorrow!
Heechul: are you forget something mr lee??? My parent died 2 years ago….
Mr lee remain silence. He look guilty and suddenly He look at heesya.
Mr lee: go and sit beside him, if he do something tell me…
Heesya only bow and walk to sit at her place. She didn’t look at the boy next to her. The boy continue sleeping. Heesya just ignore him.
1 October 2009
Heesya call her mother and tell that she will be back late today, because she have extra class. Heesya walk to her class, but the sound of piano stop her step. The melody is so charming. She try to find that sound and he step stop at the music room. Heesya pulled the door slowly. She saw someone is playing the piano. Omg! He??? He played piano?? It was perfect! The way he play the piano is so awesome…I wish…I can learn it from him…suddenly
Heechul: why did you come here????
Heesya startled…did he talked to me???
Heechul: I’m talking to you..heesya shi…(heechul look straight at heesya, heesya shocked)
Heesya: mianhae….i was lost….mianhae…
Heesya get out from the room in hurry and went to her class room. She didn’t realize that her phone is dropped at the front of the music room.
That night when she want to called her brother, only that he realize that her phone is not in her beg. She try to remember where did she put it. She start to search it.
Heechul get out from gym, there is several girls beside him, holding his hands..they look happy.
Girl: oppa…you are so awesome…..
Heechul: I know…..(smile….*dies!!!!!)
Girl 2: oppa….see you tomorrow…good night…
Heechul: dae…..annyeong.
Heechul take out his car key but suddenly she stop when she saw heesya…at the music room. Aish..what did she do there???heechul walk to heesya.
Heechul: yah.,….”the Japanese girl” what are you doing here??huh???you want to stalk me again???
Heesya: anniyo….i’m searching my things….(bow and look down)
Heechul: chongmal??? Ok…I hope you find it…good night…ah…by the way..be careful, some student said that they even saw ghost without head at this area every night…..
Heesya: yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!(scared )
Heechul: bye…bye….(walk away and laughing)
Heesya: aish!!!!!evil punk! Ah..buya…where is my phone???(keep looking)
Heechul get back to his car..but suddenly….he stop. What if something happen to her????aish…..heechul get back to heesya. Heesya shocked when she saw heechul, suddenly she feel angry
Heesya: what do you want???huh want to tease me???huh???i’m not scared at all!
Heechul: did you found the thing that you want???(look serious this time)
Heesya: not yet…..
Heechul: what did you looking for?
Heesya: my phone….
Heechul: ah….your phone??? So…it was your phone?
Heesya: what are you talking about????
Heechul take something from his beg and show to heesya.
Heechul: this is yours????
Heesya look excited and she is smiling…
Heesya: dae!!!!!!!!!!where did you get it???
Heechul: I found it at the music room door…I don’t know who this phone belongs too, I want to return it tomorrow…so it was yours…here you go(give the phone to heesya)
Heesya: gamdsamida……..(bow 3 times)
Heechul: kajja…let me send your back, its already late, your parent must be worried.
Heesya: dae.
After reached heesya house.heesya once again thanks heechul.
Heechul: since I help you…can I request something???
Heesya: dae…
Heechul: can you give me yours number???
Heesya: eh????
Heechul: wae?? You don’t want??? Arraso….
Heesya: anniyo….give me your phone. (heesya saveher phone number at heechul phone)
Since that night, heechul keep sending message to heesya. They keep talking to the phone everynight. While at school, heechul already change a lot, he is not sleeping in the class. All of this because of heesya. He start to learn. He already give a sign that heesya is belong to him.
11 November 2009
Everything become so fast. Heesya now can proudly smiling when she look at the mirror. Everyday she feel so excited to go to school. Its enough for her just to see him. Everyday heechul will picked her from her house and they go to school together. While at night heechul will send message to heesya before they sleep.
13 November 2009
The final exam is coming.
Heechul: where do you want to go???
Heesya: seoul university….
Heechul: ah…jinjayo???
Heesya: waeyo oppa???
Heechul: anniyo….do…you think I can get there???
Heesya: of course you can, we already try so hard, don’t give ok???
Heechul: dae…(smile)
Heesya: oppa..don’t smile like that…
Heechul: waeyo???
Heesya: see…the girl infront of us still looking at you…..
Heechul: are you jealous…????(laughing)
Heesya: of course!!!!!!!!
Heechul just kiss heesya lips!, heesya shocked…..her face are red
Heechul: now nobody will look at me…kajja…go to your house, we need to study….
Heesya: dae oppa…
When they arrive at heesya house. Heesya brother is there.
Minho: who is he???
Heesya: he is my boyfriend……
Heechul: annyeong….i’m kim heechul.
Minho: dae…..heesya…just study ok?????don’t do anything….
Heesya: oppa!!!!!!!!we won’t do anything…..(pulled heechul hands and bring him to her room.
They just study and didn’t think anything. After 2 hours studying….heechul look at heesya.
Heesya: oppa waeyo???
Heechul: I love you….so much…you…have change me…..i’m become a better person after I meet you….
Heesya: oppa..i love you too, and because of you..i’m not lonely , I will follow you everywhere that you go, I don’t care oppa….
Heechul: don’t said such words….what if I died…do you want to follow me too???
Heesya: yes I will…………
Heechul: come here……(heesya come to heechul arm and they are hugging each other) there is nothing going to happen to us….
Heechul: dae….
Suddenly the door is open….minho is there…
Minho: what are you doing with my sister??????????????(become angry and he pulled heechul)
Heesya: oppa……he done nothing…….we just hugging!!!!!!!!
Minho: you are not aloud to touch her!!!!!!!!!!you punk!(minho want to punch heechul but heesya stood infront of her brother.
Minho: heesya get away…..
Heesya protect heechul at her behind..minho still pushing and pushing
Heechul: hyung stop it!!!!!!!i’m sorry…I won’t do anymore…
Minho: its too late….
Minho want to pulled heechul but heesya push heechul away and something un expected happen!!!!!!maybe heesya pushed heechul to strong,and he hit the windonw behind him and he fall down from level 3! To the ground floor……..heesya was shocked…so does minho…her mother was so shocked when she heard noise. She come to the room and scream!!!!!when she saw heesya is at the outside…………….
Heesya: oppa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She run to downstairs and meet with heechul…………
Heesya: oppa get up…get up…(try to wake up heechul, but heechul is not moving……….)
Minho: did he ok???
Heesya: mwo?????oppa..look what have you done!!!!!!!!!!i won’t forgive you if happen something to him…..heechul oppa..get up..get up now…..
Heesya mother called the ambulance.
27 November 2009
She is at her room, she didn’t do anything, the Christmas seem so fade away from her life. She don’t need anything…anymore..she want to die!!!!!!she used to try to killed her self, but her mother was there..she didn’t talk to her brother since the accident.
12.00 am….
Her phone is ringing…she got a message…she look at it…..and she is frowning.
“ how are you?..i missed you….”- chullie
Heesya throw her phone away………she scared…..who send the message??? Heechul phone is with me. suddenly there is another message
“ heesya..this is me…I missed you…..”-chullie
Heesya take her phone and reply
“don’t lie to me…heechul is already dead….who are you?”-heesya
They keep messaging each other.
“heesya…its me…I missed you….remember you said…you will follow me even if I already die???”- chullie
“how you know my promise to heechul???”-heesya
“because this is me!, I’m kim heechul….heesya…I love you…I missed you….”-chullie
“iT s possible….this is not you! My boyfriend already dead! He dead in front of me!-heesya
“ this is me….heesya…believe me….i need you…..i’m lonely!!!!!!!! You already promise to me!!!!!-chullie
Heesya: no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(she scream and throw her phone again……….)
Her mother and her brother to her room..
Heesya mother: heesya….heesya….wae???
Heesya: leave me alone!!!!!!!!leave me alone…I hate you mom!!!!!!i hate you oppa!!!!!!i want to die…I want to die…(heesya keep screaming and hitting her brother..)
Minho: I’m sorry…heesya..mianhae….
Heesya: its to late now….are you happy now????i hate you…I want to die..i want to die…
Minho have no choice, he inject her with medicine so that she can calm down.
28 November 2009
11 pm
Heesya shocked when her phone is ringing. As she know, she already off her phone. She take her phone and there is a message it was from heechul. She open her drawer and look inside. Heechul handphone is still there. She read the message
“how are you today honey???i missed you….”chullie
Heesya have no choice….her life already ruined…so why not….i just make myself crazy….
“I’m fine….oppa…how about you???”-heesya
“I’m fine too….heesya…I can smell your hair….so nice….”- chullie
“chongmal??i just wash it just now…”- heesya
“I wish I can hug you again…like before….”chullie
“oppa..where are you now???”-heesya
“I’m next to you….”-chullie..
Heesya can feel cold suddenly. She turn back…there is no one beside her.
“there is nobody beside me..oppa..are you kidding me…?”-heesya.
“I’m next to you…heesya…look at your table..”-chullie
Heesya look at the table. She saw her pen moving by itself and the pen wrote something at the piece of paper.
“I love you heesya tomoko…I’m so lonely here…will you follow me???”
Heesya look at the paper….she cry….are you really kim heechul?????
“are you really kim heechul????”-heesya
She send that message to heechul.
“yes I am….”chullie…
Heesya cry so hard……
“oppa…I missed you so much…..i cannot live without you…..oppa..ottokeh??”-heesya….
“I love you too….there is only one way….i will tell you tomorrow….sleep first…good night”-chullie.
Heesya look at her phone. My boyfriend is back. He is here..with me…
The next day..heechul didn’t message her at all. Heesya send the first message to heechul.
“oppa..where are you????”-heesya
There is no reply….
“oppa…where are you?? Don’t make me worried…I love you oppa”-heesya
There is no reply until 3 days….heesya feel sad..she cry everyday, she didn’t eat, nobody can enter her room. Minho and heesya mother feel so sad, they don’t know what to do, sometimes they heard heesya talking by herself, crying and laughing. They already make a decision. Heesya need some help.
2nd December 2009
That morning, when heesya wake up, she look at her phone and she smiling….
“sorry…I have something to do…I missed you too…” chullie
“gwenchana oppa….”heesya
“do you want to follow me???”-chullie
“ oppa..i want to follow you….no matter where you are, that is my promise to you”-heesya…
“heesya look at the window…..i’m waiting you there….”chullie…
Heesya look at the window..and she shocked.she saw heechul…is there..waiting for her with smile at his face….heesya run to heechul and hug him….
Heechul: I love you….
Heesya: I love you too..
Suddenly the door is open, minho, heesya mother and 2 people from the hospital is there…
Heesya: what is this???
Heesya mother: heesya…let’s go to the hospital….
Heesya: shirooooooooo I want to follow heechul..he is here..he come to take me.,.,
Minho: heesya stop it!!!!!!!!!!he already dead!!!!!!!!!
Heechul hold heesya hand….
Heechul: jump the window with me heesya…then you can meet me and we can be together….
Heesya: dae oppa..i will……….
Heesya look at the window…
Minho: heesya stop right there…
Heesya smiling while looking at her family….she waving at them…and at the second she jump through the window
Heesya mother: heesya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heesya fall at the ground….he head and face is bleeding…heesya smile..she can see heechul is beside her, holding her hand….heechul is bleeding too….
Heechul: I love you….
Heesya: i…lo…ve…you too oppa………………………..(she closed her eyes…for the last time and she didn’t open it again………)
The end
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