I need a replay….i really need a replay…and when its comes…I hope you was there waiting for me..my soul is always with you and following you no matter where did you go….
Chapter 1
Having a popular boyfriend is not my choice..but it was my fate and I accept it…she look again at her phone…and she smile…there is her boyfriend photo with her..suddenly her best friend nieya come to her…
Nieya: zil…do you want to go shopping???today??? the shinee boys will be there…
Zil: ai…andwae…he is back today…
Nieya: ah…the magnae???arraso..arraso maybe next time…I can go with rieyn and fai…
Zil: mianhaeyo…
Nieya: gwenchana….see you tomorrow…
Nieya walk away…zil walk to the bus stop…she keep smiling…she take the bus and get home…she is shocked when she saw him at the door…
Chapter 2
Zil: oppa…you are here???
Kyuhyun: ne…I miss you so much…that’s why I come to see u first…
Zil: jinjayo???
Kyuhyun: ne..come here…(hug zil…and kiss her cheeks)
Zil: kajja….(hold kyuhyun hand…and both of them walk together into the house…)
After kyuhyun take his bath, he get down to the dinner table…
Zil: are u done???
Kyuhyun: ne…what we have tonight???
Zil: your favorite food of course…oppa…you don’t have work tomorrow???
Kyuhyun: anniyo…I’m asking for a leave for a week…I just wanna be with you since its your holiday…
Zil: chongmal???
Kyuhyun: ne…so..where are you wanna go tomorrow???
Zil: where do you want to go???
Kyuhyun only smile…zil don’t understand
Tomorrow morning kyuhyun pick zil at 10 am…after say goodbye to nieya, zil get out from house.
Zil: oppa..where are we going….
Kyuhyun: to the theme park…
Zil stop walking…
Zil: andwae!
Kyuhyun: ah..wae???
Zil: oppa..people might saw you..andwaemida…
Kyuhyun: gwenchana..trust me..nobody will regonize me today…
Zil: but…
Kyuhyun pulled zil hand and both of them walk into the theme park. At first kyuhyun want to buy the ticket…but zil offer to buy it coz she scared that people might see kyuhyun.
Zil: oppa…let’s go to the ghost house…
Kyuhyun: aren’t you afraid of ghost huh???
Zil: gwenchana…as long as you are with me..
Kyuhyun give his killer smile at zil..zil feel that her heart will jump out when kyuhyun did that…
Kyuhyun: kajja…
Both of them having so much fun together…the last thing they want to play is the eye of seoul(eyes of paris the wheel vehicle )
Zil: two person…(talk to the guide)
Guide: two person??? Are you sure???
Zil get annoyed...
Zil: yah..do you think I’m going to ride this alone huh???of course with my boyfriend…
Kyuhyun: zil..zil..stop it…its ok…maybe he just want to make jokes..kajja…take our sit…
Zil: lucky my boyfriend is here..aish…
Kyuhyun pulled zil hand and take their sit..the guide still looking at them…kyuhyun try to calm zil…
Zil: he must be blind…
Kyuhyun: gwenchana…arraso?? Don’t ruined the mood…
Zil stop from babbling
Zil: arraso…
Chapter 3
Both of them look seoul from the above. The day become so romantic when the sunshine come down…kyuhyun hold her hand and hug her….for her…it was the best day ever in her life. This is because kyuhyun always busy with his schedule and they rarely have time to spend together…kyuhyun look at zil again again…
Zil: oppa…waeyo???
Kyuhyun: anniyo…I just thinking…if there is no you…in my life what would happen to me…I love you so much zil…I really love you…
Zil: oppa…
Kyuhyun: would you be with me always in this one week???
Zil: ne..oppa..i will do anything just for you!
Kyuhyun: give me your phone…
Zil handed her phone to kyuhyun and he switch it off..so no one can disturb them, kyuhyun do the same thing to his phone…
Kyuhyun drove to the beach that night…and both of them in the car…looking at the dark sea with the light of star…the star shining so brightly…like zil who smiling brightly…they didn’t talk to each other…they just look at the sea..while kyuhyun holding zil in his arm…
While at zil house…nieya already panic..
Fai: yah..can you calm down a little???
Nieya: ottokeh??? Its already 3 days that she is gone…I try to call her phone but it not switch on!
Fai: what about the magnae???
Nieya: I already call him..but there is no answer also…
Fai: so???? Don’t worry…they must be together…
Nieya: but I’m so worried…what if she still can’t forget about it???
Fai: nieya…it was 2 years ago…she already cure..stop it…you only making yourself scared…trust me..there is nothing happen…
Nieya: andwaemida…I can’t just sit and do nothing…I need to meet siwon and ask about this…
Fai: go ahead….you can ask eunhyuk too if you want…(being scarstics)
Nieya just ignore fai and she go out. She want to meet Siwon and ask about zil.
Zil are so happy…being together with kyuhyun. She realize that so many people look at her when she walk with kyuhyun…yes…he is…my boyfriend is kyuhyun the magnae in super junior! And I’m so proud of him… kyuhyun bought her a necklace , ring and bracelet, she is so happy, she know that kyuhyun want her to have all the things. Zil also taking her picture with kyuhyun and she decided to print it and hang it at her room.the one week period almost end…and kyuhyun suddenly become so emo…
Kyuhyun: you need to take care of your self arraso???
Zil: oppa..why did you saying this??
Kyuhyun: I’m going to leave you for a long period…
Zil: where did super junior want to go after this???
Kyuhyun: LA…we are going with the whole of SM family…
Zil: jinjayo???
Kyuhyun: ne….
Zil touch kyuhyun hand….and she is shocked..
Zil: oppa..gwenchana????you hand is so cold…and your face is pale…are you sick?? (put her hand at kyuhyun forehead…)
Kyuhyun: anniyo…I ‘m ok…gwenchana…zil..let me send you home arraso???
Zil: ne oppa…I think nieya must be worried about me…
While at the house…nieya is crying same goes to fai….
Siwon: uljima…don’t worried we will find her..no matter what …I already promise to the magnae that I will take care of her no matter what..
Nieya: where can we find her??? Tell me oppa…tell me..its been a week that she is gone and nobody know about it…..
Eunhyuk: maybe she already know about it and want to relaxs her mind….we need to give her time…
Fai: but still we are worried about her…she don’t have to hurt himself like that…andwae….oppa…let’s go and find her…kajja…
Siwon: don’t be like this…the others member were looking for her too…arraso???
Nieya: I can’t believe this would happen to her…
Eunhyuk: this is already her fate….we also don’t know what to say when we know about this…
Suddenly the door is open..they are shocked.it was zil!
Nieya: omg!!!!!!!!zil…you are back..we are so worried about you!
Fai: zil are you ok?? Huh??? Omo.your face look so pale!....let’s have a sit…
Zil: yah…what’s wrong with you guys?? I’m ok….nieya..why are u crying?? And you too fai….
Fai: we are worried about you..it been a week that we couldn’t reach you…where are you going???
Zil: I’m with kyuhyun of course…nieya..i told you too…that I was with the magnae…am I???
Siwon: you are with the magnae??
Zil: yup..i was with kyuhyun..waeyo??? your face is like you seen a ghost!
Eunhyuk: zil sorry…I have to says this…kyuhyun already lost for a week and we just found him today…
Zil: what are you talking about??? He is with me all the time..we go to the theme park…we go to the jeju island…together…look at this ring…it was from him!....what nonsense are u talking about???
Zil show the ring to them..and they are shocked…there is nothing at her finger!
Fai: zil…come to your sense! There is nothing…at your finger…kyuhyun is dead! And they only found him today at the forest! Someone killed him zil….he is gone…
Zil look at her finger..and yes.,..there is nothing there…
Zil: andwae..andwaemida….the ring is here just now and…and he kiss me just now and he the one who send me home….are you guys playing a fool with me…no..no..its not april fool yet…
Nieya: zil….stop it..stop hurting yourself….(hug zil..zil push her away…)
Zil take the camera from her beg and look at the photo again and she is crying…there is no one there with her…she is alone in all of the picture…zil throw her camera away…..and crying and scream out loud….
Nieya and fai calm her down…zil was confused…if kyuhyun is already lost one week..who is with me…for almost one week…she touch her lips…she still can taste kyuhyun lips….and now she remember what did the guide at the theme park ask her…she is alone at that time! That ‘s why the guide is weird and asking me why did I bought 2 ticket to ride the seoul eyes…and all of the people are looking at her…zil crying again and again….
Siwon: anti fan kyuhyun kidnap him and killed him at the forest one week ago…after we get down from the plane…we were trying to find him and trying to call you but there is no answer…plus we have to make this news as a secret..we don’t want the fan to be scared…and sad…and now the news already spread…one hunter found kyuhyun body at the forest..near the airport…he is dead..zil….our magnae is dead!!!!!!
Zil could do nothing but just scream and crying out loud…fai and nieya was there trying to comfort her..
I need a replay…if I had a chance…I would spend all of time with you zil…but the fate is already written for me…I’m sorry for leaving you like this…I love you zil…so much…please believe in me…I will always love you…my lips is locked in your lips…my soul is locked in your heart…my hand is locked in your arm…my face is locked in your mind…and my life is locked in your life!
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