
Monday, May 24, 2010


well today is a new day again for me. SWL seem so peaceful from the outside. and yes it is also peaceful inside. i have nothing to worry about SWL anymore coz i know that we will become stronger and stronger day by day. SWL is more than family to me. i love everyone inside there. i love the dream that they bring inside there. i love the imagination that they bring inside there. i love everything. i love how the relationship are related to each other. love the way the members trying to protect each other. however it all our imagination. not more that that. it just a imagination. life must go on. we cannot turning back. i'm afaird to tell this to other members, that i might change one day and i might leaving this imagination world. i see other people change! i see. they don't even bother about SWL anymore. i don't want to like that. the members depending on me to rules the world. what should i do now???i love SWL so much and i just hope that no matter what i will be with them forever. SWL is my family!